PWF - Pure Wrestling Federation

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Backstory: A young upstart in the wrestling bussiness, TJ, decided to start his very own company. This is an interveiw with TJ.

Interveiwer: I'm here with TJ, and TJ you are on alot of ground as you are going to start your own wrestling company.

TJ: Yes I am.

Interveiwer: So whats going to be the name of this?

TJ: Simple it's going to be PWF. It's a project i've been working on, soon i will have enough wrestlers to start this.

Interveiwer: Where you get these wrestlers.

TJ: There is alot of bad campers in WWE ethier it would be any of the WWE three brands or any other shows like TNA and ect.

Interveiwer: When can we expect this project to happen?

TJ: (Luaghs) Well I'm going to start this very very soon. Thursday Night Thunder is the name of the show.

Interveiwer: Well Good luck and the wrestling world will be watching as PWF begins.


Weeks later TJ gets his roster finalized and the show begins.


Owner: TJ

Colour Commentator: Coach

Play By Play Commentators: Joey Styles and Jerrey The King Lawler

Backstage Interveiwer: Todd Grishom


John Morrison
Shelton Benjammin
Elijah Burke
Super Crazy
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
CM Punk
Randy Orton
Cody Rhodes
Drew McIntyre
Brian Kendrick
Paul London
Petey Williams
Jay Lethal
Jimmy Rave
James Storm
Chris Harris
James Curtis - The jobber for ECW.
Kofi Kingston
Paul Burchill
Jim Duggen

PWF World Champion - RVD

PWF Junior World Champion - Shelton Benjamin (Former - Cody Rhodes)

PWF Tag Champions - James Storm and Chris Harris - AMW

PWF Lightweight champion - Jay Lethal

Show Listings:

Thursday Night Thunder - 6:00 to 7:05 on ESPN

Weekend Bash - 30 Minute show exclusively on in the weekends


Announced around time.

First show today.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Looks good... TJ iv'e got an offer for me


PWF Thursday Night Thunder

PWF Music video hits as the show begins with some pyro.

Pyro Pyro

Coach: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to PWF Thursday Night Thunder!!

JS: And what a show we got for you today.

King: Yeah Our opening Match is featuring our champion RVD!

PWF World Champion RVD makes his way out and down the ramp to the loud cheers of the crowd.

Jimmy Rave makes his way down the ramp smiling and tuanting RVD with a belt sign even though this is a non title match.

Match #1
Non title
RVD vs. Jimmy Rave

They circle around. Jimmy goes for the legs, but RVD pushes his head down and runs around to the back of Jimmy. Jimmy stands up with his back facing RVD. RVD sweep kicks the legs from under Jimmy. Jimmy falls on his ass, and RVD hops on his feet, to hit a standing legdrop. Cover 1...2... kickout! Jimmy gets to his feet and goes for a lock up on RVD. RVD turns it into a headlock and Jimmy pushes him off. RVD goes across the orpes and comes back to Jimmy and shoulder blocks him. Jimmy falls on the ground and RVD goes across the ropes. RVD goes back to Jimmy who rolls closer to RVd and RVD hops over him. As Soon as RVD hops over him Jimmy gets on his feet. RVD goes across the ropes again and sees Jimmy gonig for the clothesline. RVD ducks it with a roll up, 1...2... kickout! Jimmy gets up to RVD smiling, RVD points at his shoulders and goes "Rob-Van-Dam!" The crowd is now chanting "RVD RVD RVD"

Coach: Jimmy got punked by RVD.

JS: Let's see if Jimmy can bounce back.

Jimmy gets up to RVD. Jimmy goes for a lock up on RVD, RVD puts the headlock on again. Jimmy throws him off, RVD goes across the ropes and ducks the clothesline. RVD goes across the ropes back to Jimmy. Jimmy goes for a clothesline again, but RVD ducks it again. RVD goes across the ropes and back to Jimmy who slaps the taste out of his mouth. RVD falls bakc and off his feet shocked from Jimmy slapping him like nothing. RVD gets up to Jimmy who slaps him again. RVD turns his head to face Jimmy. Jimmy slaps him across the face, and RVD returns the slap with a roundhouse kick. Jimmy falls flat on his back. RVD goes across the ropes for the rolling thunder and connects it. Cover 1...2... kickout! RVD gets up and climbs to the top rope for the Five Star Frogsplash. Jimmy gets up as RVD is tuanting and hits the ropes. RVD gets crotched on the turnbuckle. Jimmy jumps to the top rope and hits RVD with the superplex. Cover 1...2... kickout!

JS: Jimmy gets the advantage.

King: What a move from Jimmy.

Jimmy picks RVD up and hits a beautiful Fisherman suplex. Cover 1...2... kickout! Jimmy looks at the ref in disbelief. Jimmy picks RVD up, RVD pushes Jimmy off, and when Jimmy walks back to RVD, RVD hits a beautiful Roundhouse kick, but Jimmy catches it, no probelm, RVD just hits the enzugiri. Jimmy falls face first ont othe mat. RVD hops to the top for the Five Star Frogsplash, but Jimmy moves out of the way. Jimmy gets up slowly and picks the battered RVD up. Jimmy goes to smash his head on the turnbuckle, but RVD catches it and hits a front kick right in the teeth of Jimmy. Jimmy falls bakc and RVD scales the turnbuckle for his third chance at the frogsplash and nails it! Cover 1...2...3!

Result - RVD wins by pinfal!

JS: RVD wins a very good match against Jimmy Rave.

Coach: Jimmy put on a good showing, but didn't win.

King: It took three times to hit the frogsplash but RVD finally does and gets the win, good for you!


(Cody Rhodes is seen walking threw the hall)

Unknown: Hey Champ.

Cody: Yo talk to you later?

Unknown: Yeah.

Cody walks down the hall and stops to see Shelton Benjammin who is staring a hole threw Cody.

Shelton: Yo.... "Champ"

Cody: You got a probelm?

Shelton: Yeah I do. You were handed that Junior World Title. And I want to prove that no one is better then Shelton Benjammin, and i can do that if let's say. I beat Cody Rhodes for his Junior title. What ya say?

Cody: Your on, tonight the main event Cody Rhodes vs. Shelton Benjammin for MY Junior World title.

Shelton smirks

Shelton: See you there "champ"

(Camera cuts back to the ring)

King: Oh man I don't like Cody's chances tonight.

PWF Lightweight champion makes his way down the ramp to much of the crowds cheer.

He is soon followed, by the favorite for the #1 contendership of the tag team titles, The Hardys. Both Matt and Jeff get a great appluase.

PWF Tag Champions AMW come down the ring with Maven as this six man tag begins.

