Wow. Solidus SUCKS.
Not even with a Mega Metagross ._.

Wow. Solidus SUCKS.
Not even with a Mega Metagross ._.
:yay: I just checked the page and they updated it. Zeraora (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopediaSaiyancat has been officially revealed.
@Solid Snake
As much as I want a game this year I do not want them to rush it and ruin it. I will be getting a Switch end of summer/early fall regardless but I really don't want another game I can't get invested in. I enjoyed Sun/Moon but it just felt like it was lacking for me. I started to lose interest too fast and I never even finished the game. I hardly touched it after finishing the story. I want them to go back to the basics but make it feel fresh.
It will be so much easier too to play people on the Switch. Plus, me and Soli plan on playing games and streaming them for fun. No need to get a modded 3DS anymore! :yay:I am also deep down trying to save up for a Switch (after I get a better laptop) but then, I will kick the Shinx outta you in battles. Not even Sayain Kitty will save you from Noodles!
It isn't burnout it was the games. They both lacked that drive "to be the very best"... lolI never even got like a fourth of the way through Moon (shit my name makes that game awkward now).
I thought it was just Pokemon burnout because I played through Alpha Sapphire like a month before it came out, but I think it just didn't manage to capture me like previous Pokemon games. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to it, but I just have so many other games right now that I'd rather be playing instead.