Quality of WWE's young guys?

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Well, theres no doubt that WWE has alot of young guys right now... Im not talkign Orton, Jeff Hardy, Cena, Kennedy, who are young but established, I mean the guys who are young, and new to the business.
Back in the early 2000's, wwe lost Rock, Austin, Hogan, etc, and had to have new stars, so they created stars like Batista, Orton, Cena, Lesnar, etc... But now, that time is coming again, with Flair gone, HBK leaving soon, and eventually HHH, so we hae a group of main eventers still, but for the current young guys, do you think they can ever develop into top stars?

Its tough to tell, because if you look at orton and Cena and Batista when they first broke in (even before evolution for orton and batista) they wer egeneric wrestler, just like Rhodes is now, and waiting for their big break, and then finally got a gimmick. But as an early estimate, who, if anyone, do you think can rise to be a main eventer in wwe (not neccesarily as big as Brock, cena, batista and Orton, but still a main eventer?)
And where do you see the others (who arent going to be main eventers) fitting in.

Heres a little thing about where I see the yougn guys fitting in (you dont have to do this part if you dont want, just answer the questions...)

Colin Delaney- It's good to have alot of prospects, liek wwe does now, because it emans not every one of them has to be great. Delaney will not be great. He wont even come near the main event, but I think he'll stick aound, because he's only 20 years old and is decent. Probably a lower midcarder for his career, but he will add some good matches for the lower card I think.

DH Smith- This guy could be a heel or face, depending on how WWE wants him. He's very young, and will probably take a year and a bit to even get settled in, but I dont see anything huge for him. I definately dont see a main event in him, but I do see him adding to the IC division and remaining a solid midcarder for his career.

Paul Burchill- Solid mid carder. I see him having a few IC title reigns in his career, and being a tough as nails midcarder, but not a main eventer IMO.

Cody Rhodes- Ring skill is definately there, mic skills, not so much, I see him being a upper mid carder in his career, possibly liek Jeff Hardys career, hovering around the uppermidcard...

Kofi Kingston- This guy is awesome! He is great in the ring, and as far as mic skills, hes not bad at all. I think he has a good gimmick going, and I see him as a main eventer in 5 years. But until then, he seems to have a good fan base, and should have a few US title reigns on SD over the next 2 or 3 years... Eventually a main evetner though...

Ted Dibiase Jr.- This guy seem sto have a good heel thing going. it seems he's got a good start by taking on the Million Dollar Man persona, and his mic skills are good for a young guy. Like everyone, it takes adjusting, but I even saw an improvement in mic skills this week, so I think he will be a top guy in the company in a few years. Theres nothing holding him back because apparently he is good in the ring as well. Future main eventer...

OK, so thats what I see in the future for these young guys. Again, I dont see any of them being Cena, Orton and Batista's, but I see Dibiase and Kingston becoming main eventers... the rest of the guys, IMO, will be mid carders. But thats ok, because you cant just have young future main eventers, you also need future solid midcarders, and wwe seems to have both.
what are your thoughts on these young guys? Who will be able, if anyone, to be a main eventer?

King Of Kings

Nov 27, 2007
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Well dibiase looks like a clone of orton so he could possibly be a main eventer. Im also a huge fan of kofi his matches are great and he has alot of energy so i think he could be a main eventer in the future.


Active Member
Mar 11, 2008
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Imagination Land! Where hippos laugh, and Pee Wee
Yeah, the new guys are coming in.

They will make Colin Delaney something. They will teach him the moves and shit. He would be a pretty good highflyer...

I'm pretty sure they will make DH Smith a heel along with Ted Dibiase Jr.
That would make a hated Tag Team (lol)

I cannot see Paul Burchill turn face or anything to make the fans like him. He should deffinently lose that British Gimmick :/

Kofi Kingston is the future of the WWE. He knows how to Wrestle and my god, can he jump high!! I can see him as a future US Champ or IC Champ

King Of Kings

Nov 27, 2007
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I dont think colin has a future unless he gains weight.


Yeah, the new guys are coming in.

They will make Colin Delaney something. They will teach him the moves and shit. He would be a pretty good highflyer...

I'm pretty sure they will make DH Smith a heel along with Ted Dibiase Jr.
That would make a hated Tag Team (lol)

I cannot see Paul Burchill turn face or anything to make the fans like him. He should deffinently lose that British Gimmick :/

Kofi Kingston is the future of the WWE. He knows how to Wrestle and my god, can he jump high!! I can see him as a future US Champ or IC Champ

LOL, its not a gimmick for Burchill. Hes actually British. Thats like saying Triple H should stop the american gimmick:laugh:
Anyways, back to my thread, thanks for posting:)

Romo Is God

May 17, 2008
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Dibiase Jr and Kofi Kingston are really the only ones I can see ever being something. Kofi's been on the roster about what? 2 months? And is CM Punk over. That's pretty impressive in such a short time. He's unique and can work a solid feud, as now with Benjamin.

Dibiase is charismatic. I haven't seen a match of his but I'm sure he's decent. Get the man some Jericho like tights or something though, he looks too much like Orton.

All the rest, just meh. Jobbers, tag wrestlers and mid-carders. Kofi will be holding mid-card gold by next year at the rate he's going.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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Out of all those you listed, I'm saying Paul Burchill has the most potential out of him. He plays the aggressive heel well, he could go to a lower midcard spot. He could fit nicely with Smacdown with their lack of Main Eventers. He has the skill set and the size, I don't see why he couldn't be great.