Match #2
Six Man Tag
Hardys and Lethal vs. AMW and Maven

Jeff starts off with Harris. They lock up and Harris applies the arm bar and wrenches it. Jeff switches it into an wrist lock. Harris grabs the arm and gets behind Jeff, he picks Jeff up for a back suplex and nails it. Cover 1... kickout! Harris applies a headlock. Jeff fades after a few seconds. The ref pulls him arm up and drops it. 1! He does it again. 2! He goes for it again, but Jeff arm does not fall, He gets up and hits Harris in the stomach with a few elbows. Harris falls back to Storm who tags in. Storm enters the ring and Jeff ducks the clothesline. Jeff goes un top for the whisper in the wind and lands right on top of Storm. Jeff staggers forward and tags Matt in. Matt enters the ring and lays Harris out with a clothesline. He picks Harris up for the twist of fate, but he is kicked in the face, by Maven. Matt falls on his ass and Storm boots him in the face aswell. Cover 1...2... kickout! Storm lifts Matt up and throws him agaisnt the turnbuckle where Maven and Harris are at. Storm asks the ref to check on him and the ref does. As this is happening Matt gets mugged in the corner.

JS: Aww come on ref look at this.

Coach: Look they're asking Matt for a handshake but matt is being rude.

King: Oh shut up Coach.

Matt falls face first on the ground as the ref holds back Lethal who tries to enter the ring. Storm picks Matt up and hits a samoan drop on him. Cover 1...2... kickout! Storm grabs Matt by the hair and drags him to the corner. Storm tags Maven in. Maven enters the ring and starts stomping on Matt who is sitting agaisnt the turnbuckle. Maven picks Matt up and hit him with the snapmare and applies the chin lock. He wrenches and wrenches it until Matt fades. The crowd is chanting "HARDY HARDY HARDY" Matt gets to his feet from the rush of the crowd. Matt gets to his feet and Maven drags Matt who starts to get his rush to Maven's corner. Harris tags in. Harris enters the ring and kicks Matt in the gut. Harris pciks him up for a suplex and nails it. Cover 1...2... kickout!

JS: Nice work from Maven dragging Matt to his corner.

Coach: Yeah and now they got the advantage still.

Harris applies the headlock again. Matt gets out quickly and catches a clothesline from Harris for the side effect. Cover 1...2... kickout! Matt now inches his way to his partners. Harris does the same. Matt gets the tag on Lethal and Harris gets the tag on Storm. Storm enters the ring and Lethal dropkicks him. Lethal hits Storm with the enzugiri. Matt gets to his feet and spears Storm out of the ring where Maven is. Maven blind taggs himself in as Storm and Matt go flying out of the ring. Harris goes for the clothesline on Lethal, but he catches it and hits the lethal combitnation. Harris rolls out of the ring near Storm and Matt. Matt and storm start brawling as Harris gets to his feet. Jeff Hardy is seen on the turnbuckle with his back turned to Harris, Storm, and Matt.

King: What is Jeff Thinking?

Coach: Oh no.

Jeff Hits the whisper in the wind on Harris, Storm, and Matt. Maven enters the ring and kicks Lethal low. Maven hits a swinging neckbreaker. Cover 1...2... kickout! Maven climbs to the top for a crossbody. Lethal catches Maven in the gut with a dropkick. Maven gets up slowly and Lethal carries him to the turnbuckle and lifts him up. Lethal ducks a heymaker from Maven and locks on for the lethal combination. Lethal doesn't hit the knee back breaker but his the other half off the turnbuckle. Cover 1...2...3!

Result - The Hardys and Lethal win by pinfall!

JS: Wow what a match!

Coach: Got to hand it to all 6 competitors.


(Camera Show Todd Grishom)

TG: I'm standing here with PWF World Champion RVD!

RVD shows on the screen to a roar of cheers.

TG: So RVD next week you'll defend your PWF title.

RVD: Yeah I will.

TG: Do you know who your facing?

RVD: Well no TJ hasn't tolded me. It won't matter cuase RVD is worth more money here. And by beating who ever it is RVD is going to be worth more money..........

John Morrison enters the screen to a mix reaction.

Morrison: Hello champ your looking at PWF's new World Chmapion Morrison Next Week, I'm your opponent!

RVD: Really? Well we'll see next week.

Morrison: Have a nice day, "Champ"

Morrison looks at the belt and walks off.

(Camera Cuts to the ring)

King: What a main event for next week.

Petey Williams makes his way down the ramp.

Nunzio follows down the ramp to a mix reaction.

Tajiri makes his way down the ramp to the crowd chanting "WELCOME BACK!"

Match #3
Triple Threat Match
Nunzio vs. Williams vs. Tajiri

Tajiri and Nunzio get closer to Petey. Out of no where Nunzio gets buzzawed in the face by Tajiri, Nunzio rolls out of the ring. Tajiri ducks a clothesline by Petey and hits a few quick kicks to the sides and follows with a straight kick in the face. Cover 1... kickout! Tajiri sizes Petey up for a buzzaw kick early, but Petey ducks and rolls up Tajiri, 1...2... kickout! Petey gets up first and dropkicks Tajiri in the face. Tajiri rolls out of the ring to Nunzio. Petey sees this and goes across the ropes for a suicide dive and hits it on Nunzio and Tajiri. Nunzio gets to his feet, but Petey is waiting for him. Petey smashes Nunzio's face agaisnt the steel pole. Nunzio gets thrown in the ring. Petey goes to enter, but is kicked in the bakc of the head by Tajiri. Tajiri jumps on the apron and Nunzio dropkicks Tajiri in the face. Nunzio waits for Petey to get in the ring, once he does Nunzio drop kicks him right in the face. Cover 1...2... kickout!

JS: After getting knocked out early in the match Nunzio gets the advantage.

Nunzio climbs to the top for the Sicilian slice on Petey. Petey moves out of the way and Nunzio lands on his ass, hard. Petey goes across the ropes and hits a dropkick right in the face of Nunzio. Cover 1...2... kickout! Petey picks Nunzio up for the Canadian Destroyer, but when he tuants this he is roundhouse kicked in the chops by Tajiri. Petey falls back sitting, Nunzio als falls back sitting. Tajiri hits Nunzio with the Bazzaw kick in the face. Then Tajiri goes to hit the Bazzaw kick on Petey, but he ducks. Petey comes back with a ddt. Cover 1...2... kickout! Petey picks Tajiri up for the canadian destroyer, but Tajiri ducks down and hits Petey with the low blow. Petey falls on his knees and Tajiri sizes him up for the Buzzaw kick and nails it! Tajiri goes for the cover, but out of no where Tajiri is rolled up by Nunzio, 1...2...3!

Result - Nunzio wins by pinfall

King: Wow Nunzio rolls up Tajiri.

Coach: Aww come on Tajiri had the win.

JS: Nunzio rolling Tajiri up for the pin in this great mathc, good job Nunzio!


(Cody Rhodes is seen in the ring when the camera comes back)

King: Here we go!

JS: Our Main Event!

Coach: It's going to be great!

Shelton Benjammin comes out to a good large reaction.

