No doubt is Asuka number 1, but Sasha and Bayley above Io Shirai downright criminal. Arrest them stat and Mayu below when she won the two biggest titles in Stardom and beat Io Shirai to win one of them.
Even Hiroyo who held multiple titles this year in multiple Joshi Companies should be higher than 25 come on now. I mean do these guys even watch Women Wrestling lol. Now some people might why care about the Rankings? Maybe it's was false hope that with Women's Wrestling getting a surge of popularity these past years especially this year with the help of Mae Young Classic, I would of thought the people in charge would actually take the time to make this list and let it make sense. Even like Rosemary who held the Knockouts title nearly 300 days and has been one of their most popular talents in the company the past years, should be above Shayna and Mercedes in my opinion.