If you don't get Urshifu in the Single Strike Style then we can't be friends as it means you don't accept Southern Style Kung Fu and that is a crime.
Hell yeah, monotype runs are my absolute favoriteA discord server I am on is doing a Mono-type challenge where we are assigned a random type and we pick a Pokemon game to do the run for. I was given ground type, so I got a rom of Platinum and I'm 6 badges in on it.
My team is:
Last is a temporary team member to help me through the ice section until I can get a Mamoswine for late-game.
I'll be honest I don't know how I feel about DP. The new style just feels... wrong. Like, I get that it's accurate to the top down game, but I didn't want that, I wanted modern gameplay to an old game like with ORAS, my favorite of the remakes
The Arceus game though, my god, unlimited hype. Did you see that open world combat? What even IS that? That looks so cool and I'm really excited to see how it plays! Plus, notice that the logo wasn't "Pokemon Legends: Arceus" it was "Pokemon Legends:..................................................Arceus". Does that mean Legends is going to be a complete series that they follow? That'd be so freaking sick!