Main Event
Junior World Title match
Cody Rhodes (C) vs. Shelton

They circle. Cody and Shleton lock up and Cody applies the headlock. Shelton tries to throw him off, but Cody slides down and ground Shelton and still have the headlock. Shelton stands up and lifts Cody up for the back suplex. Cody kicks his legs and falls foward on his feet with the headlock and head and arm takeovers him to the ground. Cody stills has the Headlock and The ref checks to see if Shelton's shoulders touch the ground. It does, cover 1...2... kickout! Shelton begins to stand up, and does. He throws Cody off, Cody goes across the ropes and goes back to Shelton, who grabs his him by the hair and throws him out of the ring, Cody lands on the apron. Shleton turns and notices this so he hits Cody in the face and off the ramp with a super kick. The ref leaves the ring to check on Cody.

JS: What a shot!

Coach: Yeah........

Cody manages to get to the ring. Shelton puts him in Powerbomb position and power bombs him into the turnbuckle. Cody falls foward to Shelton who hits a back flip on Cody. Cody lands hard on the canvas. Cover 1...2... kickout! Shelton lifts Cody up, Cody kicks him in the mid section and hits a snap suplex, cover 1...2... kickout! Cody gets to his feet. He picks Shelton up and puts him for a ddt, but Shelton grabs the arm of Cody and turn out of the DDT position and grabs him for the T-Bone and nails it! Cover 1...2... kickout! Shelton looks at the ref in disbelief. He picks Shelton up and Cody headbutts him! Cody hits a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex! Cover 1...2... kcikout! Cody gets up and looks at the ref in disbelief. He turns to Shelton who super kicks him in the face. Cover 1...2... kcikout! Shelton starts a screaming fight with the ref. Cody tries to use the turnbuckle to get up.

JS: Don't take your eyes off of Cody.

Shelton sees a glance of Cody on the turnbuckle and goes for a Stinger splash, but Cody moves out of the way and Shelton smashes agaisnt the turnbuckle. Shelton staggers to Cody who takes his head and hits a perfect DDT, cover 1...2... kickout! Cody closes his eyes to hope that he got the pin and the ref is really holding tree fingers up, Nope, he is holding two fingers up and Cody can't believe it. Cody lifts Shelton up and hits a great dropkick in the chops. Cody scales the top rope. Shelton gets to his feet, and Cody goes for a crossbody on Shelton. Shleton shockenly catches him! Shelton throws Cody in the air and Cody lands on his feet, but in the clutches of Shelton and he hits another T-Bone Suplex! Cover 1...2... kickout!

Coach: Are you kidding me?

Shelton's face shows the emotion that is in him. Shelton lifts Cody up. Cody pushes him away and dropkicks him in the face. Cody lifts Shelton up again and hits a Nearly Perfect DDT! Cover 1...2... kickout! Cody lifts Shelton up for another ddt, but Shelton gets his head free and shoves Cody. Cody gets shoved into the corner, and as soon as possible he is hit with the Stinger Splash! Cody staggers fowards to Shelton who hits the Straight to Hell! Cover 1...2...3!

Result - Shelton wins the Junior World title by pinfall!

Coach: Shelton won!

JS: What a battle!

King: Got to hand it to Cody, one hell of a try but Shelton wins!

PWF Fades past the screen as the show is over!​

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: RVD vs. Jimmy Rave but the Main Event is also good.

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Morrison/RVD, good to see Morrison as a main eventer.

Worst Promo: Shelton/Cody, I didn't get to it. Imo, it's not a great promo to hype a title match esp. it's a main event.

Additional Feedbacks: Good to see another booker back, and you've really improved since you started here. There's nothing to say in your first show but the promos, I think you should try to work more and get improve in your promos. Good Job so far, I am checking out the next show.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
BM:RVD/Rave, i really enjoyed this match and would rather have this as the main event. 6 Man tag cam close for me.
WM: Petey/Nunzio/tajiri. Nothing wrong with this i just thought it was to short for a triple threat.
BP: Both because they are at the same standard.
AC: I think maybe the show could do with another promo or two, but Matches are of a good standard. Looking forward to working with you on WWE: Trio Brand Wars

Evil Austin

so what are you continuing with this because it looks alright and i want to know because you are also doing the tri branded btb as far as i can recall....


I'm still doing this, but I might take it down to 1 hour shows.


PWF Weekend Bash - Exclusively on

The Weekend bash theme song hits as the show begins.

Coach: Welcome to the Weekend Bash!

TG: Yeah we are your commentating team of the weekend bash, The Coach and me Todd Grishom, Now! Let's get to the action.

James Curtis comes to the ring to a smattering of applause.

He is followed by Drew McIntyre who gets a mix reaction.

Coach: Look at these two youngsters.

TG: Untapped Potential and they have a chance to get noticed in this match.

Maven makes his way down the ramp to an ok appluase.

Coach: Maven a guy who held the WWE Hardcore title three times.

TG: Well to be honest there was nothing Hardcore about Maven, but he is still a great wrestler.

Randy Orton makes his way down the ramp with booes.

TG: Oh man Randy Orton.

Coach: Randy always is a world title contender and he'll put himself in the hunt with this match.

TG: That's if he wins.

Coach: Yeah yeah yeah.......

Match #1
Fatal Four Way Match
Orton vs. Maven vs. Curtis vs. Drew McIntyre

As the bell rings, all four competetors start to move around, but still stay a number of feet away from their opponents. Finally Drew, Maven, and Curtis start to close on Orton. When Drew gets to an arm's reach of Curtis, he turns and starts hammering Curtis. Maven takes a glance to curtis and Drew, bad mistake. Orton hits a european uppercut on Maven and Maven fall on the ground. Orton starts walking around Maven stomping on every limb he has. Finally Orton hits a knee on the face of Maven. While this is happening, Curtis gets the advantage on Drew and hits quick jabs and a knife edge chop. He back Drew into the corner and Irish whips him into another corner. Curtis charges and Drew lifts a boot up and it smacks Curtis in the face. Curtis staggers back a bit and Drew goes for a clothesline. Orton notices this and sizes Curtis and Drew up. Curtis catches the clothesline and tries for a backslide. Orton walks over to Curtis and Drew trying to turn the other over for a backslide pin. He connects both of them in the face with a drop kick.

Coach: Wow Taking two out with one move, impressive.

Curtis falls out of the ring and Drew falls near the apron. Orton turns to Maven who is standing up and connects Orton in the face with alot of forearm shots. He backs Orton in the corner and Maven starts hitting shoulder trusts on him. Maven then lifts him on the turnbuckle. He climbs for a superplex, but Orton pokes him in the eyes and Maven falls off the turnbuckle and on his ass. Orton stands on the turnbuckle and goes for an elbow drop, but Maven rolls out of the way. Orton hits the canvas hard and gets up slowly. When he gets up, Drew grabs him and hits A modified reverse ddt. Cover 1...2... kickout! Orton rolls out of the ring. Drew lifts Maven up and goes for a ddt, but he reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex. Cover 1...2... out of nowhere curtis breaks it up with an axe handle drop. Curtis starts hammering the down Drew. Maven grabs Curtis and turns him around. Maven kicks him in the mid section and goes for a Modified STO, but Drew dropkick Maven in the face. Drew gets up to Curtis who puts an armbar on Drew and hits him with Jeff Jarret's The Stroke!

