Kayfabe R.I.P Robert Blake

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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Ignition opens to a panning shot of the arena.
The camera zooms in to meet the General Manager of Ignition, Jet Starr, already standing in the ring with microphone in hand.

Jet: Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank every single one of you for being in attendance here tonight. Unfortunately tonight's show is being met with a relatively somber feeling as one of the greatest superstars in the history of this company, Robert Blake, passed away last week. He went in for emergency surgery to correct a pulmonary embolism and I am saddened to say that he did not make it out of the operating room.

The crowd begins chanting for Robert Blake.
A chant of "Thank you Robert!" starts throughout the arena.

Jet: Yes, Robert Blake deserves our thanks. He provided great entertainment and memorable moments wherever he went. He once won every championship that this company had to offer. He will go down in history as the first man to ever be a dual world heavyweight champion. He also a fantastically lopsided win/loss record, only losing to a current interviewer here in Ignition, former amazing competitor in Reese MaCleod as well as myself, technically, in an Elimination Chamber match.

Jet motions his hand towards the titantron and upon doing so, and image of Robert Blake appears on the screen.

Jet: Tonight...tonight we honor Robert Blake and his career. Tonight you will all be treated to an amazing show that I am sure Robert Blake would be proud of. Now, at this time, I would like everybody to please stand up. There will now be a ten bell salute and a moment of silence, so production truck, whenever it's ready.

Jet Starr stands in the middle of the ring, hands held in front of him and head down towards the mat as the bell tolls.








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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Just before the tenth toll of the bell, a strange music begins playing through the arena. Everyone, including Jet, turns their attention to the stage awaiting what is to come next. Then, when the lyrics begin, it isn't long after the crowd as a whole begins to boo as Terra Hayze makes her way out onto the stage. Terra makes her way down towards the ring, meanwhile chants of "F You!" ring out around the arena. As she climbs the steel steps, Terra is handed a mic from Bryce Frisco. She then enters the ring, and waits a few seconds for the crowd's chants and boos to die down before finally speaking*

Terra: You know I wasn't supposed to making my entrance out here until next week, but considering the current set of circumstances, it was obvious to me that this company needed me, and it needed me right now.
*Chants of "No we don't!" sound off*
Terra: If that were true, we wouldn't be mourning the loss of one of this company's top superstars!
*The boos resound just as heavy as before*
Terra: Jet Starr, you've been calling the shots in this company for a week now, and already you have allowed one of your performers to not only be admitted to the emergency room, but to actually end up dying during surgery. Do you see how bad that makes this company look? People can attempt to place the blame on that green-haired freak all they want, but they are just in denial. The true person at fault for this great loss is you, Jet! Your lack of precautions and medical protocol cost a man his life! This man had years ahead of him to prosper and build a family, but your poor leadership took that away from him!
*Some fans attempt to start a "No!" chant, however the majority of the crowd sits in silence*
Terra: The Amazing H never let that happen under his watch, Bruce Powers never let that happen under his watch, but you did! We are going into the second week of this company's third rebranding, and we already could be on our way to shutting the doors permanently!
*The "No!" chants begin to pick up pace, and thus Terra turns her attention*
Terra: What do you people think is going to happen?! Do you think there won't be lawsuits from his family? Do you think that their won't be investigations into this company's medical policies?! In a matter of one week, Jet has already proven himself unfit of protecting his superstars and protecting the integrity of this company! And because of that...
*Terra returns her attention back to Jet*
Terra: Because of that, I say that Jet Starr should really consider stepping down from his position before he drives this company and it's talent right into the ground..
*Terra lowers her mic, glaring at Jet just one foot from his face*
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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*Just before the tenth toll of the bell, a strange music begins playing through the arena. Everyone, including Jet, turns their attention to the stage awaiting what is to come next. Then, when the lyrics begin, it isn't long after the crowd as a whole begins to boo as Terra Hayze makes her way out onto the stage. Terra makes her way down towards the ring, meanwhile chants of "F You!" ring out around the arena. She makes as she climbs the steel steps, Terra is handed a mic from Bryce Frisco. She then enters the ring, and waits a few seconds for the crowd's chants and boos to die down before finally speaking*
Terra: You know I wasn't supposed to making my entrance out here until next week, but considering the current set of circumstances, it was obvious to me that this company needed me, and it needed me right now.
*Chants of "No we don't!" sound off*
Terra: If that were true, we wouldn't be mourning the loss of one of this company's top superstars!
*The boos resound just as heavy as before*
Terra: Jet Starr, you've been calling the shots in this company for a week now, and already you have allowed one of your performers to not only be admitted to the emergency room, but to actually end up dying during surgery. Do you see how bad that makes this company look? People can attempt to place the blame on that green-haired freak all they want, but they are just in denial. The true person at fault for this great loss is you, Jet! Your lack of precautions and medical protocol cost a man his life! This man had years ahead of him to prosper and build a family, but your poor leadership took that away from him!
*Some fans attempt to start a "No!" chant, however the majority of the crowd sits in silence*
Terra: The Amazing H never let that happen under his watch, Bruce Powers never let that happen under his watch, but you did! We are going into the second week of this company's third rebranding, and we already could be on our way to shutting the doors permanently!
*The "No!" chants begin to pick up pace, and thus Terra turns her attention*
Terra: What do you people think is going to happen?! Do you think there won't be lawsuits from his family? Do you think that their won't be investigations into this company's medical policies?! In a matter of one week, Jet has already proven himself unfit of protecting his superstars and protecting the integrity of this company! And because of that...
*Terra returns her attention back to Jet*
Terra: Because of that, I say that Jet Starr should really consider stepping down from his position before he drives this company and it's talent right into the ground..
*Terra lowers her mic, glaring at Jet just one foot from his face*

