Random, Useless, Harmless, Thoughts

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Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
Why would you go in a thread to say the thread sucks? They very least you could do is rationalize it, leave it, or send a pm to the thread starter and ask why.

Why would you go in another thread, bash it, then reference another thread you hated?

If the US is a republic, why are there so many Democrats?

Why can't Republicans in Congress just suck it up and stop whining?

Why does wedding tradition dictate if you're invited to be in the bridal or groom party, YOU have to pay for the suit you'll only wear once?
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
Why would you go in a thread to say the thread sucks? They very least you could do is rationalize it, leave it, or send a pm to the thread starter and ask why.
I assume your talking about me. When your talking about a man's physique and being ashamed of it, it screams two things; jealousy and or homosexuality. I've never come across a more senseless thread than that in a long while.

Why would you go in another thread, bash it, then reference another thread you hated?
Didn't bash the thread. Bashed the whiners who claimed to be fans of a tough guy sport. I'd imagine since it was a tough guy sport, fans would be, ya know, tough guys, or at the very least, not whiny little pussies. And I refrenced the other thread, since whining and being gay go hand in hand. What are you gonna do now, start a thread on how Brock isn't tan enough, or how MMA fighters should wear more spandex instead of shorts?

Why can't Republicans in Congress just suck it up and stop whining?
Because the democrats are fucking America up. Why can't you suck it up and stop whining about something as trivial as me calling out poor threads and taking it personal and getting butt hurt?

Great One

I can't stop staring at that fucking dog, where did you find that pic. So awesome.


Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
I'll answer your first question:

Because they either wanna get their post count up, make their point, or just wanna be pricks.


Because the democrats are fucking America up

Why? Because they want to help people insted of being overly greedy and obsessed with money? Because they are doing more to help this country in 1 year than a redneck from texas did in 8? Because you expect them to fix years and years worth of shit accumulated over more than a decade and beyond?
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
Why? Because they want to help people insted of being overly greedy and obsessed with money? Because they are doing more to help this country in 1 year than a redneck from texas did in 8? Because you expect them to fix years and years worth of shit accumulated over more than a decade and beyond?

What's "helping"? I'm not going to deep into this, but "helping" isn't using government funds to pay for elective abortions, the constitution entitles everyone to the rights of "LIFE and the pursuit of happiness..." killing unborns automatically rapes our rights. "Helping" isn't using Social Security money to further democratic agendas to the point that there isn't a penny left in Social Security. "Helping" isn't keeping failing banks afloat time after time with taxpayer money, despite these failing banks and mortage companies inability to make even ONE payment back. "Helping" isn't doubling the national debt in ONE year as to the 8 years accumulated by a "redneck from Texas". "Helping" isn't lying about what you said you were going to change our war stance during you're election campaign and instead have done the opposite. "Helping" isn't about putting our economy further in the shitter to "help" 30 million of 300 million americans get some medical insurance, then forcing others to get medical insurance or be penalized by the law, all the meanwhile the new laws are fucking current and retired people out of their benefits because the new laws have increased premiums for employers. "Helping" isn't denying private christian schools government funding for education, but giving millions to Muslims over seas. "Helping" isn't fucking with systems that didn't need the attention, "helping" WOULD be fixing the shit the "Redneck from Texas" broke. I hope you enjoy the insanely high taxes you will have to pay if you succeed in life because of all the "helping" the Democrats and that lying piece of shit president we have, have done.


Republicans are fucking hypocrites. Lets bash obama for stimulus bill then boasts about our stimulus funds for disrtict projects. You want to bash government spending? Bash the 36-54 percent of federal budget that went to a pointless fucking war in the "good ol' days of George Duba-Ya". Apparently you stupid ass conservatives have this unrealistic idea that getting America out of trillions of dollars debt and deficit will be free. Obama was straight up from the begining that it was going to costs some taxpayer dollars. Better have it go towards the benefit than the the abyssmal cause of the military and instead creating jobs for Americans to alleviate the 14.9 million without jobs or towards better public school education since the public school system has been abandoned to be shit since instead of helping the system ouy, they cater to these sqeaky clean private schools. Like I said in my first posts, conservatives only care about money and are extremely superficial. Whereas the "bad guys" democrats are blasted for being "people that actually care". That is all I have to say.
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
I assume your talking about me. When your talking about a man's physique and being ashamed of it, it screams two things; jealousy and or homosexuality. I've never come across a more senseless thread than that in a long while.