Coach: Wow What a move!

TG: Looks like Curtis might get a big win!

Orton enters the ring and goes to RKO Curtis, but Curtis pushes him off and Maven waits for Orton. Once Orton gets to Maven, Maven goes for a clothesline, but Orton ducks it. Orton gets behind Maven and applies a sleeper. He brings him to the middle of the ring. Curtis climbs the top rope. Orton throws Maven down, and Maven jumps up to his feet and charges after Orton, big mistake. RKO by Orton on Maven. Then Orton dares Curtis to jump. Just then Orton is spun around from Drew and Orton hits a RKO quick as possible. Once Orton gets up he looks down on Drew. Just Then Curtis jumps off the turnbuckle after Orton. Orton expected this and jumps in the air with perfect timing and grabs Curtis's head. RKO by Orton! The Crowd are on their feet appluading Orton for this series of RKOs. Cover 1...2...3!

Result - Orton wins by Pinfall!

TG: Oh My God!

Coach: Three RKOs in a row!

TG: Randy could very well be a champion of PWF soon.


Coach: We Are Back and we are going to see some more action!

Kofi Kingston comes out to large cheers of the crowd.

TG: PWF Newest signing in Kofi Kingston.

Coach: Let's see how he does it. This is our Main Event.

Elijah Burke comes out with a cocky aditude. He gets a mix reaction, but there are more booes then cheers.

Main Event
Singles Match
Kofi Kingston vs. Elijah Burke

Kofi shows that weird fighting stance and smiles. Burke looks at him with a weird look. They lock up and Burke applies an armbar. Kofi reverses that into a quick fireman's carry and pins him quick, 1...2... kickout! Burke gets up with Kofi. Burke goes for a punch, but Kofi catches and puts a quick armbar on so quick that Burke falls foward in a front flip and Kofi hits a standing Moonsualt. Cover 1...2... kickout! Burke sits up and Kofi applies an armbar and wrenches it. Burke gets behind Kofi and picks him up for a back suplex. Kofi flips behind him and goes for a backsuplex too. Burke rapes his arm around Kofi's head and brings his entire body weight foward making Burke's feet touch the ground. Immediatly and without warning, Burke headlock takeovers Kofi to the ground and locks a Headlock on Kofi. The ref checks to see if Kofi's feet touch the canvas for a pin and it does soon enough and the ref counts for a pin, 1...2... Kofi gets his left shoulder off the ground. Kofi stands up straight from the rush of the crowd and throws Burke off. Burke rebounds off the ropes and goes back to Kofi. Burke ducks a clothesline and goes across the ropes. He comes back to Kofi hitting his Jamaican Buzzaw! Cover 1...2... kickout!

Coach: How Did Burke kick out?

TG: Pure instinct.

Kofi looks at The Ref and he says 2. Kofi smiles and says "He's going to be a good challenge." He lifts Burke up. When Burke gets to a knee he punches Kofi in the gut and hits an uppercut. Both to the refs disliking. Burke doesn't care though and he pins Kofi. 1...2... kickout! Burke pciks Kofi up and irish whips him. Kofi ducks a clothesline from Burke and rebounds off the top rope for a flying forearm in the face of Burke. Cover 1...2... kickout! Kofi picks Burke up and Irish whips him. Burke goes across the ropes and Kofi ducks for a flapjack, but Burke stops and punt kick Kofi right in the chops. Kofi stands straight up holding his chest and Burke hits a STO. Cover 1...2... kickout! Burke pciks Kofi up and puts him in position for a ddt. Kofi reverses it into an armbar. Burke elbows Kofi in the back of the head and headbutts him in the back of the head. Burke turns to Kofi, who starts holding his face. Kofi looks angry. Burke goes across the ropes for a clothesline, but Kofi reverses it into a flapjack.

Coach: The Rush from the fans is running Kofi!

TG: The expression on his face changed. Now the complextion of the match will.

Kofi goes across the ropes. "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" goes Kofi and he drops both legs across the chest of Burke. Kofi starts signaling for the Jamaican Buzzaw. Burke gets up and Kofi goes for it. Burke ducks the kick and Kofi falls infront of Burke on his face basicly. Burke acting quick grabs Kofi and hits the Elijah Exprience! Cover 1...2... kickout! Burke is shocked and is in disbelief. He looks at the ref and asks for it to be 3. The ref says it was 2 you didn't win it yet. Burke gets mad and lifts Kofi up. He irish whips Kofi into the corner. Burke signals for the Elijah Express and charges for it. He leaves off his feet and Kofi moves out of the way. Burke bounces off the turnbuckle. Burke lands on his ass and Kofi goes across the ropes. Kofi stops himself at the sitting Burke. Kofi kicks Burke in the chops and he lays falt on the canvas. "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" goes Kofi and he lays his two legs across the chest of Burke. Kofi signals for the Jamaican Buzzaw and goes for it again when Burke stands up. Burke ducks it again and When Kofi falls down, Burke grabs the tights and the head of Kofi and drives him shoulder first into the Turnbuckle Ring Post.

TG: Burke got the advantage back.

Coach: This is just going back and forth, back and forth.

TG: Yeah but Burke might change that.

Burke goes for the Elijah Express, once Kofi got up on the turnbuckle. Burke charges and is caught in the face with the Jamaican Buzzaw! Cover 1...2... kickout! Kofi looks at the ref shocked. That's a first. Kofi lifts Burke up and irish whips him. Burke catches the clothesline and goes for the Elijah Exprience. Kofi reverses it into a white russian leg sweep. Kofi climbs the top rope. He wait for Burke. Burke gets up and sees Kofi waiting at the corner of his eye. So, Kofi didn't notice this. Burke runs towards the ropes and Kofi is crotched on the turnbuckle. Burke runs over to Kofi and punches him sqaure in the face. Kofi falls on the ground sitting agaisnt the turnbuckle. Burke goes to the other side of the ring for the Elijah Express. Kofi gets up and Burke charges for it, for a third time. He nails it! Cover 1...2... kickout!

Coach: How the holy hell did he kick out!!????

Burke pciks Kofi up. Burke goes for the Elijah Exprience, but Kofi elbows Burke in the face. Burke staggers back, letting go of Kofi. Big Mistake. Kofi who is standing next to Burke with a few feet apart hits the Jamaican Buzzaw! Cover 1...2...3!

Result - Kofi Wins By Pinfall!

TG: No way........

Coach: You got to be kidding me......

TG: One of the greatest matches i've seen.

Coach: You said it there.

Kofi grabs the mic

Kofi: Kofi Kingston is here in PWF!

Fans Cheer

Kofi: And PWF has a little trouble in paradise.

Crowd goes still

Kofi: So expect Kofi to stay here in PWF to fix this little trouble in paradise. "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Kofi's music hits and his arms are raised to the crowds cheers.

