Original Sin Cara to part ways with WWE?

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Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Monday Night Mayhem April 30

Welcome to the jungle we've got fun and games

We got everything you want honey, we know the names

We are the people that can find whatever you may need

If you got the money honey we got your disease

In the jungle, Welcome to the jungle
watch it bring you to your knees, knees
I wanna watch you bleed

James Kash turning on Monday Night Mayhem and helping Hardcore Impact pick up the win at Collision Course and than James Kash, Montana, and Slash turning on Hardcore Impact and the forming of The Mobb

Welcome to the jungle we take it day by day
If you want it you're gonna bleed but it's the price to pay
And you're a very sexy girl that's very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights but you won't get there for free
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my serpentine
OOh, I wanna hear you scream

Welcome to the jungle it gets worse here every day
Ya learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play
If you hunger for what you see you'll take it eventually
You can have everything you want but you better not take it from me


And when you're high you never ever wanna come down
so sown, so down, so down....YEAH

Knicky turning on Kassidy in the Extreme Elimination Chamber match at Holiday Havok.

You know where you are?
you're in the jungle baby...you're gonna DIEEE
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
watch it bring you to your knees, knees
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
fell my, my, my serpentine
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
watch it bring you to your knees, knees
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
watch it bring you to you
its gonna bring you down....HA!!

Than a video plays of everything that happened at Over The Edge from Chris Kendo winning The Rumble to Montana destroying Devastating Dominick in the three stages of hell match up to the arrest of MJ, Knicky, and Kassidy.​

Kerry lane: Welcome back to the IWF, This is Monday Night Mayhem and we got a huge show for you tonight.

Josh: That’s right Kerry, We have 2 major second round matchups for the International Championship Tournament.

Kerry: These four men and been training and working hard all week, as they are one step to the championship match at Bio Warfare!

Josh: Tons of great IWF Action here tonight. Tonight you will see in action: Mike Miller, Charlie Wayne, MnM, Cahan Malone, Axis, Aussie Battler, Serge, Vengance, Fabolous, Switch, Charlie Titan, Marcus Marshall and SO much more!

Kerry: That’s right Josh. We are kicking things off with an original IWF segment. What made Mike Nigel Manase famous; The MnM Show!

The ring has a blue carpet over the ring as he has a very similar set from last season. He has 2 chairs, a coffee table in the middle and two vertical mirrors behind the chairs. MnM is fully dressed up, in a custom suit, and glasses that make him look estinguished.

MnM: People please. This is a legendary moment in my career, now SHUT the hell up! Obvisously im NOT the hometown hero, but you know what? That’s a damn good thing. Atlanta is full big mouth fakers! You see, You all paid your tickets to see me! Former International Champ MnM. Now you may be asking, who’s my special guest here tonight? Let me tell you a little about this guy. You see, this man is one of the toughest, meanest hardnose guys in the IWF. He’s defeated everyone there is to defeat. He is a legend in the making. You wanna know who it is? Well look no farther; ITS ME BITCHES. Ha Ha Ha, The MnM the real show here in the IWF. I got a lot to say, cause I’ve been holding back. It appears Bruce Page has NOT recognized my true talent yet here AND we got a problem. You see Bruce; First you stick me in a damn cage match. Im not animal that’s for damn sure. I don’t appreciate, you USING me for ratings here Page, and I get NOTHING in return. Lets move on, just last Wednesday I get stuck in a team with Ruthless Ryan Bryne. That’s right, Ruthless Ryan Bryne. We had a good run, but he’s not exactly MnM quality. Now I get to team up with another guy named Cahan Malone? (Deep Breathe)

The fans begin to chant and yell loudly at MnM who’s been talking too long.

Shut the hell up! You are are going to listen to me so just sit down, and show some damn respect. Now where was I ? It doesn’t matter, Im going to get to the point. Bruce Page we both know I deserve to be in the warzone match, so how about we make a deal. Come on Page get your ass out here.

Bruce Page steps out on the stage and has a very serious look on his face and makes his way in when Revenga by System Of A Down hits the arena and Cahan Malone steps out onto the stage and makes his way down to the ring.

MnM: Fellas sit down take at easy. Now Cahan you sit over there, Page you sit there. Now Page, the deal is we beat Battler and Wayne WE are in the warzone right?

Bruce Page: No, MnM. Whats your record this season?

Cahan stands up and appears pissed off as he flips the table before even saying a word.

Cahan Malone: Record. Lets talk record page, you see I’m undefeated here in the IWF, and where am I on the Bio Warfare card? Huh? The fact is you know NOTHING about wrestling and you give your “buddies” all the breaks in the world. Well, What are you waiting for?

Bruce Page: Well what...

MnM: Dammit Page, That was a fair deal you idiot! We beat your “buddies” we get our shot! Cahan is 100% right, you don’t know jack about the wrestling business. Perhaps it should be MnM vs Page at Bio Warfare!

Bruce Page: Come on....

Cahan: Im sick of you talking Page, we want results. We want action. You’ve been jerking us all season. Sticking me in “Legends” matches. The problem is im the real deal right now. Im in my prime. What the problem is?

