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Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Live From Full Sail

June 6th 2018


We open up to NXT with Mauro Ranello & Steve Corino at the announce table to tell us about our show tonight. In our main event we will see Buddy Murphy vs. Shelton Benjamin but that is not all because later tonight Pete Dunne will face off against Tino Sabbatelli and Kairi Sane returns to NXT as she will battle Vanessa Bourne. We have EC3 in the ring and he is joined by his side with his Auntie D. He has a mic in his hands and begins to speak.

EC3: Last week in the middle of this ring, I defeated Tye the so called Perfect 10. I proved that without a shadow of a doubt that I am the top one percent and it clearly is better then a Perfect 10. I am now firmly got my eyes set on bigger and better things. That's why...

He is cut off by Tye's music which draws huge Ten chants from the crowd which has EC3 furious. Auntie D is shown walking around the ring screaming No!

Tye tries to speak but, EC3 cuts him off.

EC3: No. No. No. I am done with you. I don't give a damn about anything you say.

Tye: Shut your damn mouth, you talk this big game but, you are nothing more then a overrated chump who couldn't make an IMPACT even with your Aunt in your corner. So you will listen to every damn word I say. You see EC3, I just got out of William Regal's office and he was going to make the match between you and I for Takeover. However, I can't wait that long to kick your damn ass so that match is happening right here right now.

EC3 is livid and tries to say he's not even in his ring gear. It doesn't matter as the official runs down to the ring and we are getting the match.

Match 1

EC3 w/Auntie D vs. Tye Dillinger

End Of Match: The match has saw EC3 sneak attack Tye at the start as of right now though we got Tye in charge having EC3 in the corner and lighting his chest up with chops. EC3 sells them well his face in really bad pain as the last shot drops him to his knees as he gasp for air.

Tye grabs EC3 tossing him into ropes and coming back with a back elbow and begins to drive a number of knees to the chest of EC3. He then plays to the crowd chanting Ten as he grabs EC3 and looks for a body slam, EC3 reverses it after a thumb to the eye. He then chop blocks Tye and begins to drive a number of elbows before screaming to the crowd what's my name!

They boo as Auntie D is shown screaming EC3 as he jumps up and comes down with an elbow. He follows it up with a few punches and tosses Tye to the outside. He grabs him sending him back first into the guardrail before suplexing him onto the apron corner.

He then grabs Tye again this time bring him up to the apron by his hair where he tries to send Tye into the ringpost. Tye reverses it as EC3 bounces off the post and crashes to the floor below.

Tye has a look of fury in his eyes as he breaks the ten count and then jumps back down and sends EC3 face first onto the steel ramp with a back drop. EC3's eyes roll back as he grabs his tailbone. Auntie D steps in between Tye and her nephew as he tries to toss him back in the ring. It is enough of a distraction because EC3 recovers this time running in with a lariat to the back of Tye's head.

EC3 is back in the ring and drops Tye throat first off the top rope before hitting a Fireman's Carry Cutter. He goes for the cover but, Tye gets his shoulder up on two. We then see EC3 power throw Tye into the corner his body coming down like a car accident. EC3 picks him up screaming I am better then you before driving his fist into the forehead of Tye as he reverses a punch and Tye comes back with a number of his own and the crowd getting behind the "Perfect 10"

Tye goes for a superkick but, EC3 catches it he is proud of himself but, Tye brings it back and catches him with another. Tye falls into the cover and it looks like he has the three however Auntie D is the difference maker placing EC3's foot on the rope. Tye looks on as Auntie D jumps onto the apron distracting the ref EC3 tries to go for a move Tye reverses it sending EC3 into his D and dropping to the floor.

EC3 is looking on like what did I do before Tye from behind with a backstabber with the last of his energy. He falls into the cover and 1 2 3.


Tye Dillinger

Corino: Tye has done it he has even the score.

Ranello: What a match EC3 and Tye with a hell of a match to open up NXT.

Tye stands up and is giving the ten chant as EC3 has rolled out of the ring. EC3 and Auntie D move up the ramp both hurt but, have the look that this is far from over now.


We are back to NXT where we see a video package hyping up Takeover Paris and The Main Event of it . Tommaso Ciampa vs. Johnny Gargano II. Gargano is seen talking about how the first time was about family and that how can Tommaso call himself a good man a champion after the acts he committed. He says he can see the fear in Ciampa's eyes that he knows Johnny is going to defeat him and that he is obsessed with winning the champion and ending Ciampa. We then flash to Ciampa who just holds his title to his chest and mocks Gargano saying he is doing this for his honor for his family for NXT.

We cut back to ringside however the feed cuts off.

In Your Hands Your Play With Lives
Regal How Do You Sleep At Night
The Project Never Sleeps
We Are The Wondering Eyes
Watch Your Back Regal
Time Is Not On Your Side

Corino: William Regal may need to listen to these words.

Ranello: I have to agree with you Steve it is just a matter of time until someone gets seriously hurt.

Corino: It seems as though whom ever it is that they have gotten in Regal's head.


Match 2

Kairi Sane vs. Vanessa Bourne

End Of Match: This has seen Sane dominate the match and as of right now. Sane is in the ring striking away at Bourne who is almost at a daze. She blocks a kick to her chest Sane though with a spinning back heel kick that sends Bourne down in the mat.

Sane whips Bourne back into the corner and hits the "Walk The Plank" and climbs to the top rope looking for her InSANE Elbow. She connects with it and this one is over.


Kairi Sane

Sane looks on celebrating with the crowd and states it is great to be back in NXT and that she has her eyes on becoming NXT Women's Champion.


Back To NXT where HHH is seen walking into the office of Regal and we see the crowd pop. However we get a few moments before HHH walks out from the office and Percy Watson is standing by trying to get a word.

Percy Watson: HHH what was your words with William Regal about?

HHH looks on without saying a word walking off.

Regal walks out and is asked the same thing.

William Regal: When you need to know you will be told not if you would excuse me I got things to attend to.

We go back to ringside where we are getting ready for the next match.


Match 3

Pete Dunne vs. Tino Sabbatelli

End Of Match: This has been a match where Tino is being picked apart by Dunne. Dunne right now is wrenching the arm of Tino as Dunne sits on the top rope. He leaps off with a top rope armbreaker and then applies a crossface as Tino is looking like he's going to tap he however reverses it into pin attempt only getting a two count.

Tino is still locked into the crossface as Dunne transitions it into a armbar. Dunne grabs the arm as Tino tries to stand. Tino gets to one knee. Dunne grabs the fingers of Tino pulling them back as Tino yells in pain. Dunne is lifted up by Tino who powerbombs him. Dunne still refuses to let go. Tino tries to lift him again this time with enough force that Dunne lets go and the two of them lay in the middle of the ring.

Dunne and Tino both get on their feet and are trading shots. Tino gets the advantage after a series of chops, forearms and kicks. He goes for the Leg Hook Reverse STO but, Dunne with some back elbows to the head and reverses it into a german suplex. Dunne isn't done, he hits a half nelson suplex and looks for Cattle Mutilation as Tino looks for any chance of breaking the hold.

Dunne locks it in and Tino looks like he's a bout to tap he though gets a foot on the rope and Dunne keeps it locked until four. He lets him go as Tino rolls to the outside. Dunne comes through the middle rope but, Tino catches him with a stunner onto the second rope. Dunne falls back as Tino grabs the UK Champion and hits a fallaway slam and looks for a cover.

Dunne though catches him with a small package and gets a two count quickly though Tino hits a big boot to the head of Dunne and grabs him for a backdrop he follows that up with a knee drop before climbing to the second rope and hitting a missile dropkick. Tino mocks the bruiserweight's taunt before going for a Torture Rack. He then turns it into a reverse neckbreaker Dunne drops to the ring rolling again to the outside.

Dunne & Tino start to fight on the outside as Dunne hops on the apron jumps back down with a double axe handle however Tino catches him with a dropkick. Dunne is seen gasping for air using the apron to get to his feet. Tino back in the ring is telling the ref to count faster as his count is at 8.

Dunne rolls back in as Tino begins to lift him up. Dunne though fires back with a couple of chops before a lariat attempt by Tino Dunne ducks under and comes back with a headbutt.

Dunne hits the Bitter End and this one is over.


Pete Dunne

Dunne is fired up after his win. He grabs his title holding it by his teeth as he poses. Ohno's music hits and he is shown clapping from the stage.

Corino: A impressive win by the UK Champion tonight and at Takeover when he battles Kassius Ohno all eyes will be on him.

Ranello: I agree Steve, not to take anything away from Tino who give it all tonight there is a bright future ahead for both of these guys.

Corino: Yes there is, well we are moving on because up next is our Main Event.

Ranello: Shelton Benjamin faces off against Buddy Murphy.


Undisputed Era claim at Takeover it is Dream Over and that Goldust will be buried in a grave like his father. We get then a video package hyping Mojo Rawley's NXT return after Takeover.

Main Event

Buddy Murphy vs. Shelton Benjamin

End Of Match: This has been a fast moving affair as both men are keeping the pace fast and furious. We pick up with Murphy leaping off the top rope however he is caught by Benjamin who hits a release belly to belly. The action still goes on with Benjamin hitting a release german suplex and following it up by tossing Murphy to the outside running leaping to the top rope and hitting a crossbody onto Murphy.

Shelton slows it down a little by hitting a supex ringside before an atomic drop onto the guardrail. Benjamin then hits a jumping clothesline on Murphy from the apron before tossing him back in and hitting a springboard elbow drop. Benjamin looks for a cover however a prone Murphy with a nasty punch takes him back as Murphy kips up and begins to get some offense himself in.

Murphy hits a backdrop neckbreaker and comes back with a lionsault before measuring up Benjamin from the top rope with a Tornado DDT. Murphy has his chance for a cover but conflicts more pain this time hitting a powerbomb into the corner and hitting a monkey flip and then looking to lock in a boston crab.

Murphy has it locked in as Benjamin reverses it using his body to send Murphy to the outside. Benjamin then uses the top rope to swing under with a front dropkick however Murphy catches him lifting him high in the air and stalling to the amazement of the crowd before dropping him with a brainbuster on the outside.

Murphy tosses Benjamin in the ring and goes for a cover as he barley gets his shoulder up before the three count. Murphy calls for Murphy's Law and Benjamin reverses it landing on his feet and hitting a superkick.

No! Murphy catches his foot but, Shelton reverses it into a Dragon Whip. Benjamin climbs to the top rope and goes for a Houston Hangover, he misses it landing on his tailbone. Murphy though comes back with Murphy's Law and goes for the cover



Buddy Murphy

Buddy Murphy celebrates as the crowd gives the two men credit for the match they just had. Benjamin afterwards offers his hand to Murphy who blows him off. Benjamin nods his head saying fine but, remember its still one and one.

Corino: A hell of a show tonight as we will see you guys at Takeover.

The show ends with Murphy staring back at Benjamin.


Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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NXT Takeover Paris

Ep 21


Corino: Bonjour folks and welcome to NXT Takeover Paris I am Steve Corino and we are live in Paris, France from the famous Théâtre du Châtelet.

McGuiness: The venue is amazing folks and so is tonight's action.

Ranello: We also like to thank Famous Last Words for " To Play Hide and Seek with Jealously." The theme song for Takeover.

We get a shot of the venue and the numerous fans that are in attendance tonight. The crowd pops to their feet as Percy Watson announces the first match is set for one fall and is for the UK Championship.

Match 1

UK Championship Match

Pete Dunne (c) vs. Kassius Ohno


Pete Dunne's Theme


Kassius Ohno's Theme


End Of Match: This has been a brutal hard knocking match to open up NXT Takeover. We pick up with Kassius & Dunne battling outside of the ring. Dunne right now is in control as he grabs Ohno by the back of his hair and yanks away at it by hopping on the apron and pulling Ohno off the ground. Ohno is trying to get his feet on the ground but cant. The official begins counting to 5 until Dunne lets go at four.

We see Dunne have a handful of Ohno's hair as Ohno is seen holding his head. Ohno goes to the ringside table grabbing the title holding it up saying that's what its about alright. Dunne not to please that Ohno has the title they start to trade shots outside the ring a number of forearms as the two just are laying into one another. We can hear Ranello say these two are suppose to be friends as McGuiness says its for the championship.