PWF Fades across the screen and the show is over!​

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
BM - Kofi Kingston vs. Elijah Burke, good to see two black men main event a show, lol. Plus was written very well.

BP - I guess Kofi at the end, even though that was the only one.

WP - N/A

WM - N/A all were very good, even though it was two, lol.

AC - For two matches, it was still pretty good. Keep it up. Check out SCW


PWF Thursday Night Thunder!

PWF music video hits and the pyro blazes as the show begins.

Pyro Pyro

JS: Welcome yo PWF!

King: And What a show we got for you today.

Coach: Yeah we could see a new PWF Champion and we are going to see a new #1 Contender for that belt.

JS: And some good old wrestling to begin the show off.

James Curtis enters the ring and gets a mix reaction.

Drew McIntyre comes out to a mix reaction also.

Kofi Kingston's music hits he comes out in a burst of energy and the crowd is loving it.

JS: All three of these men were impressive at the weekend bash.

Coach: Speaking off that. Check it this weekend on to see the lightweight title defended!

Match #1
Triple Threat Match
Kofi Kingston vs. James Curtis vs. Drew McIntyre

Kofi, smiling, looks to lock up with James. They do and James apllies and arm bar. Just then Kofi is kicked straight in the gut from Drew. James lets go of Kofi, and Kofi falls down. Just then Drew starts nailing James with quick lefts and rights. He backs James up to the ropes and Drew irish whips him. James rebounds off the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Drew, and comes back. James catches a clothesline from Drew and goes behind him and hits a White Russian Leg Sweep! Cover 1...2... kickout! James gets up and just then Kofi hops over him and locks his arms around the waist of James. German Suplex from Kofi, with a bridge. Cover 1...2... kickout! Kofi gets up and catches a heymaker punch from Drew. He fireman carries him to the ground and quickly covers him. 1...2... kickout! Drew gets up, but Kofi is already up waiting for him. Kofi irish whips Drew. Just then James grabs the arms of Kofi and puts him in a Full Nelson lock. Drew rebounds off the ropes and comes back to Kofi and hits a flying forearm in the gut of Kofi. Then James hits a Full Nelson Suplex and covers him. 1...2... Drew breaks it up with a double axe handle.

JS: Good, near, close falls.

Coach: Yeah, but it seems they are now focusing on Kofi.

King: Yeah and that isn't good.

Drew and James get into each other's face and start exchanging words. They stop when they noticed Kofi getting up. Drew charges Kofi, as Kofi hits a unique leg sweep knocking Drew on his back. Kofi gets up to James charging him and, Kofi picks James up for a flap jack and James lands, gut across Drew. Kofi pushes James off and covers Drew. 1...2... kickout! Kofi then goes across the ropes to Drew. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" goes Kofi and he is about to jump when he is kicked in the face from James. Cover 1...2... kickout! James then apllies a chin lock and wrenches it. Kofi starts to fade, when Drew dropkicks the temple of James. Kofi gets up to Drew who hits a very unique Modified STO. Cover 1...2... kickout! Kofi rolls out of the ring and Drew turns his attention to James.

JS: They got Kofi out of there.

Coach: But Drew has the upper hand, almost knocking James Curtis out.

Drew lifts James up and goes for a ddt, but James lifts Drew up, off his feet and throws Drew behind him. Drew lands flat on his back, and James goes across the ropes and hits a running leg drop. Cover 1...2... kickout! James gets up and picks Drew up. James apllies a Full Nelson lock. Drew fights for a little bit, but tilts his head down and seems to be out of it. Just when the ref goes to check on Drew, Kofi hits James straight in the face, cuase Drew's head is bent down exposing James' face, with the Jamaican Buzzaw. James lets go of Drew on impact and Drew falls foward and James falls backwards. James is out and Kofi goes across the ropes to Drew. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" goes Kofi and he leys both legs across the chest and gut of Drew. Kofi signals for the Jamaican Buzzaw on Drew. Drew gets up and Kofi goes for it. Drew ducks it and Kofi almost falls face first on the canvas. Drew signals for a modified STO, and he nails it on Kofi! Cover 1...2... kickout!

JS: Will this match ever end?

Drew sizes James up for the modified STO, right when James gets up Drew is dropkicked in the back, from Kofi. Drew falls foward making him and James bumb heads. James falls out of the ring and Drew falls down in the ring. Drew gets up using the ropes and turns around to Kofi, who hits him with the Jamaican Buzzaw! Cover 1...2...3!

Result - Kofi wins by pinfall!

JS: Kofi wins!

Coach: What a match.

The king enters the ring with the mic

King: I am standing here with PWF's newest and brightest Star Kofi Kingston!

Fans Cheer

King: So what can we expect from you?

Kofi: You see. PWF is like Paradise! And were there is trouble, you can expect Kofi to be there. Boom! Boom! Boo.......

Randy Orton's music hits and he comes down the ramp to large booes, Randy's arragant self is holding a mic in his hands.

Randy: I'm am sicken tired of everyone talking about you Kofi...... When they should be talking about me! RANDY.... ORTON! The Next PWF Champion!

Fans boo

Randy: So.... kid...... go back to Jamaica where you belong. Because you are way over your head here!

Fans boo and start chanting "Fuck off Randy! Fuck Off!"

Kofi: It seems we got a little trouble in paradise. So Randy how about we face off in a match right now!

Fans cheer

Randy: I would love to, but you see..... I'm in the battle royal for #1 Contendership of the PWF World Title. Why not next week?

Kofi: Yeah next week were I can show you, what I do when there's trouble in paradise. Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fans cheer

Randy's music hits and the camera fades into Commercial!


(Camera comes back to the ring)

PWF Champion, RVD, comes down the ramp to large cheers. He hoins Joey, King, and Coach at commentary.

JS: Yo champ.

RVD: Yo indeed. This is going to be fun.

Coach: So RVD, are you nervous about Morrison tonight?

RVD: No It's just another challenge for to make RVD a star.

King: Well, if you beat Morrison let's see who you'll be facing in two weeks at PWF's first PPV, War Zone!

Cody Rhodes enters the ring.

Jim duggen enters the ring.

Super Crazy enters the ring.

Paul Burchill enters the ring.

Jimmy Rave enters the ring.

Paul London enters the ring.

Brian Kendrick enters the ring.

CM Punk enters the ring.

Kennedy enters the ring.

Y2J enters the ring.

Maven enters the ring.

Randy Orton enters the ring.

Match #2
Over the top rope Battle Royal for #1 Contendership for PWF World Title
Randy vs. Maven vs. Y2J vs. Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Paul London vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Paul Burchill vs. Super Crazy vs. Jim Duggen vs. Cody Rhodes

The bell rings and Randy, without warning, RKOs Maven. Everyone starts brawling. Super Crazy gets thrown over the top by Burchill, but he skins the cat and turns around to Jimmy who dropkicks him out of the ring.

Super Crazy is Eliminated!

RVD: Crazy is gone and this looks like a battle right now.