Bruce Page: Guys...

Page is getting mad as these two hot heads won’t let him talk

MnM: Huh Page? Cat got your tongue?

Bruce Page: GUYS GUYS GUYS, Shut the hell up for a minute. If you werent so into your hair MnM and Cahan you werent so busy doing what you do! You’d realize both your ASSES are already in the Warzone match. I already knew, you would try and make that BS (girly voice) If we beat battler and wayne. BAH. I Suggest you guys get ready because you are going to be in the warzone match. IF you win tonight you will both be on the SAME team. BUT IF YOU LOSE….. You will be facing off on opposite teams. Good Luck boys.

Bruce Page cockily walks out out of the ring, with a big smile on his face as Cahan and MnM are stunned staring each other down.


Kerry Lane: Up next is a fight between two...despicable human beings JD Nitro and Marcus Marshall

Josh Hart: You have no eye for talent, shut up old man!

*"Some Bodies Gonna Get It' By 3 6 Mafia hits the PA system, D Nitro comes out and continues down the ramp into the ring without stopping. He's only looking forward at the ring concentrating on his match. He walks up the ring steps, goes under the third rope and stands in the ring staring at his opponent (or at the entrance ramp), waiting for the bell to ring.

Josh Hart: I like this kid but he is in for a fight here tonight

Jessica Lock: Standing at 6 feet 3 inches, weighing in at 235 pounds from Miami, Florida, JD Nitro!!!

*Stinkfist by Tool hits and Marcus Marshall comes out with smoke at the stage, than 4 flames goes off on each side of the ramp way as he walks down, goes in the ring and taunts the crowd

Jessica Lock: Standing at 6'1, weighing in at 236 pounds from Chicago Illinois, Marcus Marshall!!!

Josh Hart: Here is the man tonight will take out JD Nitro and then Tyrus Helms at Bio Warfare for the MITB contract

Kerry Lane: How can you say that? Tyrus won both times and Marcus didn't win the match rightfully

Marcus Marshall vs. JD Nitro

Bell Rings: Both men circle the ring and stare down each other, Marshall looks at Nitro with a cautious approach. Both men then carefully step into the center of the ring and tie-up. Both men struggle for supremacy in the tie-up and Marshall gets an advantage. Marshall pushes back hard but then Nitro pushes back harder. Marshall then cleanly breaks the hold but pokes the eye of Nitro after breaking the hold. The ref steps forward into Marshall's face and warns Marshall, Marshall says it was an accident and shoves the ref out of the way to get to a staggering Nitro. Marshall grabs the hair of Nitro and yanks him back to the center of the ring. Nitro staggers to the middle and Marshall hits a knee right to the left side of Nitro's face. Nitro grabs his face in pain and Marshall knees Nitro in the gut. Marshall extends out Nitro and whips him into the far turnbuckle. Marshall pauses and sets up Nitro, Marshall charges at Nitro (leaning on a turnbuckle) and attempts an avalanche splash. Marshall misses and Nitro evades.

Kerry Lane: Marshall misses the avalanche splash and he might be in trouble

Josh Hart: It’s not looking good for Marshall

Kerry Lane: This could be the turning point of the match

Nitro sizes Marshall up, Marshall spins around into Nitro, Nitro picks up Marshall and turns with him in mid air to hit a spinebuster. Nitro is winded a little but makes the cover rather quickly. He hooks the leg and the ref gets down to count. 1…2..Marshall kicks out with ½ a second left before the ref’s hand hit the ground. Nitro looks at the ref in shock and tells him that it was 3. Nitro grabs his head and then goes back to work on Marshall. Nitro stomps on Marshall 1..2..3 times and then lifts him back to a standing base. Nitro kicks Marshall in the gut, Marshall bends down to cover his stomach but leaves the other parts of his body open for an attack. Nitro grabs Marshall by his arm and drags him so his back is against the ring rope in the center of the ring. Nitro whips Marshall off the ropes, Nitro then moves forward into the middle of the ring when Marshall can’t see him, Marshall comes back off the ropes, Nitro drops his shoulder and goes for the spinebuster again. Nitro grabs Marshall and turns him, Marshall wiggles free and moves behind Nitro. Marshall grabs the back of Nitro’s head and hits a reverse diving DDT. Nitro’s head hits the mat hard and Nitro flails around the ring grabbing his head. Marshall hits the mat and just stays in the same position. 8 seconds later both men are not moving and are on the ground, the ref starts his count. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7...8...9. Both men are back to their feet but limping and staggering. Nitro winds up and throws the first blow. Marshall blocks and kicks Nitro in the gut. Marshall chops Nitro square in the chest, Nitro screams out in pain which gives Marcus Marshall a chance for the upper hand in the match. Marshall delivers another chop to the chest of Nitro, Marshall backs Nitro against the ropes and starts to go off on him. Marshall hits a right hand, Marshall sizes up and hits a chop to the chest and then another right hand. Marshall hits a kick to the lower chest region which almost brings Nitro to his knees but Nitro catches himself. Marshall raises Nitro back to his feet and leans him on the rope Marshall proceeds to taunt Nitro right to his face, Nitro springs to life and hits a right hand to the face of Marshall, Marshall backs up some 2 feet, Nitro winds up again for a right hand but Marshall ducks and lifts Marshall onto his shoulder. Marshall carries him to the mid-left part of the ring and powerslams him right to the mat. Nitro is out cold and Marcus points to the top turnbuckle. Marcus slowly makes his way to the top turnbuckle. Marcus reaches the ropes and moves out onto the apron. Marcus slowly climbs the turnbuckle and then is on the top but has wasted 15-20 seconds. Marshall is now on the top rope. He looks at Nitro and gives him the middle finger, he proceeds to give the fans the middle finger. The fans boo loudly and Marshall goes for the top turnbuckle, Marshall is half-way in the air and Nitro begins to move around a little but is still in the direct line of impact. Marshall hits the canvas but nobody is home, Nitro moves out of the way. Both men struggle back to their feet and fight it out, JD gets the advantage and goes for the JD special but Marshall reverses, spins Nitro around and hits the TKO for the 3 count.