Dunne gains control after a head butt and returns Ohno and himself back into the ring. Dunne hits a few uppercuts before whipping Ohno into the corner, Ohno reverses that sending Dunne into the corner. Ohno charges in with a big boot in the corner before making a quick cover he only gets a two .

Ohno runs with a seated senton to Dunne who catches him in a crucifix pin attempt one two no! Ohno kicks out and runs right at Dunne with a knee strike that sends Dunne's mouthpiece flying. Ohno sends Dunne into corner and sets him up on the top rope and hits a few more forearms before slowly climbing up to the top. The two men begin trading shots from the top as they both come in with wicked headbutts that send both men over the sides crashing onto the ringside area.

We get them both on the ground as the official starts the ten count and at 9 they both roll in the ring. Ohno and Dunne stare at each other before again trading shots with one another. The headbutt from earlier have left both men bleeding from there foreheads and the crowd half and half as they trade shots.

Ohno goes for a lariat but misses as Dunne hits a half nelson suplex. Ohno pops back up and hits one himself and then Dunne pops up as well.

They go head to head both not backing down at all. Ohno chops Dunne who chops Ohno and the two see which man will say Uncle. The chest of each man is red. We have dry blood on the mats as Ohno hits a chop that sends Dunne to the mat.

Ohno then stomps on the chest of Dunne before jumping up and trying to crush Dunne's skull with a stomp to the head. Dunne catches Ohno's foot and gets up before turning him around and hitting a release german suplex that takes the big man into the corner.

Dunne rushes the corner hitting a series of strikes and kicks before grabbing Ohno and hitting a backdrop into the corner turnbuckle. Ohno is dropped right on his head as Dunne locks in a Regal Stretch the move that sees a bleeding Ohno in pain dragging himself towards the ropes the crimson mask bleeding onto the hands of Dunne. Dunne clinching his teeth wrenching back as hard as he can his head also showing the signs of war with blood running down his head.

Ohno gets to the bottom rope and Dunne waits again till 4 to let go. Both of these men are drained and tired and they both use the ropes to pull themselves up. Ohno goes a discus elbow, Dunne ducks under grabbing him and using the last of his strength connects with a Bitter End.

Ohno drops to the mat and rolls a little way away from Dunne who drags himself to drape the arm over Ohno.



Pete Dunne

Dunne holds the title by his teeth as he helps up Ohno the two of them stare at one another until they shake hands a sign of respect before Ohno walks off leaving the champ in the ring.

Corino: Dunne has done it he has defended the championship in a brutal match.

McGuiness: You got to give it too, Ohno he give it all he had but the reign of the bruiserweight goes on.

Ranello: This was an amazing match and that is just the start of tonight folks we got so much more going on.


We are brought to the backstage of NXT where we get a look at Silas Young & Steve Cutler they are with Lacey Evans as Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch were in a middle of an interview.
Young: Excuse me, we will take over this interview now.
Cutler: So Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch you guys are suppose to be tough guys right.

they go to talk but, Silas cuts them off.
Young: Well theses two are nothing but boys, in our mans world and if this is one of the best tag teams in NXT. Well pretty soon we are going to be running this show.
Oney takes offense and gets right in the face of Silas while Burch gets into the face of Cutler.

Young: Well boy you gonna man up.
Lorcan: Well I guess its time to man up.

Lorcan & Burch both headbutt the two men as they fall to the ground. Lacey rushes over as Oney & Burch state they will see them soon.


Match 2

NXT Gen Championship Match

Roderick Strong (c) vs. Drew McIntyre


Roderick Strong's Theme


Drew McIntyre's Theme


End Of Match: The match has been a strongly contested bout with each man getting offense in as of right now we pick up with McIntyre in control after a powerslam. McIntyre lifts up Strong and holds him over his head before dropping him with a military press drop. McIntyre then runs into the ropes and looks to connect with a Claymore however Strong reverses it side stepping it bouncing off the ropes and hitting his Sick Kick that sends McIntyre onto the outside.

Strong goes to the outside from the apron leaps off hitting a should block that knocks down the big McIntyre. McIntyre is dazed as he is tosses back into the ring. Strong climbs to the top rope and leaps off going for a move but, McIntyre catches him with a kick in the gut and drops him with a Future Shock DDT.

McIntyre turns the cover only getting a two count. Strong now has lost control with the challenger now focused as he begins to grab the legs of Strong and hitting a Reverse Alabama Slam and goes again for a cover again getting a two count.

McIntyre goes across the ring and begins to stomp the mat begging for Strong to get up. He does and he goes for another Claymore this time Strong hits a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle that stuns McIntyre.

Strong grabs him hitting a backdrop facebuster he doesn't stop there lifting him up hitting another before turning him inside out with a discus elbow smash.

Strong goes for the End Of Heartache instead he hits a Glascow Kiss headbutt that drives Strong backwards. McIntyre comes back with another Claymore this time hitting it however Strong rolls out of the ring after the connection and we can see Drew trying to catch him before he does.

McIntyre is smacking the mat but, he knows the title is on the line he has to give it everything. He pumps up the crowd before running and going over the top rope with a flip senton attack that crashes into Strong and gets a huge pop from the crowd.

McIntyre tries to toss Strong into the ring but, Strong pops up on the apron and comes back with a kick to the chest of McIntyre goes to one running at McIntyre leaping off hitting a forearm smash.

Strong lifts up McIntyre and connects with End Of Heartache onto the corner of the apron. McIntyre's back crashes off the corner and his body falls to ground. Strong knows this is his chance he gets him back in the ring this time hitting it again before falling back into the cover.



McIntyre somehow gets his shoulder up. The crowd cant believe it and neither can Strong who is going backwards into the corner and just shaking his head. Strong sizes up McIntyre for a superkick and connects. McIntyre still standing he hits another.

McIntyre is still up he goes for another and Drew moves popping up Strong and hitting another Glascow Kiss headbutt. McIntyre tries for another Future Shock DDT, Strong spins out with a discus elbow and then a discus lariat.

Strong then grabs McIntyre's legs and locks in Stronghold a high elevated boston crab and McIntyre screams in pain. He is trying to get to the ropes he gets close but, Strong pulls him back.

McIntyre is trying to get out he has nowhere to go he doesn't want to tap. McIntyre drops to the ground motionless. The ref checks his arm he isn't responsive that's it the bell is rung.


Roderick Strong

Corino: Strong has done it again this time he is on a roll folks.

McGuiness: He never tapped out Drew McIntyre passed out.

Ranello: You cant question the heart of Drew tonight but again Strong was the better man.

Strong looks on holding his title as Drew comes to it. McIntyre is offered a hand by Strong but, he refuses it instead walking out of the ring as he goes up the ramp and on the top of the ramp we see Aichner & Barthel who are seen saying something to Drew who doent acknowledge them but walks to the back and they follow suit.


We are welcome back and we get a shot of the crowd where we see that WWE Legends Lita, Beth Phoenix, and Mickie James are seen watching from the crowd.

Corino: The trailblazing ladies of the Women's Evolution are here tonight folks and up next the NXT Women's Championship is on the line.

McGuiness: That is right, Baszler vs. Kai.

Ranello: Over the past few weeks we saw Kai's happy go lucky attitude drop and we seen her look at Baszler with zero fear.

Match 3

NXT Women's Championship Match

Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Dakota Kai


Shayna Baszler's Theme


Dakota Kai's Theme


End Of Match: This has been a game to Baszler who still doesn't seem to take Kai seriously. She actual told Kai to take the first shot and Kai hit her with a kick. Baszler is in control right now placing Kai in a abdominal stretch while working elbows into the ribs of Kai.

Kai fights out hitting a hip toss before hitting a series of dropkicks and arm drags as Baszler looks on unimpressed, she tries coming in with a clothesline to Kai who ducks under before rapid amount of kicks to the leg and to the chest and then a roundhouse kick to the head. The last one rocks Baszler and Kai grabs Baszler hitting a falling reverse DDT and then following it up with a legdrop.

Kai now is in control and "Captain Of Team Kick" is launching a all out attack on Baszler who seems to be backing up and rolling out of the ring to get a breather. Kai though does not let her going to the outside Baszler meets her though sending her into the guardrail before a gutwrnch suplex into the steel steps.

Kai's body make a sick thud and now Baszler laughs with a huge smile on her face telling her its my turn.

Baszler grabs her by the back of the hair tossing her onto the apron viscously she follows it up with a knee strike before grabbing her arm stomping on her hand and bending her arm and stomping on the back of her elbow. Kai is screaming in pain as her arm maybe broken.

This seems to get a huge smile out of Baszler mocking her as doctor's come into check on her. Kai is asked if she wants to stop. She says no I am fine. The ref gives the ok and Baszler rushes back into the corner hitting a series of punches and strikes targeting the arm of Kai.

Kai's left arm is useless right now and she can barley defend herself. She is taking a lot of punishment as Baszler hits a number of suplexs and judo throws before going for another knee to the head.

Kai ducks out of way going for a school boy.



A fraction of a second is what took away Kai's victory. Baszler knowing she was close to losing her title is not happy. She takes Kai's arm twisting it and kicking the back of her elbow. She tosses her into the corner and is coming in for an attack. Kai moves out of the way running back hitting a big boot in the corner she follows it up with another and another.

Kai lifts her up then looking for a TTYL she though reverses it and goes for a roll up she has the tights the ref sees it and stops the count and Kai is in with a frankensteiner.

Kai is ready to go for pin and the count is only for two.

Baszler has had enough she hits a powerbomb before locking in a Rear Naked Choke. Kai is fighting it as much as she can she reverses it into a pinfall attempt but quickly Baszler modifies it and the rear naked choke is in and Kai has no choice but to tap out.


Shayna Baszler

Baszler lets go after a few moments before holding the title high to boos from the crowd she don't care though she's the champion. Kai is out cold in as Baszler makes her way out to the ring. Kai gets up and is thanking the crowd as she makes her way out of the ring.


We are welcome back to the show as the camera pans to the crowd and a huge reaction as standing in the front row to newest signees who seem to be very close to each other are welcomed to the NXT Women's Division.


Corino: Kay Lee Ray & Taeler Hendrix are coming to NXT things have just heated up in the Women's Division.

Ranello: Up next folks the NXT Tag Team Championship is on the as Shattered Dreams face their biggest obstacle yet having to defeat the Undisputed Era's members at the same in a 4 on 2 handicap match.

Corino: The deck is certainly stacked against them.

McGuiness: Let's take a look at this rivalry.

We get a video package hyping the match and the rivalry between the two. We see them mock Dusty & see Goldust & Dream get so close only to lose time after time.

Match 4

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Undisputed Era (c) vs. Shattered Dreams


Undisputed Era's Theme


Shattered Dream's Theme


End Of Match: The match has saw quick tags among the members of Undisputed Era. Dream is in the ring now being beaten up in the corner. He has black and gold tights on that say Dream On. Dream is slapped across the face by Mike Kanellis whose wife is ringside. Dream though is now pissed off coming in and getting an attack on all four members before a clothesline to Kanellis gets him his chance to tag in Goldust.

Goldust comes in running towards Kanellis who right now is eating a couple of punches by Goldust. Goldust hits a bodyslam before tossing him into corner and hitting a bronco buster. Goldust lifts him up going for a Director's Cut but, Kannellis lands on his feet sending Goldust into the corner he comes back with a splash before tagging in Fish who measures Goldust up with a series of kicks to the chest before sending him throat first into top rope and then hitting a chop block.

Fish now is like a surgeon working on the leg of Goldust stomping on the leg before he twist the heel and uses his weight to come down on it. Goldust is grabbing his leg in pain as Fish mocks him letting him crawl close to Dream before pulling him back and locking in a heel hook. Fish though takes some elbows to the leg of Goldust while having him in the submission.

Fish drags Goldust towards the corner still in the heel hook tagging in O'Reilly who climbs to the top and stomps down on the leg. O'Reilly locks in the heel hook himself working on the leg before letting go and stomping away at it.

O'Reilly rolls into a rolling knee bar and we see him hold the submission for awhile until Goldust crawls to the ropes getting the submission broken up. O'Reilly looks to place Goldust into a figure four but, Goldust sends him to the outside as Dream on the apron starts smacking the turnbuckle wanting the hot tag.

Goldust is clearly hurt crawling towards the corner and O'Reilly still outside the ring we see Cole run to the outside throwing O' Reilly towards the corner and tagging before running and hitting Dream who was mear inches from the tag. Goldust struggles to stand up hobbling on one leg but, he is staring a whole through Cole who turns and knows he's in trouble.

