Possible Draft. Who needs a change?

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Ok, basically, just post the top 4 or 5wrestlers you think need a change of brands. You can give reasons if you want to, but with the rumor of the draft coming up (possibly) I was wondering who people think needs a fresh start to give them momentum...

1-MVP: Im thinking now that its sort of old on SD. So many things beneifet from this, if he were to go to Raw... The US title could go there, to liven up the competition, and SD lacks a good mid card. There they have the top guys (Edge, Batista, Taker, etc) and the low, low guys (the Super Crazys of the world) but dont have a strong mid card, other than Hardy basically. On Raw he could feud with the likes of Carlito, Jericho, Big Show, JBL, Burchill or even Cawdy Rhodes. I just think hes more suited for Monday Nights...

2-Batista: There is actually NOTHING for him on SD. I mean, I always preffered him and saw him as more of a Raw guy anyways, but now its just desperately needed. SD has nowhere near the same amount of ain eventers as Raw, but its even worse now that its stale. The feuds are getting repetitive now, and Batista gets alot of excitement going when he makes an appearence on raw....

3-John Cena: It might just be that his best days were on SD, but for some reason I want him to move over there. Obvously another move (other than these 4 im listing) will need tobe made to reake SD's Main Event scene, and with 1 more big name, along with Cena, it could have some interest. But I just think that he would have a bit more airtime on SD, and bring more viewers to that show. Mostly, new feuds though.

4-Elijah Burke: I think he could strengthen up the SD midcard with a permantent move there. Hes lost in the shuffle on ECW with it only being an hour, but we all (mostly) realize he has potential, and I think on SD he could have more air time and better matches.

You dont need to post paragraphs like mine, but everyone should try to post their top 4 or 5.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
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1 - Umaga. He's beaten everyone on RAW, and on Smackdown! some fresh fueds, including a great one vs. 'Taker would be good. And he can win the World Title.

2 - Batista. He needs to turn heel and jump to RAW. Destroy HBK and HHH.

3 - Jeff Hardy. He should go to SD! and either fued with his brother, or MVP, or anyone else.

4 - CM Punk (To SD!). Well, ECW should be off the air soon, lol. So put him on SD!

5 - Rey Mysterio. Give him to RAW. He's fueded with many people on SD! If he goes to RAW he can fued with a heel HHH, a heel Batista, even HBK.

6 - Elijah Burke or Kofi Kingston (To RAW). Again, ECW is ending, so send Burke to RAW. He's one hell of a talent. Great on the stick, great in the ring. If not Burke then I sya Kofi Kingston also, because I wanna see him vs. Carlito, lol.


CM Punk:He's rarely on ECW these days, and a move to SD could lead to some good feuds with the likes of MVP, Mysterio (When he comes back) and Edge.

Umaga:He's done all he can on RAW (Seriously, he won't win the WWE title) and he could be a good challenger for The Undertaker, add in a possible feud with Big Show down the line, and you have all the more reason to move him.

Chris Jericho:Off to SD for Y2J. He hasn't been there for a while, he could feud with Edge, Punk, MVP, Taker (Which hasn't really been done before) among others.

Cody Rhodes:Move him to ECW, maybe even turn him heel. He's not going to get any better by tagging with Holly. Let him go to ECW where he could grow as a performer and eventually challenge for the ECW title.

Carlito:This man just needs a change of scenery and a fresh start. Either ECW or SD could do wonders for his career.


Feb 24, 2008
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Ottawa, Canada
Umaga - Umaga has done everything on Raw. He's faced Shawn Michaels, Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton (I believe), Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, basically, all the top guys and there just isn't anything for Umaga to do left. A move to Smackdown! would be great, as we'd also get to see Undertaker and Umaga feud.

Shawn Michaels - Though it isn't likely, I'd like to see it. Smackdown! needs star power, there only star power currently is Edge and Batista. Not so good. Shawn Michaels moving there would be great for Smackdown! as we could see Undertaker/Michaels feud. Edge/Michaels. I'd like to see it. And it's also the same case for Shawn as it is Umaga. Shawn's faced every single guy on Raw.

Elijah Burke - He's doing absolute s**t on ECW. He's doing nothing and he's one of the most talented wrestlers on the show, and that bothers me. I say, move Burke to Smackdown!, give him the United States Championship and let him hold it for a while to help build him up. MVP held the United States Championship, and currently is, and he's becoming one of the top guys on Smackdown! which is great. If they do the same for Burke, he could become just like MVP.

CM Punk - I think it would be cool to see him move to Raw while he is holding the money in the bank briefcase. He could have some great feuds with Chris Jericho and Mr. Kennedy over it until he cashes it in, and even have a feud with Jeff Hardy over it if WWE can trust Hardy again.

