Prison Break Mafia Game Thread

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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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ive mentioned this before, but i dont like to get info from the scum qt before reading back. i legit avoid "knowing too much while being away" thing intentionally for that reason. so i wouldnt act like i knew that evans tracked me because im not stupid, it's an easy give-away.

also thoughts on barry, jeff?

barry stinks


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
if you read through his posts there is the waft of bullshit lol. I was on him early because he was basically saying he thought junk wouldn’t do something as scum but then refused to commit to a town read until later. If you look at where he first started talking about tweet he said he was on the fence and then started saying he’d be fine with him being lynched lol. Think Pez pointed it out too and lethal sassed him, almost like he forgot he said it. But it’s his voting yesterday which looks like bullshit to me lol he was saying for the majority of day he thought tweet was scum and then followed you on phenom because he “has faith in you” which I don’t think you do if you have a scum read on someone else that you’ve actually got a chance of lynching lol. It doesn’t make sense

this lethal case isn't bad, why didnt you push to get votes on it?

Don't care. He visited a dead guy, said he'd claim, asked for votes the told me to fuck off. He gets a wagon

ok well there's two things:

1) would odo admit to visiting a dead guy as scum? like unless he thought someone would have info saying he did, why even bring that up
2) idk if odo is as arrogant as scum to just dismiss you, but i think ive seen him do it before when he found the reasons for him being pushed stupid. the first point matters more tho, idk why you give that info away for free if youre scum and it's self-incriminating


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Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
Vote Odo

I'm with you Jeff. I don't care for the attitude for answering a challenge he put down, while actively giving a reason that people would want his claim

also kinda looks good for odo, altho doddsy is known to buss with stronger teammates which has to be kept in mind

doddsy why dont you ever comment on me or my push against you?

when did I say voting me was stupid? I said Jeff was being dumb cause he’s thinking with his vagina. If you wanna vote me for play then whatever, but if you wanna vote me cause you have no emotional intelligence, then you can take a lap.

Since when was pez the authority on who is town and scum? (No offence Pez)

and tbh, I don’t really care what you think given I think you’re probably scum anyway :draper2

this is hilarious in hindsight with the way youve played.

and for the bottom line, why not lynch the person that is probably scum? im sure youre going to say you thought junk was even bigger scum, except what's the point in ignoring everyone else in this regard?

i dont even think youre scum but you need to get your head out of your own ass. i thought doddsy was scum and you also probably thought he was scum. was it not worth, idk, working with other people in this regard?

I feel like he believes in what he’s doing lol, or are you asking me my opinion on the value of it?

Which is :bosque because why would you invite the kinda pressure by offering to claim and take it back as scum lmao. None of your play really looks like scum to me despite the reads not being great, not sure why jeff thinks you’re actually scum or even if he does or if he’s just playing emotionally

ya my thoughts as well. if poyser isn't scum i could see more scum on the inactive side of things cause it's obviously not jeff, pez, and i still dont see a good reason for why it's odo aside from shit play.


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Jan 5, 2012
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It's not creating WIFOM, it's the same thing Magic had, they associate being considered the best player and rarely being pursued and easily listened to out of reputation with being infallible. Exact same as Magic :draper2

ive been pursued a lot for years. i do think im infallible at times, but ive never been dismissive as:

I am playing? Go hump someone else’s leg


i welcome being pushed as either alignment. it's part of the game and often times helps me read people when im pushed as town as i can see who is bullshitting and who is genuine in their push.

Who do you think I am? I'll either confirm or deny

Also, completely separate from this Jeff/Odo exchange

Vote: Mikey

why exactly did you talk about going after tkok and end up voting for mikey?

also where did your thoughts on tweet go? he flipped town? no reaction? doesnt change your reads at all/

I asked this to Barry but don’t you think Odo is a good enough player to mimic his town game with his scum game?

I also am SUSPECT of Alco tbh, like I’m looking at his posts and it just seems very passive and he’s adding more commentary than game posts. Biggest red flag is on the Phen0m where his main reasoning was he just didn’t buy his claim, which just sounds like a cop out

well here's something and something original too!

who do you think would be teammates of alco and why?