Goldust goes for an attack but, Fish & O'Reilly from behind attack him. All hell breaks loose as the ref tries to get the two of them back in the corner. Mike has run on the outside and sends Dream into the guardrail while Cole is tossed the title by Maria. Cole yells I am going to send you to the grave with your father you son of a b*****

Cole charges at him but, Goldust ducks and the crowd pops as Goldust on one leg is beating the hell out of Cole. Goldust with a series of strikes, clothesline, and even he climbs to second rope and coming back with a crossbody.

Goldust mounts Cole and starts to strike him with a number of punches before a knee drop and then going for a Curtain Call, Cole lands on his feet and another chop block drops down Goldust to one knee. Cole with "The Last Shot" and a huge smile on his face as he goes for cover.



Goldust kicks out. Cole makes the tag to Mike who does a double lifting ddt codebreaker combo that sees Mike go for a cover.



Again Goldust kicks out. Mike is in shock as are the other members of Undisputed Era. Mike tags in O'Reilly who then tags in Fish and they go for Total Elimination (Leg Sweep/Spinning Wheel Kick)

but, as Fish tries to bounce off the ropes Dream is back pulling him out and sending him into the announce table ringside. Dream then enters the ring and all hell breaks loose as the remaning members try to come in but, Dream superkick to Kyle, spinebuster by Goldust on Mike.

Cole is left in the ring and they both send him to the outside with a double clothesline. Dream goes back to the corner and Goldust tags him in. Dream then hits a number of chops and sends Fish off the announce table face first.

He tosses him back in the ring and Dream hits a beautiful dropkick before a spin out powerbomb and we see Dream tosses him into the corner Cole tags in blindly unknowingly to Dream who goes for a clothesline to see Fish duck under and Cole to hit a superkick.

Cole is in the middle of the ring going Adam Cole Bay-Bay!

Cole lifts up Dream and sends him crashing into Cole's knee with a brainbuster. Cole then sets up Panama Sunrise but, Dream catches him and manages to get a air raid crash and goes for cover only getting a two count. Dream lifts up Cole and hits a backbend ddt he then hits a rolling death driver before climbing to the top rope looking for Purple Rainmaker.

Fish tries to knock him off the top but a big boot sends him to the ground. Here's Kyle he's sent to the ground. Mike grabs his foot and Cole runs up with a superkick that dazes Dream. They go for a double superplex as they set it up Goldust is in the corner underneath them and powerbombs them all as the four men lay out cold in the middle of the ring. Dream slowly gets to the top rope and hits a Purple Rainmaker.


He has it! No! Maria pull the ref out of the ring and the crowd is booing. Dream looks on shaking his head no no no.

The official is having words with Maria and he sends her to the back as Fish & O'Reilly are seen in the ring Total Elimnation to Dream. Cole is dragged onto Dream as Mike tells the ref. Fish & O'Reilly protecting them

No! Goldust charged in out of nowhere crashing into the two members protecting Cole.

Cole is livid. He tells the three members to hold up that old piece of s*** as he goes for a superkick but, Goldust drops down and Cole hits Mike. Goldust with a series of punches to O'Reilly and Fish he grabs O'Reilly throwing him to the outside and sending Fish over the top crashing into the three members on the outside. Cole is left alone in the ring between Dream & Goldust as he tries to back out.

He is seen saying he's sorry trying to weasel out. He backs into Dream as he turns and he tries to tell Dream not to hurt him come on. He says join the Era offering him the armband. Dream grabs it as he looks at Cole before teasing putting it on and then super kicking Cole who turns into a bionic elbow and turns into a rolling death valley driver. Dream tags in Goldust as Dream pops to the top Purple Rainmaker!

Goldust makes the cover.





And New!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NXT Tag Team Champions

Shattered Dreams!

The crowd is on their feet screaming as the two new champions hug each other in the middle of the ring. Goldust is seen crying on his knees as the fans chant you deserve it. Goldust is very emotional as you hear Dream say they are right you deserve it as he hands the championship to Goldust. Goldust ask for a mic.

Goldust: This one is for you dad! I love you. He says though I am not the only one who deserves it kid you are as good as anyone I ever been in the ring with.

Dream: Thank You!

The two of them hug holding the titles as we go to a break.


Aleister Black's Theme


??? Theme

(start at 0.44 seconds in.)


Aleister stares as the unfamiliar music plays. The lights go out in the arena until a spotlight if flashed and we see on the entrance ramp comes out is...

Corino: It's Shane Strickland! Shane Strickland is the man who is going to face Aleister Black here tonight.

McGuiness: World widely known Shane Strickland has wrestled all over the world he has put on classic with the best of the very best want a signing to NXT.

Ranello: Folks if you have never seen Strickland wrestle then tonight you are in for a treat.

Match 5

Aleister Black vs. Shane Strickland


End Of Match: This has been a really solid match right now with Black not taking the challenger lightly. We pick up with Black in the ring striking back and forth with Strickland. Strickland hits a enzguri that dazes Black who attempts a Black Mass right away but, Strickland dodges it with a matrix like dodge.

He pops back up shaking his head at Black as the two trade arm drags. Strickland grabs Black and hits a running tornado ddt before hitting a springboard phoenix splash.

Strickland follows that up with a lionsault but, Black moves though Strickland lands on his feet and here comes Black with another Black Mass attempt however Strickland rolls to the outside as Black bounces off the rope and looks to high fly.


He flips off the second rope sitting in the ring his eyes set on Strickland.

Strickland rolls back in the ring and the two start trying to strike each other each man trying to hit the othe rbut each dodging the attack until Black hits a spinning back fist. Black goes and hits an exploder suplex before a double foot stomp to the back of Strickland.

He grabs Strickland hitting a number of knees to the head from the ground postion as he tosses him into the corner running full speed delivering double knees to the chest before coming back with a rope assisted jawbreaker and going for a cover.

He gets just a two as he runs going for a springboard moonsault however mid flip he is caught by Strickland with a superkick. Strickland hits a double knee gutbuster and then climbs to the top rope looking for a shooting star press. Black moves out of the way but, Strickland lands on his feet as Black hits a discus knee strike that dazes Strickland.

Black comes back with a german suplex before a seated big boot attempt that misses and Strickland goes for a pin attempt.

He gets a two but, quickly hits a standing moonsault to the back of Black and then a basement dropkick. Strickland hops up to the apron hitting a springboard facebuster before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a springboard roundhouse kick. He grabs Black and goes for a standing C-4 however some back elbows by Black stops that.

Black locks in a standing octopus stretch that brings Strickland down to one knee. The ref ask him if he is gonna tap. He refuses standing up and falling back with a samoan drop to break the hold. Strickland and Black lay on the mat as the crowd gives them a lets go Black lets go Strickland chant.

The two men both get to their feets trading shots with each other as they are stating to get fatigued.


Each shot gets the other man hitting harder.

We see that Black goes for a strike and Strickland ducks and Standing C-4 he goes for a cover.



He was so close.

Strickland hits the mat in frustration looking like what do I got to do?

Strickland lifts him up and hits him with a backdrop throw into a backstabber. Black rolls out of the ring as Strickland without hesitation climbs to the top and leaps off with a corkscrew moonsault to the outside on Black.

The crowd loves that move as he goes back into the ring going for a Skywalker (Standing Shiranui) however Black holds him up sending him crashing into the corner he follows it up with a number of strikes before a discus knee strike as he falls to the mat. He puts his foot under the chin of Strickland and with a primal yell hits Black Mass!



Aleister Black

Corino: Black has done it. He was on his game tonight. He is now your new #1 contender for the championship.

McGuiness: You are looking at the future NXT Champion mark my words. He will pick up the pieces that Gargano or Ciampa are left in.

Ranello: Strickland with a hell of a debut tonight and while the future is bright for the young man. Black is on his way to the NXT Championship.

Match 5 is under Spoiler above


Main Event

NXT Championship Match

Tommaso Ciampa (c) vs. Johnny Gargano

Tommaso Ciampa's Theme


Johnny Gargano's Theme


End Of Match: Gargano & Ciampa have been beating the hell out of one another as Tommaso shows signs of the war and his penance was paid in a pound of flesh across his back as after he tried to run away Gargano sent him back first off the corner of the announce table.

We pick up with both men in the corner reversing one another and hitting a series of nasty chops. Gargano gains the advantage by hitting a uppercut right under the chin of Ciampa that busts his lip open. Gargano grabs Ciampa's head and is bouncing it off all three turnbuckles before setting him up on the top rope and hitting a top rope sleeper suplex that sees Tommaso just fall straight into the mat.

Gargano waits for Tommaso to get up before hitting a double foot stomp to the back of Ciampa's neck. Gargano kneels over the champion and begins to rain over some shots with rage in his eyes. The official is telling Gargano to calm down as Ciampa is seen grabbing the back of his neck.

Gargano rushes towards Ciampa but is sent into the second turnbuckle. Ciampa then fish hooks both side of Gargano's mouth before clubbing the back of his head and then using the ropes to scrape the face of Gargano. Gargano is sent into the corner with a snake eyes as Tommaso begins to strike away at Gargano. He takes him to the apron and hits a knee strike to daze Gargano.

Ciampa has a sick look in his eye as he begins to rip apart the mats to the concrete floor. Gargano is back to his wits running with a soccer kick to daze Tommaso he then leaps off hitting a tornado ddt onto the floor. However he pays for it as well his back hitting the floor as too.

The official quickly rushes to Ciampa's side to check up on him. Gargano though pushes him aside and tosses him back in the ring. Gargano and the official has some words as Gargano goes under the second rope he is caught by a knee from brace side of Ciampa. Ciampa who has a huge bump on his head quickly uses the ropes to ddt Gargano and slides into a cover only getting a two.

Tommaso comes back with a dragon suplex and follows it up with a shining wizard before taking his knee brace and driving it over and over into the head of Gargano. Gargano's eyes start to glaze over as the onslaught goes on. He can't even defend himself as Tommaso hits a neckbreaker .

He lifts up Johnny throwing him to the outside towards the announce tables. He begins to rip the table apart taking a piece of the table and wedging it between the ring at the announce table. He picks up Gargano from the back drop position and throws him sending him bouncing off of it landing head first on the ground.

Tommaso is not done rolling back in ring to break count he sends Gargano into the steel steps before running full speed with his knee braced knee and connecting with a strike.

Gargano is out like a light as Ciampa sits on the apron clapping with a huge grin on his face. He rolls into the ring and is going to wait as the official counts to ten.

He gets to 9 but somehow Gargano gets back in the ring.

He is quickly met with a big boot. Ciampa then hits a backbreaker before sending Gargano into the corner. Tommaso has Gargano tied up in the tree of woe and goes across the ring he charges at Gargano who at the last second moves up and Ciampa misses crashing into the second turnbuckle quickly Gargano leaps off the top with a back senton.

He grabs Tommaso and like a lawn dart sends him into the turnbuckle before going to the apron and hitting a springboard spear and sliding across the ring calling for his kneeling superkick. He goes for it but, Ciampa sends the official in front of him blocking the attack. Ciampa pushes him into Gargano as both men go crashing to the outside.

Ciampa takes advantage low blowing Gargano on the outside before grabbing his title and telling him he will never ne champion again. You are a failure Johnny. I know it . They know it and your wife knows it. He goes to strike Gargano with the title when LaRae appears from the crowd grabbing the title and going to attack him missing and hitting Johnny.

She goes to her husband saying I am sorry Johnny. Tommaso from behind grabs the back of her head and throws her to the ground.

Tommaso back in the connects with Fairytale Ending.




No his foot is on the rope. The official cant see it he counts and this one is over.


Tommaso Ciampa

Before Tommaso can even celebrate the win.


Ranello: Well that's the music of NXT General Manager William Regal but, where is he?

Corino: We need a ruling out here this is a Main Event on a Takeover.

McGuiness: I have a bad feeling about this.

The lights go out in the arena the announcers talking trying to figure out what is going on. It seems like forever but, the tron goes off and we see..

Regal How Can You Protect Them
When You Cant Even Protect Yourself
Time Is Up We Are Here
It Is Time For You To Pay

We now see William Regal on the screen he is tied up to some sort of pipe system and his mouth is gagged. Four masked figures step out from the shadowd in creepy purge like mask. We can see Regal's face is red and his veins are popping out of his head. He struggles trying to get free as one of the figures punches his gut. A taller of the masked figures stands towering above them and grabs Regal by the neck. The figure begins to talk his voice muffled as if using a device to change his voice.

