Paul Burchill

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What the fuck? Need I say more?
Why are they wasting this guy? He has a good in ring presence, can get some heat, and was never really given a chance.
Now, don't come in here and say "He's not that great, he can't be a main eventer"... So what? I never said he could. But if blueberries guys like Hurricane Helms, Funaki, Arab Bischoff (Rinjin Singh) and Little Bastard can get more air time than him, then something is messed.

Anyways, who else thinks wwe is wasting him, and what do you think needs to be done to get him over enough for say, an IC title reigh?


Mar 31, 2007
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The guy is uber talented for what people give him. I just think they need to distance him from Katie Lee and get him a girlfriend that gives him a gimmick. His gimmick right now turns me off (no homo) I can't get interested in a guy with his incest sister.... weird.... but anyway all they need to do is get him a girlfriend, get him a better gimmick, one that makes sence, and the wrestling will take care of itself


^See, I'm the opposite man.
When they brought hi up, he was supposed to be tappin g his sister and all that right? But then wwe went all family friendly, and cancelled it, and made Katie Lea just his sister (with no attractiion to eachother).
I think that's what messed him up.
They had plans to push him ith the incest gimmick, and make something out of it, but when they cancelled those plans to go family friendly, they had nothing for him, and he was just another guy.

The people to blame for his non push and non usage would have to be them, for coming up with the incest thing, and then changing their minds so quickly, without a backup plan.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

You know why he doesn't get pushed? He has the charisma of a doorknob. I admit he is very talented in the ring, and I'd quite like to see him work somewhere where charisma isn't important. But the guy is less charasmatic than Chris Benoit ever was, and that's saying something.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
I actually thought that I was going to a "best in future endeavers" when I got on the internet after seeing him on ECW. A majority of the people that's been getting released recently have been gone, mysteriously popped up in a random match and then get released. But after seeing that his and Katie Lea's profiles were moved to ECW, I'd assume a DJ Grabiel feud is in the works. ECW I think would be a good place for him at the moment since they weren't using him at all on RAW, but he could be used as just a talent enhancement, rather than an actual competitor to the mid card. I wasn't watching Smackdown when he had the pirate gimmic, but when he came to RAW I saw some promise in him, but he never got anywhere. Sadly, although he has skill, and hardly no support in the offices, the pink slip maybe coming.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Katie Lea and Paul Burchill are both awesome sauce in a can. Move them both to ECW and let them knock some people out over there, just dont let him go to waste just because creative can't think of a "gimmick" for him. Give him "No Gimmick Needed" and let him curb stomp some bitches, its just a darn shame to see him being so misused.

Hometown Kid

I must be the only one who really thought he was absolutely awesome as a pirate. I don't know what it was about him because I usually hate gimmicks like that but he was sick then to me in that time. He was over, did cool moves and actually showed some charisma. Now he's just Johnny Genero pretty much. I want him as a pirate again to be honest. Katie Lea sucks. =/


I really don't care for the guy so could care less weather or not he ever gets a push or not. Unless he gets a good gimmick besides the pissed off brit I'm not really going to be digging on him.


The moment you associate Hurricane Helms with little Bastard, you fail in my view.
Ranjin Singh isn't really taking up time as he just comes out only when Khali appears. Same with Hornswoggle and Finlay. Kung fu naki is actually a good wrestler when it comes to jobbing well.


The moment you associate Hurricane Helms with little Bastard, you fail in my view.
Ranjin Singh isn't really taking up time as he just comes out only when Khali appears. Same with Hornswoggle and Finlay. Kung fu naki is actually a good wrestler when it comes to jobbing well.

It hads nothing to do with them being on the same level or anything, I was just giving quick examples of lower card guys who have more air time and mre of a push than Burchill.
I wasn't saying Kung Fu Naki and Hurricane Helms were equal, because obviously helms is better than Funaki, but I am saying that overall, I think Burnchill is better than them both.


