Show Primetime Episode 8: A Toogood Homecoming

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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From Buffalo, New York


Episode 8
“A Toogood Homecoming”
(On Tape Delay)

With the intro playing, updated with the NEW LDW World Champion’s image at near the end holding his title up high, we are in Buffalo, New York, and it is quite hot for a town well known for being cold, and the hometown of Brian Toogood is somewhat supportive of him with the letters “B-T-G” being held up by some crowd members and a small BTG chant is heard. We zoom around to the commentators, Rodney Perkins and Wally Shine, and they smile, ready for the show.

Perkins: Another edition of LDW Primetime is here and we are in Buffalo, New York, the city of good neighbours and home of one of the men in our main event tonight. I’m Rodney Perkins along with Doctor Smooth, Wally Shine.

Shine: Glad to be here again, my friends. And as you said, in our main event tonight, Brian Toogood may have the only time the crowd will ever support him, as he attempts to get even with Reagan Cole with a number one contendership on the line.

Perkins: And they will face our NEW champion, Patriot, at Garden of Eden. Reagan Cole and Patriot have been established as people with mutual respect as of late, but Brian was the third man in the match where Patriot won and has a massive score to settle with him.

Shine: But speaking of gold, LDW is introducing a new championship, with a twist.

Perkins: The LDW Anarchy Championship will be decided in a match at Garden of Eden and we have two qualifying matches tonight. The Anarchy Championship grants the holder the chance to choose the stipulations it will be defended under.

Shine: It’s a unique title, and in the matches, it is the masked freak of the underdog group of Enhanced, Taboo, against mysterious newcomer Izalith, then Mike Valander, the Prodigal Son, against the PERFECTED madman Al Blizzard.

Perkins: And we also have the in-ring debut of Alexandra Marie against Jun Yoshimoto, but first, the new champion, Patriot!

In-Ring Segment
Victory Lap

Walking out of the curtain is the second-ever LDW Champion, the man known as Patriot. Wearing a plain navy shirt, dark jeans, and navy/red Jordan high tops. And a black smart watch on his left wrist, with a paracord bracelet above it. The outfit itself is tied together neatly by the golden championship wrapped around his waist.

Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your NEW LDW World Champion, Patriot!

The champ takes off the belt and raises it high in his right hand, smiling like a goofball all the while. Finally, he begins his walk down the ring, high fiving fans on the ramp, and even taking a selfie with a young kid and his dad.

Perkins: The evolution of Patriot over the past few months since LDW's start has been something to marvel at. From a man who was just one word for his name and an underdog, he has become THE favourite in LDW.

Shine: And even with the crowd's odd love of one of his rivals, they can't get enough of Patriot. Patriot did the impossible and made Darius Wright pass out to the Liberty Lock and thus gained the championship.

He continues the trend of playing to the crowd by walking around the whole outside, finally stopping when he gets to the hard camera side of the ring. Grabbing the microphone laying on the apron. He then rolls into the ring, looks around, and goes to a corner, raising the title high for all to see. Jumping down he settles near the middle of the ring, getting ready to speak as the fans quiet down.


The fans cheer for the mention of their town as smiles, moving around the ring as he continues speaking.

Patriot: Man, you guys are alive tonight! Makes me sad that I’m not on the card … because I’ve wrestled all over the world and no one brings the passion that a Buffalo crowd brings!

He lets the fans cheer at his honest compliment.

Patriot: But guys, I promise I’ll keep this short, think of this as like a uh … small victory lap. To let all of you here in attendance see the title that the former champ hid in that black bag. I mean, this is the title that ALL of you give meaning. I'm just the guy holding it.

He looks over the crowd and then the gold belt.

Patriot: Before last week I was told that I'd never reach the top here in LDW. Critics said I wasn't big enough. The mountain was just too steep to climb. Darius Wright and Brian Toogood were just to big of roadblocks … and it wasn't easy. I'm still feeling the effects of that match … but ... with you guys cheering me on week in and week out, my family, friends, and a little back up from Alexandra Marie …

Patriot smiles and looks up from the title.

Patriot: I made the climb and became your LDW Champion! But just because it has my name on it, doesn't mean I own it. You guys do. So to the ones watching at home and the ones here in this arena tonight … know that YOU are Patriot!... AND WE are Patriot!

The fans in attendance cheered loudly, even having a light "We are Pat" chant growing behind it. Feeling the moment Patriot yells to them.

Patriot: And that's why week in and week out, I'll take on any challenger that wants to step up! So everyone in the back, I hope you're listening, because if you wanna come and take this title from us … you better be ready for a fight!

He drops the microphone and lets the fans cheering overtake the moment. Raising the title high so that the true owners of the belt can see it. The hard camera zooms in on him to better show it, and Patriot can be seen mouthing "Come and take it" while nodding. He smiles as the scene goes to commercial.

Singles Match
Jun Yoshimoto vs Alexandra Marie

The classic song of “Battle Without Honor or Humility” plays and the Rochester fans give a respectable cheer for the young upstart from Japan, Jun Yoshimoto as he is seen backstage doing a silent prayer as his theme music builds. After a few moments, he walks through the curtains, hopping in place, ready and focused. Looking forward with determination, he begins to head forward down the ramp as Clarissa Garcia starts introductions.

Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, this following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, from Kyoto, Japan, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is The Unbreakable Spirit, Jun Yoshimoto!

Perkins: After a brutal loss to Al Blizzard, let's see how Jun fares this week. He's constantly shown his potential. But having a loss like that after his shock debut does not sit well with anyone.

Shine: I think he needs a win to rebound, and right now, we don't know his status as a young lion with some shifting in the Japanese wrestling landscape as of late.

