Punk getting Punk'd?

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Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
It might just be me, but does it seem that WWE is going nowhere with CM Punk, right now?

At first, he had a few matches with Jericho in what everyone thought would turn into a fued over MiTB contract. But that never happened, and Punk ended up fueding with Kane against Miz and Morrison. And Miz/Morrison seem to have come out on top of this one, as well.

So what are they planning for Punk? apparently he's much better than what he is in WWE, and he has crowd support from his indy days. But why isn't he being put into a semi-mid card fued with a distinguished star? Are WWE struggling because he was their last minute winner of the MiTB contract?

Evil Austin

I think they have nothing to do with punk right now I mean look at these random matches I mean he is the Money In the Bank holder and he had a tag team title match last night at Judgment Day, I mean they have no use for him until either the WWE title feud is over between HHH and Randy which will end probably at Summerslam or the WHC title feud with Taker and Edge which will end probably ??? than they will make him cash it in and give him main event spot IMO,

Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I think they have nothing to do with punk right now I mean look at these random matches I mean he is the Money In the Bank holder and he had a tag team title match last night at Judgment Day, I mean they have no use for him until either the WWE title feud is over between HHH and Randy which will end probably at Summerslam or the WHC title feud with Taker and Edge which will end probably ??? than they will make him cash it in and give him main event spot IMO,


Yeh. Im sure WWE will just end the Randy/HHH or Taker/Edge fued at some point and say "Well by golly! Punk, you're turn!" Usually, and in this case especially, they need to build the superstar upto the ME status. you could not have Punk hand his contract in anytime soon, as it would be a waste, and a win would be rediculous in credibility in the title, the ex-title holder and Punk himself.

They need to build up someone to the ME status, put them in some bigger fueds against top guys and ex-champions, like Cena, JBL, Jericho, HBK, HHH, Orton etc. Only after coming out of a big fued with the win, and some big momentum can u push someone to a WHC/WWE Title win.

I'd actually like to see Punk lose his Title match with the MiTB. He's not really going to be ready until late this year, closer to the Rumble or even WM25. Maybe NYR/Armageddon if they push him harder as of late. But a lose, and THEN a win of the big one would be a great twist in the MiTB tradition. It would really shock everyone, and he could still win it a PPV later. It may even add more credibility to him, since Punk is still fairly new to the WWE. On top of this, it will make everyone doubt the following MiTB winners and their title shots.


Feb 25, 2008
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No 2 words on why Punk is getting buried...Triple H...

You mean 3 letters....H H H
Its no surprise he doesn't like Punk. But what I see to Punk's advantage is that the McMahons love him. I just hope he doesn't go to RAW. If you think about it his best path would be to SD! were there is no 'wrestling Nazi's' like on RAW and he can pretty much get to the top easiely, plus SD! is in a huge need of fresh Main Event stars. I also think Punk would work better with Edge if he was to cash in his briefcase against him. But I do think they are grooming him up for WM but they are doing a shit job at it.
The title of this thread would work good as a catchphrase for him lol
Punk whips someones ass, grabs the mic and says "you just got Punk'd"


lol @ Triple H popping up again in another thread not even about him at all. Everything in the WWE happens because of him quite obviously...



Feb 25, 2008
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Yup 20 years from now you will see guys speak out on stuff HHH did to bury people just like Hogan. Well Paul Lavesque(however you spell that) is the one doing all this bullshit so I am still a fan of HHH but not of Paul Lavesque.

Anyways back on topic...


^^^ Fair enough, but why don't you and the HHH-bashing brigade just wait until then rather than idly speculating and just making him out to be the boogy man or sumthin' in the meantime?

HHH pretty much get's blamed for everything. Even SD stuff and he ain't even on that show!


I lost all my hopes in CM Punk becoming a major main event superstar once I watched him on ECW! :disgust1:

And I still have an unanswered question: "Why did they make him win the Money in the Bank at WrestleMania, when they wanted him to end up as a looser on ECW?" I mean jobbing to Miz and Morrison who are obviously mid=card wrestlers of ECW is pretty bad and specially if you're "Mr. Money in the Bank" that doesn't go right with you. I can't really predict what direction they are going to go with him at the moment and what turns are going to be there in the near future but I can say this, that they are totally destroying his Money in the Bank character and persona by doing absolutely nothing useful with him right now but then again... let's just wait and watch what happens next.

The Rated R CMStar

I would like to see this scenario for CM Punk.

He enters a big feud to give him credibility entering Summerslam, until Survivor Series, his opponent, maybe Orton, Jericho, Hardy, it isn't truly relevant.

Then, in Armageddon, he decides to cash it his MITB in, to "close the year". However, the champion retains, making Punk lose his opportunity. But, which PPV is next...Royal Rumble, so I would have Mr. CM PUnk get his title opportunity back by winning the Royal Rumble


Feb 25, 2008
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I'd rather see Mr.Kennedy.......Kennedy.... win the Rumble.
But what you said would be a great twist and will make Punk look like a serious contender. Great thinking.


I agree, this is just wrong. I mean, threres still c ahnce they do an underdog type thing after he loses so often and he cashes in MITb and wins that match though.
It may also be jsut me but Im thinking they may use this as a heel turn. Like he could get sick of losing and take it out on Kane, and then also tell off the crowd and make fun of them and calls them so and so for not being straight edge. All this before cashing in MITB.
Bit either way, I dont really trust WWE right now, because they look like they had plans for him but something went wrong, and now theyre just letting him slide.
And one more thing, if he cashes in on the goddamn ECW title, im done.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
I would like to see this scenario for CM Punk.

He enters a big feud to give him credibility entering Summerslam, until Survivor Series, his opponent, maybe Orton, Jericho, Hardy, it isn't truly relevant.

Then, in Armageddon, he decides to cash it his MITB in, to "close the year". However, the champion retains, making Punk lose his opportunity. But, which PPV is next...Royal Rumble, so I would have Mr. CM PUnk get his title opportunity back by winning the Royal Rumble
No. What makes it "money in the bank" is the fact that everyone who has held it has gone on to become a champion. It means that, once a year, we see a midcarder come up and really shake up the main event, so every PPV doesn't become "Batista Vs. Undertaker 16, BAH GAWD HE KICKED OUT OF THE BATISTA BOMB THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE BAH GAWD" and "Triple H Vs. Randy Orton 47, BAH GAWD HE KICKED OUT OF THE RKO THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE BAH GAWD." Yeah, they hate each other, we get it, MOVE ON. Make Punk lose the match and that no longer becomes true. It just becomes "in this briefcase is a random championship match."


^^^Well that's all it is. A guaranteed one-off title shot for the worl title of your choice.

There is NO guaranteed win attached... How could there be? How can you guarantee someone a win? It completely rubbishes the kayfaybe notion that wrestling is real; around which this entire wrestling thang is based.

(Negaive rep from me from here on for anyone that fails to grasp this.... :yaaaaawn: )

Bottom line, Punk winning MITB and no-one being able to predict the outcome is a damn sight more interesting than if Jeff Hardy (or anyone else who's already receiving or is set to receive a push) would have won @ WM24.