Britanica ? said:
I am glad my husband its not part of that majority. He has turned down a lot of women because they were sluts or he didn't find them at all attractive.
And yes, "some" (very, very few) are decent or even beautiful women but once you cross the threshold of being a commercial slut... I am sorry... That is just gross.
Yes, that's perfectly fine. I respect his decisions due to the fact that he wants to be clean, safe and doesn't want to have sexual intercourse with someone that's been manifested by dozens of penises in their vagina.
Some are beautiful however the industry they're in is very shocking for their beauty. Let's take Candice Michelle, she's incredibly beautiful, glamours and looks flawless however she's done porn before. She could quite easily get dozens of men (including me


however the industry their in isn't best fit for them. Although, it does make them money and keep people that like her or people that watch porn happy.
I, personally, wouldn't have sex with a porn star. However, I would with different kinds of women that I find attractive. The word attractive to me means, beautiful and someone that isn't known commercially around the city as a slut. It's not hard having sex with someone that's known commercially as a slut around my city and it's not much of an achievement.