Stopping in front of the steps, he gets another hop in before heading across the apron and stepping into the ring. He walks around the ring, psyching himself up. Eventually, Jun Yoshimoto gets in his corner and waits as his theme music fades away. He keeps calm, and the tone changes with his opponent coming out.

As Fancy by Iggy Azalea plays, the pop song plays for a few moments and then the Hollywood diva herself, Alexandra Marie comes on her phone, talking to it and bopping to her music. Marcus Mason and Patriot (reluctantly) accompany her on the way out, likely with Patriot being inclined to support the girl who helped him get one over and win the LDW World Championship. Marcus Mason is rather stonefaced walking out, with his big stature behind Alexandra, it is a wonder why the roles aren't reversed.

Garcia: And his opponent, being accompanied by Marcus Mason and the LDW Heavyweight champion, Patriot. From Hollywood California, she is the Party Princess, Alexandra Marie.

Perkins: Those who are new or who were confused last episode, this is Alexandra Marie, a girl who lives the "High Life," and despite her appearance, is a member of the LDW roster.

Shine: Surprised it isn't Marcus Mason as a wrestler with his size.

Perkins: He is the personal bodyguard of Alexandra Marie and an insurance policy for sure. As for Patriot, they have developed an unlikely friendship. Well, we say friendship, but the nature of the relationship is hard to read.

Shine: The intentions of Alexandra Marie are still a little unclear, but for now, we have the in-ring debut of Alexandra Marie against a game Jun Yoshimoto.

She puts her phone away as she gets to the end of the ramp and gives it to Marcus. She gets up the ring, posing arrogantly to the fans, before blowing a kiss at the LDW World Champion. A major contrast to the focused Jun Yoshimoto. Her theme music fades away as she leans in her corner, adjusting her hair before the match begins.


Just as expected, Jun Yoshimoto starts off the match attempting a display of sportsmanship. Alexandra gives him the talk to the hand gesture. Jun none too pleased kicks her in the gut and the match is underway, the two lockups and Alexandra puts Jun in a headlock then Jun throws her towards the ropes and follows up with a dropkick, quickly springing up. He follows it with a quick sequence of strikes, topping it all off with a spinning backfist and Alexandra goes to the ground. He puts his hands in the Zai symbol and is about to nail her with a KO kick very quickly, but Alexandra Marie rolls out of the ring, gaining some composure and getting away from the kick. The unbreakable Yoshimoto sees the distance and waits. Patriot tries to tell her to get back in the ring, but it is too late as Jun takes her out with the suicide dive!

Jun is feeling it the energy from the crowd as he gets up, holding the back of his head and letting the crowd's energy motivating him. He then picks up Alexandra who punches him in the gut, trying to fight back. Jun quickly follows with a kick, showing his striking game is vast. In a moment of desperation, Alexandra rakes the eyes and pulls his head in, nailing a DDT on the floor!

Alexandra then picks Jun off the floor and puts him back in the ring. At this moment, Patriot heads near the commentary table, away from the action.

Jun is grabbing the back of his neck, aching after the drop on the ground, and if it wasn't for the padding, it easily would have ended up in a serious injury. The smaller Alexandra Marie gets on the top rope, and just as Jun gets to a knee, she dives with a double foot stomp to the upper back and neck! She quickly attempts a pin in an attempt to win.



Thr- No!

With the neck as an easy target, Alexandra quickly kicks Jun's head while he is on the mat, drawing some jeers from the fans. As Jun attempts to get to the ropes, Alexandra drives her knee on the back of his head, pushing his throat on the rope, to a warning from the official. As Jun gets up, Alexandra kicks him in the gut and hits a Fame-asser, once again dropping herself on his head! Thinking Jun is out and seeing she has exploted the neck early on, Alexandra tries to go for Marie's Tangled Web, her Octopus Stretch. Before she gets it locked in, Jun reverses it into a Saito Suplex!

And he keeps a hold of it and does another Saito Suplex!

Jun is getting back into the match, and after a flurry of offence, he delivers an Enziguri to Alexandra, dropping her to a knee. Finally, he tops it all off with a Shining Axe Kick! LEO Rising and then covers.




Alexandra kicks out, Jun then tries to go to the rope. He holds the back of his head, still feeling the effects of the DDT, but he gets on the top rope. The big man at ringside, Marcus intimidates Jun and with his near seven foot frame, is almost as high as the ropes. Jun, being a rookie still, leaves himself distracted, as Alexandra dropkicks his feet! Jun falls and lands on the back of his head, and Alexandra covers.



And Jun kicks out, Alexandra pounds the mat in anger, letting her frustration get to her. She pulls on Jun's hair to a warning from the official and the West Coast gal mouths off at him. Marie holds Jun up, and another DDT is coming to further hurt the neck...

But Jun reverses it into a Northern lights Suplex



And Jun breaks the bridge, not feeling the strength in his neck to keep the bridge. Alexandra Marie is the first to get up, and, seeing that Jun is hurt, quickly clubs the back of his head a few times, softening up his neck. She aims for her Hollywood Dream's Roundhouse kick, but Jun Yoshimoto ducks it and nails a Super Kick... Then another, and a third! Alexandra Marie falls down to the mat and the fans clap as Jun gets to a knee to catch his breath.

Knocked loopy after the three super kicks, Alexandra rolls to her stomach. Seeing a chance, Jun tries to deadlift Alexandra for a German. Feeling herself get lifted off the mat, Alexandra elbows behind her to try to stun Jun. There is another attempts and Jun sends Alexandra Marie over, but the smaller Party Princess lands on her feet and nails a reverse DDT!

