They fat-shamed him into a size 2Chubby Pikachu is best.
Obviously as a way to encourage fat kids to lose some weight.They fat-shamed him into a size 2:
Obviously as a way to encourage fat kids to lose some weight.
"You wanna be like your adorable Pikachu? GET OUTSIDE AND STOP BEING A WAILORD!"
FORM OF...a whale.
Big Boi is fat and proud.
The best part about Heartgold and Soulsilver is that giant creatures like that get shrunk to be cutesy little puppy size.
Aww a Shady Baby has been made :meowth:
Gen 6 is so fun with gimmicks. Since they're easier games, you can just do whatever and have fun with itRestarted Pokemon X as I have no power.
I have Bowser the Chespin and Rollins the Fletchling on my team and I have one badge which Bowser Rolled out until I won.
Gen 6 is so fun with gimmicks. Since they're easier games, you can just do whatever and have fun with it