Cody Rhodes just needs to break out of a generic gimmick and find his niche in something that gets some sort of reaction from the fans. Whether it's being in a next Generation stable or becoming the next Randy Orton, he has the most potential. I don't see him leaving WWE for a long time, so we'll at least see some type of change from Cody's bland personality now.

DH Smith is another guy in the same boat as Cody Rhodes, only bigger. I don't think he'll be in the preshow matches for long, he's good in the ring and is a bigger guy. I don't see him going to the main event, but he'll be fine. Either that, or he'll get released and become a beast in Japan.

Kofi Kingston has been a really good up and comer in ECW, and I find most of his matches entertaining. But the only problem I see with him is that his gimmick could get stale. If Punk moves brands, he could be the next big face contender for the ECW title.

Ted DiBiase Jr. is a mystery to me. Like it was said before, he looks like Randy Orton. It looks like he has a big career ahead of him, but if a Next Generation is formed, I don't see him as the breakout star of the group. He's OK in the ring from what I've seen, I really am not sure on what he'll do or become.

Colin Delaney is a legend. He has amazing charisma, and could make for a good comedy character.

I'd look out for Ryder and Hawkins too. If and when the Edge things end, they could be decent midcarders. I really don't know why Kenny Dykstra isn't as big as he should be, he was looking like a good heel. And Bret Hart even said his style reminded him of Steve Austin's early days.

Romo Is God

May 17, 2008
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I really don't know why Kenny Dykstra isn't as big as he should be, he was looking like a good heel. And Bret Hart even said his style reminded him of Steve Austin's early days.

He's a selfish twat that rubs alot of people the wrong way.

So he got demoted from his push. Sadly.

Beer Money Army

getting colin on the juice might help... But i don't like colin.. he reminds of those 2 ROH jobbers (ring crew express)

i like Kofi, Cody i don't really think much of him...

The Rated R CMStar

Kenny Dykstra is a future main eventer. He will get out of the doghouse, and will get pushed, maybe not as hard and not as fast, but he will get pushed.

To me, the only two valuable young guys at the moment are Ted DiBiase, it has been a while since a rookie made a such a debut, getting a lot of mic, and hell, he already has a catchpraze and gets heat from the crowd.

The second one should be Kofi Kingston, I agree with the post of someone before, when Punk leaves the brand, he will be the new biggest face(besides Kane) and will be a challenger, maybe as soon as he ends his feud with Shelton.

Cody, well, to me it just seems that WWE tries to hard. Every announcement their tag team has to make, they go with him talking, and not Hardcore, just for the fact of giving him mic time. I am curious to see what Cody can do as a heel, because as a face he is pretty generic.


Feb 25, 2008
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Out of all those you listed, I'm saying Paul Burchill has the most potential out of him. He plays the aggressive heel well, he could go to a lower midcard spot. He could fit nicely with Smacdown with their lack of Main Eventers. He has the skill set and the size, I don't see why he couldn't be great.

Cody Rhodes just needs to break out of a generic gimmick and find his niche in something that gets some sort of reaction from the fans. Whether it's being in a next Generation stable or becoming the next Randy Orton, he has the most potential. I don't see him leaving WWE for a long time, so we'll at least see some type of change from Cody's bland personality now.

DH Smith is another guy in the same boat as Cody Rhodes, only bigger. I don't think he'll be in the preshow matches for long, he's good in the ring and is a bigger guy. I don't see him going to the main event, but he'll be fine. Either that, or he'll get released and become a beast in Japan.

Kofi Kingston has been a really good up and comer in ECW, and I find most of his matches entertaining. But the only problem I see with him is that his gimmick could get stale. If Punk moves brands, he could be the next big face contender for the ECW title.

Ted DiBiase Jr. is a mystery to me. Like it was said before, he looks like Randy Orton. It looks like he has a big career ahead of him, but if a Next Generation is formed, I don't see him as the breakout star of the group. He's OK in the ring from what I've seen, I really am not sure on what he'll do or become.

Colin Delaney is a legend. He has amazing charisma, and could make for a good comedy character.

I'd look out for Ryder and Hawkins too. If and when the Edge things end, they could be decent midcarders. I really don't know why Kenny Dykstra isn't as big as he should be, he was looking like a good heel. And Bret Hart even said his style reminded him of Steve Austin's early days.

How does being Jamaican get stale? Its not like he could stop being from where he was born. Same with the Burchill to stop being British. Kofi has no gimmick, he is a Jamaican born and he is just being him.
I don't think this guy will ever get stale everytime I see this guy I see something new that I have never seen.


Mar 11, 2007
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^ I agree Kofi kingston is amazing, also he's one of those guys who dosen't need a push because he pushes himself.


Kofi & Burchill... Nationality gimmicks?

C'mon, you guys really aren't that zenophobic are you? They did whow you maps and stuff at school, yeah?

King Of Kings

Nov 27, 2007
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I cant wait to see dibiase in the ring he should be good.


Here's who i think....

1) CM Punk ( not sure if he counts, but whatever)

2) Ted Dibiase JR.

3) Colt Cabana

Those are three guys i think are going to jump to stardom. Im not talking about Midcard. I see anything else jumping out yet, screening main event. I could see John Morrision getting a solid push, but again, he's not new.