Jet puts on a huge smile right in the face of Terra

Jet: Hello to you too Terra. Firstly, back the hell out of my face. Secondly, just as quickly I hired you, if you step out of line, then I will fire you. I have no problem leaving you without a job. Again.

Chants of "Fire Terra!" begin

Jet: Robert Blake had a pre-existing condition that went undetected for years. Thanks to the excellent medical policies I put in place, it was able to be detected. Unfortunately, those who ran the company before me never had the proper medical policies in place to detect it. Even though Robert Blake passed on the operating table, at least he made it to one. If it weren't for everything I put into place around here, he would have died in the ring and this joint would have been off the air. So you should thank me for the fact that this place is still running and that you still have a job after you just ran your pretty little mouth.

Jet Starr presses down his suit jacket and buttons it
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Jet puts on a huge smile right in the face of Terra

Jet: Hello to you too Terra. Firstly, back the hell out of my face. Secondly, just as quickly I hired you, if you step out of line, then I will fire you. I have no problem leaving you without a job. Again.

Chants of "Fire Terra!" begin

Jet: Robert Blake had a pre-existing condition that went undetected for years. Thanks to the excellent medical policies I put in place, it was able to be detected. Unfortunately, those who ran the company before me never had the proper medical policies in place to detect it. Even though Robert Blake passed on the operating table, at least he made it to one. If it weren't for everything I put into place around here, he would have died in the ring and this joint would have been off the air. So you should thank me for the fact that this place is still running and that you still have a job after you just ran your pretty little mouth.