Alexandra goes to the apron, looking for a springboard. She looks over to Patriot and gives the champion a wink. But, with her distracted, Jun recovers and enziguris her out of the ring and she takes a hard fall and she isn't moving. With a look of concern on his face, the official checks on Alexandra Marie and Jun, seeing her down, is thinking of another dive.

Jun tries to go airborne again, but this time, Marcus holds the ropes down and Jun tumbles down on the opposite side of the ring! The official is still busy checking on Alexandra! Marcus grabs Jun in a chokehold and throws him into the barricade, then takes him down with a hard lariat! The fans jeer as the big man Marcus Mason throws Jun back in the ring where Alexandra suddenly springs back to life and she rushes back in. She was playing possum and the fans hate it and Patriot rolls his eyes, not fond of these Brian Toogood level tactics.

Alexandra holds Jun Yoshimoto in a Fireman's clutch then spins out, hitting a hard Bitch Breaker Neckbreaker! She practically sits on top of Jun's chest, somewhat nonchalantly and winks as the pin is counted.




Alexandra Marie

Perkins: And Alexandra Marie won, it took Marcus to get a win, it feels a bit tainted

Shine: Hey a win is a win, even if I hate the methods, and Alexandra won in her debut, so tonight is a success in her mind.

As she starts celebrating, Patriot comes in the ring and reluctantly celebrates with her. As Patriot walks away with the title, Alexandra is not yet done with Jun Yoshimoto and rolls to the outside of the ring, grabbing him and giving a swift kick in the groin, looking cocky after her win!

Perkins: What is with Alexandra Marie? She already won the match.

Shine: It gives Alexandra more overconfidence, even though she's aligned with Patriot. I just hope this is not it for Jun.

Perkins: To quote my nephew, can we get F's in the chat boys for Jun's groin area?

Patriot protests the low blow and Alexandra shrugs it off and rolls out of the ring, celebrating her win. Patriot gets the official to check on Jun as we go to commercial.


Perfect Playground

The screen fades into a view of the ever colourful "Main room" as Blizzard calls it. We then see Blizzard stood behind the table in the centre of the room.

"Hi everyone!"

The sound of cheering plays, obviously coming from a speaker.

"Welcome back! To my, PERFECT PLAYGROUND!"

The crowd cheers again.

"I have so much fun with you guys! And I really really can't thank you all enough for the support!"

The crowd Awww's.

"As you saw last week... I stepped into the ring with...."

Blizzard puts his hands on his hips in a stereotypical superhero manner.

"Jun... Yoshimoto! And surprise surprise... I won!"

The crowd cheer.

"I know right! It was way too easy for me! But this time... I have a fearless opponent."

He pauses for a second... before bursting out in laughter.

"Fearless! He really thinks that of himself most likely... but trust me... he is by far... not... fearless. Because when he steps in the ring with me..."

The lights dim and Blizzard's head goes down as he stares directly into the camera.

"He will be FULL of fear... and nothing will save him.... nothing at all."

The lights then go back to normal as his head goes straight back up.

"But enough of that! We will have to wait for that. And until then... you guys can go and be... PERFECT!"

He smiles at the camera as the screen fades to black.

In-Ring Segment
The Anarchy Championship Presentation

On the stage, a table is set with a cloth covering a title. The new Anarchy Championship is covered up and before we get to the tournament match, we hear Clarissa do a small introduction.

Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Eden, Slate Bass, and Princess Nova, The Residence!

The cover of “Control” by Hasley plays and the theme music of the head family of LDW, The Residence, plays and Slate Bass, Eden, and Princess Nova walk out. Eden and Nova are both wearing violet dresses, with Nova’s resembling a Princess dress, with her satin gloves and she has her tiara on her head, and Slate Bass has his signature suit along with a martini glass. The three stand in front of the table and grab microphones as their theme fades away.

Eden: Ladies and gentlemen, after helping our dear Nova finally reach her potential…

Nova smiles at Eden.

Eden: We felt it was time to allow another opportunity to give a lucky member of the Liberty or Death Wrestling Roster a chance to become champion. However, with only one title up for grabs, we felt there should be another avenue for people to take.
Slate Bass steps in.

Slate: I myself know it isn’t about the supposed “level,” of a championship that gives it value, but it is how you cherish that title. It becomes your life, your reason. But we wanted to give it a special meaning.

Princess Nova uncovers the cloth to reveal the silver title, the Anarchy Championship.

Nova: The idea of Anarchy is that there is no structure, no formal rules. How is there any order in Anarchy? Simple, they are remade. The champion who has the wonderful honour of holding this glorious championship may choose the stipulation it is fought under. They create their own dream title…

The Seamstress of Reality chimes in.

Eden: Control their reality.

Then Slate Bass.

Slate: Create their fate.

Eden: My dear Angel, would you mind explaining who will compete for this championship?

Eden lightly touche Nova’s cheek and she giggles and continues.

Nova: With great pleasure. We start with an individual riddled in misfortune, an outcast who has recently found his own “friends.” The Freak Factor himself will attempt to prove he is “Enhanced,” Taboo.

Surprisingly, there is a large cheer for Taboo. His cult following has been growing. Hearing the cheers, Nova giggles.

Nova: Hehe, I know, this is so exciting! But can he go against an unknown threat? A true monster in this tournament. Another masked foe hailing from Tombstone, Arizona, he has speed and power and a troubled past. The force known as Izalith was too much for my dear teachers, Slate and Eden, to pass up and he has his chance to show himself in the tournament.

There isn’t a reaction from the fans as they have yet to see Izalith, but Nova continues on.

Nova: The winner will face one of two men. The first of which claims to be in his PERFECTED form. A man who had his former self blacked out of existence, creating a Playground for his new friends, inside the ring he is still violent, perhaps more unpredictable now. I see potential, hehe, and will he see it tonight? Al Blizzard.

