So because John Cena is somehow 'above' being pinned by the best heel in wrestling we have to deal with a bullshit watered down triple threat involving a talentless piece of shit who has negative momentum leading up to the third biggest PPV of the year?
Yea, I'd say you are the only one who'd be OK with this. Henry deserves the belt and he deserves to take it off of Cena, not in a round about way involving Cryback just to 'protect' a guy who couldn't lose credibility if WWE gave him a pedophile gimmick.
In a perfect world you are 100% correct, but thanks to WWE killing my optimism this is more "compromising with WWE booking" than "actually wanting this to happen".
-WWE won't have Bryan enter the title picture without either turning heel or getting the title off Cena. We've seen this. There's loads of good stories for a face vs face matchup but you know it won't happen, and a Bryan heel turn would be the dumbest thing I've seen since Hulk Hogan tried to sell a UK crowd on Garett Bischoff being the future of wrestling. Lets avoid that.
-There's no way Henry's pinning Cena at MITB unless it's really dirty, and Ratings deserves better. There can be some BS finish or something else, setting up a triple-threat.
Okay, Cena vs Henry and the Triple Threat I'm down for. Ryback not so much, when posting that was thinking "hell why not have him eat another pin". But there's better ways to go about it like if he's available why not have Jericho go over at MITB and throw him in to eat the pin instead?
Actually never mind, just make it Cena/Bryan/Henry. That way we get all the wonderful storytelling you can do with Bryan without #wwelogic screwing it up