Jet Starr presses down his suit jacket and buttons it
Terra: You're really going to blame previous authority figures figures for something that occurred under your watch? Pre-existing or not, you are the one put the man into a match that dramatically worsened his condition and ultimately caused his death. So stop trying to deflect and own up to your mistakes.
*The "Fire Terra!" chants continue, to which Terra releases a slight chuckle*
Terra: You people really are sheep. He's not going to fire me, because whether he wants to admit it or not, I'm too valuable to this company to do so. Hence why the main reason he approached me about a contract is to bring back the TerraNova Show.
*The "Fire Terra!" chants are quickly replaced by boos*
Terra: Oh come on! You should know by now that everything this man does is for money. He doesn't care who he upsets, whose lives are lost, as long as in the end it puts more cash into his already stuffed wallet.
*The boos grow*
Terra: If you don't believe me, I'm fairly sure that production crew in the back is perfectly capable of playing the clip of him a few months ago admitting that he and the rest of the Kings only ever cared about money, hence why they constantly pandered to the audience. Which is exactly what this whole "Remembering Robert Blake" speech is actually about. He didn't care about Blake or his health, no matter how much he wants to act like he does. The only reason that he had him rushed to the emergency room following his match is because he didn't want to lose one of his biggest sources of income from you fans. So now that Blake is dead, he's just going to milk everything he can out of his death in hopes to replace the new void that it has created in his pockets.
*"You suck!" chants arise, though it is unknown whether they are directed at Jet, Terra, or both*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Terra: You're really going to blame previous authority figures figures for something that occurred under your watch? Pre-existing or not, you are the one put the man into a match that dramatically worsened his condition and ultimately caused his death. So stop trying to deflect and own up to your mistakes.
*The "Fire Terra!" chants continue, to which Terra releases a slight chuckle*
Terra: You people really are sheep. He's not going to fire me, because whether he wants to admit it or not, I'm too valuable to this company to do so. Hence why the main reason he approached me about a contract is to bring back the TerraNova Show.
*The "Fire Terra!" chants are quickly replaced by boos*
Terra: Oh come on! You should know by now that everything this man does is for money. He doesn't care who he upsets, whose lives are lost, as long as in the end it puts more cash into his already stuffed wallet.
*The boos grow*
Terra: If you don't believe me, I'm fairly sure that production crew in the back is perfectly capable of playing the clip of him a few months ago admitting that he and the rest of the Kings only ever cared about money, hence why they constantly pandered to the audience. Which is exactly what this whole "Remembering Robert Blake" speech is actually about. He didn't care about Blake or his health, no matter how much he wants to act like he does. The only reason that he had him rushed to the emergency room following his match is because he didn't want to lose one of his biggest sources of income from you fans. So now that Blake is dead, he's just going to milk everything he can out of his death in hopes to replace the new void that it has created in his pockets.
*"You suck!" chants arise, though it is unknown whether they are directed at Jet, Terra, or both*
Jet: You're right about one thing Terra. I'm not going to fire you, because that wouldn't be fun. You know what would be fun though? Watching you go up in smoke and fail. I'll admit to being a money hungry jackass when K.O.W was a thing. However now is a different story. Before, I was in it for the money, but now...I'm in it because I want to make this place bigger than it ever has been. I want to see this place succeed and go into uncharted territory. As an authority figure and owner of this company, yes I am upset that we lost a big star. As a decent human being who has at least some semblance of morals, I am deeply devastated by the passing of a great man who had a long life ahead of him in and out of this ring. I am saddened at the fact that a family has to deal with him no longer being around. Lastly, I am pissed off as all hell at the fact that you came out here, not only with intentions of belittling me, but you came out here and tried to pull off the most disgusting stunt I've ever seen. I don't claim to be a saint, because everyone knows I'm far from it, but I am at least a better human being than you are. You're out here using this platform, a show in honor of the late, great Robert Blake, to push your own agenda and to try to get ahead. You show an incredible amount of disrespect by interrupting a moment of silence and a ten bell toll for a dead man. I helped give the man a chance at having his issue dealt with so he could live a full life and it's unfortunate that didn't happen. Since he passed, I made sure that his contract was honored and whatever money he would have been paid over the next seven years has been given, in full and un-taxed, to his family. As General Manager, I'm paid far less than I was as a competitor. So before you came out here and said everything you just said, you should have taken a minute and done some some backstage research that you used to do as a second rate interviewer.

The fans have turned back on Jet Starr's side at this point and have began chanting "Second Rate!" at Terra

Jet: Like we both stated before, I'm not going to fire you. But I can make sure that karma comes back around to bite you in the ass after this disrespectful little stunt you just pulled.

The crowd chants "Karma's gunna bite you! Karma's gunna bite you!"
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Terra: The only bite you're going to see with me involved is a Terra-Bite, because I'm going to lock that in on whoever gets in my way, and I won't let go until they submit to my queendom!
*The boos return as Terra turns her attention back to Jet*
Terra: And you, you can throw whatever you want my way! You may have these idiots in this arena fooled with your whole "Good Guy Jet" routine, but not me.
*"Good Guy Jet!" chants emerge through the boos*
Terra: It was stupid of me to think that you could actually be a good leader for this company. I should have fought the board's decision but I didn't, and that's a mistake that I will not make again.
*Terra glares right at Jet now*
Terra: You are unfit to run this place, and in just a matter of time, I'm going to prove to everyone just why. So you keep pandering to this audience for their approval and you keep on lying to fill your pockets, but it won't be long until you're knocked off your high pedestal and your little kingdom comes crashing down around you. And when that day comes, I will be there to take your place as a much more fit and sincere General Manager than you will ever be. You can count on that!
*Terra throws the mic at Jet's feet as her music hits, making her way through the ropes, down the steel steps, and up the ramp. As she gets about halfway up the ramp though the music turns to Jet's, who beckons for Terra to bring it on before making his way to the corner and pandering to the crowd yet again as their hero*
Honorable Mentions: @TheFrostyBlur and @SupaHeeroh
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