The crowd, still not exactly a fan of Al Blizzard, boo him despite his recent change.

Nova: He will face another man, someone who…

There is a small twitch from Princess Nova and her voice becomes cold.

Nova: Who doesn’t understand…

Before getting back to her happiness which frankly is just as creepy.

Nova: Who happens to have gone on his own journey of change recently. Going back to his roots in a rural world, it has changed his views and after time away has returned to wrestling, making himself known in Liberty or Death Wrestling. He is Mike Valander.

There is a mixed reaction from the fans who have a split opinion on him thus far.

Eden: We will wish all four competitors luck in this tournament, and the winners tonight will go on to my show, Garden of Eden. The world’s most famous arena will become my garden.

Sneaking behind the owners of LDW, in a repeat of what happened at Declaration, Taboo tiptoes towards the table.

Perkins: ...This again…

Shine: Oh boy, he’s in for a hurting if he does this again!

Slate: We will be watching closely because regardless of the result, this is your chance to leave a lasting impression.

Nova: And-

As Taboo lays a finger on the title, Eden turns around and quickly shouts.

Eden: Nova! Stop him!

And quickly Princess Nova changes to another mental switch and drops the mic, turning around and jumping over the table, dress and all, tackling Taboo! Quickly she locks in the Queen’s Hand for the second show in a row on Taboo!

Perkins: The Mandible Claw again and… Oh my, haha, okay that is funny.

Shine: Remind me never to get on the bad side of this new Nova. She’s like Eden’s adorable attack dog.

Eventually, Taboo passes out again and Nova lets go, quickly looking concerned. She grabs his hand.

Nova: I am sorry, dear creature! I didn’t mean to cause harm!

Eden lightly touches Nova on the shoulder and whispered something in her ear and she gets up off the passed out Taboo. Quickly, Enhanced makes their way out. Corey Keenan and Marley Jameson are both bandaged up after their attack they got last week, but Daemon Raze storms out with a microphone in hand.

Raze: How DARE you guys do this to Taboo!? He can’t compete!

Eden quickly steps forward.

Eden: We didn’t want a repeat of Declaration, young Daemon. He merely faced the consequences of his actions.

Then Slate Bass steps beside his wife.

Slate: If you three have an issue with that, then you may take it up with me…

Slate looks over at Nova who has her usual giant, and mildly unsettling grin.

Slate: Or her.

The self-proclaimed “Canada’s Greatest Athlete,” backs up and, a lightbulb comes off in his head.

Raze: No problem… In fact, I doubt he’ll be able to compete. So you know what, as the only member of ENHANCED that is cleared to compete, I, Daemon Raze, your FUTURE Anarchy Champion will take his place.

The three members of the Bassignani family look at each other and exchange grins with varying levels of evil. Eden snickers and says.

Eden: It is your funeral, good luck.

Before the three take the Anarchy Championship and walk off. Two medics from the back drag the unconscious Taboo to the back and Daemon Raze shouts on his microphone.


Singles Match
Izalith vs Taboo Daemon Raze

Garcia: This following match is a qualifying match for the LDW Anarchy Championship match at Garden of Eden. Making his way to the ring first, representing Enhanced, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 205 pounds, Daemon Raze!

Perkins: Well, I guess a change of line-up for this match… And Daemon Raze is “heroically” filling in for his stablemate.

Shine: Think it’ll make a difference?

Perkins: No, you?

Shine: I think they’re even worse off.

Daemon Raze quickly hops into the ring and kisses his hands, appealing to the cameras. He gestures a belt around his waist, mouthing off to the fans as his partners shake their heads. His theme music fades away and he does a “bring it,” gesture with his hands.

The sinister music of Slipknot begins play and the song of “Unsainted,” plays as the lights dim and fog builds in the entranceway. The cocky grin of Daemon Raze is quickly removed as two lights for eyes make their way through the darkness, piercing into his soul.

Garcia: And his opponent, from Tombstone, Arizona, weighing in at 242 pounds, Izalith!

Perkins: W-What in the..

Shine: ...This is just… unsettling.

Walking down the ramp, a lone light illuminates him, showing the spikes on his attire and his crow-like mask. We see Daemon Raze “gulp,” and his stablemates back away to the barricade. Izalith heads towards the ring going to the right and stepping onto the apron and into the ring. He stares into the camera, not even flinching, as his theme music fades away and the lights are back on. He removes his spikes, and Daemon Raze backs up into the corner.


As soon as the bell rings, Izalith runs at Daemon Raze before he can even run and nails an Avalanche Body Splash! Then as Daemon Raze stumbles forward he hits a running Crossbody! Power and speed right away! Daemon Raze is already knocked loopy and Izalith grabs him by his hair and clubs at his stomach. He quickly picks him up and drops him in a Samoan Drop!

Daemon Raze lies on the mat and Izalith backs up, before doing a surprising Standing Shooting Star Press! Izalith quickly mounts Raze and throws as many punches until the official tells him to stop, and the monster quickly headbutts Raze before backing up. He is in the corner and waits. Daemon Raze gets to a knee, then Izalith hits a Discus Big Boot, nearly taking his head off with The Fade!

Daemon Raze is dead meat at this point and for the final nail in his coffin, Izalith scrapes him off the mat and quickly hits an End of Days! The Slingshot Flatliner connects! There is no question as Izalith gets a quick three and a win.


Perkins: ...Well that wasn’t a shock.

Shine: Nope…

Perkins: But what was in that match was just the pure… the insanity of how Izalith can move. One second he is tossing people around the next,

Shine: Doing a standing fucking shooting star press. On top of that… appearance, I wish Mike and Al luck against him, I really do.

