Again with the dismissals. You keep trying to brush “the rookie” off because you know I have a point.
I disagree that’s the only reason I could have. Sky has been trying to encourage conversation and activity from the start trying to gain reads. They’ve been asking questions. You think Mafia is gonna do this to the extent Sky has been? More players town have a good read on is worse for the mafia team, hell less activity is really good for mafia because more question marks around town members, the more you can hide.
As a slight side brag but also to prove the point, Im saying this as the person who once won a mafia game as apart of the evil side when I only did 4 posts the entire game. Wang can verify, I’m proud and not proud of that moment at the same time. XD
I’m not gonna say Sky is 100% town purely because of that and I still don’t agree with the Peter lynch reasoning but atleast they’re trying to get something done.