Jimmy turns to Burchill who attack him. Randy picks Maven up and irish whips him across the ropes. Maven comes back to Randy who knocks him down with a forearm shot. Punk and Kennedy start brawling. London and Brian are double teaming Jim. Y2J backed Cody into a corner. London climbs to the top. Y2J notices this and charges to knock London off. London hops over Y2J and Y2J turns around to Brian who dropkicks him. Y2J falls on the turnbuckle, and London hits a Turnbuckle dropkick. The impact almost knocks Y2J over the ropes. Y2J falls foward to London and Brian who start kicking him in the shins. Then they go to throws Y2J over the top rope, but Y2J lands on the apron and gets the fuck away when he sees a charging Jim Duggen double clotheslining London and Brian out of the ring. The momentum force Jim over the top rope also.

Jim Duggen, Brian Kendrick, and Paul London are eliminated!

JS: Wow three all at once.

RVD: We have eight left.

Coach: These guys are hungry for a shot.

King: Let us see how hungry they are.

Burchill lifts Jimmy up in a body press position and throws him on the ropes. Jimmy slingshots off the ropes on his ass. Burchill turns around to Punk who hits him with quick kicks. Finally puck slaps Burchill in the face once, with both hands and hits a spinning back slap, follow by a round house kick in the temple that knocks Burchill out of the ring, but he lands on the apron and is able to stay there. Punk turns to Jimmy and kicks him in the face. Punk and Kennedy starts trading punches. Randy has Maven in a chin lock, and he lets go, when Randy sees Cody. They start exchanging punches and Randy seems to get the advantage. Burchill gets on the apron. Y2J enters the ring and jumps off the ropes next to Burchill and comes back to Burchill and dropkicks him for the Triangle dropkick. Burchill, of course, falls out off the apron.

Burchill is eliminated!

Y2J gets up to Jimmy who hits him with a fisherman's suplex. Of course pinning doesn't mean shit in this match, so Jimmy lets go of Y2J on impact. Jimmy gets up to Punk, who knocked Kennedy down with a super kick. Punk picks Jimmy up and hits the GTS! Jimmy staggers back and threw the middle ropes. No elimination. Maven rolls on the apron and walks over to the turnbuckle. Randy hits Cody with the RKO! Maven climbs the top rope. Randy punches Maven in the face, and, amazingly, hits a dropkick in Maven face. Maven goes flying out of the ring.

Maven is eliminated!

JS: Randy is looking good.

RVD: Yeah he might just end up facing me in War Zone.

Coach: Now let's not get to ahead, you are facing Morrison for that title champ tonight.

CM Punk grabs Y2J and lifts him up for the GTS. Y2J floats over and turns Punk around. Punk grabs a punch, from Y2J and hits a Sambo Slam and apllies the Andaconda Vise. He wrenches it and wrenches it even though Y2J keeps tapping. It doesn't matter. Kennedy out of nowhere kicks Punk in the face. Punk lets go of Y2J. Kennedy picks Punk up and goes for the Mic Check. He nails it! Kennedy gets up and lifts Y2J up for a Mic Check and nails it! Kennedy grabs Punk up and goes to push him over the top rope. Punk somehow regains, focus, and holds the ropes. Y2J starts to get up slowly and maeks it to his feet. Y2J notices Punk and Kennedy. Y2J runs over to Punk and Kennedy and knocks both of them over the top rope.

Kennedy and Punk are eliminated!

Y2J turns around and is hit with the RKO by Randy! Jimmy enters the ring. Remember he was thrown inbetween the ropes. Jimmy has armed himself with a chair and smacks it in the face of Randy. Jimmy drops the chair and goes over to Cody. Jimmy goes for a suplex, but Cody floats over and hits a perfect DDT! Cody, then drags Jimmy's limb body to the turnbuckle and goes to push him over the top rope and into the mat out of the ring. Cody is bent down, with Jimmy's sitting on him, trying to push him up and over the ropes. They try and try for a minute, until Randy gains focus and gets up. Randy punt kicks Cody in the face and Cody gets knocked off his feet, throwing Jimmy out of the ring and Cody follows on the other end.

Cody and Jimmy are eliminated!

RVD: Two left.

King: You were right, champ, it is a battle.

Coach: And we are about to see who is hungry enough.


We come back to Randy who has Y2J in a headlock. Y2J fades and the crowd chants "Y2J! Y2J!" Y2J starts to feel this rush, he gets to his feet and elbows Randy in the gut and turns the headlock into an armbar. Y2J picks him up and kicks him in the gut, then he goes for the codebreaker, but Randy keeps ahold of the ropes and Y2J falls on the ground with a loud thud. Randy walks over to the chair and picks it up. Randy sizes Y2J up and when Y2J gets up, Randy smacks him with the chair and Y2J goes flying over the top rope and onto the mat.

Result - Y2J is eliminated. Randy Orton wins and is #1 Contender for the PWF World Title!

JS: He said he would become the champion. It looks like he is closer to that goal.

Coach: Yeah........

RVD stands up and starts clapping for Randy who starts staring a hole threw him.

(Camera cuts backstage to Todd Grishom)

TG: I am standing here with PWF lightweight champion, Jay Lethal!

Lethal shows up on the screen to a good amounts of cheers.

JL: Yo.....

TG: So, Lethal you are defending your title at the weekend bash. Your going to be the first champion defending your title at the weekend bash.

JL: So what's your point?

TG: Well. You don't know who you are facing, so are you worried?

JL: Well...........

Unknown: You do now!

On The other side of Todd, Petey Williams shows up.

JL: Well look who it is.....

Fans give a mix reaction to Petey.

PW: A little warning to you Lethal. Just because we are good friends from TNA, doesn't mean I won't end you with the Canadian Destroyer and become the next PWF Light weight champion!

Petey leaves the screen and Lethal looks down at his belt.

JL: It's going to be a long weekend.......

Lethal leaves the screen and the screen fades into Commerical.


(Camera comes back to the ring)

Randy Orton's music hits and he walks down the ramp to the announcer's table and grabs a chair and sits down to watch this.

JS: Well's he not commentating, he's scouting.

John Morrison comes out with his cocky additude.

King: Let's see if Morrison can win the title.

PWF World Champion, RVD, makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.

JS: Our champ who saw Randy Orton win the #1 contendership spot. Wonder what's going threw him mind....?

Main Event
PWF world title match
RVD (C) vs. John Morrison

They go to lock up, and Morrison apllies a sleeper early in the match. RVD elbows Morrison in the gut and Morrison let's go of RVD. Morrison bends down and RVD punt kicks his head. RVD climbs to the top for a frogsplash, early, but stops when Morrison gets up. RVD then jumps for a senton and rolls up to his feet and charges Morrison. Morrison, though, kicks RVD in the face and goes for the cover. 1...2... kickout! Morrison puts RVD in a single leg crab. RVD starts screaming in pain. He makes it to the ropes just 30 seconds later. The ref starts the count, 1...2...3...4... Morrison lets go and stands to the side of RVD. He hits a beautiful Standing Moonsualt. Cover 1...2... kickout! Morrison lifts RVD up and goes to smash his head on the turnbuckle. RVD puts the brakes on and kicks Morrison right in the teeth. Morrison falls like a rock, and RVD hits a split leg moonsualt. Cover 1...2... kickout!

