the dark knight

im really starting to like the guy........i dunno what to say more.
oh no....Welcome to the gay community. Your lifesize nude poster of Orton is in the mail.
oh no....
can i take what i said back?
^Jesus no do not let him hold the title that long. I love Orton and personally I'd have no problem with him holding the title for a year+, but we'd have another Cena on our hands if that happened. People would be fucking rioting if he held it that long. They need to keep his character going for a while, I'm really liking where it's at right now, but he doesn't need to hold the title that long. To be honest he could lose it at Backlash and it wouldn't hurt him that much, the new defining moment is the pin over Cena at WM. That legitimizes him enough that anything that happens from here out, as far as his title reign is concerned, doesn't make that much of a difference in my opinon.
^Jesus no do not let him hold the title that long. I love Orton and personally I'd have no problem with him holding the title for a year+, but we'd have another Cena on our hands if that happened. People would be fucking rioting if he held it that long. They need to keep his character going for a while, I'm really liking where it's at right now, but he doesn't need to hold the title that long. To be honest he could lose it at Backlash and it wouldn't hurt him that much, the new defining moment is the pin over Cena at WM. That legitimizes him enough that anything that happens from here out, as far as his title reign is concerned, doesn't make that much of a difference in my opinon.
1 year is L-O-N-G??? ....Maybe it's the Hogan-era in me. LOL
Maybe the fact that I am still continuing to become a bigger and bigger fan of his (shitty booking aside) clouds my opinion, but I think Orton has really hit his stride characterwise - I feel hes reponded excellently to being a champ - and has blossomed as a performer. When I consider the amount of 'nearly men' on the roster that for whatever reason didn't get the right push or fucked it up (him included), as a WWE fan in general, I'd really like to see how far a star such as Orton (one that isn't just the archetypal baby-face) can take that belt, and how much value he could bring back to it being on a roll as I feel he is (n.b. I don't mean in terms of win/lost/kayfaybe).
I hear what ya saying about Cena-style riots, but I think the dynamic is different with a heel champ. Besides, the homogonising of Cena's character and booking is what caused so many fans to turn on Cena (whether they realise it or not). I think if a wrestler is comfortable enough with their character and it has enough scope, then year+ title reigns should not be an problem.
There's hardly a scintilating alternative lurking, so I say let him run with it.... We might strike 'wrestling gold'
please tell me you didnt just say that..................................................1 year is L-O-N-G??? ....Maybe it's the Hogan-era in me. LOL