Winner: Marcus Marshall

Kerry Lane: Nobody Home!!!!

Josh Hart: H.H…H..How did he do that? We will be right back.

Jessica: Winner of the Match Marcus Marshall!


Frequency by Tantric hits, and Danny Devill Comes out locked in chains He rolls in the to the ring and as he breaks out of them Fireworks go off from everywhere possible.

Jessica Lock: Standing in at 6’10, and weighing in at 280lbs., hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, he is “The Murder Doll” Danny Devill!

Josh Hart: This young man is a scary up and comer in the business.
Kerry Lane: I think anyone who comes to the ring rolled up in chains should be in a mental facility, not the greatest wrestling show ever.

Higher Ground by The rEd Hot Chili Peppers hit and the bass intro to Higher Ground starts and the fans start to look at the entrance ramp. Charlie Titan walks through the curtain and the fans cheer. He acknowledges the crowd, raises both hands and pyro shoots up from the floor. He makes his way to the ring, slides in it and makes the devil horns sign. He then poses on the turnbuckles and ropes.

Jessica Lock: And the opponent, weighing in at 245 lbs., and standing tall at 6 feet 3 inches, hailing from Hollis, Queens, New York, he is… Charlie Titan!

Kerry Lane: This kid should put on one hell of a match today.
Kerry Lane: This could turn into being one of the great matches of the night.

Singles Match
Charlie Titan vs. Danny Devill​

Bell Rings:
Match starts off quick with Charlie Titan hitting a dropkick on Devill. Charlie makes the “Devil Horns” sign, and the crowd pops. He poses for a second, and is about to go to the turnbuckle, when Devill gets up and hits Titan on the head. Titan falls to the mat, and Devill hits an elbow to the chest. He gets back up, and hits 2 more, before picking Titan back up to his feet. He grabs Titan by the hair, and hits a big head butt. Charlie Titan falls to the mat again, landing hard. He curls into the fetal position clutching his head. Devill kicks him in the midsection and taunts him. He gets bored, and picks Charlie up again. He grabs him by the hair, and fakes the headbutt to get Charlie to flinch. Charlie doesn’t take the bait, and somehow manages to get free and roundhouse kick Devill.

Kerry Lane: Damn! We’ve got the next Chuck Norris on our hands!
Josh Hart: What a kick that was! Devill must be in a lot of pain.

Titan starts to regain some momentum, and then elbows Devill in the chest. He gets up, and elbows him again, before pulling him to his feet. He grabs Devill, and somehow manages to poweslam him to the ground. Titan then goes to the top rope, and hits a diving sumersault leg drop. He jumps back up immediately and runs around the ring pumped up. He motions for Devill to get back up, and then lifts him to his feet. He then grabs Devill, and hoists him into the air. Titan then hits the Idolizer, his trademark move. He goes for the pin. 1…2.- And Devill somehow kicks out! Titan is visably shocked, and lifts Devill to his feet. He sets Devill up for the shining wizard, and hits it. He goes for the pin again. 1..- And Devill kicks out again. He pushes Titan away, and then gets to his feet. Titan recovers quickly, and hits his finisher, the Icon Unleashed. He looks as if he’s about to go for the pin, when he grabs Devill, and sets him up for the Infinity. He hits it, and then goes for the pin.1…2…3!
Winner: Charlie Titan

Josh Hart: After all of Titan’s hard work, he finally got the pin.
Kerry Lane: Took him long enough! Only had to hit like 3 finishers...

The Great Arai vs. Matty Williams

The Great Arai runs down the ramp while loads of sparks fly and the fans are almost about to riot, they are also throwing garbage and booing, he jumps the ropes and fire blast every where and the Great Arai kicks the camera.

Jessica Lock: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Japan, weighing in at 190 pounds standing at 6 feet tall, The Great Arai!!!!!!!!!!

Kerry Lane: Here comes the despicable Great Arai.

Josh Hart: I love this guy and you should respect him Kerry he’s a great wrestler from Japan.

The Canadian National Anthem begins to play as Matty Williams steps out from behind the curtains waving the Canadian flag.

