Yeah that thing looks like it has rabies lol> Mightyena
Yeah that thing looks like it has rabies lol> Mightyena
Sort of. There's actually a whole big theory about the lore behind it and it's fucking mindblowing. Like, there's alchemy and gods involved, it's so bad-ass. I know it's long, but it was just so interesting to me. Check it out if you want!Turns out Sun and Moon is going to be occult/satanic themed.:
Sort of. There's actually a whole big theory about the lore behind it and it's fucking mindblowing. Like, there's alchemy and gods involved, it's so bad-ass. I know it's long, but it was just so interesting to me. Check it out if you want!
If this shit is true, I'm really tempted to get Sun because what Solgaleo's based on, but I really want to wait if they release the exclusive Pokemon for each version. That's all I really base my decision on when choosing a version. I don't care much for legendaries, to be honest, lol. It's not like you don't get the other legendary anyway, lol.
I guess this guy was right :why: :dawg::
For a child who doesn't know better, sure. Kids are impressionable. I enjoyed Pokemon as a kid and I still love and seek God.
I think there is more important topics the "church" should be focusing on.ity:
Also, why is he comparing guns to pokemon? Why not focus on Call of Duty if you wanna play the gun card? lol
Charmander's tail is out, why isn't he dead?
He is the derp version, his flame comes out his butt :haha:
In that case, whatever he ate, I won't have.
The occult/Satanic stuff honestly just makes me want the game more, I love that shit.