Possible Draft. Who needs a change?

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Aug 10, 2007
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Nottingham, UK
I'm only a casual WWE watcher, but here is what I would like to see.

Batista to RAW
John Cena to Smackdown
Matt Hardy to RAW
Carlito to Smackdown
Finlay to RAW
Chris Jericho to Smackdown
Hardcore Holly to ECW
CM Punk to RAW

Shawn Michaels to Smackdown I would also love to see, but it's very unlikely.


to SD,
umaga, HBK,

to raw,
Mysterio, CM Punk

to ECW,
mark henry, kane. {he's still on sd you know.}

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
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People need to stop saying SD! guys move to ECW, and vise versa. Someone said Morrison to SD!....man, he's like there every Firday, or every other Friday. ECW will be gone by the end of the year, or early next year. And with the talent exchange, basically it's whoever goes to SD! will be featured on ECW, whoever goes to ECW will be featured on SD!
Nov 3, 2007
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Paul London (To ECW) ECW need more wrestlers and need to be developed
Brian Kendrick (To ECW) See Paul London
Santino Marella (To Smackdown) Marella and Undertaker Enough Said
Hardcore Holly (To ECW) See Paul London
Cody Rhodes (To ECW) See Paul London
Super Crazy (To ECW) See Paul London
Finlay (To Raw) Because he has fueded with pretty much the entire Raw Roster
Jeff Hardy (To Smackdown) Jeff Hardy to fued with Edge and MVP
Ron Simmons (To ECW) Simmons vs Kane has always been a dream match for me?????
Hawkins and Ryder (To Raw) Need to get the world tag team titles off of Holly and Rhodes
CM Punk (To Smackdown) Too good for ECW
Elijah Burke (To Smackdown) Same as Punk
John Morrison (To Raw) IC Title in 2 months


As far as MVP goes the time to move him to Raw is not now. Eventually probably, but not at this point. I think they should build the show around him for the next couple years. They need a young star like him and he'd be a great person to build around. Eventually he should go to the A show, but now is not the time.

Yeah, totally. I wanna see him with that WHC title before he eventually moves over. I think the belt itself would suit him as well! :classy-but-bling: LOL

So, 5.. right?

Umaga > SD
Punk > Raw
Batista > Raw
Jericho > SD
Burchill > SD (for some midcard action)

Also... Tag teams to SD.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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i pretty much agree with the majority
umage sd
punk sd or raw
tista raw
y2j sd
carlito sd
morrison raw


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
Cody Rhodes to ECW: I know there aren't many teams on ECW but say Cody was traded to ECW and Bob Holly wasn't we could put them two in a winner take all match for the tag titles where in the match, Cody cheats to win and turns heel and rechristens the belts the ECW tag titles (with WWE tag titles on Raw and SD). Cody could then possibly team with Elijah and someone and bring Chuck Palumbo from SD (play the enforcer like Kevin Thorn) and get Shelton Benjamin and reform the New Breed.

Chuck Palumbo to ECW: No, he won't be a success in any of the brands but if he ggets put in my suggested version of the New Breed, him being on a show will actually have some meaning around it and he can be quite a dominant midcarder on ECW. If that doesn't work they could always remake the FBI with Nunzio >_>

Mr Kennedy to ECW: Now you may not agree with me because 1) I'm moving loads of people to ECW and 2) ECW may not be as big a spotlight as Raw for Kennedy but I think ECW would do wonders for Kennedy. Kennedy on ECW could be like Orton on Raw, Kennedy could play an amazing top dog heel if he got the chance and on ECW he'd have that chance and once he's proven over enough with a good title run they can put him back on Raw or SD! and he could have some good feuds.

Paul Burchill to SD!: He'd fill the gap Chuck Palumbo left if Palumbo was to move to ECW + Burchill is a more talented version of Palumbo anyway and he could have a great feud with the likes of Matt Hardy if he's given a chance. The only problem with him is he needs a personality to be able to have decent feuds and storylines because from what I see of him on Raw he is very bland and has nothing that defines him from every other average midcarder and someone as talented as him could do with that "something" to help them achieve.

DH Smith to SD!: Gets him a proper spotlight and keeps him away from Heat and I think he'd start off on the fringes of the card or in a tag team over on SD but I think he could quickly develop into a somebody and I could see him eventually play a sorta anti-american heel and do things like burning the US itle and stuff like that which would give him major heat and that would also open the opurtunity for him to tag up with Paul Burchill as anti-american heels.

Kofi Kingston to Raw: This would be a huge risk for Kofi and he would either be a huge success on Raw or a reject on Heat and I decided to opt to move him because I can just see him hold the IC Title. I'd give him a singles run to start but if he fails at it I'd turn Carlito face and team those two together and give them a run with the tag titles because their btoh talented athletes.

Most of the others drafts people have opted for I also agree with but there is no point to draft CM Pnk because he'll be movin when he cashes in his MITB anyway


Cody Rhodes to ECW: I know there aren't many teams on ECW but say Cody was traded to ECW and Bob Holly wasn't we could put them two in a winner take all match for the tag titles where in the match, Cody cheats to win and turns heel and rechristens the belts the ECW tag titles (with WWE tag titles on Raw and SD). Cody could then possibly team with Elijah and someone and bring Chuck Palumbo from SD (play the enforcer like Kevin Thorn) and get Shelton Benjamin and reform the New Breed.

