I Agree with you. Randys win was very big and NO ONE thought he would win. i wish the match would have been a little long but still.
If you watched the past Raw's it was actually painfully obvious that Randy was going to win or at least get cheated out of his title.
Booking wise, He was always forgotten and undervalued by Triple H and Cena and he never got his chance to disprove those assumptions by the two. Meaning he's going to disprove it at Wrestlemania. Honestly it's nuff said. WWE uses formula booking since day one and to me anyway it was obvious.
Yeah Orton went over huge won a triple threat match, gave Cena his first WM loss, and appears to have the belt for a long time.
However I think Triple H winning and retaining during WM16 was bigger.
yea he was. and booker was face....montana kinda screwed it up lol.What about 19?? Was HHH heel then?
Hmmm i never really thought about this but EVERY time HHH had a decent opponent hhh lost. He lost to Warrior, Taker, Kane, HBK + Beniot, Cena, Batista, Orton,
He beat goldust, owen hart, foley + Rock+ Big Show, Jericho, Booker T,