Good interview, I suppose. It's kinda hard for me to really say I enjoyed an interview when everything said was something I already knew about Punk. Probably my fault for watching/reading so many Punk interviews in the past but I'm not really commenting here because of the interview. I'm just going to throw in my two cents on the Punk/Taker discussion.
It wasn't very good but it was certainly better than Cena/Rock. Mostly because of how meh it was (I don't care that they didn't make me believe Taker was losing, I have never once believed Taker was losing in any of the Mania matches of him that I saw). Really thought the match shitted on Punk's finishers, I remember Taker sitting up during the Anaconda Vise (which caused me to burst out laughing [which couldn't have been their intention]) and the fact that Taker just walked off the GTS immediately and hit Punk with Tombstone. Plus, the GTS to Tombstone counter was pretty sloppy from memory. Thought Rock/Cena was much worse though. It had a good amount of energy once it finally got going and it actually attempted to have progression in their match, a build (most didn't . . . and this match failed but I could tell they were actually trying). But they repeated spots way too much (that blow for blow spot was done three times, two is too much) and the mass-finisher fest felt like self-parody to me instead of a WWE Championship match (and what's suppose to be one of the most important ones of all-time).
It wasn't very good but it was certainly better than Cena/Rock. Mostly because of how meh it was (I don't care that they didn't make me believe Taker was losing, I have never once believed Taker was losing in any of the Mania matches of him that I saw). Really thought the match shitted on Punk's finishers, I remember Taker sitting up during the Anaconda Vise (which caused me to burst out laughing [which couldn't have been their intention]) and the fact that Taker just walked off the GTS immediately and hit Punk with Tombstone. Plus, the GTS to Tombstone counter was pretty sloppy from memory. Thought Rock/Cena was much worse though. It had a good amount of energy once it finally got going and it actually attempted to have progression in their match, a build (most didn't . . . and this match failed but I could tell they were actually trying). But they repeated spots way too much (that blow for blow spot was done three times, two is too much) and the mass-finisher fest felt like self-parody to me instead of a WWE Championship match (and what's suppose to be one of the most important ones of all-time).