Jessica Lock: And his opponent from Toronto, Canada is weighing in at 230 pounds standing at 6 foot 1, Matty Williams!!!!!!!!!!!

The Bell rings and the match begins as Arai runs at Matty Williams and hits a fast enziguri right to the back of the neck of Williams. Arai watches as Williams groggily stumbles back and forth and then Arai hits a falling DDT on Matty. Arai now runs to the ropes and springboards off and attempts to hit a moonsault on Matty but Matty rolls out of the way and Arai hits the floor hard. Arai gets up to his knees but then Matty comes and drops kicks him in the side of the head and Arai falls out of the ring. Now Matty reels back and goes for a suicide dive but as Matty comes diving out Arai hits a DDT on him in one swift motion. Now Arai with the match in control grabs Matty on the outside of the ring and lifts him in the air for a power bomb and then he power bombs him on the concrete floor outside the ring. Arai drags him into the ring and he pins Williams quickly, 1… 2… Matty is able to kick out right after 2.

Kerry Lane: Matty is able to kick out and that was very close.

Josh Hart: Arai will eventually win this match just keep watching

Arai lifts up Matty and goes to suplex Matty but he reverses it in mid air and Matty hits a neck breaker as he is coming down. Matty goes and hits a standing moonsault immediately on Arai. Matty picks up Arai to his feet Irish whips him to the ropes and when he comes back Matty hits a huge clothe line onto the Great Arai. Matty then picks up Arai and hits the Canadian Destroyer on him and he pins him 1… 2… 3!!!

Jessica Lock: The winner of the match by pinfall, Matty Williams.

Matty starts to celebrate around the ring and he doesn’t see The Great Arai dive out of the ring and grab a steel chair he dives back in and hits Matty. Then Arai locks in the camel clutch on Matty and refuses to let is go as Matty passes out in the middle of the ring and is forced to eventually release as Security rushes the ring

Kerry Lane: Matty Williams has been physically destroyed by that damn Great Arai.

Josh Hart: That needed to be done trust me Kerry.

*** Commercial***

The entrance ramps explodes with red pyros shooting off to the ceiling. As the smoke clears, aXis steps out with his hands in the shape of an "X". He steps carefully onto the ramp and casually walks down as the music pumps up his adrenaline. Whether the fans are booing him or cheering him, he doesn't know. His attention is on the ring, where he will do his business. aXis hops up onto the ring apron in one fluent motion and grabs onto the ropes. He jumps over and lands inside the ring and begins to stretch out his arms while waiting for his opponent.

Josh Hart: Greatness in the ring right now, dont look at him Kerry your not worthy...what the hell are you doing look the other way

Kerry Lane: If thats greatness then your intelligent

The lights in the arena begin to flicker on and off as the beginning of Comboys from Hell begins to play and them when the lyrics start Mike Miller goes through the curtain and stands at the top of the ramp posing for the crowd. The song continues to play as Mike starts to walk down the ramp he ignores the fans as hecontinues his way to the ring. He reaches the bottom of the ring and hops up on the apron and then springboards him self over the rope then when the song reaches the solo he goes into each corner and does a cork screw back flip and then he waits for his opponent in one of the corners.

Jessica: In your left corner; Axis!, and in the right Mike MIller!

Mike Miller

Bell Rings: The match begins abruptly as Axis leaps at Miller just as soon as the bell rings. He clocks in a few stiff fists before throwing a stinging leg kick and following it up with a mule kick knocking Miller on his side. Axis quickly pulls Miller up to his feet but before he is able to do anything Miller shoves him back and charges at him with a shoulder block. Axis scurries to his feet but is again takin to the ground with a clothesline. Axis again races to his feet and is once again taken out with a superman punch. Axis is flung back to the corner where he rests against the turnbuckle. Miller races towards him going for a body splash but Axis manages to escape at the last second leaving Miller to crash chest first against the turnbuckle. Axis captialises with hard knees to the back of the rib cage and then an impacting reverse DDT. Axis looks up at the ref and then quickly shifts his body to a side mount on Miller where he hooks a leg, 1..........2........kick out. Axis looks as if he's going to stand up but quickly hooks the leg again, 1...........kick out. This time Axis does stand up and brings Miller up with him sending out knife edge chops heard round the arena. But the fans cheer on Miller who gets motivated after every chop until he finally catches Axis' wrist and twists it sending vibes of pain throughout his body. Miller now kicks one of Axis' ankles and follows through by throwing him down on his face letting go of the wrist lock. Miller is quick to guide Axis back up and hit a picture perfect Dragon Suplex. Axis crys in pain as Miller pounces on him with a pin, 1...................2.........kick out. Miller unfased by the kickout drags Axis to his wobbly feet and calls for the Extremer. He sets it up, his back just inches away from the ring ropes which proves a huge advantage to Axis who knees Miller in the bladder section and then clotheslines him over hte top rope, he too falling over. Both men lay writhing in pain on the mats below as the ref begins his 10 count. Ref reaches 4 when Axis reaches his feet and searches under the ring for any help he can find, its now 6 and Miller is able to stand up. He sees Axis searching under the ring and crouches down to grab his hair but is suddenly smacked over the skull with a lead pipe. The ref, unable to see this from the angle he had inside the ring contrasting with Miller and Axis being crouched down below the ring. Axis quickly slides the pipe back down under the ring and guides up Miller who has a small cut on his forehead. Axis attempts to slide Miller in the ring, but the ever resiliant superstar somehow fights back, leg sweeping him to the ground and unleashing deadly forearms to the face, 9..............10.