I gave you a positive rep for your rebuttal because even though your comment wasn't very helpful it was still a good zinger so relax chico.

To be fair, you were the impetus behind the first two questions but I've seen it from plenty of other misguided members of this forum too. I will give you credit for not doing something like saying "fuck off smurf!" and then red repping someone's kornhole so much the Enterprise can pass through it.
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
Republicans are fucking hypocrites. Lets bash obama for stimulus bill then boasts about our stimulus funds for disrtict projects. You want to bash government spending? Bash the 36-54 percent of federal budget that went to a pointless fucking war in the "good ol' days of George Duba-Ya". Apparently you stupid ass conservatives have this unrealistic idea that getting America out of trillions of dollars debt and deficit will be free. Obama was straight up from the begining that it was going to costs some taxpayer dollars. Better have it go towards the benefit than the the abyssmal cause of the military and instead creating jobs for Americans to alleviate the 14.9 million without jobs or towards better public school education since the public school system has been abandoned to be shit since instead of helping the system ouy, they cater to these sqeaky clean private schools. Like I said in my first posts, conservatives only care about money and are extremely superficial. Whereas the "bad guys" democrats are blasted for being "people that actually care". That is all I have to say.

Sigh. You can see it how you want it, I don't care, but call me a "stupid ass conservative" one more time and we have issues. I never claimed to be a conservative, but I do realize Bush was a better president than Barack Robemblind. But in MY world, a straight man like Ron Paul would be president, not a cocaine fiend like Bush, nor a straight crooked poverty pimp like Obama.

You can bash all you want, but how can you defend a man who has doubled the deficit in less than 18 months than what Bush did in 8 fucking years? And the war that he claimed he was going to end? What the fuck about that? Oh yah, Prez. E. Fresh is sending more troops on a monthly basis and the military budget is still swollen. Yup, way to clean up that mess.

Let's just put it this way, since you seem so well versed in what Bush did wrong, yet are side stepping how awful Prez. Robemblind has been, what the fuck has Obama done? Nothing, except shit on the Constitution.

What has he done to stimulate business or help create jobs? Absolutely nothing. He's bought into banks and the auto industry, stripping them down, eliminating the possibility of future jobs. And now with his takeover of the healthcare industry, the government practically owns the banking, mortage, auto and healthcare industry. You know what that is fella, that's called socialism. Here's a word you should look up, it's called Capitalism, something
Obama has stripped from us Americans.

I'm no rich man, but I don't believe people who can afford their mortgages and healthcare should have to be burdened to pay for everyone elses. All his plans do is make more people want to hold their hands out, hoping for something. instead of doing what made this country so great, going out and working, yet Obama has tied up funds in keeping dead banks and mortgage companies on life support and you know what went with those district projects that you were complaining about? Jobs, muthafucka. Something Obama has failed to produce. Yah, Republicans are tight with their money, it's THEIR fucking money, it's my fucking money, it's your fucking money that is being thrown into the incinerator by this horrible excuse for a president and NO ONE is bennefitting from it except Obama and the Government as they slowly socialize the country and strip us of our constitutional rights and ability to live a free and enriched life through hard work, instead bottom feeders who don't want to work (not saying all people on welfare are lazy, I worked a dead end job for 7 years and still lived nice, not exceptional, but nice for 22 gs a year with NO fucking assistance) or are cultured into believing its the governments job to take care of people. That's called socialism and we are a fucking democracy. So I'd rather be a "stupid ass conservative" than a dipshit, freespending, blind fuckin Democrat socialist. And I'm done.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Providing health care for those who can't afford it is essential. Your life expectancy shouldn't be relative to the size of your wallet.

Now while I understand that the universal health care plan you have right now isn't ideal I don't believe that you as a country have other options.

Also, it is patently not socialism. It is social democracy, there is a huge difference. We have many tax payer funded social programs here in Canada but we are most certainly not a socialist nation.

You're making out a gray area issue as plain black and white when it is not. Throw away the ideology for two seconds and look objectively at what is being done.