Randy Orton....Whats Next For Him?

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Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
His promos have been bland as a whole for the majority of his career, he just doesn't have nor need even a decent promo. His expressions tell the story, same as Hogan and Warrior neither could cut a great promo but they got the fans involved which Randy does. The IWC finds him boring but the casuals still love him and to Vince that's all that matters.

I'll See Ya Kia

Beautiful Palm Trees.
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
He isn't totally boring. He represses his emotions until they seemingly explode out of nowhere. His midair split after his rko on Mark Henry kind of blew me away/

Hannah Bee

PhilWres Babe
Apr 1, 2012
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England/Manila, Philippines
ukwwefan2012 said:
Randy orton is unquestionably a very talented wrestler. He is a nine-time world champion and is probably going to go into the hall of fame once he retires. However, he is currently doing almost nothing and having new fueds every 1-2 months. I in no way am a big randy orton, infact i stongly disagree with some of the things he has done in the wwe (stop kofi's push, kind of fire mr.kennedy & ruin christian's title reigns, just to name a few). Despite this, i realise that he is extremely talented and wwe should waste him by putting him in fueds that fail to engage the audience. Personally, i enjoyed orton the most when he was a heel in 2007, even his mic skills were bearable at that point.

Off the top of my head, theese are the things they could do to revive his character :
1.Move him back to raw - i think if he were to leave smackdown, a top raw superstar would have to swap places with him in order to make that happen. this could help seeing as there are people on raw who he could have good fueds with (lord tensei).
2.Turn him back heel - this could prove to be the best choice, however i doubt wwe would do this. i deffinately find him more entertaining as a heel than as a face, as his character is more dynamic, he doesnt just bury a heel, get on the mic, say a load of stuff and end it with..'my name is randy orton'.
3.Give him the world title - this, sadly, will probably be what wwe does. he will probably be inserted back into the world title scene. i am fine with that, because he is a top star, but i would not be happy if he gets the title and keeps this current 'gimmick'.

what i like is hearing what other people have to say, and i will probably end all of my articles but asking what you guys think of the subject. so, what would you do make randy orton rellevant again? would you turn him heel, switch brands, give him the world title, or maybe something completely different? thank you all so much for listening, make sure you comment and give your opinion. thats pretty much it guys, make a very good day :)

As a proud and devoted Randy Orton fan, I'm pretty hurt on the hate everybody's generating. But, as an open-minded person, I think that you have a point that cannot be ignored.

He's really wonderful as a heel than as a face, but they won't turn him heel, especially because they're targeting the kid and women audience.

If I can, I'll turn him heel immediately. I must say that his gimmick's boring, and he kinda lost his spark. The Legacy storyline's really good for him, and I personally think it's a highlight of his carrer. I must say I'm kinda waiting for the WWE to bring it back.

@[Dolph'sZiggler], I noticed that already. :))) Not hating you though.


Mar 29, 2012
Reaction score
ya i think orton is better as a heel wwe is making him look crap as a face right now he is pretty boring and he is my fav star to and i think hes getting boring he is way better as a heel thats for sure

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
I think they'll have Sheamus vs Bryan vs Orton on OTL (heard they announced it in advance some time ago), but IDK what to do with him. I'd say use him to put someone over, but hey, creative seems smart. Kane goes over him cleanly at WM for no reason, then at the next SD Orton goes over cleanly. Genius, right? Anyway, a heel turn would help because it would make his character more interesting, but I like where he is now. As long as he doesn't win the world title in the near future I'm OK with it.