Have you actually seen Kungfunaki winning a match? If he did, I would have agreed with you. But all he is doing is jobbing. You want Burchill getting his air time doing his role? Be my guest.

Hurricane Helms is a loyal WWE wrestler who just came back from injury. Morever, the casual fans recognise him more than Burchill. And on any given day, I think in terms of both mic skills and wrestling ability, i think the 2 are almost equal.

If Burchill wants to appear on TV so much, then he would have left for TNA a long time ago. Apparently he thinks the money WWE offers is more lucrative. If he's not concerned, why should we be.


Have you actually seen Kungfunaki winning a match? If he did, I would have agreed with you. But all he is doing is jobbing. You want Burchill getting his air time doing his role? Be my guest.
That's why he's such a waste. If you took the super crazy's, Mike Knox's, Hawkins and Ryders, etc off the show, you would have more room to give a guy a push who can actually do something with it, and actually have something sdone during his air time.

Hurricane Helms is a loyal WWE wrestler who just came back from injury. Morever, the casual fans recognise him more than Burchill. And on any given day, I think in terms of both mic skills and wrestling ability, i think the 2 are almost equal.
Fair point, but I wouldn't want Hurrican Helms off tv either. It was more just giving an idea of how, if those guys (without any disrespect to Helms) can have tv time, there's no reason a guy like Burchill can't have equal, if not more, air time, to have some form of midcard push.

If Burchill wants to appear on TV so much, then he would have left for TNA a long time ago. Apparently he thinks the money WWE offers is more lucrative. If he's not concerned, why should we be.
That goes back to my second post here. He obviously stayed in WWE because he was in line for a push to the midcard. He was obviously told they had something for him (the incest angle, however bad it was), and so he stayed, hoping they would follow through, but then when they went "family friendly" they cancelled and he was screwed.


I must be the only one who really thought he was absolutely awesome as a pirate. I don't know what it was about him because I usually hate gimmicks like that but he was sick then to me in that time. He was over, did cool moves and actually showed some charisma. Now he's just Johnny Genero pretty much. I want him as a pirate again to be honest. Katie Lea sucks. =/

Yeah that's exactly what I was talking about the other day with someone. He was really over as a pirate, had some good matches and he had some pretty good moves too. His entrance was pretty awesome and I think he was one of the most over mid carders on SD. Give him that back and throw Katie Lea away and his career will pick back up. Pirate Burchill > Generic Burchill with useless sister :y:


That's why he's such a waste. If you took the super crazy's, Mike Knox's, Hawkins and Ryders, etc off the show, you would have more room to give a guy a push who can actually do something with it, and actually have something sdone during his air time.

Fair point, but I wouldn't want Hurrican Helms off tv either. It was more just giving an idea of how, if those guys (without any disrespect to Helms) can have tv time, there's no reason a guy like Burchill can't have equal, if not more, air time, to have some form of midcard push.

That goes back to my second post here. He obviously stayed in WWE because he was in line for a push to the midcard. He was obviously told they had something for him (the incest angle, however bad it was), and so he stayed, hoping they would follow through, but then when they went "family friendly" they cancelled and he was screwed.

I think you make fair points other than the first one. I think jobbers are always needed. Their time on TV is not to get them over, but the other party. That's why they get the time. As I said, I don't think casual fans connect to him well. And that's the main reason why he's not getting a push.
Jan 2, 2009
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On The Planet Jupiter
Yeah that's exactly what I was talking about the other day with someone. He was really over as a pirate, had some good matches and he had some pretty good moves too. His entrance was pretty awesome and I think he was one of the most over mid carders on SD. Give him that back and throw Katie Lea away and his career will pick back up. Pirate Burchill > Generic Burchill with useless sister :y:

I thought his pirate gimmick was awesome... the whole teasing at an incestual relationship with his sister gimmick isnt working....and he does a horrible curbstomp....

He needs to go back to being a pirate and doing a moonsault slam.