Even creatively, because they were tapping into pop culture an entire half a decade before WCW and WWF were, then when WCW and WWF tap into late 90s pop culture ECW becomes an out of touch grunge era/Morton Downey Jr show.
The WWF and WCW did pop culture better than ECW, they were already into the whole post grunge, nu-metal, teen-pop Tom Green, TRL, American pie pop culture while ECW was stuck in the grunge adult late night era of the 80s-mid 90s.
WWF and WCW were blockbusters while ECW remained that show you saw after 1:00am.
The Late 90s/Early 2000s weren’t about shock for shock sake like the 80s-mid 90s were, it was about reality based television.
In ECW sandman had no defining character, he was just a guy who drank beer, that’s a gimmick, whereas Stone Cold had a character who happened to drink beer, see the difference?
ECW was full of traits and sex, but no story and character behind them.
Sable didn’t just show her tits for no reason, there was a story, she was rebelling against her abusive husband Mero and later boss McMahon.
Trish didn’t just do sexual stuff like they did in ECW for no reason, she did it because they were part of a story, whether that be T&A, rebelling against the RTC, the McMahon affair,etc
One of the reasons why the Ruthless aggression era failed is because they started doing stuff with no story. Such as HLA, Bischoff just nonsensically put two lesbians making out with no character, no story, just a phony competition as an excuse
If ECW was in touch with society, they would have drawn, and if they drew they wouldn’t be in debt.
They should’ve drawn to the point where even if TV was stripped they could still have money to hold over a year.
Not only didnt they have enough money due to not drawing, but networks didn’t want it because it was out of touch.
People didn’t want hokey ultra violence with shitty to zero characters and story that was out of touch with society.
They wanted reality based television that was in touch with society, and that’s exactly what WCW and the WWF were.
Paul Heyman hates Vince Russo to this day, because Russo didn’t get to make WWF edgy until 5 years after ECW did, and Russo was more in touch with late 90s/early 2000s pop culture than Heyman and Bischoff could ever dream over.
Then it gets worse with Kreski, because unlike Russo this guy was outside the wrestling world completely.