Lower Decks
Nov 5, 2020
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Odo, if tweet lived N1 would you have wanted to pursue him D2?


Haza’s Banned Band of Cronies
Dec 2, 2019
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Brutus, this is really stretching it, buddy.

How? Did you not say that you didn’t buy Phen0m’s claim and that’s pretty much it? Nothing else.

I’ll throw my vote on you, sure. Vote Alco
Now what?

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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How? Did you not say that you didn’t buy Phen0m’s claim and that’s pretty much it? Nothing else.

I’ll throw my vote on you, sure. Vote Alco
Now what?

it's night. good effort.


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Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
I haven't used it yet, guys. I'm most inclined to use it on Pez or Jeff atm, but, and follow me on this, my thought process was, if Odo is town, he'd be the best candidate for it, no?

if youre town you're it on me, barry

im reading the whole game and quite frankly id rather be the confirmed town voice in the thread when people can trust me.

Tempted to just say lynch Doddsy and call it a day, I’m not gonna be around much between now and EoD
What’s the thing with big man? Can’t say I’ve really noticed him too much lol

I’d be pretty happy to lynch Doddsy tbh, tho I still think it’s a bit weird barely anybody commented on lethal

so im still failing to see how, with the next 200 posts, this didnt happen and instead junk was quick lynched


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Jan 5, 2012
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Because you’ve done literally nothing and your first time around for a while you pop in for a self admittedly sheep vote on somebody you haven’t mentioned before. Not to contribute any reads, just to drop a vote that means nothing because you’re not even pretending to have any independent thought on him. Surely you have some scum reads you’re interested in? Are you reading Odo town?

do you put no stock into him bringing up what town roles look like in regards to phen0m? like you agreed with me on it before, so

When Junk flips scum I’ll be interested in Odos claim and Magics.

One of them will be her scum friend.

lol evans if she was scum i wouldnt defend my scum teammate like that. that would be silly.

These are valid points so I don't really have a rebuttal of substance. To be fair, any vote I made today on anyone woud've been someone I've not mentioned. I think the only person I've gave a read on was phen0m.

The jeff/odo thing made me feel content with odo. hard to envision he makes the effort to kill tweet, could've easily just gone with a wagon on day 2. speaking of tweet/reads, that's probably where I would've gone on this phase if he was alive, but he's dead so I got nothing. So I'll just sheep someone who appears to be town.

i mean if you started out with this post then and sheep voted it would look better breh.

(this was odo quoting all his posts in regards to junk)

so ya, i think it's pretty safe odo is town and not trying to claim credit for another scum read that turned out on town.

vote Junk

I would like to get rid of Brutus next btw.

is this due to OMGUS or?


Haza’s Banned Band of Cronies
Dec 2, 2019
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I’d say town is in Pez, Barry, and Mikey. Firmly against lynching Mikey, there was a post during D1 about Phen0m’s role, which Phen0m replied to and called him town. I had Junk as town too which is really frustrating seeing as how Day ended. Barry mostly for his role. Not sure how scum Pez would play but he’s been far too detailed and contrived for me to think town.


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Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
Dude's been sus of me 3 out of 4 posts this game, never puts a vote down.

this is valid. i dont like brutus either especially as i think youre his only read and he didnt do much outside of you.

doddsy should still be priority and alco too

Yeah no worries there. Assuming this also changes nothing regarding doddsy . Him being disposed of this evening would b optimal imo as to not waste anymore phases there . Agreed?

jeff i want you to come here and suck my dick. @Odo you too

be nothing but negative as town and continue to try to direct town roles. if anyone is town and reading my post, i want you to ignore dumb and dumber out here if i die. legit. poyser looks townish and pez too so if i die that's where you follow, UNDERSTOOD?

not fucking "let's lynch every day player and then pretend it's not our fault and our credibility is infallible."

@Ace Dalton
@Lethal Banks
@Tuco Grimirez
@mikey damage
@Big Man

great. also if we dont get any scum at night mass claim should happen next day phase too. kthanks.
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