The ref calls for the bell as Miller continues to unleash on Axis until security runs down and pulls Miller off and force him up the ramp and to the back.

Kerry: Wow, Miller and Axis have a brutal fight here tonight. I dont think things are over between this two. Hey wait, whats that?

A Australian Flag pops up on the video tron with their national anthem playing. The words " The greatest Australian pro wrestler returns at Bio Warfare..........Warzone Match"

Kerry: What?!?!?!?!? Is that official? I cant believe it?


Fozzy by Livewire hits and the arena goes black then a spotlight appears at the top of the ramp we see serge lowered down to the ring playing the guitar in his hands. As he lands on the ground he takes off his guitar and walks down to the ring with a cocky swagger.

Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen, your next match is scheduled for a one fall! The first competitor, standing tall at 6’7, and weighing 267 lbs! Hailing from Miami, Florida, he is…Serge!

Josh Hart: Well, Serge has been fairly impressive so far, but I’m still waiting for him to show what he can do.
Kerry Lane: Well, don’t expect to leave the waiting room, I don’t expect him to do much more than be a welcome mat for the bathroom.

Pendulum by Blood Sugar hits, and Christian Vengeance enters the arena. Everything Goes black and the distorted voice at the start of the song says "Ladies and Gentlemen we understand that you have come tonight to bare witness to the talent that is the "impact player" , Christian Vengeance.... prepare to hold your colour" Pyros go off and drum and bass fills the arena.

Jessica Lock: And the opponent, standing…tall, at 6 feet, weighing in at 290 pounds, and hailing from Rouge, Louisiana, he is…Christian Vengeance!

Josh Hart: Now this here is a kid who is going to be great in the IWF! I mean, only 20, and he’s already 11 on the Power 20. That takes skill.
Kerry Lane: Yes, I just might have to agree with you on this one. No matter how much it pains me.

International Title Tournament (2nd round)
Christian Vengeance vs. Serge

Bell Rings: The match starts off slow. Christian and Serge stand in the middle of the ring. Serge towers over Christian and slowly lowers his head to look at him. Christian looks up at Serge, and then slowly looks around the arena. He looks back at Serge, and then smiles. Serge gets a puzzled look on his face, and attempts to punch Christian but misses. Christian then does a spin kick to the back of Serge’s legs, and Serge crumples to the ground. Christian takes advantage of the height switch, and starts to rain punches and kicks onto Serge’s body and head. Serge eventually recovers, and throws Christian off of him. Christian flies back, and hits the turnbuckle. He stands up rubbing the back of his head, when Serge comes out of nowhere and big boots Christian. He falls to the mat, and Serge hits him with an elbow to the stomach. Serge picks Christian up off the ground, and then lifts him above his head. He yells some at the crowd and Christian, and then hits a military press slam. Christian lands close to the edge of the ring, and Serge, seeing this, runs over, and baseball slide kicks him out onto the floor. Christian hits the ground hard, and crumples into a ball. Serge goes to the top rope, and attempts a corkscrew moonsualt, but Christian rolls out of the way. Serge hits the ground hard, and lays there in pain. Christian is trying to get up to take advantage of Serge’s mistake. He manages to get to his feet, but Serge is slowly pulling his 6’7 frame off the ground. Christian runs to Serge, and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Serge falls back to the ground, and Christian is starting to build up some momentum. He kicks Serge in the head a few times, before sliding into the ring. He gets up on the side of the ring, and then jumps onto Serge and hits a flying elbow.

Josh Hart: Christian gaining some momentum here. Serge must be in a lot of pain.
Kerry Lane- I don’t see how Christian is even hurting him here.

Christian tries to pull Serge into the ring, but isn’t having much luck. He’s dragged him to the side of the ring, when Serge recovers, and pushes Christian. Christian goes flying into the steel steps, knocking the top layer off. He falls to the ground, screaming in pain. Serge goes over to him, but is stopped by the ref yelling “8!”. He slides into the ring to stop the count. He’s about to slide back out again, when he suddenly stops, and goes to the other turnbuckle. He turns around quickly, and hits the ref on the back of the head, knocking him out.

Josh Hart: uh oh! The ref is knocked out! This can’t be good!
Kerry Lane: Are you kidding me? No refs make everything better!

Serge slides back out of the ring, and grabs his guitar. He walks over to Christian, and raises the guitar above his head, when Christian lashes out with a fist to the groin. Serge falls to the ground, clutching his family jewels, when Christian gets back to his feet. He grabs the top of the steel steps, and slams it down onto Serge. He goes over to the announce table to get a chair, and doesn’t notice Serge slowly crawling over to his guitar.

