Vote Junk
easy money
Because I think theres a better than random chance you are scum
next question
I certainly think its possible, hence my vote
So you can’t see why I’d do this as town?
^^^ that was also for Odo
I’m just trying to start the game, I don’t make these plays as scum, they suck.
Second part is a load of baloney
Let me drop some muthafuckin receipts
Sure, get your receipts on judge on a past life, I’ll go get mine from another past life, then we can judge past life’s together and not focus on the present and you having no scum games of mine to judge.
07:44 PM ET (US)Someone needs to counter our character clwims and win it for us, unsure if poyser let the game know about scum having fake characters, but probably and even then it's a good move, i nostagically suggest we bus PHEN0M the player aka not me.
nkheadX ![]()
09:23 PM ET (US)So we get PHEN0M too claim today then Ido u vlaim his character and when he dies you become untouchable.
Yes i'm picking u Odo for a social purpose.
JunkheadX ![]()
01:02 AM ET (US)Sorry Odo, we gonna interact. I'm coming for you. The first who flips loses
The winner wins the game for us
etc etc
literally at the start of the game
If youre saying that your meta is inadmissible, then I can disregard your defence too, and then its just reduced to something that can be adequately explained by you wanting to look good
How successful was I or you that game Odo?
You were a liability and eventally stopped posting
I MVP'd by overruling you and working with my team
For a sweep