??? (1): You know what you did. We are not the villains of this story. We are here to expose you as the fraud you are. Your ego, your ignorance, your lies will be shown to the world. We have one purpose and that is to destroy you and everything you care about. NXT's blood is on your hands. The sins of your deeds can not be forgiven we are the watchful eyes. What comes next is just the start.

The masked figure pulls out brass knuckles and cracks Regal in the skull and then again and again as each figure takes a turn bashing the skull of Regal. Regal's head has been busted open blood just pouring out all over and staining the floor. Regal is out cold as we hear chatter in the background. They walk off into the darkness as a few moments later we hear a door bashed in and we see that HHH and a number of superstars and backstage crew find Regal.

HHH: Oh God! Regal! Someone get a medic now. MEDIC WE NEED A MEDIC NOW! What are you guys doing someone get this man help now.

The crew points towards the wall where in what we can only presume is Regal's blood is written.

Manhattan Project

We end the show with HHH looking at the wall while medics finally come in and Regal being taken away.


Big D Energy
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NXT Ep 22

Live From Full Sail

June 13th 2018


We open up live with HHH's music hitting as the COO and Father of NXT emerges and is not looking happy he grabs a microphone and begins to speak in the ring.

HHH: I wish I could come out here with a smile because at NXT Takeover Paris those guys and girls in the back put on a hell of a show and I am proud of that because they did. However last night, those masked thugs decided to take that away from you and I when they brutally attacked NXT GM William Regal who is at home recovering his update is he is in stable condition in England but, he lost a lot of blood and they had to give him a blood transfusion. Now those thugs will pay and this is a war they are going to lose I promise you that. Now William Regal will be back in 2 weeks and he will have more to say. William we love you get well soon.

Now as to our next topic. Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa at Takeover ended with a wrong by the official and while I can't change what had happen I have decided that next week Aleister Black will face off against Johnny Gargano and if Gargano wins he will be added to the future title match between Black & Ciampa.

Now as for tonight we have an action pack show for you because tonight Mojo Rawley will make his debut as he goes one on one with Kenny King and also tonight we will see the NXT debut of the man that went toe to toe with Aleister Black as Shane Strickland will face off against Wesley Blake. How do you guys feel about this for a Main Event, a 8- Man Tag Team Match Undisputed Era vs. Your NEW Tag Team Champions Shattered Dreams and their partners WAR RAIDERS.

Match 1

Mojo Rawley vs. Kenny King

End Of Match: This has been a match of Mojo's power vs. the speed of King. We pick up with King in the advantage after sliding under Mojo and connecting with a superkick to the back of the knee before hitting a bulldog. Mojo is a little dazed as Montel hypes him up from the outside.

Mojo grabs King after a crossbody attempt shakes his head nope and hitting a hard fallaway slam as Mojo beats on his chest before doing some push ups you can hear Montel on the outside going that's right.

Mojo brings King back in the ring as hit hits a belly to belly he keeps ahold of it before rolling back for a german suplex. Mojo tosses King into ropes and coming back with a pop up spinebuster. Mojo again begins beating on his chest he tosses King into corner as Mojo runs with a head of speed from otherside of ring connecting with a punch he goes back and does it again as this monster of punch has King face down in the mat.

Mojo looks down but, he says he's not done yet. He slides out of the ring and is head to head with Montel telling him to finish this fool off.

Montel slaps Mojo who is hyped up now his veins popping out he rolls back in the ring and sends King into the ropes he runs off the other ropes and POUNCE!

It is like a car crash as King is sent flying a few feet before crashing. Mojo drags him into the ring and makes the cover and this one is over.


Mojo Rawley

Corino: What a debut for Mojo tonight.

McGuiness: Did you hear that crash after The Pounce.

Ranello: It seems Montel has Mojo focused and ready to defend that claim of "MVP Of NXT"


Dakota Kai is out in the ring and has a microphone a big cheer and sign of respect is shown from the NXT crowd as she begins to speak.

Dakota Kai: Takeover for me clearly did not go as plan. I wanted to come here in this ring holding the championship in my arms and celebrating with you the NXT Universe however I lost. I give it everything I had in that ring and I showed Shayna Baszler that I....

Dakota's cut off by music that brings out Hendrix and Kay Lee Ray.
Hendrix: That was all you had?
Kay Lee Ray: Well what can you except we are talking about Dakota Kai.

Boos come out from the crowd.

Hendrix: Boo all you want but the truth is Dakota you were never a threat for that championship. You are just to soft. You just aren't up to par.

Kay Lee Ray: You are a loser. That's all you ever been that's all you ever will be. We on the other hand we are Queen's you all will bow down.

Hendrix: You will all bow down and Hail Hendrix and Hail Kay Lee Ray or you will feel the wrath of us.

Kay Lee Ray: "The Scarlet Witches"

Dakota Kai: Why don't one of you come down here and say that too my face.

Hendrix: Silly girl the numbers are not in your favor.

They rush the ring but as soon as they get close Kai slingshots herself with a crossbody taking them both out she turns sending one into the steps before sending another into the crowd. They though over power her after awhile and then hit a double snap suplex onto the stage Kay Lee Ray has Taeler toss Kai into her before hitting a running tornado DDT onto the stage the two stand over her as we go to break.


Match 2

Shane Strickland vs. Wesley Blake

End Of Match: Strickland has been on the attack the whole time feeling like he has something to prove off of the other night's loss. He right now has the match firmly in hand as Strickland is keeping the pace fast hitting a vast amount of moves including a springboard roundhouse kick that sends Blake rolling to the outside.

Strickland doesn't miss a beat running leaping over the top with tope con hilo before tossing him back in the ring and hitting a springboard moonsault leg drop.

Strickland hypes himself up as he grabs Blake looking for a move he sets up Standing Shiranui that he has named "Kill Order" but, Blake with a thumb to the eye hits a chop block and starts to stomp down on his leg.

Blake hits a powerslam as he looks towards the crowd mocking Strickland with some kicks to the head. Strickland fights out of a headlock hold picking up Blake and hitting a Spin Out Powerbomb. Strickland looks pissed before hitting his leg to get feeling back in. He finally does sets up the Kill Order and this one is over.


Shane Strickland

Strickland goes to celebrate when Tino Sabbatelli's music hits and out walks "God's Gift To NXT" He applauds Strickland as Shane & Tino look at one another.

Ranello: It looks as though "God's Gift To NXT" is impressed by Strickland I don't know if I buy how sincere that really is.

McGuiness: Are you trying to say Tino is not honest?

Corino: I think that is exactly what he said. I got to agree with him here though because the man has done nothing but been dishonest and full of himself.


Corino: Well folks welcome back to NXT and if you missed Smackdown Live last night you missed the return of one Lars Sullivan to WWE as Lars attacked Randy Orton. Lars will no longer be on NXT we wish him the best though on Smackdown.

Ranello: Yes we do alright we are going to go backstage now though with NXT Women's Champion Shayna Baszler as she stands by with Percy Watson.

Watson stands next to the champion who is all snarly smiles as he begins to speak.

Percy Watson: Shayna at Takeover France you went on to defeat Dakota Kai. You are now left without a challenger but that all will change next week as members of the NXT Women's Roster will compete in one on one matches to qualify for a fatal four way where the winner will become the number one contender any thoughts about who you wanna face?

Shayna look at him rolling her eyes before holding the title in his face.

Shayna Baszler: Do you see this? This makes me the champion, to any other person this is a championship to me its my most prized possession. This title is what drives me, this title is mine and I don't care who anyone is trying to step up to me because I will lay you out. I am the baddest women on the planet and I am going to put all these girls to sleep just like Kai.

Nikki Cross appears behind Baszler eyeing the gold she acts like its talking to her.

Nikki Cross: Ok I will tell her. Your shiny toy here ask me If I like to play. Shayna wont you let Nikki play with it?

Nikki wants to play!

Kairi Sane appears now along with Bianca Bel Air, Jessie, Lacey Lane, Vanessa Bourne and the rest of the roster excluding Kai, Hendrix and KLR. They all stare at Baszler who begins to see shes out numbered. She walks away with a cocky laugh before we go to break.


Match 3

Buddy Murphy vs. Tye Dillinger

End Of Match: This has gone back and forth with each man looking as though they were near seconds away from a pinfall. We pick up with Tye in the ring after tossing Murphy to the outside. Tye climbs to the top rope and leaps off of it looking for a elbow drop to the back of the head of Murphy who is prone. Murphy though with a strike to the gut then grabs Tye whipping him into the hardest part of the ring as Murphy now is in control.

Murphy right now has Tye up in a stalling suplex postion before taunting and dropping him back down with a suplex. He goes for a cover but Tye picks up shoulder. Tye is now being stomp away by Murphy who then hits a wheelbarrow suplex before lifting him up and hitting a bow and arrow as he pulls back on his head and leg between the knee of Murphy.

Murphy lets go grabbing Tye for a dragon suplex before Tye reverses it landing on his feet and hitting a reverse neckbreaker. Murphy is then sent into the ringpost by Tye who looks for a Tye Breaker but, Murphy reverses it into a tornado ddt.

Tye is seen looking up his eyes glazed over as Murphy with a running knee strike to the back of his head. Murphy for the cover but, Tye gets his hand on the ropes. Murphy tries to pick up Tye who catches him in a small package Tye almost gets the three but at last second Murphy again picks up shoulder.

Tye comes back with a superkick but its caught by Murphy however quickly Tye brings his foot back and connects with another kick this time dazing Murphy. Tye quickly turns and goes for a backstabber but, Auntie D runs down to the ring and distracts the ref.

EC3 from behind and One Percenter! He tells Tye to go to hell before placing Murphy on Tye!

He runs out! and the official turns 1 2 3


Buddy Murphy

Corino: EC3 & Auntie D screw Tye over again.

Ranello: Auntie D has made an impact for EC3 since joining her nephew and it looks as though that.

McGuiness: Say what you want she has improved his game and kept him focused.


We are now backstage in HHH's office where the door has been bashed open and papers scattered everywhere. HHH appears and is seen looking like what's going on. His face then is in horror as he tells the cameras to go away as the camera looks on the wall where its says in red

We are not finished
We have just begun
Regal must still pay for his sins
NXT's True Takeover is us
We Are The Lost
We Are The Forgotten
We Are
The Manhattan Project

Ranello: What do they mean that Regal's sins must still be paid for.

Corino: The guy is still in the hospital. This is sickening whoever these people are they are cowards.

McGuiness: It is only a matter of time until they will have no where to run.


Main Event

Undisputed Era vs. Shattered Dreams & War Raiders

End Of Match: War Raiders have dominated most of this match and as of right now Hanson & O'Reilly are the legal men. Kyle goes for a roundhouse kick but Hanson ducks it doing a cartwheel and then turning and hitting a lariat that turns Kyle inside out. Hanson tags in Rowe and the two of them hit a double chokeslam as Kyle is folded again.

Rowe now is striking away at Kyle tossing him in the ropes where Kanellis makes the blind tag. Kyle ducks under the clothesline attempt and then dropkicks the back of Rowe's knee bring the big man down kneeling. The two hit a double superkick to the temple of Rowe and Mike then goes for a cover only getting a two.

Mike now applies a knee bar and elbows away at his leg as Maria applauds from ringside. Mike with a stomp to the back of his heel and then follows it up with slap to the face of Rowe which enrages the big man. Rowe grabs Mike by the beard tossing him across the ring.

Rowe tosses Mike into the corner tagging in Goldust who drives a number of strikes Goldust then sends Mike into the top turnbuckle with a snake eyes before hitting a backdrop and following it up with a knee drop.

Goldust tosses Mike off the ropes another blind tag this time by Adam Cole who superkicks the back of Goldust's head and begins to mount and strike away at Goldust. Cole with a brainbuster onto his knee to Goldust as he quickly covers but Dream breaks it up.

Next thing you know its all hell breaking loose as all members of both teams begin to attack one another

Thor's Hammer on Fish!

Total Elimination on Rowe!

Dream Driver on Mike !

Hanson with a crossbody sending him and Kyle over the top!

Adam Cole with the Last Shot!

Adam Cole with the cover





Goldust with the shoulder up!

Cole looks for it again Goldust ducks

Director's Cut!