JS: This is looking like athletic one up manships by these two.

King: Yeah Morrison hits a standing moonsualt. RVD hits a split leg moonsualt.

RVD lifts Morrison up. Morrison pokes him in the eyes and hits a ddt. Morrison then goes to the closest turnbuckle and, amazingly, hits a Split leg corkscrew moonsualt! Cover 1...2... kickout! Morrison goes across the ropes. RVD rolls towards Morrison. And Morrison hops over him. RVD gets to his feet, Morrison rebounds off the top rope and goes back to RVD, who monkey flips him on his ass. RVD then, without warning, goes across the ropes and hits the Rolling Thunder! Cover 1...2... kickout!

Coach: What an athletic match!

Morrison rolls under the ring and near Randy Orton. RVD gets on the apron and lunges himself on Morrison, but Morrison ducks and RVD lands on Randy Orton knocking him off his chair and nearly knocking RVD and Randy out. Randy gets a far look on his face. Morrison goes over to RVD and lifts him up. RVD pushes Morrison away and hits him with a spinning heel kick. RVD then lifts Morrison's limb body and throws him in the ring. The ref checks on Morrison. RVD is about to climbs in the ring, when Randy pulls him down and hits the RKO on RVD and on the mat.

JS: What the hell?

Coach: RVD did land on Randy.

King: But it was an accident.

JS: That wasn't!

Randy throws RVD in the ring. Morrison gets up and goes for the cover. 1...2... kickout! Morrison looks at the ref in disbelief. The ref tells him "2" Morrison gets fed up with the ref and shoves him. The ref shoves back, not taking any crap from Morrison. RVD regains focus and rolls up Morrison. 1...2... kickout! Morrison and RVD gets up quickly. RVD though hits Morrison with a beautiful Spinning Heel kick. RVD then scales the top rope, far away from Randy. "R-V-D!" goes RVD and he goes for the Five Star Frogsplash, but misses it! Morrison gets to his feet and goes for the Corkscrew Neckbreaker, but RVD grabs Morrison's hand and gets behind him and rolls him up. 1...2...3!

Result - RVD wins and retain title!

JS: RVD wins!

Coach: What a match.

RVD is handed the title and Morrison is on all fours sobbing, because he lost. Just then Morrison is punt kicked in the temple by Randy Orton and RVD goes to smash Randy with the title, but Randy ducks and hits the RKO!

King: Randy just laid them both out!

Randy holds the title in the air.

JS: Could Randy by the next PWF World Champion?

PWF Fades Across The Screen and the show is over!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: RVD/Morrison

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Kofi/Orton, this two could have a good match.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Great show, Orton/RVD is an enjoying feud and this is going to be interesting with the PWF title on it. I'll try to review your next show, sorry for the delay. Check out HEW if you want, Part 1 of Full Throttle is up.


PWF Weekend Bash

The Weekend bash theme song hits as the show begins

King: Welcome to the Weekend bash we are your announcing team. King and Joey Styles.

JS: What a show it will be.

King: Yeah it will be. For the first time in PWF history, a title will be defened on The Weekend Bash.

JS: That will be the lightweight title.

King: Yeah Petey Williams vs. Jay Lethal. And look who is in the ring.

The Coach is standing in the ring with some 5 foot 8 inch guy who looks to be about 185 pounds.

Coach: Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am the coach and standing next to me is......... Wait..... who are you?

Unknown: I am Tim Brass.

Coach: Tim brass, kinda has a ring to it. The fans would like to know some stuff about you.

TB: Well, I'm 5 foot 8 inches. I weigh 176 pounds and this is my first professional match.

Coach: So... you have wrestle before?

TB: Yeah, in un profit indepentant companies.

Coach: Wait...... how old are you?

TB: I am 20 years old.

Coach: So..... I understand you begged TJ for a match.

TB: I wouldn't say begged, just asked. TJ knows me from his childhood. So he let me have a match.

Coach: Ok Ready for your match?

TB: Yes I am...

Coach: Bring him out. The PWF Junoir World Champion, Shelton Benjamin!

Coach leaves as Shelton comes down the ramp to a mix reaction.

Match #1
Non title
Shelton vs. Tim Brass.

The bell rings. Shelton goes to lock up with him, but stops. Shelton asks for a mic.

Shelton: Hold up..... I'm a fair man right?

Crowd give another mix reaction

Shelton: Why don't we make this for my PWF Junoir title?

Crowd cheers

Shelton: What do you say Tim?

Tim nods eagerly

Shelton: Ok restart that bell and this is a title match.

JS: Looks like Shelton and Lethal are defending their respective titles in one show.

King: Now that is making history. Both are the first to defend their respective titles at the weekend bash.

Match #1
PWF Junoir World Title Match
Shelton (C) vs. Tim Brass

Shelton hands the ref the title and he rings the bell. Shelton takes off his jacket with his back turned to Tim. The ref rings the bell, and out of nowhere, Tim rolls Shelton up with a School Boy! 1...2... kickout! Tim gets up quick to Shelton, who just super kicks him in the face. Tim looks into the camera with an away look. Shelton lifts him up and tries to regain his focus. When Tim gets his focus back, Shelton tells Tim to punch him in the face Tim raises his hand up and Shelton screams do it. Tim gives Shelton a heymaker. Shelton staggers back and turns to Tim. He tells Tim to punch him again. Tim goes for another heymaker, but Shelton catches the hand and grabs him for a T-Bone and nails it, with Shelton standing, he didn't go down or nothing, he just threw Tim with the T-Bone. Tim lands on the mat hard holding his lower back.

King: He made Shelton angry.

JS: Angry?! He almost stole the title, from right under his nose. Shelton is pissed.

Shelton lifts Tim up and goes for power bomb and lifts him up. He just throws him into the turnbuckle. Tim hits it with much force, and Shelton holds him against the turnbuckle. The ref starts the count, 1...2...3...4... Shelton sprints across the ropes, and hits a Stinger splash on Tim. Tim staggers forward and falls down like a rock. Shelton lifts him up and hits the Straight to Hell. Cover 1...2...3!

Result - Shelton retains from pinfall.

JS: Well Tim Brass isn't getting much love from the locker room......

King: No doubt about that. Shelton probaly made it a ttile match to give a reason for tearing Tim apart.


(Camera comes back to the ring)

Jim Duggen and Super Crazy comes out to a large reaction.

Paul London and Brian Kendrick come out.

JS: This is a match based on the first four eliminations at the battle royal. Where Super Crazy is Duggen's partner. Duggen eliminated himself plus London and Kendrick. Ence this match was made.