Those are the main picks I'd like to see get moved for all the reasons above. I wouldn't like to see MVP move from Smackdown! to Raw. WWE tried that with Mr. Kennedy, and look at Kennedy, he's never been the same as he has been when he was on Smackdown!. If they move MVP, I worry the same will happen to him, and that won't be too good when you look at the potential he has.


Jul 30, 2007
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1.- umaga to smackdown: he could feud with undertaker for the world title, with the big show in a monster feud, with matt hardy and mark henry lol.
2.-triple h to smackdown: I'm tired of hhh on raw, in sd! he could feud with 'taker for the title, and easy have a hell of a matches between this two, and also feud with edge,mvp,matt hardy and maybe morrison.
3.-batista to raw: I see, that everyone want this move, batista can be a heel on raw, we could see batista vs cena, batista vs jericho,batista vs cm punk(draft),batista vs jeff hardy, batista vs orton.
4.- cm punk to raw: damn!!, i hope this, i can see cm punk vs mr kennedy,cm punk vs jericho for the ic tile, cm punk vs cena, cm punk vs hbk(maybe a wrestlemania match),cm punk vs orton,etc.I'll like to see punk on raw.
5.-carlito to ecw: he could be ecw champ.
6.-gregory helms to ecw: he could be ecw champ and a good heel.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
1-Paul London and Brian Kenderick to ECW: with John Morrison and The Miz holding tha Tag Team Championships and such...This'll probably be a good match up ...and such...Considering London&Kenderick are doing jack shit on RAW...I think on ECW they'll get a chance to showcase their skills and such...in a way that'll make that brand watchable for even the most "jaded" of fans...can't go wrong with some good tag team matches

2-Carlito to Smackdown: He can feud with MVP, Batista, and Matt Hardy and others and basically build himself back up.

3-Elijah Burke to Raw: He can possibly feud with Jericho(if he's still a face) and could probably fill in carlito's spot as Santino's Tag Partner...

4-Umaga to ECW or Smackdown:....basically :y:

5-Finlay to RAW: Him and hornswoggle are pretty much RAW super stars now...mayaswell keep'em there on Monday Nights


1- Batista needs to go to Raw with this whole HBK fued and then he will have new other opponents there also.

2- Rey Mysterio to Raw, he has been on SD since going to WWE, that will freshin things up a bit.

3- Umaga to SD, hes probably the best big monster guy apart from Kane/taker and needs to move

4- Carlito would go to ECW and fued for the title to make him popular again!

5- Elijah Burke really needs to go to SD, take the US title while MVP moves up to the main event spot. elijah could fued with Matt hardy, helms?, and alot of others!

The Rated R CMStar

Talking about other propositions, I wouldn't like the movement of Rey Mysterio to Raw as I am still waiting a full blown Rey vs Batista or Rey vs Taker.

Umaga: He has done everything on Raw, he isn't winning the major there, but on SD he can be a main eventer.

Y2J: The same, his name would be bigger on SD and would make him an instant main eventer, and could also go on to have bigger midcard feuds.

DH Smith: On SD they can exploid better his "second generation gimmick", as on Raw they certainly don't want to do it.

Batista: Batista vs Orton, Batista vs Cena, nuff said.

Mr. Kennedy: Just for the fact that on Raw I don't see them giving them the big push, on SD he was getting it and was on fire, so I would like him back.

Carlito: Possible ECW Championship contender, hey, that would at least give him a World Title right!


Well, the brand extention is pretty messed up right now, wrestlers from RAW, Smackdown!, and ECW are jumping all over the place and they really dont take the extention as seriously as before. So it kind of takes away from the draft, but..here is who I think should switch shows anyway:

1-The Great Khali to ECW: Khali's work in the WWE is stale and boring, I dont watch ECW, so this is the right show for Khali to go to

2-Chris Jericho to Smackdown!: Y2J could actually make it over on Smackdown! Lets be honest, RAW doesnt need any more main eventers and Jericho could actually help the main event over on Smackdown! and possible get a World Title run

3-Elijah Burke to Smackdown!: He needs to go to Smackdown! so he can get more TV time...plain and simple

4-Batista to RAW: He is fueding with HBK right now, and he doesnt have much left to do on Smackdown! Why not move him over to Monday nights?

5-Kendrick and London to Smackdown!: They arent being used right on RAW, and they can help the dead tag division on Smackdown!

thats all I can think of right now, but as I said the lines that seperate the brands have faded so the draft doesnt mean much anymore


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Elijah Burke - He's doing absolute s**t on ECW. He's doing nothing and he's one of the most talented wrestlers on the show, and that bothers me. I say, move Burke to Smackdown!, give him the United States Championship and let him hold it for a while to help build him up. MVP held the United States Championship, and currently is, and he's becoming one of the top guys on Smackdown! which is great. If they do the same for Burke, he could become just like MVP.

