Punk talks to SI about being pissed off and some other stuff

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Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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Good interview, I suppose. It's kinda hard for me to really say I enjoyed an interview when everything said was something I already knew about Punk. Probably my fault for watching/reading so many Punk interviews in the past but I'm not really commenting here because of the interview. I'm just going to throw in my two cents on the Punk/Taker discussion.

It wasn't very good but it was certainly better than Cena/Rock. Mostly because of how meh it was (I don't care that they didn't make me believe Taker was losing, I have never once believed Taker was losing in any of the Mania matches of him that I saw). Really thought the match shitted on Punk's finishers, I remember Taker sitting up during the Anaconda Vise (which caused me to burst out laughing [which couldn't have been their intention]) and the fact that Taker just walked off the GTS immediately and hit Punk with Tombstone. Plus, the GTS to Tombstone counter was pretty sloppy from memory. Thought Rock/Cena was much worse though. It had a good amount of energy once it finally got going and it actually attempted to have progression in their match, a build (most didn't . . . and this match failed but I could tell they were actually trying). But they repeated spots way too much (that blow for blow spot was done three times, two is too much) and the mass-finisher fest felt like self-parody to me instead of a WWE Championship match (and what's suppose to be one of the most important ones of all-time).

Lockard 23

The WWF/E Guru
Feb 10, 2012
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Union City, Tennessee
One of the things I love most about Punk is him speaking his mind and keeping it real, but some of what he says here is just silly. He should have main evented Wrestlemania 29 with Undertaker? That match wasn't main event quality. It wasn't the match that was drawing more people in than anything else so it shouldn't have headlined, simple as that (especially since we're talking about Wrestlemania here, not some random B PPV.) Maybe if it had something else going for it, like a decent build for starters, or the drama that Punk could actually break the streak, but it had neither. It was a good match, but that's simply not enough to close out the biggest show of the year.

His comments about how it would be unacceptable for Austin to wrestle anyone else than himself are also ridiculous. I'd rather see Austin/Lesnar personally and that would probably be more interesting considering Lesnar is the ultimate believable heel to go against Stone Cold. Punk is too beloved at the moment to really play the heel against Austin and I don't see him turning bad just for a one off match with Austin. Wouldn't feel right for a bunch of reasons, nor would a face/face feud. I'm fine with Austin never returning, personally. I don't really think he wants to anyway.

His comments on Reality TV are spot on, but to me, Reality TV is no different than any other programming on television. It presents itself as being authentic and 'real' by using people who aren't known actors playing the parts (since that's the genre of choice) but everyone knows it's just entertainment. What's funny is that's exactly how wresting used to be, and to this day, there's non-wrestling fans who still mock wrestling fans because they genuinely think we all still believe that wrestling is real on some level. (Not that I like reality TV, just saying.)


Sep 29, 2012
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Toledo, Ohio
Did that interview in character because he's been quoted several times saying that he was disappointed in his match with taker.


The Showoff
Feb 2, 2012
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Tbf... the point of this match...was to take it easy on Taker... the past 2 wrestlemania's with HHH were wars in themselves

This year, Punk deliberately took it easy and the result was a far fresher Taker than 2 years past.... he wrestled a bit more and allowed us to to see Shield break in half for free on Smackdown...I win...you win... and Michelle wins