Match #2
Tag Match
Duggen and Crazy vs. Paul and Brian

Crazy and Brian start off. They lock up and Brian apllies a headlock. Crazy pushes him off and Brian rebounds off the ropes and coems back to Crazy who hits a hiptoss. Brian gets up and trips Crazy up. He goes for a quick pin, but Crazy throws him off immediatly. They get up and Crazy goes for a hip toss. Brian reverses with a hip toss, but Crazy lands on his feet and puts an arm lock on. Brian goes for an elbow, but Crazy ducks his head, and the elbow goes over it. Crazy then lifts his head up and catches Brian with a back suplex with a hammer lock thrown with it. Crazy goes for a standing, moonsualt, but Brian moves out of the way and Crazy lands on his feet. Brian gets up to look Crazy in the face. Stand off! Crowd starts clapping.

JS: Wow they went to fast for me.

King: No..... that isn't possible.

Crazy and Brian stare eachother in the face.Crazy turns to tuant to the crowd. He turns back to Brian who catches him with a drop toe hold and apllies an headlock. Crazy gets to his feet. Brian advances closer to Paul and he tags in. Paul hops the ropes and dropkicks the expose ribs of Crazy. Paul then goes for a ddt, but Crazy pushes him off. Paul rebounds off the top and shoulder blocks Crazy. Crazy falls flat on his back and Paul goes across the ropes. Crazy rolls towards Paul after he goes across the ropes and comes back. Paul jumps over and rebounds off the ropes, he comes back to a standing Crazy who hits a Hurricanrada with a cover, 1...2... kickout! Paul gets up as soon as Crazy and Paul goes for a hip toss, but Crazy puts the brake on and hits a STO. Crazy then gets up and walks over to tag Duggen in.

JS: Can he make it?

King: Well no one is stopping him so, yeah he can.

Crazy tags Duggen in and Paul tags Brian in. Duggen runs over and lifts a charging Brian on his shoulders. Paul gets up and charges Duggen. Duggen boots him in the face and hits a Samoan Drop on Brian. Cover 1...2... kickout! Duggen gets up to quick kicks from Paul chopping the bigger man down. Paul then hits an enzugiri on the chopped down Duggen. Paul then climbs to the top for a 450 splash, and nails it. Brian and Paul lifts Duggen up. Crazy dropkicks Paul. Brian can't lift Duggen up and let's go of him. He goes to Crazy who kicks him in the mid section and Power bombs him. Duggen gets up into a corner and gets in position for the 3 Point Stance Clothesline.Crazy gets on the apron. Brian and Paul gets up together, and gets Double 3 Point Stance Clotheslined from Duggen. Duggen walks over and tags Crazy in. Paul rolls out of the ring and Crazy scales the top and hits a Crazy Moonsualt on Brian. Cover 1...2...3!

Result - Duggen and Crazy win by pinfall!

JS: A good tag match.

King: And a good win in the tag rankings for Duggen and Crazy.


(Camera comes back to the Coach standing in the ring)

Coach: Hello I am your favorite the coach!

Crowd boos

Coach: To me the PWF Roster needs a little class, that is why the coach is becoming a wrestler. My debuts wrestling match in PWF will be on PWF Thursday Night Thunder.

JS: Are you kidding me?

King: Coach becoming a professional wrestler? (Luaghs)

Coach: And The Coach will be the irresistable force of the PWF!

Coach exits the ring and sits on the announcers table

Coach: Yo. I am here to commentate and scout my future competition.

King: Are you serious about going to the ring next Thursday?

Coach: Absolutely, and I got some back up too.

JS: Oh boy. I can't miss this for the world. Hope you don't die Coach.

PWF Lightweight champion, Jay Lethal comes out

Petey williams coems out and both of these people get good reactions

Main Event
PWF Lightweight title match
Jay Lethal (C) vs. Petey Williams

They circle up. Petey nor Lethal want to make a mistake. Petey goes for a lock up, but Lethal shoots in and grabs Petey's leg. He stands up with it and Petey tries to punch Lethal. Lethal stays behind arms reach of Petey. Petey misses those punches and gets pissed. He tries for an enzugiri, but Lethal ducks and Petey lands on the canvas. Lethal hops over and hits a standing moonsualt. Cover 1...2... kickout! Lethal then apllies a head lock. Petey gets up and headbutts Lethal. Lethal lets go and, without looking, Petey hits a dropkick and it hits Lethal right in the ribs. Lethal starts holding his ribs in pain as the ref checks on him. Petey unhooks the top turnbuckle, exposing the steel part of it. The ref asks Lethal if he wants to quit. Lethal says no. Petey goes across the ropes and baseball slides into the rips off Lethal. Lethal starts rolling around in pain. Petey goes to the top. Lethal stops moving and grabs his ribs again. Petey goes for a flipping Senton. He nails it. Cover 1...2... kickout!

JS: Lethal found his weakspot.

Coach: I'm lucky I have no weak spot.

King: Awww shut up coach.

Petey picks him up and goes for a suplex. Lethal floats over and hits a back cracker. Cover 1...2... kickout! Lethal sits him up and apllies a Octopus Stretch on the sitting Petey. Petey rolls over on top of Lethal for a pin. 1...2... kickout! Lethal lets go of him. Lethal picks him up and goes for a ddt, Petey though hits a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge and a pin. 1..2... kickout! Petey picks Lethal up and stands him up. Petey hits a jumping side kick to the ribs off Lethal. Lethal starts screaming in pain and the ref goes to check on him. Petey picks Lethal up. Lethal pokes Petey in the eyes and irish whips him to the exposed turnbuckle. Petey hits it and falls foward in pain. Lethal notices the expose steel.

Coach: He spot it.

King: And it seems he will use it.

Lethal lifts Petey up and puts Petey against the turnbuckle. Lethal goes on the apron and grabs both wings (arms) of Petey and pulls Petey's back against the exposed steel. Lethal then pushes Petey on the ground and scales the top rope. He goes fro a elbow drop, but Petey moves out of the way. Petey picks him up and puts him in position for the Canadian Destroyer. He signals and goes for it, but Lethal grabs the arm of Petey and turns it around to an arm bar and gets behind him. He spuns Petey aroudn and hits the Lethal Combination! Cover 1...2...3!

Result - Lethal retains from Pinfall!

Coach: What a match.

JS: And Lethal takes down this big challenge.

PWF Fades Across the screen and the show is over!​

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
St. Catharines, Ontario
BM: Duggen and Crazy vs. Paul and Brian
WM: None
BP: To be honest, neither were really "great", but it was a short show. Coach becoming a wrestler though, rofl.
WP: None.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Lethal vs Williams was the best out of the 3
WM - Brass vs Shelton
BP - I really don't know, they were decent at best.
WP - N/A
AC - That was an OK 3 match show, the matches improved as the show went along. There really weren't any promos or segments to put things over. I understand that it's like Heat, but it could be better. Your main show is pretty good, I'll check next week's show out when I have the time.

Part 2 of PRIDE will be up later today, check it out if you want.