Chuck Palumbo to ECW: No, he won't be a success in any of the brands but if he ggets put in my suggested version of the New Breed, him being on a show will actually have some meaning around it and he can be quite a dominant midcarder on ECW. If that doesn't work they could always remake the FBI with Nunzio >_>

Mr Kennedy to ECW: Now you may not agree with me because 1) I'm moving loads of people to ECW and 2) ECW may not be as big a spotlight as Raw for Kennedy but I think ECW would do wonders for Kennedy. Kennedy on ECW could be like Orton on Raw, Kennedy could play an amazing top dog heel if he got the chance and on ECW he'd have that chance and once he's proven over enough with a good title run they can put him back on Raw or SD! and he could have some good feuds.

Paul Burchill to SD!: He'd fill the gap Chuck Palumbo left if Palumbo was to move to ECW + Burchill is a more talented version of Palumbo anyway and he could have a great feud with the likes of Matt Hardy if he's given a chance. The only problem with him is he needs a personality to be able to have decent feuds and storylines because from what I see of him on Raw he is very bland and has nothing that defines him from every other average midcarder and someone as talented as him could do with that "something" to help them achieve.

DH Smith to SD!: Gets him a proper spotlight and keeps him away from Heat and I think he'd start off on the fringes of the card or in a tag team over on SD but I think he could quickly develop into a somebody and I could see him eventually play a sorta anti-american heel and do things like burning the US itle and stuff like that which would give him major heat and that would also open the opurtunity for him to tag up with Paul Burchill as anti-american heels.

Kofi Kingston to Raw: This would be a huge risk for Kofi and he would either be a huge success on Raw or a reject on Heat and I decided to opt to move him because I can just see him hold the IC Title. I'd give him a singles run to start but if he fails at it I'd turn Carlito face and team those two together and give them a run with the tag titles because their btoh talented athletes.

Most of the others drafts people have opted for I also agree with but there is no point to draft CM Pnk because he'll be movin when he cashes in his MITB anyway

Well thats certaintly a controversial post.. lol
Anyways, most of it could work, but the only one I would like to point out, well two actually...
Id put Kofi Kingston on SD instead of Raw... Raws roster is already way to big.
And two, the Kennedy one. Sorry but that is the weirdest Ive EVER heard.
The only thing that I would agree with is he would be the top heel.
But thats dumb to, because the rest of ECWs guys arent big names, so he would only be watched by about a rating of 1.0 instead of Raws, and, even though hed be the top heel on ECW, thats hard to be taken seriously. Just like when John Morrison was top heel there, hes still nowhere near the top Raw/SD guys. It would be a huge step back IMO, no disrespeect to ECW, but for a top guy like Kennedy... No way. Top ECW guys are supposed to build a career there before switching to Raw or SD, but not the other way around...
Thats just my opinion though:)


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
Well I was just thinking Kennedy could get some major heat over there if it was done right. He could destroy the legends like Dreamer and Balls and Stevie and then he could work his way all the way up to Kane and he'd have huge heat by then from the ECW faithful and I think if they play a Kennedy/Kane feud right it would possibly give ECW a meaning. I know ECW is for developing stars but people are ciritcising it because it means nothing. If you put a decent star like Kennedy over there it will give ECW a name.

I mean, think about it, try naming 5 people on the ECW roster whose good on the mic lol, pretty hard ain't it?


Chris Jericho needs to go to Smackdown and feud with someone over there, also people like Finlay need to go over to ECW since there isn't much left for them on Raw/Smackdown. Umaga should be on Smackdown as well.

And as for the "major" change. Move Triple H to Smackdown and MVP or The Undertaker to Monday Night Raw!


TRIPLE H (Smackdown)... HHH needs to bite the bullet and make the move. He'd bring a lot of viewers over to Smackdown and the fresh competition would do him well. Also he's one of the few guys never to switch brands.

UNDERTAKER (RAW) You'll of course need a big name to bridge the gap HHH left... Taker is another guy who has never switched brands.

CENA (SMACKDOWN) I think he's definately run his course over on RAW, he could use a revamp, perhaps a heel change and some fresh story lines.

MORRISON (RAW) I don't think we've seen a fraction of what this guy is capable of in the ring and he'd be an amazing addition back into the IC title scene, him and Y2J would make an amazing feud. He's also a guy who would be ready for a world title in a year or so.

THE MIZ (SMACKDOWN) A nice addition to the US title scene, Miz has really shocked me since his debut, he's got a lot of potential. If worked with right he could be a main event player some day.

CM PUNK (RAW) We all know it's coming.

UMAGA (SMACKDOWN) There is nothing more for him to do on RAW and we all know an Umaga/Big Show feud is unavoidable. They need to open his character up more because honestly, he's really not bad in the ring and could be an amazing asset to the company if worked with.

Those are just the obvious ones for now. The reason I didn't send anyone to ECW is because we all know it's going under. A suitable thread would be how to divide the ECW talent once it does. But all in all...fuck the brands... what we really need is the merger of the brands once again.


^ Now I actually agree with EVERYONE on your post. Good job man.
The only one that may cause a problem is HHH cause we all know what hes like when it comes to Smackdown. But it would be huge if he went there, good choices though/

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

John Cena should go back to SD along with HBK,Cm Punk,Y2J,and Umaga. Morrison and MVP should go to Raw.


but then Smackdown will look like the A-show but its not suposed to be


Dec 22, 2007
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Elijah Burke to RAW
Batista to RAW
CM Punk to RAW

To Smackdown:

Umaga to Smackdown
Randy Orton to Smackdown
HBK to Smackdown
Jeff Hardy to Smackdown


Jaime Noble
Paul Burchill
Chuck Palumbo