Josh Hart: No! Don’t let him have that chair! Who knows what mayhem he can cause with that!
Kerry Lane: Well, unfortunately, you getting knocked out probably won’t be part of it.

Christian walks back over to Serge, but doesn’t notice that Serge has the guitar hidden. He raises the chair, when Serge swings the guitar, and hits him in the gut. Christian doubles over, and the chair flies out of his hand, hitting Serge on the head. Serge’s forehead busts open, but he continues to get up. He hits Christian on the back of the head, and back with the guitar, and then throws the busted guitar aside. He slides Christian into the ring, and then, although the match is done, sets up Christian, goes to the top rope, and hits the Lights Out. The two fall to the ground, clutching their bleeding heads. A new ref slides into the ring, and Serge makes the cover. 1….........2…...............Big Kick out by Vengance. Serge is arguing with the referee as Christian comes from behind with a roll up. 1.......2........3
Winner: Christian Vengance.

Kerry Lane: Now that’s what I’m talking about!
Josh Hart: Are you kidding!?!
Kerry Lane: Not to rain on your hippy parade, but Christian tried to cheat too. None the less, Christian Vengance will be in the International Championship finals! [COLOR]


Kerry Lane: Next up is a second round International Title Tournament Match.

Josh Hart: Thats right, we seen these two go at it last week in a triple threat where fabolous dominated, but Switch prevailed.

Mr Fabolous walks down to the ring as the fans boo and yell at him. On his way up the ramp a few fans throw objects at him. Switches music hits as he jobs down to the ring. The fans are starting to accept this underdog.

Jessica: This is your second International title tournament match here tonight! The winner advances to face off against Christian Vengance at Bio Warfare. In the left corner Mr Fabolous. And in the right corner Switch!!!

International Title Tournament (2nd Round)
Mr. Fabolous vs Switch

Bell rings Fabulous and Switch lock up Fabulous hits him with the knees backing him in to a corner Fabulous takes it to Switch then takes a few steps back and clashes in to him with a clothesline then the attack builds up with the turnbuckle punches, Switch gets punched down in to the corner. Now Fabulous drags him out the corner and locks in the sharpshooter Switch’s face suddenly turns to pain and shock Switch desperately crawls and he grabs the rope the ref forces Fabulous off, but Fabulous doesn’t let this stop him goes back for the attack but Switch starts to fight back and tosses Fabulous out the ring Switch takes some time to recover Fabulous gets up, but Switch comes charging off the ropes and goes for the suicide dive connects but hitting his neck in the process the ref starts the count 1…2…3…4… Switch has gotten up to break the count he picks Fabulous up and throws him in the ring Switch slides in Switch goes up top. Dives off and hits the fist drop cover 1…2… kick out by Fabulous.

Kerry: My god what a close call I thought it was over

Josh: Shut up! Fabulous won’t be beaten just like that

Switch is frustrated but Fabulous goes for the roll up 1… kick out by Switch, Switch gets up Fabulous uses the ropes Switch runs at him Fabulous goes for the clothes line Switch ducks and hits the neck breaker cover 1…2. Kick out Switch gets up and picks Fabulous up and whips him in to the ropes and hits the dropkick Fabulous gets straight up then with a burst of speed a powerful clothes line knocking Switch to the ground Now Fabulous strikes a pose He picks Switch up and throws him in to the corner runs and hits a clothesline and again now with the turnbuckle punches he lifts Switch with ease and plants him with a Samoan drop cver1…2… Kick out for Switch Fabulous is getting furious and starts to shout at the ref Switch now takes it to him with fore arm smashes to the back of the head and then crushes him in the corner and rolls him up 1… kick out for Fabulous, Fabulous is reduce to his knees Switch jumps over him and takes him out with a massive buzzsaw kick cover 1…2… Kick out at the last second

Josh: What a close call but Switch better stay on his toes

Kerry: What are you on about Switch has dominated this match, you idiot

Josh: Oh great, I’ve been insulted by this guy. Will someone inoculate me?!

Switch keeps a level head goes up to the second rope jumps to the top dives for the elbow, Fabulous rolls out the way Switch crashes out. Fabulous Rolls over 1…2… Kick out the ref starts to count for the knock out 1…2…3…4…5…6…7 Slowly but surly they get up using the ropes as leverage Fabulous charges for the clothes line and Switch out of nowhere hits a buzzsaw kick to the gut Switch holds on to head of Fabulous and drops him with the twist of fate Switch now locks in the Camel Clutch, Fabulous is incapacitated the ref hold up Faulous’s arm and drops it for the one, Switch titans his grip the ref holds his arm up and drops it for the two Switch titans his grip but Fabulous starts to get up with Switch on his back and powers him off he picks Switch up and gets him set for the Fabulous Slam he lifts him up but Switch reverses at the last second in to the Bristolian destroyer Switch covers 1…2…3
Winner: Switch

Kerry: I cant believe it!!!! Switch does the incredible. Lets go Switch! Stay tuned


Kerry: Do you know what time it is Josh?

Josh: Time for me to find a new partner?

Kerry: No, its time for the main event. Tonight’s main event features four men who will be competing in the Warzone match at Bio Warfare.

