^ Agreed...
Stephanie Sucks... shes just puts the morale down & if there was ever somebody that had the balls to stand up to Vince, it would be Dusty...
Because Vince knows how bad if would be it they fired him & he'd be a WWE HOF'er in TNA!
As for the ECW Main Events... New Breed Vs Originals was good, Lashley Vs Vince was vince's brain child so that's why it kinda sucked... The Burke, RVD & Punk triangle feud was pretty intresting aswell. & Also now we have great ribalry bidding between Punk & Morrison. Dusty's the best booker because he's actually wrestled himself, same with Michael Hayes...
That's why Raw even with the best talent out of the three fail to deliver because there Head Booker hasn't got a feel for it as much as Dusty & Hayes... That's why Smackdown continuously manages 2 pull off great shows even if they lose all their talent!