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Tumbas' #1 Fan

Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
He said he wanted special effects.

Irwin R. Schyster

The Showoff
Mar 31, 2013
Reaction score
I have an old friend of mine on facebook and, well, he is one of those 'just doesn't get the hint' type of guys...

I haven't seen him since grade 6, which was almost 20 years ago. After I graduated from elementary school, I went to junior high near my house that we had moved in a few years earlier, but, my mom wanted my brother and I to continue going to finish at that school. Anyway, no contact with my friends from there until a few years back when a lot of us found each other on facebook.

He was a buddy of mine since grade 2. We used to be heavy in to X-Men and traded cards all the time. We didn't hang out 24/7 or anything like that, but, yeah, we were friends, hung out at recess sometimes, but, mostly hung out during after school program.

Anyway, for like 3 years now, he has been asking me to go for a coffee with him....now, I know this will sound Blue because it is such a small thing to ask, but, I have been dropping hints to him about not really wanting to go, and he just doesn't get it....I know that sounds bad because he was my friend, but, there are reasons why...

He seems to like contacting me when he feels randy. Ehhh, I am not here for that type of shit...he told me he had a huge crush on me in school and would have asked me out if I had gone to the same junior high/high school. I mean, yeah, flattering, I don't really mind that, but, it just made it seem even more like he just wants to go hang out because he thinks he will get somewhere.

I also work annoying hours and are away from home 12 hours a day. I am tired as hell when I get home at night. It is basically get home, take my dogs for their walk, eat, shower, and it's already after 9pm. I wake up for work at quarter to 7am. After a day of work, I am not looking to run home, rush my dogs out, then go step out for a coffee with anyone. I just want to relax and then go to bed.

I don't want to be mean to him and come right out to say no, but, it really is offputting when you get private messages with I GOT A BONER RIGHT NOW, SORRY, I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ANY FOR A FEW WEEKS in your inbox and then he asks to go for a coffee, let alone the fact that I explained some things to him about how I feel about life right now (nothing suicidal, I just feel like I am trapped in my current routine and want out of it, but, can't find a way) and that I want to basically hide under a rock and be anti-social. After I say that, I get another message that he has a day off in a week and a half and wants to go for coffee....I mean, fuck, man.

I just don't think right now the time is right. I don't want to go feeling a bit down about life, and, I don't want to go if I feel that he just 'wants something', which it seems by his messages, and he seems to think my problems stem from my relationship, which they don't, so he asked me if I were 'looking for something different' with home life...I honestly think that he thinks we would be a couple, and that isn't happening.....

/emo rant