Josh: That’s right; Charlie Wayne will team with the Aussie Battler to face off against the team of Cahan Malone and MnM.

Kerry: This one should be good folks, hang onto your seats.

Fly by Sugar Ray hits the arena as Charlie Wayne and Aussie Battler step onto the stage and makes their way down to the ring. Charlie and battler get a great ovation by the crowd

Jessica Lock: Standing at 6'1 and 245 lbs from San Diego California; The California Crippler; Charlie Wayne! And his tag team partner, The Aussie Battler!

Kerry: Charlie and the Battler are already working as a team, as they come out as a team, I wonder if Cahan and MnM will have that type of chemistry.

Encore by Jay-Z and Linkin Park hits the arena and MNM steps out onto the stage and makes his way down to the ring.

Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet even weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds from Newcastle, England, Mike Nigel Manase!

Revenga by System Of A Down hits the arena and Cahan Malone steps out onto the stage and makes his way down to the ring.

Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet and three inches weighing in at two hundred and one pounds from Dublin, Ireland, former IWF Champion; Cahan Malone
Josh: Cahan and MnM look ready as the referee calls for the bell.

*****The Main Event*****
Charlie Wayne + The Aussie Battler vs. Cahan Malone + MnM

Bell Rings: Aussie Battler wants to start off the match as Cahan and MnM argue over who is Not starting the match. Finally Cahan tells MnM to watch and learn. Cahan does charging in at Battler but he leapfrogs out of the way. Cahan stops before he hits the corner, but Battler is chopping away. The fans roar as Battler is off to a great start. He pushes Cahan back into the corner and hits him with a few European uppercuts. Battler now whips him across the ring, and charges in with a running clothesline. Cahan is down as he crawls over MnM, so tells him “hes got this” MnM decides to lock up with battler but Battler throws him to the mat. MnM thinking it was a fluke, tries again with the same result. MnM pounds the mat and decides to get physical. MnM unloads a flurry of right as Battler takes the punishment, but doesn’t show much pain. MnM continue to pound away as Battler is trying to block. Battler fights back with a right hand, But MnM continues to unleash his anger on him. MnM points over at Charlie Wayne who isn’t holding the tag ropes. MnM pushes Battler to their side of the ring as both Cahan and MnM double team battler. Charlie Wayne is now trying to get In the ring, but referee won’t let him. Charlie is close to pulling out his hair, as one chokes him and the other stomps him. Finally as the referee turns back, he see’s MnM with a rear chin lock, and let’s go to tag in Cahan.

Josh: Now that’s what I Call teamwork!

Cahan lays more boots to the Battler. Cahan stomps the knee and proceeds to lock on the Texas Cloverleaf submission hold. Cahan is sitting back, as Battler is close to the ropes, and grabs them. Battler needs to make a tag. Charlie Wayne is fresh, as Cahan is choking Battler on the second rope. The referee counts to five as Cahan snaps the rope back flinging Battler off. Cahan drops a big Irish Elbow, and goes for the cover 1…….2……. kick out. Cahan argues saying that it was 3. Cahan is now slapping battler as he pulls him to his feet to lock on the full nelson. Battler is trying to fight out of it as Cahan tightens his grip. Battler is releasing all of his energy, as he begins to fade, The referee grabs battler as it drops once, does it again, and falls again. The referee holds it up for the third and final time but Battler gets a second wind. Battler does a mule kick to break the hold . Battler is crawling over to Wayne, and Cahan goes to MnM. MnM gets the tag as Battler leaps to Wayne as the place goes wild. Wayne comes in on fire fighting off both Cahan and MnM. Wayne connects with a clothesline to MNM, and sends Cahan over the top rope.

Kerry: Charlie Wayne is looking like he’s a top contender for the Undisputed Championship.

Wayne grabs MnM and hits his traditional 3 German suplexs. MnM’s eyes are rolling around in the back of his head. Charlie Wayne calls for the Sunset Country Driver. If he hits this its over. Wayne grabs MnM and connects. Wayne got all of it, as the force sent MnM to the outside. He’s knocked out as Cahan comes in and does a Russian leg sweep to the unexpecting Wayne. Cahan gets atop and throws some big punches on him. MnM is slowly making his way up, as he is the legal man in this match. Cahan exits the ring, as MNM gingerly moves to Wayne and calls for the Manase Effect. Wayne is up, but reverses it into a arm drag. Charlie Wayne does over to his corner to tag in Aussie Battler but he hops down from the apron.

Kerry: What the hell is going.

Charlie Wayne is in disbelief. The crowd is stunned. Battler looks around and heads up the ramp very angry at something. The referee goes chasing after Battler, while Cahan grabs a chair and levels Wayne in the head with it. The referee tries to convince Battler to return but he’s stopped and tells to referee to do his job. Cahan hits the Celtic Cross and goes on the apron. MnM hits the Manase effect. The referee slides in as MnM makes a cocky cover 1………………….2……………3

Kerry: Oh my god, I don’t believe it Charlie Wayne just kicked out!