Goldust for the cover





Cole is pulled out by Maria!

Goldust is livid rolling to the outside hes getting in the face of Maria!

Cole from behind brainbuster onto the corner of ring!

He rolls Goldust back in one more Last Shot!



Undisputed Era

Undisputed Era celebrate as they run up the ramp. Adam Cole screams the titles will be Undisputed Era's as we end the show.



Big D Energy
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NXT Ep 23

Live From Full Sail

June 20th 2018


We are welcomed to NXT as we the champion Tommaso Ciampa in the ring and he is looking pissed off. He grabs a mic and is pacing around the ring he then stops before he speaks again.

Tommaso Ciampa: I beat Johnny Gargano twice now

I pinned his shoulders to the mat and I took and defend the championship. This championship belongs to me now Johnny this is mine it doesn't belong to you. We both know you would never treat this title right. It saw how you failed it. It saw how you failed your wife. These championship was being treated like your wife before I grabbed it tossed around between multiple men.

Gargano's music hits and out he runs gunning right for Tommaso who escapes through the crowd as Johnny stands in the ring he is livid.

Johnny Gargano: You bastard you shut your mouth that is the last time you say my wife's name. I am going to kick your ass.

Aleister Black's music hits and out he walks as Johnny's attention has now shifted.

Aliester walks straight to Gargano looking on his calmness as Johnny still is looking on with rage. Gargano looks to speak but his attention still on Ciampa it quickly turns as Black is face to face with Gargano.

Aleister Black: Gargano, your rage will be your downfall. I see why your angry... I understand the demons in your soul but, if you want a chance at revenge you got to get passed me. I refuse to let that happen. I am a man whose path leads him to the NXT Championship to read the last rites to the demon itself and destroy the devil with gold on his waist. Johnny tonight I will defeat you and then I will defeat Tommaso Ciampa and take my rightful place as NXT Champion.

Johnny Gargano: My anger, is what fuels me my rage is what boils my blood look into my eyes Aleister because while you may think yours's are black mine are red. NXT Championship was mine. The stake to the title is mine I don't care how many people you beat until you defeat me I am the first in line for it. Tommaso Ciampa will be brought down by my hand.

Aleister Black: Arrogance Johnny... maybe you should look in a mirror because you are more alike to Tommaso then you think.

Johnny outraged tosses the mic at Black and Superkicks him.

Johnny kneels over Black.

Johnny Gargano: I am nothing like that monster.

He walks off as we go to the announce booth.

Corino: Welcome to NXT I am Steve Corino and tonight I am here with Nigel McGuiness as Ranello is off on assignment.

McGuiness: Tonight's main event will see Gargano face off with Black with world title implications. However that is not all.

Corino: That is right as NXT Women's qualifier fatal four way matches start tonight. Bianca Belair will face off against Jessie.

McGuiness: Also folks NXT Gen Champion Roderick Strong will defend the title tonight as he squares off with Buddy Murphy.

Corino: However next, The Last Real Men debut as they go on to face off against The Street Profits!

Match 1

The Last Real Men (Silas Young & Steve Cutler) w/Lacey Evans
Street Profits

End Of Match: Young & Cutler are solely in as Cutler has a headlock rest hold apply to slow down the match the crowd boos as he yanks the neck of Ford. The hold goes on for a minute as Cutler lets it go picking up Ford slamming him down on the back of his head with a Russian Leg Sweep.

Cutler tags in Young and the two of them take turns chopping the chest of Ford they spit on their hands as they chop and Ford falls to the ground. Young calls him a weakling as he slaps him on the back of the head he mocks him saying crawl tag your partner when he gets close to Dawkins he stomps on his back before pulling him back.

Cutler distracts the official as Young chokes Ford but, as soon as Dawkins try to break it up the official tells him to go back while back is turned Ford is attacked from behind by Cutler who rolls out and Young begins to take his tapped wrist and brushing the face of Dawkins. The official breaks it up and Young tells him he's in for a ass beating if he tells him what to do.

Young goes to grab Ford but, Ford sends him to the outside as Ford crawls towards Dawkins almost making the tag but, Cutler again pulls him back to huge boos. Ford though as Cutler pulls him back hits a dragon whip and Dawkins is finally tagged in.

Dawkins with a hot tag is on fire hitting a number of strikes on Cutler before Young tries to attack him from behind he ducks it hitting a flapjack and doing the Street Profits taunting and then connecting with a splash in the corner.

Young is lifted up by Dawkins for a suplex but, Young rakes the eyes before kicking the back of his knee and sending him shoulder first into the corner ringpost by Cutler. Cutler tags in before Silas sets up Dawkins in a piledriver position as Cutler spikes Dawkins from the top. Cutler with the cover



Ford tries to get in but Lacey grabs his leg.



The Last Real Men

Corino: Young & Cutler with a impressive debut here tonight.

McGuiness: The tag team division needed some tough old school men in it and we got it.

Corino: It looks as though the tag team division is on noticed.

Cutler & Young look on to the crowd with ugly looks on their faces. Lacey is smiling applauding as the crowd boos loudly. Young & Cutler turn right around and begin to attack The Street Profits as Oney & Burch music hits and they make the save Young & Cutler hightail out of there as Oney & Burch help Ford & Dawkins up. Oney screams man up as we go to the break.


Back from break and we see Roderick Strong getting ready for his match when we see Drew McIntyre pop up.

Drew McIntyre: There's the man I wanted to see NXT Gen Roderick Strong! Roderick just came in here to wish you luck tonight because I am coming for that title I wanna defeat you for it.

Roderick Strong: Thanks Drew but truth be told as much as I want to give you another title shot I mean there are others on the roster who deserve a shot too. I already beat you twice so I mean when Mr. Regal comes back I think he agree if you want a shot you got to go to the back of the line and earn it.

Drew does not like the response and seen visibly angered he takes a moment to calm down before talking again.

Drew McIntyre: You didn't beat me. I never tapped out the official beat me when he screwed me over. Now I am asking you nicely Roderick give me one more shot at the championship.

Roderick Strong: Let me make something clear Drew don't threaten me. No one screwed you over I beat you and I have no problem giving you a title shot when you deserve it. I am a fighting champion and if I wanna really call myself NXT Gen of NXT then I got to beat the very best the rising stars and I am not gonna hand you anything this championship is about earning about scratching and clawing because this champion means something. Now I am going to go beat Buddy Murphy.

Drew McIntyre: Fine you are right sorry good luck out there.

He offers him his hand they shake as Roderick Strong leaves a few seconds later Marcel & Fabian appear and Drew walks off with the two following.


Match 2

NXT Gen Championship

Roderick Strong (c) vs. Buddy Murphy

End Of Match: This has been a brilliant match so far showcasing two very good talents. We pick up after Roderick goes for a monkey flip Murphy lands on his feet waving his finger at him before going for a clothesline.

Strong reverses it going underneath lifting him up and hitting a back suplex lifted facebuster. Strong then goes for the Stronghold but, Murphy fights out twisting his body and hitting a knee drop.

Murphy in control sends Strong towards the ropes hitting a nice dropkick before quickly hitting a half and half suplex following it up with an enziguri. Murphy loses control after going for a few strikes one missing Strong gaining the upperhand before hitting a german suplex.

Strong lifts him up from a dead lift position hitting another as number two is held for a pin attempt. He gets almost a 3 count but, at the very last second Murphy gets his shoulder up.

Strong who is starting to fatigue grabs Murphy as the two trade kicks in the middle of the ring. Murphy goes for a roundhouse Strong ducking before a roaring elbow and a Sick Kick!

Strong goes for a End of Heartache but, Murphy fights out after a few elbows to the temple the champion is in trouble as Murphy hits Murphy's Law and the crowd pops on their feet.





Strong gets the shoulder up Murphy can't believe it. He goes to the official begging that it was a three. The focused lost by Murphy is enough of a opening by Strong who hits a Sick Kick to the back of Murphy's head he lifts him up End Of Heartache !





Roderick Strong

McGuiness: Strong retains he does it again ! My god what a champion!

Corino: He never says die does he Nigel. Murphy brought the A game tonight but, Strong was just A+.

Strong leaves as the tron shows Triple H to a pop from the crowd.

Triple H is backstage on the phone speaking.

HHH: Hello? Hey William how you feeling?

A few moments later.

HHH: I understand look you can do that if you want but, you what I have to do right?

HHH: Look I will give you till next week when you return to think about it. Alright I will talk to you later.


Pete Dunne returns to action next week on NXT!

Percy Watson is backstage interviewing Kassius Ohno who is still got some cuts and bruises he starts to talk after Percy asks him how does his lost to Dunne affect the friends?

Kassius Ohno: I am more angry at myself then I am at Pete look he's been the champion for over a year he is closing in on 400 days how crazy is that? Pete Dunne was the better man in France and he has nothing but respect for him. He says the question really is does Kassius Ohno still have it?

Can I still go toe to toe with the very best this place has to offer? I am not sure... Look I know I am not the youngest dog in this fight and my best years may be behind me so the truth is I may have to do some thinking.

Percy Watson: Are you stating you are gonna retire?

Kassius Ohno looks at the ground before a somber tone fills the arena a please don't go chant breaks out as it looks like he is gonna answer before walking off.

Corino: Have we seen the last of Kassius Ohno in NXT?

McGuiness: It maybe the last time we see him in a ring period.


Match 3

Bianca Belair vs. Jessie

End Of Match: Bianca Belair has used her strength to her advantage as Jessie can not get in any offense. Right now we pick up with Jessie in a bad position as Belair climbs to the top rope she takes a lil to long to get to the top and is caught on the top.

Jessie knows this is her chance as she climbs to the second rope and looks for a superplex she tries to lift Belair but cant as she fights out of it whipping her hair across the back of Jessie who drops to the mat. Belair then hits a Houston Hangover before going for a cover and Jessie gets out at two just getting her shoulder up.

We now see a very angry Belair get up and use her hair to start beating the living hell out of Jessie whipping her back till welts form. Jessie tries to use the ropes to get up as Belair twirls her hair she then whips Jessie as soon as she is to her feet.

Belair then lifts her up and connecting with a KOD and covering Jessie who is out for the three count.


Bianca Belair

McGuiness: A very empathic win for Belair tonight as she is the first to qualify for the fatal four way.

Corino: I agree Nigel I see big things in the future of Ms. Belair.

Bianca Belair kicks away Jessie as she grabs a mic she stands in the ring her hand on her hips.

Bianca Belair: Nope! I am the EST Of NXT and I am UN-DA-FEAT-ED. So all you girls who think you are going to go on and beat me to get my chance my shot at the NXT Women's Championship you are crazy. I am going to go through you and on my way to the NXT Women's Championship and when I am all done you can all clean my title.

Belair leaves the ring skipping around before we head to a break.


Tommaso Ciampa is shown backstage he is pacing back and forth outside HHH office. He has his title on his shoulder and is about to barge into his office. When the door opens. There is a pause as the scowl on Ciampa face meets HHH.

Tommaso Ciampa: Hunter you are just the man I was looking for. I came here to talk to you about this main event tonight.

HHH: Let me guess you want me to cancel the match.

Ciampa looks up surprised before a coy smile shines across his face.

Tommaso Ciampa: That is exactly right.

HHH laughs before placing his hand on Tommaso shoulder.

HHH: Oh Tommaso why would I do that? The way I see it is Johnny Gargano got a claim for the title as much as Aleister Black does. So the match stands now if you will excuse me.
Ciampa is pissed as HHH goes to leave Tommaso grabs him pissed off.

Tommaso Ciampa: You cant do this you cant change the rules to the game.

HHH face gets serious. He looks Tommaso directly in the eyes.

HHH: In case you didn't realize I am the freaking game. If you don't get your hands off of me you are going to find out why the call me it.

Tommaso lets go as HHH calms down a little bit.

HHH: In case you get any ideas about trying to ruin this match know that there will be consequences.

Tommaso walks off as we go to the ring for our main event.


Main Event

Aleister Black vs. Johnny Gargano

End Of Match: This has been back and fiorth as we pick up with Gargano in the corner Black is just wrecking mayhem on Gargano right now with nasty kicks to the chest. Black attempts a monkey flip but Gargano lands on his feet he comes back with a couple of arm drags and then hits a hurricarana Gargano goes for another move but Black quickly turns with a Black Mass that Gargano barely dodges he slides backwards before the two men get to a stand off.