Izalith quickly gets up, staring down at Daemon Raze and Corey Keenan and Marley Jameson are having none of it as they slowly walk away towards the back. The fans in attendance are silent, stunned, at the mauling they have just seen. The lights go to black, with only the lights of Izalith's eyes providing light as we cut to a break.

Singles Match
Al Blizzard vs Mike Valander

After a commercial for Ethan Max’s Bed and Breakfast, we are brought back to a dim arena as the new theme that just premiered last week rings out through the speakers as Al Blizzard walks out with the brightest smile on his face. Blizzard has taken another major change recently shown by the new "Perfected Playground" show and that is shown by the overall demeanour of Al as he slowly walks down the ramp.

Garcia: This following match is scheduled for one fall and it is a qualifying match for the LDW Anarchy Championship match at Garden of Eden! Making his way to the ring first, from London, England, weighing in at 254 pounds… The PERFECTED, Al Blizzard.

Perkins: After the unique edition of the Perfect Playground, Al Blizzard looks to cause fear in Mike Valander. The question is, can he?

Shine: I think MIke Valander will have to be prepared for anything with this new Al Blizzard. Nobody can put a read on him now. I think above all else, that makes him dangerous.

Blizzard walks up the steel steps and enters the ring with a smile which for the first time viewers might be comforting and positive but what they soon realize is that the smile is a cover for something a lot more sinister as he basks in the glory of his PERFECTED spotlight.

The theme is replaced by another. And this one has fancy graphics! The guitar starts and is soon accompanied by a harmonica as "Grizzled Country" walks straight out. No theatrics, no false pretences here. Just a man ready to fight.

Garcia: And his opponent, from Coon Rapids, Minnesota, weighing in at 235 pounds, Grizzled Country, Mike Valander!

Perkins: Here is a fact, both of them were meant to face off at a show in Toronto a couple of years ago, but an attack on Mike Valander before the show changed it to a handicap match.

Shine: And we know that still stings to this day for Mike. But if he can get his first LDW win by beating someone he was meant to face before, it'd be cathartic. Especially with a chance to face Izalith for the LDW Anarchy Championship.

Mike Valander wastes no time, showing a little crazy side of his own in recent segments, as he enters the ring. The bandana covers Valanders face, hiding his reaction in a way. This is going to be an interesting match between two unhinged veterans of the game, Valander pops up the classic metalhead symbol to the crowd who really don't know how to react to this guy just yet as both cheers and boos rain out towards the 27-year-old.


Both are in their respective corners when the bell rings, Blizzard and Valander meet in a collar and elbow tie up and Al is quickly overpowered into the turnbuckle and on the receiving end of ferocious right hands from the person who is a resident of Coon Rapids, Minnesota. The referee has to hold Valander back before he goes overboard but as the camera goes to Blizzard, it's revealed that Blizzard is laughing? Blizzard looks like he's laughing at the assault by Valander as Mike is ready to get back to it but as soon as the referee moves out of the way, Blizzard leaps at Valander like a lion and unleashes his own barrage of punches, paying every punch back as he goes.

Al quickly grabs the arm and Irish whips Valander into the ropes only to take him down with a major spinebuster! Al gets a one count but quickly mounts his opponent and goes back to the strikes. Valander is hit twice in the jaw before being able to block a punch and landing one of his own at Blizzard which knocks him back but as Valander gets to his feet, Blizzard knocks his head with a roundhouse kick! Mike falls to his hands and knees and Al just unloads with overhand clubs to the back followed by a few knees to the ribs. "Grizzled Country" rolls to the outside to escape the barrage.

Valander is trying to shake off the attack on the outside but Blizzard isn't done yet. Blizzard plays to the ground a bit spreading his arms out before he follows which is shown to be a huge mistake as Valander grabs Blizzard and rams into the side of the ring. Mike shoots a punch into the gut of Blizzard before grabbing the head of the maniac and slamming it into the apron!

The Outlaw rebounds viciously away as he staggers towards the barricade, Valander quickly takes advantage and hooks the arm and goes for a basic suplex but he lifts him and Blizzard keeps himself grounded and instead uses the momentum to change it around leading to Blizzard suplexing Mike! And due to unfortunate placing, Valanders leg clashes with the nearby steel steps! Blizzards grin widens at Valander holding his leg in pain. Blizzard quickly takes advantage and throws him in the ring and follows at the count of 8.

The Punisher Of Wrestling patiently waits behind the 6' 2 inch wrestler, stalking his prey like the predator he is. Valander is slow to his feet but as he's getting up, Blizzard grabs him by the waist and executes a major German suplex! But Blizzard hangs on! Blizzard drags Valander back to his feet only for Blizzard to underhook both arms to try and hit him with the chicken wing gutbuster but Valander wiggles his way out and pushes him away, Blizzard bounces off the ropes and goes to relent but is cut off with a major claymore kick! The move that is known as savage kick connects! Valander goes for the cover and gets a near fall!

Valander goes straight to a necklock, squeezing the life out of the English wrestler as Al tries to fight it but Blizzard slowly makes it to his feet and turns to his side so he can nail some elbows to the gut of the countryman but Valander tries his hardest to keep the hold locked in when suddenly Al Blizzard grabs the leg of Mike and lifts him up on the shoulders of Al Blizzard! The Al Cutter is set up but Mike won't go down without a fight! Kneeing Blizzard in the face gives Valander the opportunity to slip down the back and turn Blizzard around and he goes for the codebreaker otherwise known as reel bait but Blizzard is smarter than he seems and he quickly takes hold of both legs and Valander falls on his back hard. Blizzard goes for the sharpshooter but Valander bends forward and punches Blizzard in the jaw! Blizzard is off guard and this time Mike wastes no time in getting up and headbutts Al! Blizzard is taken real off guard and that's bad when he is suddenly kicked in the gut and raised up high! Real Country is now set up! The Celtic cross is established and Blizzard is still heavily dazed by that headbutt outta nowhere! Blizzard suddenly realizes where he is but it's too late! Valander runs from the corner and Blizzard falls from the shoulder of Valander and smacks the hard canvas! Valander crawls over and covers and it's over! 1. 2. 3!

