So many of these new Pokemon will go straight to ubers.
Golisopod w/ First Impression is ridiculous. +2 priority, base 90 power and STAB.
Pheromosa has base 131 ATK and spATK and base 151 speed with insane coverage. Ability beast boost can be used to raise any ability when you get a kill, so it can act as moxie, speed boost, or moxie for special attack. Insane.
Magearna w/ Soul Heart does the same thing as beast boost.
Zygarde-Complete has base 216 HP and can dragon dance twice without issue unless an ice type is already on the field.
Guzzlord has beast boost too, and base 223 HP.
Celesteela has beast boost and over base 100 stats in everything but HP and speed.
Xurkitree has base 173 special attack and beast boost.
Anything with beast boost/soul heart will be banned, guaranteed.