It's not creating WIFOM, it's the same thing Magic had, they associate being considered the best player and rarely being pursued and easily listened to out of reputation with being infallible. Exact same as Magic 

I hope you like losing money
Because if you are who I think you are, ur clear
You gonna play ? Or just chill on ur high horse delivering nothing ?
Why the 180 from earlier? Genuine question, not sarcastic posturingNow, a message for all the gutless scumbois out there, I’m gonna refuse to claim so you can all come out and act offended
Because if you are who I think you are, ur clear
Why the 180 from earlier? Genuine question, not sarcastic posturing
Like thats twice u lie. Once when u said u didn't want glory on bom n be fine to lynch tweet, switched it up in the am. Now u said ud claim. N turned it around. How the fuck else am I supposed to react to that shit? U objectively do sketchy shit ffs
Who do you think I am? I'll either confirm or deny
Also, completely separate from this Jeff/Odo exchange
Vote: Mikey
Still don’t really see why a scum Odo would go hard on pushing a phenom lynch yesterday when he could’ve sat back and seen tweet get lynched by you and Pez instead lol