Gargano with a few strikes before coming back sending Black to the outside apron. He its a few strikes before launching himself over the top and connect with a tornado ddt onto the ringside. Gargano tosses him back in the rig quickly going for a cover but only getting a two count.

Gargano tries to lock in Gar-Ga-No-Escape but, Black rolls through it going for a quick pin attempt but still just not enough for a three. Black though gets some offense in his a nasty amount of strike combinations before locking in a crucifix submission.

Gargano is in pain as he tries to get to the ropes he slowly walks to the ropes finally getting to them Black breaks up the submission as Gargano rolls to the apron a few moments later Gargano is up as Black comes in but, Gargano catches him on the ropes before leaping for a slingshot spear.


Black catches him with a knee and Gargano is dazed a spinning backfist leads to a lionsault attempt by Black. Gargano moves out of the way but, Black lands in the sitting position as Gargano kips up. The two men stare again at one another before trading blows among one another. Gargano gets the advantage after a superkick and frankensteiner.

Gargano goes for a kneeling Superkick and hits it before locking in Gar- gano- escape and Black is in the middle of the ring he is about to tap when Tomasso attacks.


No Contest!

Tommaso tries to leave from the ramp area as HHH music hits and out he walks as Tommaso slowly turns.

HHH: Tommaso I warned you that there would be consequences if you interfered and now its time to pay the piper. Therefore at our next NXT Takeover event you will be defending your title against both men and there will be nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide these little hit and runs will be worth nothing because at our next NXT Takeover is in Pittsburgh you will face them both in a falls count anywhere match.

Tommaso gets a look of fear in his eyes as he just realizes that he is in trouble. Gargano and Black stare a hole at the NXT Champion as we end the show.


Big D Energy
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Live From Full Sail

June 27th 2018


We are welcomed to NXT by the music of William Regal playing and Regal makes his way down to the ring as NXT Roster surrounds the ring they all for the most part are clapping their hands as Regal grabs a mic.

William Regal: It feels so good to be here home in NXT. These last few weeks have been tough and I was hurting really bad I will not lie to you and the fact is I started to question what can I really do. I actually went into a pretty bad place. The thing is with someone like myself when you have time to go into your mind you don't find fear you don't find pity you find something. They are right. I am not a hero. No I am villain sunshine and you can beat your bloody asses that I am the truest, darkest villain one can imagine. So I know Triple H was and is trying to protect me but I am taking control of this chaos and I am challenging The Manhattan Project to a match at NXT Takeover Pittsburgh.

However I know I can't do this alone. No matter how hard I want to protect you guys from this shield you from it I can't so I am not gonna force anyone of you but, simply ask... you to join me in this fight.

The roster looks between one another and it seems as though there is hesitation.

This is for each man to decide... this is for each man to come to the decision on their own. This isn't your fight and I understand if you do not want to accept there are no hard feeling there is no grudge these guys are scary and are a unknown I understand.

A few moments later you see two men hop on the apron and walk in the ring standing next to William Regal. The two men are the NXT Tag Team Champions Shattered Dreams. Velveteen Dream & Goldust.

Velveteen Dream: Those guys are cowards and truth is I owe you a lot William if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be standing here as the man that you really need the man you created. The NXT Universe would never get to experience the dream. So for that I stand by your side.

Goldust: Oh Captain My Captain. Dead Poets Society. Regal I have known you for 20 plus years and when I was at my lowest point you were there to offer me your hand so it would be honor if I could repay the favor plus because of you I got to take Dream under my wing and we would become NXT Tag Team Champions. This has been by far the best part of my career and I owe that all to you.

Regal goes to speak but the lights in the arena go out and the tron goes off. The feed then goes live with creepy music playing in the background we see that four figures stand in trench coats and purge like mask. The room has a lightbulb flickering moving back in forth and we can see Regal's name carved on the walls in red what looks like blood. A voice changer is used to distort the voice as one figure steps forward the words Wrath written in black like it was scratched on.

Wrath: Did you think your death would be that quick William? The blood that has been spilled does not even begin to account the sins that you made. You are a disease, William and we must cleanse NXT.

William Regal: I don't know what you are trying to accomplish but the only blood left to be spilled is when we get our hands on you. Do you accept or are you cowards hiding behind mask and sneak attacks.
Wrath: We will do what is needed to be done at whatever the cost. You will have your answer by the end of the night.

The tron goes off as the lights go on with Regal and the others looking on.

Corino: Welcome back to NXT folks and that was one way to kick of the show it seems as though William Regal may not back down.

McGuiness: Say what you want the number games is still not in our favor here. These people whoever they are fixated on ending Regal.

Ranello: But our GM refuses to give up without a fight. Speaking of fighting lets meet one of our newest members to NXT Female roster Mia Yim.

Mia Yim: My name is Mia Yim and what should the NXT Women's Division know about me? I am Blasian Baddie I am a take no crap scared of no one kind of girl with the skills to do whatever is needed in that ring. You see people like Shayna Baszler they rule by fear. I want you to understand I am not scared I been through hell I am still smiling and kicking ass. My goal is to become NXT Women's Champion.

Match 1

Mia Yim vs. Lacey Lane

End Of Match: This has been a back and forth between two new female wrestlers on the roster we pick up with the two of them trading arm drags before going for dropkicks and then Mia goes for a superkick that Lane dodges matrix style she follows it up by sliding under the arm of Yim and hitting a unique STO and following it up with a seated front dropkick.

Yim is getting attacked by Lane who hits a series of punches and kicks before going for a standing moonsault however Yim gets her knees up as Lane crashes into them. Yim now with the advantage tosses Lane into the corner hits a big boot before hitting a spinning back suplex she goes for cover but only gets a two count.

Lane comes back after a few moments and the two of them trade a number of chops in the middle of the ring. Lane is tossed into the corner but she leaps to the top and comes back with a cutter attempt...


Yim grabs her and sends her to the top turnbuckle where she hits a reverse neckbreaker from the top. She quickly grabs Lane and hits a Eat Defeat and makes the cover



Mia Yim

Ranello: What an impressive debut for Yim who is now one win away from becoming number one contender.
Corino: She was looking good tonight but the truth is she is needing tougher competition.
McGuiness: Whatever the case her and Belair both new talents are now half the field for the fatal four way number one contenders match.

Yim celebrates as we go to the back where Adam Cole of the Undisputed Era stands with Percy Watson.

Percy Watson: Adam Cole what is your thoughts on the fact that NXT Tag Team Champions Shattered Dreams stood by the side of Regal in the fight against Manhattan Project.
Adam Cole: I don't give a damn about what's going on with Regal and the project but the fact that Shattered Dreams joined is a joke.

You know why the join don't you because they are scared of us Undisputed Era. They knew we were going to put our rematch clause in for a match at Takeover. Now as for us we are going to get our match and we are going to get the championship back around our waist and that is the undisputed truth.

Adam Cole walks off as we go to break.


Match 2

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs. The Dynasty

End Of Match: It has been a tech match as of right now we pick up with Oney applying a headlock on Dallas who tries to fight out of it but, Oney transitions into a wristlock. Dallas with a back elbow bounces off the ropes where Axel makes the tag and they hit a double dropkick. Axel follows it up with a fist drop before locking in a chin hold.

Oney tries to fight out of it he gets back to his base but, just as he does Axel sends him crashing back to the mat and drops a knee before tagging in Dallas and they hit a double ddt.

Dallas sends Oney into corner and hits a corner dropkick before hitting a belly to belly and goes for a cover Oney gets a shoulder up before three.

Dallas tries for a STF. Oney though rolls to the ropes getting his foot on the bottom. Dallas stomps away before trying to send him into his corner Oney reverses it sending him into his own corner and running with a uppercut. Danny tags in as the two twist the arms of Dallas before connecting with a number of chops. Danny goes on a roll hitting a series of chops as Axel tries to interfere but is hit with a tiger suplex.

Danny locks in a sharpshooter on Dallas as the music of Lacey Evans plays and she walks down to the ring she distracts the ref as from behind Oney on the outside is attacked by Silas & Cutler who send Oney into the barricade before Danny sees he turns to go help releasing the sharpshooter but, Axel with a chop block.

Dallas & Axel with a double spear and go for cover.



The Dynasty

Ranello: Those are suppose to be real men? What kind of men attack people from behind?
McGuiness: The same kind of men who win championships they are sending a message to Oney & Danny and the rest of the roster.

Oney & Danny are hurting but we go to break with the two of them looking on at Silas & Steve up on the ramp.


Ranello: Welcome back to NXT folks and we received word that next weeks Main Event we will see Roderick Strong defend the NXT Gen Championship against Fabian Aichner in what should be a great match.

Corino: That's not all folks. Tino Sabbatelli will challenge Shane Strickland in a match.

McGuiness: We will also get a contract signing between the three men who will face off for NXT Championship at NXT Takeover Pittsburg between Black, Gargano and NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa that I will be part of.

Ranello: It is exciting business but we still got our main event tonight of Shelton Benjamin vs. Pete Dunne! but right now we got Mojo Rawley in action in a handicap match vs. Wesley Blake & Riddick Moss.

Match 3

Mojo Rawley w/ Montel Vontavious Porter


Blake & Moss

End Of Match: Montel stated before the match that they both can fight him at once and it doesn't matter though because Mojo was running through both men with double clotheslines and a double suplex. Mojo sends one guy into each corner and comes in with a wicked running punch as we are only 25 seconds in. Montel yells you at 25 seconds boy as Mojo goes faster sending both men flying after sending them into the ropes with a Pounce he stacks them both up before placing his foot on the chest and counting to three this one is over.

43 seconds.


Mojo Rawley

Mojo is pumped up running around the ring as Montel make his way in with a microphone.

Montel: I told you guys this guy is unstoppable. It doesn't matter who you are this guy is gonna knock your ass down he is the MVP of NXT and this is just a start. He can beat two guys under 60 seconds how long until he's a champion?

They walk off as we go to the back where we see Kassius Ohno & Pete Dunne talking to one another.

Kassius Ohno: Hey Pete welcome back state side how was your time in Europe?

Pete Dunne: It was alright I am glad to be back though. Look Ohno I saw your interview. You cant really be thinking about retiring can you? You had such a good career. You accomplished so much.
Kassius Ohno: I know I have but at Takeover I just realized I am not as good as I once was besides HHH offered me a coaching job at performance center it maybe time.

Pete Dunne: Well man let me be the first to thank you.

Dunne offers his hand they both shake as we go to the arena for our main event.


Main Event

Pete Dunne vs. Shelton Benjamin

End Of Match: This has been a good back and forth with each man getting the upper hand at one point. We pick up with Dunne locking in a standing guillotine on Benjamin as he tries to get to the rope after a few moments he does. Dunne & Benjamin begin trading shots in the middle of the ring as Benjamin goes for a superkick it is caught by Dunne who quickly applies a heel hook and Benjamin tries to break it with strikes to the leg.

Dunne finally lets go after a number of shots as Benjamin hobbles on one leg. Dunne hits a dragon suplex before a double foot stomp to the leg. Benjamin hits a few chops and a series of different moves as he starts to get the momentum he sends Dunne into the corner going for a splash before hitting a T-Bone Suplex.

Dunne rolls to the apron as Benjamin grabs him by the back of his head and goes for a strike however Dunne headbutts Benjamin dazing him before hitting a sunset powerbomb over the rope down to the mat. Dunne then lifts up Benjamin for a deadlift german suplex he bridges it but, Benjamin kicks out at 2.

Shelton and Pete look at one another in the middle of the ring before trading shots back and forth the crowd half and half until Dunne sweeps the leg of Benjamin catching him off guard he then is quickly lifted by Dunne for the Bitter End and this one is over.


Pete Dunne

Dunne grabs his championship holding it high as he wins a tough match up. He is worn out he goes up the ramp and is met by Ohno as the two of them stand by the crowd but quickly as that happens we see the tron going off.
Ranello: We are receiving word that something is going on backstage.

We then see a camera heading back to the backstage area where Regal is looking on as on the ground are two busted open Goldust & Dream with EMT's helping the two. Regal's face looks on in horror as we see that written in blood on the wall says one word.


We end the show.


Big D Energy
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Live From Full Sail

July 3rd 2018


We are welcomed to NXT by Nigel McGuiness who stands in the ring with a microphone in hand there's table and three chairs where the 3 men at NXT Takeover Pittsburgh will battle for the NXT Championship.