Mike Valander

Perkins: And Mike gets his first win and will face Izalith at Garden of Eden!

Shine: I'm surprised he could beat the... insane Al Blizzard. But after seeing Izalith, I have a feeling he'd be facing a different kind of beast.

Mike Valander wipes his forehead, clearly exhausted from that match as he flashes one metalhead symbol to the camera before making his way to the back as the camera goes back to Blizzard whose smile is bigger than we've ever seen it as he lies on the ground.

Backstage Segment

The camera fades into a view of the backstage area and Jay Washington can be seen walking through the corridors. Sydney Turner can be seen walking up to him.

Sydney: Jay, may I have you for a second.

Jay stopped in his tracks.

Jay: You don't have to ask Sydney...

She paused before continuing.

Sydney: Give me your opinion on the Valander and Blizzard match earlier tonight.

He turned to face her.

Jay: You know... I care not for either of them at this point. I am my own man. Mike pissed me off. And Blizzard and I have a history. But you have to think, history should be put behind you.

Sydney: So does that mean you and Blizzard are friends?

Jay pauses.

Jay: I still don't like him, but if he needs help, I would probably help him.

He smirks.

Sydney: And what about Mike Valander?

Jay: Listen Sydney... I do not want to speak of that imbecile. He beat Blizzard, fair enough. But for me and him... it isn't over, I will get him. Just not yet.

Sydney: What do you mean by not yet?

Jay: By not yet... I mean you'll have to wait and see.

Sydney: Why do you hate him?

Jay chuckles.

Jay: Sydney.. you can't be serious.. have you not seen our interactions on social media? He started it all... and I will be the one to finish it. And, if you really want me... you know where to find me.

He winks at her before walking away. The screen then fades to black.

Main Event
Number One Contender’s Match
Reagan Cole vs Brian Toogood w/Stacey Keys

Garcia: The following is your Primetime Main Event and it is scheduled for one fall and the winner of this match will become the number one contender to the LDW World Championship at Garden of Eden…

The song “Alone,” blares through the speakers and despite being in his opponent’s hometown, Reagan Cole gets a very strong, and favourable reaction. After a few moments, Reagan Cole makes his way out with his maroon jacket, and it shows the famous Captain America shield and despite there being a title shot on the line tonight, Reagan Cole looks to be a little out of focus. The veteran looks around at the Buffalo crowd, trying to collect himself. Finally, he starts to walk to the ring.

Garcia: Introducing first, from Essex, England, weighing in at 215 pounds, the British Apprentice, Reagan Cole!

Perkins: The main event of Primetime is here and I have to wonder, is Reagan Cole truly prepared for this match? He’s already had two wins over Brian Toogood before, but with the personal chaos of what happened to Nova, can he focus?

Shine: Everyone here has been put off a bit by the ReNovation of Nova into Princess Nova, so I’d be having problems focusing also. But, he’s proven he can beat Brian with or without help, and considering what Darius Wright did to beat him in Brooklyn, he has enough to keep his mind on the match, hopefully.

Walking around the ring, Reagan Cole high fives some of the fans, and the ovation he received has seemingly gotten him a bit more focused. He quickly gets onto the apron before getting into the ring. Reagan Cole gets up to the turnbuckles and looks out to the fans one more time. He lightly nods before stepping down and letting his theme music fade away. Cole removes his jacket and t-shirt, and Clarissa introduces someone the fans normally don’t want to see.

Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing, the Eleven of LDW, Stacey Keys.

The trumpets bring a rare mixed reaction for the girlfriend and manager of Brian Toogood. Stacey Keys walks out wearing a blue dress and runs her hand through her hair before giving a twirl. Her theme music fades away and she speaks into the microphone.

Keys: You guys almost had it. Almost. I’d give you a harder time, but this happens to be my man’s hometown. That’s right, Buffalo, your favourite son has finally returned, and while I’m the Marvel of Manhattan, I’ll admit, I have a soft spot for the Niagara Falls, the one and only landmark of this world that can match the Eleven herself. Buffalo, be ready because FINALLY, a championship will be coming to your town, just it won’t be a Super Bowl or the Stanley Cup any time soon.

This draws a negative reaction as Reagan Cole, in the ring, rolls his eyes.

Keys: Easy guys. You see, Reagan, my man hasn’t forgotten when you embarrassed him and tried to rip his leg out from him. He remembers how much bullshit he’s had to deal with in trying to claim HIS title, and tonight it is a true Homecoming. Because, from Buffalo, New York, weighing in at 243 pounds, get ready for the next LDW World Champion, BTG Brian Toogood.

Drawing a surprising amount of cheers is the catchy tune of Brian Toogood and the self-proclaimed “Big Money,” prospect from Buffalo, makes his way out in a customized Buffalo Sabres jersey, with it being the 50th-anniversary jersey, a white with the signature blue of the Sabres and a golden trim for the team's jersey. He turns around and the back of the jersey reads “Goodman” with the number 2 on it. Brian turns around with his shades on and he kisses his girlfriend before the two head down the ramp, holding hands.

Perkins: I guess all it took for Brian and Stacey to not be as… obnoxious, was being in Buffalo.

Shine: Yeah, but if we were here every show, it’d quickly get to their heads… If that was even possible.