What makes you think a move to SD! or Raw would help Burke? If he can't even break into the ECW line-up why would he break in on the other two shows that have much more extensive rosters? Also if they actually wanted him to do something he could easily be doing stuff on SD!. With the talent exchange he could be on TV every friday night if they wanted him too, but they clearly don't.

Basically I'd move Batista to Raw for reasons mentioned above.

Carlito to SD!. If they don't move him there then I'd like to see him get tag team gold with Santino then have them split turn him back to face, I think he's a better face and have Santino get his first real feud to see if he can have a serious feud.

Umaga to SD!. As everyone has said he's done everything he can do on Raw. He's a tremendous talent and I think he could have some great feuds on SD!.

CM Punk. I'd move him to either full time SD! or Raw. I really have no idea what they're going to do with that brief case of his to be perfectly honest. I have no clue where he's going to cash it in so assuming they plan on letting him actually cash it and not lose it to someone then I'd move him to the brand where they plan on having him cash it in on.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Well seems like everyone is saying the same thing, so I agree with most of them.
Punk move YES
Burke move YES
Batista move YES
Jericho move YES
Kendrick/London move YEs
Mysterio move NO
Umaga move YES
MVP move NO
Carlito move YES

Rey isn't going to become the giant killer of wrestling. There is no way in hell he's going over the likes off Cena, Orton and HHH. MVP is about to drop the title to Hardy, finally, and I see him getting a push afterwards.

Being on SD! is the best thing right now, the stars aren't super-over and everyone (excluding Taker) has equal or no power backstage. Who does MVP have to go through to become champion? Taker, Edge, Batista (not at the time and he has a win over Tista already), I see MVP being champion in 08-09.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
^I agree. A move to Raw for Mysterio would make absolutely no sense whatsoever. He would never beat those guys mentioned and he would just get lost in the shuffle there.

As far as MVP goes the time to move him to Raw is not now. Eventually probably, but not at this point. I think they should build the show around him for the next couple years. They need a young star like him and he'd be a great person to build around. Eventually he should go to the A show, but now is not the time.

Evil Austin


Duece and Domino
Jesse and Festus
not sure here...​

To Smackdown​

John Morrison
Chris Jericho

To Raw​

CM Punk
The Miz or MVP​

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

OK, I have been thinking about this for awhile now, and I have quite a few I want to see move.

Rey Mysterio (ECW)- I think they really need a chance to have feuds on ECW, and that's what Rey can really provide.

Elijah Burke (SmackDown) - The SmackDown midcard is razor thin, so here is a great way to add some depth to it. Burke has the charisma to be great for SD's midcard, and he could play the role MVP plays now.

Harry Smith (SmackDown)- Smith can't really do anything on Heat, so a move to SmackDown would definately help him out a lot.

Hardcore Holly (ECW) - Back when he was in ECW before, he was actually worth a damn, so why not make it happen again. Crazy thought, I know.

Batista (Raw) - Does he have anything left to do on SmackDown?

Jeff Hardy (SmackDown) - Jeff could make a great addition to the SmackDown roster if he keeps himself clean. Problem is, that's a big if.

Mark Henry (Raw) - He is doing nothing on the blue brand, so freshen him up on Raw.

Umaga (SmackDown) - He needed to go last year, he definately needs to go this year.

Paul Burchill (ECW) - Give him a chance to grow.

Gregory Helms (ECW)- Give Helms a good chance to become a champion. He deserves it.

Finlay (Raw) - He is on there most of the time anyway.

CM Punk (Raw)- Really try to push Punk hard on the A Brand. Could make Punk the new face of the WWE.

Chris Jericho (SmackDown)- Y2J could go over to SmackDown and be a main eventer, rather than just a bit part on Raw.

Carlito (SmackDown) - Another one for the midcard.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on everyone who should move.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2008
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CM Punk - needs to be on one of the bigger shows permanently. I'd like to see him on Smackdown

Chris Jericho - Smackdown needs another 'star' as it were to fill out the midcard/upper mid card. Stuff this stupid heel turn stuff with Shawn Michaels, or perhaps have him turn heel on Batista. Then put him on Smakcdown and we'd have some of the classic Y2J insulting the big, musclebound, dumbass guys for their lack of intelligence. Just remember the Goldberg feuds both in WCW and WWE, even if the WCW didn't come to anything...

Either this or put Shawn Michaels on Smackdown...

Cody Rhodes - Needs to be thrown on ECW really, to sharpen him up a bit. I look at ECW as WWE's TV developmental, so it would be the perfect place for him.

John Morrison - This guy has so much potential, but isn't gonna fill it in ECW. Give him an IC title run on Raw, or something, make that belt mean something again.

Plus any other people to fill the gaping hole that is SD!'s midcard...