Nigel McGuiness: Welcome ladies and gentleman to NXT. Right here right now we will see the contract signing between Aleister Black, Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa. So lets get these 3 in here.

Each man gets into the ring each eyes on each other except Ciampa who sits up at the ramp.

Johnny is staring a hole through Tommaso.

Johnny Gargano: Tommaso. I am going to end you. I am going to take away everything from you just like you took everything away from my family. Tommaso you will know what it feels like to lose it all I am going to take the one thing you care about away from you. NXT Championship.
Aleister stares on as the two bicker among one another.
Aleister Black: Stop your arguing right now. You two are like spoiled children fighting over a shiny new toy. You both are ignoring the biggest thing between you two right now me. You see I refuse to stand idle by as the two of you fight while holding hostage the championship on Tommaso's shoulder because the fact of the matter is this blood feud between you two doesn't concern the NXT Championship and as a result has become a causality of the war you are fighting.

Now both of you are very best wrestlers in the world today and its such a shame that it cant be showcase of your skills over the championship but this melodrama. Tommaso Ciampa is a sick man he is a bastard he may very well think he is the devil however when Takeover comes he will fade to black.

Black signs the contract handing it to Johnny as Gargano signs it.

Johnny don't think I forgot about you. That cheap shot you took on me will be answered for and you will pay for your sins because the truth remains whether you are willing to accept it or not you are more like Tommaso each day this hatred builds in your soul and Johnny that good man in you that white light will be overtaken by blackness as you become less like yourself and more like him.

Tommaso smirks from the stage before speaking into the mic slowly talking.

Tommaso Ciampa: You hear that Johnny he thinks you and I are the same. The man you must despised is the man you can see in the mirror. Johnny I have everything you ever wanted. I am just a better version of you.

Johnny irate turns to face Black who hits Black Mass on Gargano he sits in the middle of the ring his eyes set to Tommaso's as he moves his eyes to the contract. Tommaso seems to take his time thinking Black will attack him and the tension goes on for a few moments as Ciampa grabs the contract sliding out of the ring just as Black stands up.

Tommaso with the contract at the top of the ramp speaks.

Tommaso: Black you may think you got a devil on your back but he is staring at you right here right now.
He signs the contract before placing it at the announce table and walking off.


Match 1

Tino Sabbatelli vs. Shane Strickland

End Of Match: After a good series of arm drags and tech wrestling we pick up after a miss forearm attempt by Strickland. Tino ducks under grabbing the back of his head and driving him down to the mat. Tino then with some stomps before hitting a big elbow drop. Tino plays to the crowd taunting them as he then goes for a backdrop.

Strickland reverses it landing on his feet he then hits an insane frankensteiner before a double foot stomp to the back. He follows it up going for a pin but, Tino gets the shoulder up at two. Strickland with a few kicks before hitting a running tornado ddt he then runs corkscrew shooting star press he goes for cover but Tino again kicks out at 2.

Tino and Strickland trade shots with one another both tired from the fight. Tino with a slap across the face of Strickland and hits a shoulder jawbreaker he follows that up with a nasty looking spinning neckbreaker.

Tino sends Strickland towards the corner but, he leaps to the top and falls back with a springboard cutter. Tino drops down as Strickland goes for a cover.



Tino somehow again manages to just get his foot on the rope and Strickland looks on livid.

Strickland goes to lift up Tino but after a thumb to the eye Tino hits Leg Hook Reverse STO and goes for the cover one..two..three.


Tino Sabbatelli

Ranello: If it wasn't for that thumb to the eye this match would of been in favor of Strickland.

McGuiness: Say what you want a win is a win.

Corino: You cant take anything away from Strickland here tonight.

Tino celebrates the win a huge cocky smile. He leaves the arena as we go to break.


Kassius Ohno is seen backstage standing right outside William Regal's office. He is in suit and seems like he is distraught. He looks like he is about to knock on the door when Pete Dunne arrives.

Dunne: I know what you are going to do Kassius. Don't do it. You are a legend in the business you got so much left in the tank.

Kassius Ohno looks at him still upset he places his hand on Dunne's shoulder.

Ohno: I just don't think I got what it takes anymore. It is ok man like you said and countless have told me before I am a legend and yeah my career never took off to the heights I thought it would but in the end its alright. I am ok man. NXT Paris it proved something in me that I just didn't have what it takes anymore that I let the game pass me by. Now when I look in the mirror I don't wanna be that guy that is wrestling past his prime if that is my final swan song against you under the lights of Paris with the match we had so be it. I got nothing to be ashamed about. I got so close to that goal of holding gold in WWE but it wasn't meant to be.

Kassius takes his hand off and goes to knock but, Dunne stops him grabbing his arm.
Dunne: No... You aren't quitting I refuse to let that happen. I tell you what I think you and I should go one more time. What we did at Paris lets top that. I say I will put this UK Championship on the line against my greatest opponent I have ever faced you at Takeover Pittsburgh. Give you, give these people what they want give me a chance to face a legend one more time.

Kassius Ohno looks at Dunne before agreeing.

Ohno: Ok fine alright you and I at Takeover for the championship.

Dunne leaves as the camera pans to Ohno. Ohno smiles as he says under his breath.

Ohno: And the Oscar goes too...

Ohno walks off.


Match 2

Kairi Sane vs. Taynara Conti

End Of Match: This has been a pretty even battle so far with each girl getting a good amount of offense in we pick up with Conti in control using her Brazilian fighting background and has Sane in a crucifix arm bar towards the side of the ring she is using some elbows in between as Sane tries to get to the ropes just as if it looks like Sane is going to get to the rope Conti lets go pulling her back and stomping on the arm of Sane.

Conti follows it up with a judo hip toss and locking in a headlock. Conti with a few more elbows before transitioning into a knee bar and then Sane fights it off getting to the rope and breaking the hold.

Sane gets in same offence hitting a few chops in the corner before hitting a arm drag and then a Russian Leg Sweep she then tries to send Conti into the corner but she places her foot on the top turnbuckle an elbow to the gut followed by her throwing Sane into the second turnbuckle. She goes for a cover only gets a two.

Conti looks for a german suplex but, Sane gets her leg in between reversing it into a arm drag. Sane then hits a few dropkicks before hitting Walk The Plank and climbing to the top to hit an Insane Elbow. She makes the cover and this one is over.


Kairi Sane

Ranello: Kairi joins Belair and Yim as three quarters of the fatal four way qualifiers have been filled.

McGuiness: Yea but, the thing is it doesn't matter who wins Shanya Baszler is still the champion you got to beat and no one is going to defeat her.

Corino: We will see Nigel but, we are being informed that next week we will see the final spot up for grabs as Nikki Cross will face Dakota Kai in what should be a hell of a match.

Sane celebrates as we go to the back where Percy Watson stands by with Roderick Strong.

Percy Watson: Roderick later on tonight you will be placing your NXT Gen Championship on the line against Fabian Aichner who you know will have Marcel Barthel by his side. So are you worried?

Strong: Should I be worried of course I should the odds are not in my favor tonight and all it takes is Marcel distracting the official tonight and I lose the championship. If this match was one on one I would defeat him just like Marcel, just like McIntyre just like any man that steps in my way. I am a man on a mission I am sailing high in the sky I am here to take this title and myself to new limits.

Percy Watson: You have been on a roll lately like you said but, you have a huge target on your back. You got tons of guys here gunning for that championship.
Strong: Yeah a lot of guys want this title but, none of them can take it they can try but they will fail.

Strong walks off with Watson standing there.


Match 3

Kenny King vs. Tye Dillinger

End Of Match: A solid match we pick up with King trading a few shots in the ring with Tye. Tye though reverses a suplex attempt sends King to the apron a knee strike to the chest followed up by a slingshot ddt onto the corner apron part has Tye in control. Tye tosses King into ring goes for the top rope and jumps off hitting a frog splash.

Tye goes for the cover but only gets a two. Tye goes for a figure four but, King sends him into the ring post and follows it up with a superkick. Tye is then hit with a full nelson slam and Kenny calls for Royal Flush.

King has it up but elbows break it up by Tye who comes back and hits a backstabber. This one is over.


Tye Dillinger

Tye after the match celebrates when again from the crowd comes EC3 who hits Tye from behind . He then hits the one percenter on the stage as we here him say this isn't over.

Corino: Once again EC3 with another attack when will this stop?

McGuiness: EC3 out here proving why he is the top one percent do you actually think that anyone is on his level?

Ranello: Well ever since Auntie D has been in the picture EC3 game has been taken to another level. I suppose it is only a matter of time until he holds gold here in NXT.


Regal your shattered dreams lay broken on the floor
You brought them into a war that they shouldn't die for
In your hands lay there fate
Did we rattle the vile animals cage?

Corino: It looks as though The Manhattan Project are trying to get in the head of GM William Regal.

McGuiness: We now know that HHH made it official at Takeover Pittsburgh inside the steel city we will see Manhattan Project face William Regal, Shattered Dreams and one other partner inside WARGAMES. Regal has also said that he has found a forth partner and that he will announce him next week on the show.

Ranello: We will see who Regal has brought in to be by his side. However up next Roderick Strong defends NXT Gen Championship versus Fabian Aichner.

Main Event

NXT Gen Championship Match

Roderick Strong (c) vs. Fabian Aichner w/ Marcel Barthel

End Of Match: After a back and forth bout Strong looks like he has the advantage until Marcel jumps on the apron distracting the ref. Aichner uses this to take control hitting a low blow before hitting a nasty brainbuster on the knee to Strong. He goes for the cover but only gets a two.

Strong now eats a few forearms before a lariat sends Strong crashing to the mat. Aichner climbs to the second rope leaps off hitting a elbow drop. Aichner now lifts him up for a stalling suplex but, Strong reverses it sending Aichner to the outside onto Marcel.

Strong gets pumped up before hitting a suicide dive crashing into both men. Strong sends Aichner back in ring as Marcel tries to attack he side steps him sending him into steel steps. Strong back in ring hits a sick kick. He follows it up with a back drop faceuster.

Strong then look for the Stronghold but, Fabian fights out as he tries for a small package. Strong gets out at two but is sent into the ropes as Fabian distracts the ref Marcel with the title to the head. Aichner with cover.





Strong gets shoulder up.

Strong kips up and is a man on fire hits a few arm drags before a dropkick and sending him into corner with a big splash he then hits a discus elbow. Marcel tries to slow him down as Strong hits a End of Heartache on the apron.

Aichner again trying to roll up he has the tights. He is only able to get a two but is quickly met with a superkick and a End Of Heartache.





Roderick Strong

Corino: Strong with the win again this guy is on a roll.

Strong tries to celebrate but is attacked by Marcel and Fabian who stomp away at him. A few moments go by as McIntyre's music hits and out he runs with a steel chair. He has a stare off with those two he tells them to bring it before Strong is up but, McIntyre steel chair off the back of Strong they all quickly stomp away as Marcel & Aichner hit a double chop block.

Strong drops to his knees as McIntyre grabs the title. He says don't you disrespect me I am better then you. Strong I was the chosen one. This title will be mine. He slaps him in the face before telling them to grab him. They grab each arm as McIntyre hits a Claymore and drops Strong. We end the show with the three of them standing tall over a knocked out Strong.



Big D Energy
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Live From Full Sail

July 10th, 2018


We open up to NXT with a brawl going on outside the arena it seems as though Roderick Strong was waiting for Drew McIntyre to arrive and is beating the living hell out of him. We now go to cameras franticly trying to pick up the action as Roderick Strong lifts up Drew McIntyre and goes for an End Of Heartache onto hood of car. However Fabian & Marcel from behind stop him and send him into the windshield with a double powerbomb. McIntyre livid grabs Strong an hits a Future Shock DDT off the hood onto the pavement. They leave as Strong is knocked out on the floor.

McGuiness: Welcome folks to NXT I am Nigel McGuiness and I am here tonight joined by Steve Corino. Mauro Ranello has the night off and boy do we got a huge show for you tonight.

Corino: You said it Nigel tensions running higher then ever as we are only four weeks away from NXT Takeover Pittsburgh. William Regal has promised later tonight to show the world who he has hand picked to be the forth partner in the fight against The Manhattan Project inside Wargames at Takeover.

McGuiness: Not only that but, Dakota Kai faces off against Nikki Cross! Plus The War Raiders are in action as they will be taking on The Dynasty!