Perkins: Anyways, you have to wonder if Brian Toogood will have a true hometown advantage here. You heard the fans be mostly favourable to him tonight. We know he has a mental edge.

Shine: Well, mental edge minus the fact those losses may sting a little bit with him, but we’ll see how the crowd is as the match goes on.

The couple breaks off at the end of the ramp and Brian Toogood around the ring and onto the apron, with Stacey stepping into the ring from the stairs. Brian gets into the ring, up the turnbuckle and holds the logo on the jersey. Stacey lightly touches his leg as Brian Toogood steps down, taking off his jersey to show custom trunks with a sabre through the B in the letters “BTG” on the back. His theme music fades away and he pretends to throw the jersey to a crowd member, before handing it off to an attendee. “I paid a lot of money for that!” Brian shouts. “No way you geeks are getting it.” And like that, a good portion of the crowd is back to booing him, with about half still having some support for him.

“Let’s go, Reagan,”


“Let’s go, Reagan,”


The crowd chants and just before the bell rings, we hear a familiar song.

Shine: Wait what?

Perkins: Oh great…

Nova’s old theme and rainbow lighting are replaced by the new violet tones and emotional sounds of Princess Nova. Making her way out, still wearing her dress and tiara from earlier, Princess Nova has a massive grin and twirls around, with a microphone in her hands. She giggles as her theme music fades away.

Nova: I may not be the one in charge, but I do care about the well-being of ALL my friends here in Liberty or Death Wrestling. I care about fairness, and ensuring fate goes as planned. So, seeing an unfair situation for Reagan Cole, I got granted the request to help give much-needed support for my friend. I can’t WAIT to watch this fun match, hehehe~

Blinking, Reagan Cole is quickly on edge. His friend who isn’t quite right in the head is now going to “help,” him in this match.

Perkins: Princess Nova… is helping Reagan Cole tonight?

Shine: Can we even trust her with God knows what Eden and Slate did to her?


When the bell rings, Reagan Cole quickly checks over his shoulder at Nova before locking up with Brian Toogood. The younger Toogood quickly takes advantage, going to a waist-lock and bringing Cole down to the mat. The competitors try to exchange holds on the mat, and in a situation where they both are normally experts in, Reagan Cole lags behind as Toogood has him in a grounded chinlock. Princess Nova encourages Reagan Cole on as Stacey Keys roots on her man. Cole eventually gets to a knee, but Brian lets go and nails him with a knee lift. Brian runs off the ropes and nails a second knee to the gut of Reagan Cole, before turning it into a Pumphandle Suplex, taking an early advantage.
The fans, still somewhat split between the normally hated hometown boy and the popular veteran, each take turns either encouraging Brian Toogood or cheering for Reagan Cole.

Brian keeps the pace to his liking, trapping Reagan Cole in the corner, kicking away at his chest. Toogood pulls him out of the corner and drops him with a backbreaker, attempting a pin that only gets a one count. Brian Toogood attempts to lock in a Boston Crab, but before he can turn Reagan Cole over, he is pushed away. The British Apprentice gets up, and Brian Toogood quickly responds with a Hammer Throw Irish Whip into the corner, dropping Reagan Cole to a knee! As Reagan Cole pulls himself up, Toogood nails a jumping lariat in the corner!

Still mentally behind the match, Reagan Cole drops to a knee and looks at Princess Nova who looks to be somewhat concerned. Still mixed about her being at ringside, he isn’t focused on the match. Stacey goes over to Brian and the two exchange a quick kiss before BTG ascends the top rope. Brian jumps through the air in a rare moment of high flying and hits a diving clothesline!

Having the match go his way thus far, Brian Toogood attempts to get his title shot early. He puts Reagan Cole in a suplex position and a Good Night’s Sleep is coming. But, Princess Nova warns Reagan of the move and Cole quickly blocks it and hits a vertical suplex!

Princess Nova grins and gives a thumbs up to Reagan Cole and, oddly enough, Reagan Cole gets a small bit of trust in Nova. He quickly blocks a move by Brian Toogood and turns it into a snap powerslam, before taking to the mat by hooking both of Brian Toogood’s arms and doing some knee strikes to the cocky upstart.

The self-proclaimed “Embodiment of American Exceptionalism,” gets to his feet, but Reagan Cole quickly turns it into a backslide pin.



And Brian Toogood kicks out as Reagan Cole grabs Brian’s head and does a neckbreaker to the knee. Keeping a hold on Brian Toogood, Reagan Cole nails an Olympic slam, forcing Brian Toogood to roll to the apron. Reagan Cole goes over to get Brian back in the ring, but Toogood yanks his head across the top rope, stunning Reagan Cole. Toogood rolls in the ring and nails a lariat to the back of Reagan Cole’s head! Brian quickly picks Cole up and lifts him above his head, nailing his elevated Flatliner, the Upside, and nearly drops him on his head! He pins Reagan Cole.



And Reagan Cole kicks out to the relief of his fans.

With a second attempt, this time Brian Toogood gets a Boston crab on Reagan Cole and he bends the spine of the British Apprentice. Princess Nova, oddly enough, wills the crowd on to support Reagan Cole. Slowly, Reagan Cole crawls towards the ropes and despite the pressure on his back, he grabs the bottom rope to force a break. Brian Toogood keeps the hold on for a four count and finally lets go.

Reagan Cole slowly starts to pull himself up and Brian Toogood arrogantly lightly kicks Reagan’s head. He does it a second time, laughing and this is finally forcing his hometown crowd to turn against him. Some boos start and Brian Toogood shouts, “Whatever, the Bills suck!” And the fans jeer. Stacey shouts for Brian to focus and Reagan Cole gets up, clocking him in the jaw with a hard right! Brian Toogood stumbles back and Reagan Cole trips him up, grabbing the leg! Before he can drop and fully secure the Cole Lock, Brian scurries to the rope to prevent himself from being locked in the same hold that forced him to tap out a few weeks ago.

