Wow...I thought he'd be in there...he's
kind of iconic in his own right.
Well...hopefully Nintendo doesn't try to
sell them as DLC later on down the line.
Honestly...I thought with the franchise
moving onto the Switch it would be
easy for EVERY Pokemon to show up
in the game in some way, shape or form.
As long as your enjoying Buddy...that's
all that matters.
I think there were some technological issues with what they use to transfer them, plus they were on a tight timeline. With nearly 1000 pokemon now, and likely more counting alternate forms, there is only so much time they can commit to getting them ready for transfer. And I don't see the old mons just repeating their models from the last game. Of course, they look very similar as they are the same mons, but I've noticed extra details on a fair amount of mons like Goodra's line actually looks slimy and Sylveon kinda pops more, a few things like that. And if you delay the games to get every mon in when Nintendo wants you to hit a certain deadline, there is a television show which will likely get delayed with the games, along with merch and more, it is hard to take that extra time to get every mon in.
And I doubt there will be paid DLC for new mons. They do free events normally or as a bonus for something, and from what we know so far, there are some Pokemon whose data is in the game, meaning there is potential that they are transferable later like some special legendaries, the rest of the Kanto starters, Alola's starters, and several other mons.
And I think these games, while not perfect (like it is somewhat easy as a whole for the main story but it does pick up later in the game) were among the most fun I had doing a main story of a Pokemon game. With several solid characters, many unique and lovable locations, the wild mechanics being a mix of Let's Go and old meaning you can have random encounters while seeing Pokemon in the overworld, meaning if you really don't want to encounter wild pokemon you don't need to spend a shit ton of money on repels, and I feel there is a decent lifespan for the games as Raid battles are very very fun and especially fun with friends, the wild area is vast, but still full and has some fun exploring, raising mons for competitive is made more accessible, I know eventually I'll make an effort to complete the dex and get a shiny charm to hunt shiny pokemon.
So tl;dr, the games are not flawless and how it'll rank up in my books to other games in the series is yet to be seen, but it is a fun experience and I think is far better than what people thought it was going to be at the height of the anger with it at first.