Manase punches him three hard times in the head as he picks him up again and hits him with the Manase Effect. Its over1………………….2…………3

Winners: MnM + Cahan Malone

Jessica: Your winners of the match, the team of MnM and Cahan Malone

Kerry: I can’t believe what we’ve just seen. Why did Aussie Battler turn his back on Charlie Wayne? Battler is one of the top fan favorites we have in the IWF. Is he walking out on the IWF forever? What could this mean for Bio Warfare? Will there be a replacement? Whats going on!!! Stay tuned folks we will get you some answers by Thursday! Have a good night folks.


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Source: Nodq.com

WWE sources indicate that Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde, the original Sin Cara, was sent home from Tuesday's SmackDown taping in Calgary, Alberta, Canada after meeting with company officials. He left the Scotiabank Saddledome before the event's conclusion.

Company sources say developmental talent Jorge Arias (a/k/a Hunico) will exclusively portray the Sin Cara character going forward. WWE wants to maintain the character since its been very popular among kids and in merchandise sales.

Many employees expect Alvirde to part ways with the organization, but that is not 100% confirmed.

WWE re-shot a match between Sin Cara and Heath Slater at Tuesday's taping since the initial bout featured numerous botched maneuvers. Aries portrayed Cara in both matches. Alvirde was dressed to compete, but management opted not to use him.
Seem like every other week the guy got some kind of heat or something. I know they wanna keep the character around regardless but considering the original one got heat for botching and this one botched so bad they had to reshoot the match don't seem like it's gonna work out despite the fact that kids seem to dig the character.

Aaron Rodgers

Aug 23, 2011
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Man, this character has been such a disaster.


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Confused as spoilers I read said the real Cara was the one botching and who had his match done over.


Aug 3, 2011
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New York
Man, this character has been such a disaster.
How has the character been a disaster? IF anything it's the man behind the character that is a disaster/ They didn't let him get used to the WWE style of wrestling. In fact they hyped him so much they couldn't let the hype die so they bypassed FCW which was obviously a huge mistake.

Aaron Rodgers

Aug 23, 2011
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How has the character been a disaster? IF anything it's the man behind the character that is a disaster/ They didn't let him get used to the WWE style of wrestling. In fact they hyped him so much they couldn't let the hype die so they bypassed FCW which was obviously a huge mistake.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Mistico getting suspended didn't help anything either.

Kiffy Lube

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They should just scrap this altogether. It backfired they should just cut their losses.


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Confused as spoilers I read said the real Cara was the one botching and who had his match done over.
True forgot about that. They did say it was the original so idk which is true or not. Either way as said Cara should have had time in FCW before they started hyping him. But I guess maybe part of the deal to get him over was for him to bypass developmental. I do wonder if he'll lose his drawing value in Mexico if they know it's not the real Sin Cara.


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I see no reason to get rid of the Sin Cara character, but the original seems to be more trouble than he's worth.


Jul 4, 2011
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The Playboy Mansion
Why not do an angle where he gets kayfabe hurt and send his ass to FCW. It's EXTREMELY obvious that he needs the seasoning and maybe it'll work. If not then I agree, scrap Hunico as since no one knows Hunico unless you follow FCW, and boost his ass into the "New" Sin Cara role, kinda defeats the purpose of signing Mistico away from Mexico if they are going to let him go and go straight back to Mexico in less than 6 months. The ball is in WWE's court, depends on how they work this.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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The Sin Cara on SmackDown! seemed much more Puerto Rican.


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Dec 19, 2010
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No reason to drop the Sin Cara character. It's popular and can be good for a John Morrison sort role (in and out of title matches but never winning, but always being an option in matches like Mitb etc.)

Kiffy Lube

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All the problems that have surrounded the overpushed character aren't reasons enough to put it away? I see some bias fans for the gimmick in this thread. Hunico should have his own gimmick anyways. I was hoping his tag team in FCW would be called up instead and wasted massively.


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All the problems that have surrounded the overpushed character aren't reasons enough to put it away? I see some bias fans for the gimmick in this thread. Hunico should have his own gimmick anyways. I was hoping his tag team in FCW would be called up instead and wasted massively.

The problem is the wrestler, not the character. The two are not one in the same, especially since he is a completely masked character who has never spoken, has tats, or has been seen a bunch on tv without his mask like Rey or Kane or Foley or the Mexicools

The character doesn't have problems. The character is over. The character sells mercy and is moving a $75 mask like hot cakes.

The wrestler is the problem. Meltzer said the original Cara was sent home for his behavior on Tuesday by Vince McMahon because of how he was acting behind the scenes and ego being just as bad if not worse than what it was when he was suspended. Hunico on the other hand has earned his stripes, paid his dues in FCW, can work the WWE style, was even Mystico first technically I believe, and would be put in a great position by having a character that sells, draws, and is over.

Mistico is the wrestler playing Sin Cara and the problem. Hunico is a wrestler who paid his dues, waited for his opportunity, and is getting rewarded with a character that WWE owns all rights too and the casual fan doesn't notice the difference

Kiffy Lube

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I don't care about casual fans or the money they fork out on masks of a character they don't understand. It's so great that I got to put up with it. Hunico is one lucky bastard, though.

Oh and the Mexicools never wore masks in WWE.