With the crowd finally behind him, Reagan Cole quickly hits an elbow then Irish whips Brian Toogood off the ropes and hits a forearm smash, then a running Single Leg Dropkick as Brian Toogood gets back up. He hoists Brian up, nailing a perfect Northern Lights, before flipping over and grabbing Brian, turning it into a Snap Suplex!

Grabbing his back, Brian Toogood quickly goes near the ropes to pull himself off the mat, and Reagan Cole gets behind with a Rear facelock. He picks Brian Toogood up, dropping his feet onto the top rope as a spring to get extra force on his Inverted Suplex! He rolls Brian Toogood to his back for a pin.




And Brian Toogood manages to get his shoulder up for a kick out.

Before Reagan Cole can even think of his next step of action, Stacey Keys gets on the apron and shouts at the official and Reagan Cole. The ref gives her a warning and argues, causing a frustrated Reagan Cole to get up…

As Brian Toogood hits the Best Kick Around to the back of the head! Reagan Cole bounces into the ropes and Brian Toogood rolls him up, putting his feet on the ropes as the referee starts to count the pin!



And the referee stops the count as Princess Nova quickly points out the leverage used by Toogood.

Brian Toogood shouts at Princess Nova who simply giggles and apologizes. Reagan Cole shakes his head to get the cobwebs out of his head. The “Big Money” Brian Toogood turns around and the veteran drops him in a drop toe hold, before locking in the Disaster Piece! He headbutts Brian Toogood before having a Regal Stretch locked in!

With the force on his shoulder and neck, Brian Toogood is in agony as the crowd, who are now backing Reagan Cole thanks to the potshot at the Bills, are begging for another tap out from Brian Toogood. Stacey shouts encouragement for her boyfriend, even blowing him a kiss, and Brian manages to get his leg unhooked and rollover. Then Reagan Cole capitalizes, tripping Brian down and getting the Cole Lock secured!

Once again, Stacey Keys gets onto the apron to the official’s anger and the referee is threatening to toss her from ringside. Princess Nova walks over, and, rather politely, asks Stacey Keys to get down and now the Marvel of Manhattan is in Princess Nova’s face, shouting obscenities at her. Reagan Cole, tired of this and knowing the official won’t see a tap out, lets go of the hold and tries to get the ref’s attention back on the match. Brian, opportunistic, hits a low blow on Reagan Cole then quickly gets out of the ring!

Going to an old tactic, Brian Toogood gets a chair and rolls back into the ring and Nova, seeing this, has a look of shock and horror on her face. She rolls into the ring and charges at Brian Toogood before he can hit Reagan Cole with the chair, locking in the Queen’s Hand on him! She quickly forces Brian Toogood down to the mat with her satin glove in his mouth and Stacey quickly gets the official to turn around to see it…

Reagan Cole looks up and sees what is going on… and he grabs his forehead in frustration, realizing what it means.

The official calls for the bell, signalling a Disqualification!

Brian Toogood (DQ)

Perkins: Princess Nova just… Just cost Reagan Cole a title shot!

Shine: But… out of protecting him from the chair shot… Like what?!

Reagan Cole and the official quickly pry Princess Nova off of Brian Toogood before he passes out and Brian quickly rolls out of the ring where Stacey Keys comforts him… and reminds him what happened.

Garcia: And here is your winner by disqualification and number one contender to the LDW World Championship, Brian Toogood!

Hearing the announcement, Brian and Stacey jump for joy and Brian lifts Stacey off the ground and kisses her. He finally beat Reagan Cole… by technicality.

Perkins: And Brian and Stacey are on top of the world.

Shine: At this point, Brian will take anything to become LDW World Champion.

In the ring, Reagan Cole stares ahead, having such mixed emotions right now. And Princess Nova, seems somewhat happy.

“See? I saved you, friend!” She shouts happily before hugging him, jumping up and down.

Brian and Stacey pose at the top of the ramp and the camera zooms in on him shouting. “Next is you, Patriot! I’m taking that title, bitch!”

With Stacey adding, “AND ALEXANDRA YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER!” while shouting full blast, then the two head to the back.

Back in the ring, Reagan Cole pushes Nova away and Nova frowns. “W-What’s wrong?”

Taking a long look at Princess Nova, Reagan Cole thinks long and hard, knowing she isn’t herself, but still mad about her costing her a title shot. Slowly, he mutters, “I don’t even know who you are anymore…” before rolling out of the ring. Princess Nova looks on, twitching a little bit, giving a cutting glare…

Perkins: Brian Toogood will face Patriot one more time in Madison Square Garden, this time with our richest prize on the line. We have Mike Valander and Izalith facing off for the new LDW Anarchy Championship, But for now… The rift between friends is growing. Tune in next time on Primetime see where this is all heading as we approach Garden of Eden.

Shine: And frankly, I don’t know what’s next.​



After timing, kicks to the head, work, mental health concerns, we did this. Thanks to @Dark Maniax and @Just Reag for writing matches and @Grievous 3D for le Denny's bit along with @Patriot Pants who also did his segment. I dislike taking extra time for a show aside from a day or two. But as we've learned, there were reasons for it. I will get a sign-up thread tomorrow on the second Thanksgiving (the real one was in October, quite the fun time) and regardless, we won't rush the next show just to make sure things are ironed out, and also next show, we will be making sure you guys can contribute matches. Thanks.

@Jonny Nostradamus
@Jeffry Fucking Mason
@Dat Kid
@Seth (ur not involved now but this is ur last match and you said ur reading at least soo yeah)