Corino: That's not all folks, not by a long shot. Buddy Murphy will be in our main event battling one of our number one contenders Johnny Gargano in what should be a fantastic Main Event.

Match 1

Mojo Rawley w/ Montel V. Porter


Street Profits

End Of Match: This has been a brutal beating for Street Profits as Mojo has destroyed anyone that has gotten in his way. He has just hit a stalling double suplex and the man is ready for a fight. Mojo hits a spear on Dawkins and quickly rushes Ford the legal man. He sets up Ford for a military press and throws him to the outside onto Dawkins.

Mojo then grabs Dawkins and throws him into the ring and then Ford. He sets them up in opposite corners and rushes in with two running punches. He hits the Pounce on Dawkins then one on Ford and this match is over.


Mojo Rawley

Mojo runs around the ring pumped up not able to sit still.

Montel grabs a mic and begins to speak.

Montel: You see what this man can do. You cant hold him back anymore. Hes coming. He is the MVP of NXT and he wants it all. There is no one nobody on his level.


Silas Young & Steve Cutler are backstage with Lacey Evans by their side. They are talking into the camera.

Silas Young: Oney & Danny you think you are tough huh. You think you boys can go in the ring. You think you are the hardest working boys in NXT. News Flash, you aren't we can go in the ring we are better then all of you. You think this thing between us is beef. I read what you said on social media calling us cowards. We aren't cowards. We are The Last Real Men and we are smarter stronger and much better then you are.

Steve Cutler: This isn't arrogance boys we are just as good as we say we are. You think you know what it means to be tough? Tell me have you ever been to war have you ever seen action where every waking second you had to wonder if someone was going to kill you. I saw kids with bombs man I saw broken bodies limbs blown off that kind of stuff doesn't go away it makes you tough it makes you stronger so don't you dare call me a coward. I am not.

I am "The Forgotten Son" Steve Cutler and just like how all these people forgot about me once we are done with you no one will ever remember either of you.

Lacey Evans: How dare you call these two cowards these two are more men then you will ever be. I mean look at them tough, rough, hands filled with blisters callus men who have come from rough patches and transformed from boys to men. You got to excuse me for a second woo those are REAL MEN who should be treated right by a REAL LADY.

Lacey Evans woos over them as we see them then all look at the camera with a tough look.


Match 2

War Raiders vs. The Dynasty

End Of Match: This has been a solid back and forth with both teams having control at one point though it seems as though Axel and Dallas are using heel tactics to get ahead. Axel is in the ring right now facing off against Rowe slowly every time Rowe gets close to Axel he rolls out of the ring after a few moments we see Axel try it again only to get caught between Rowe and Hanson.

Hanson grabs Axel by the back of the neck throwing him to Rowe who hits a big boot. Rowe drops Axel throat first off the apron and then a nasty looking back breaker. Rowe tosses Axel in the ring who has Dallas tag in. Dallas hits a few forearm attempts only to have Rowe laugh and throw him in the corner where he tags in Hanson.

Hanson with a side slam does a cartwheel before taking out Axel with a big boot from apron to the ground he goes. Hanson runs in with a seated back senton. Hanson calls Rowe for Thor's Hammer when music starts to play of Undisputed Era?

Hanson and Rowe are confused as the era runs down but, they are just distracting the official. Axel with a low blow and Dallas hits a BO-Dog he goes for the cover and they steal the victory.


The Dynasty

Axel and Dallas celebrate as War Raiders are livid and are eying Undisputed Era before chasing them to the back as we go to break.

Corino: Undisputed Era just cost War Raiders why would they do that?

McGuiness: My guess is as good as yours.


Tommaso Ciampa is shown backstage holding the NXT Championship he is getting interviewed by Percy Watson.

Watson: In only four weeks Tommaso you defend the NXT Championship against Aleister Black and Johnny Gargano however next week you are set to face off against Tye Dillinger how do you feel going into NXT Takeover and against Tye?

Ciampa: It's Elementary dear Watson, take a look at this championship. What does it mean? Hmm...

Watson goes to speak but Tommaso blows up in his face.

Ciampa: This championship means I am the best. It means I am the face of NXT it means that no body is better then Tommaso Ciampa. It means I carry the weight of this brand on my shoulders. Johnny knows it. I defeated he twice now. Johnny knows he cant beat me. Aleister will learn the same thing. Aleister thinks he's this demon this wicked man. He may think hes a demon but I am God sitting high above the clouds looking down from my throne watching him in his filth and watching him as he fails. He fails to win the championship.

???: Speaking of failures.

EC3 appears with Auntie D by his side he stares at the championship before staring at Tommaso.

EC3: Tye Dillinger is a failure. He thinks a perfect ten makes him better then the top one percent. I am better then him. I can see it now though he is going to give the excuse. Tommaso hurt me before we faced off. So Tommaso a favor for the top one percent don't hurt him to bad. Leave him for E C 3.

Tommaso looks at him giving him a glare. Auntie D sees this and tells him not to glare.

Ciampa: Do you know what happens to people with families when they piss me off. I hate to break your hip.

EC3 gets in the face of Ciampa who laughs it off.

Ciampa: Come on kid try me, I will show you what the top one percent really looks like. Tell you what when I am done with Tye he is going to be far from perfection. You can pick up the pieces like your Aunt tries to do with 21 year olds at the bar.

Ciampa smiles and leaves as EC3 and Auntie D look on pissed.


Match 3

Dakota Kai vs. Nikki Cross

End Of Match: This has been a good back and forth with the girls going to the outside to fight. Kai goes for a roundhouse kick Cross ducks under and hits an exploder suplex. Cross follows it up by mounting Kai and hitting a number of shots before rolling back in the ring to break the ten count.

Cross hits a hip toss and then hits a powerful jawbreaker as she then catches Kai in between the apron and stars to hit her with a number of strikes.

Cross climbs to the top rope and goes for a crossbody but, Kai catches her with a dropkick.

Kai then gets a few offensive moves in before locking in a boston crab. Nikki fights out sending Kai into the turnbuckle she then his a splash in the corner to Kai's back before hitting a reverse superplex!

The crowd cheers as both girls lay knocked out in the middle of the ring few moments go by as the two are back standing each getting a few strikes in before Kai whips Cross into the corner she goes for a corner running big boot but, Cross moves out of way Cross with The Purge and this one is over.


Nikki Cross

Corino: Cross wins! What a victory by her now the fatal four way is filled and next week we find out who will be named #1 Contender for NXT Women's Championship. Nikki Cross, Mia Yim, Bianca Belair or Kairi Sane!

McGuiness: There is still the fact that whoever wins is still gonna be lamb brought to the slaughter that is Shayna Baszler.

Cross runs around the ring wildly as Kai is seen disappointed. Cross leaves and as Kai is about to The Scarlett Witches music plays and out walk KLR & Hendrix.

Hendrix: Oh so sad,

KLR: Looks like she is gonna cry.

Hendrix: Poor Dakota you gonna cry?

KLR & Hendrix are now in the ringside area where Kai is.

Kai: Please leave me alone.

Kai tries to walk off but they block her off.

Hendrix: Leave her alone you hear that? She seem to lost that spark she had against Shayna. I guess what they say is true. Dakota you are just a bitch.

KLR then slaps Kai in the face. Kai gets in their face but, she opts not to do anything walking her head down in shame.


Corino: I have received word that next week on NXT that Roderick Strong will team up with Shane Strickland & Shelton Benjamin to face off against Drew McIntyre, Fabian Aichner, and Marcel Barthel in a opening 6 man tag team match.

McGuiness: Next weeks show shaping up nicely. However folks up next in our Main Event Johnny Gargano goes one on one with Buddy Murphy!

Main Event

Johnny Gargano vs. Buddy Murphy

End Of Match: This has been a great match so far and we pick up with both men in a series of dropkicks, arm drags, and superkick attempts to one another. Gargano goes for another but, Murphy blocks it grabbing Gargano by the lrg and hitting a dragon screw.

Murphy stomps on the back of the knee before grabbing Gargano dragging him towards the edge of the ring and slamming it off the corner. He then lifts up Gargano hits a suplex to the outside of the ring. Gargano is tossed into the corner of the barricade and Murphy explodes with a knee strike.

Gargano's eyes glaze over as Murphy with another suplex toss into the hardest part of the ring.

Murphy with a running back senton before going for a cover.

Johnny is able to get his shoulder up at two.

Gargano gets back to his feet after a few moments both men trading shots in the middle of the ring. Murphy with a kick right under the jaw of Gargano dazing him quickly as Murphy with a brainbuster onto his knee.

Murphy tries for another pin but Gargano again kicks out.

Murphy whips Gargano into the corner hits a few chops goes for one more but, Gargano slides under reversing it here's Gargano with a number of chops he then hits a monkey flip. Gargano with a knee drop he quickly lifts up Murphy hitting a backdrop backstabber. Gargano is on fire. A few more lariats. Johnny musters up his power to send Murphy into the corner with a lawn dart face first.

Murphy drops down to his knees, Gargano with a listo kick. Johnny is pumped up.

Gargano slides across and begs Murphy to get up a kneeling superkick attempt.


Murphy caught his foot. Murphy is shaking his head no. Murphy with a spin out powerbomb. He doesn't waste any time picking up Gargano and hits a frankensteiner dropping Gargano right on his head.

Murphy and Gargano both lay out cold on the mat.

Murphy manages to be the first guy on his feet he goes for Murphy's Law but, somehow Gargano lands on his feet. Gargano with a superkick. Gargano with another then he locks in Gar-Ga-No Escape in the middle of the ring. Murphy rolls trying a pin attempt but only a one as Johnny rolls back and Murphy is in no mans land. Johnny cranks back and Murphy has no choice but to tap out.


Johnny Gargano

Corino: What a win for Johnny here tonight both these men proving why they are one of the best in NXT.

McGuiness: If Mauro was here he be screaming MAMA MIA that was an excellent match I hope we get to see it again.

Corino: Its no question that Gargano is riding high on his emotions a victory here tonight must be a great feeling.

A few moments later...

Johnny celebrates as he leaves the ringside with William Regal's music hitting. Regal looks on impressed by Gargano as they both walk on by. Regal though is not alone tonight. He is followed by NXT Tag Team Champions Shattered Dreams who are still showing the scars of the attack by Manhattan Project.

William Regal grabs a microphone and begins to speak.

Regal: You see that is what NXT is all about. The very best wrestling in the world happening right here. Now usually loves this is where we end the show but, see tonight I get the upper hand on those masked thugs who seem to have a problem with me. You thugs think you are so tough so vile because you can attack people from behind you think you scared me when you used their blood to have our match be War Games?

You see the thing is you will be locked inside a cage with me. You claim I am this wicked evil man that deserves to pay for my sins well come Takeover loves you are going to find out how wicked I can be. How evil I can be. Now as for me paying for my sins, I will pay for them... when I am 6 ft under the ground sleeping with earthworms. I am still standing. We are still standing and if you are looking for a fight you want a bloody good fight I got someone in mind.
Someone that theses people know...

This man is probably the greatest superstar to ever come into NXT and he is a former NXT Champion. He is a former United States Champion. Lets just say some people may think of having a ace up my sleeve I got a King up mine.

Please welcome the forth member of Team Regal...

A man walks out in a white suit he pulls out a violin and begins to play a song that sends the NXT Universe into a frenzy.


Shinsuke Nakamura music hits and out walks "King Of Strong Style" the crowd erupts singing to his theme and the goosebumps form and we hear no one speaking just the Full Sail University Crowd singing to he song as Regal looks on with a huge smile. Shinsuke enters the ring and poses to end the show.



Big D Energy
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Live From Full Sail

July 17th, 2018


We are welcomed to NXT by Mauro Ranello, Steve Corino and Nigel McGuiness the crowd roars as we are getting ready for some NXT action tonight.

Ranello: I miss one week and we are changing the landscape here in NXT. Shinsuke Nakamura is back in NXT. That is truly awesome. That main event last week between Murphy and Gargano was fantastic as well.

Corino: Mauro it is alright because we got some awesome action here tonight. We got the huge 6 Man Tag Team Match to open up as Roderick Strong seeks retribution against Drew McIntyre and the newest faction in NXT Sovereignty

A video package plays with all three men standing tall and speaking at the same time.

United as One we will bring honor and prestige back to NXT and reign supreme.

McIntyre: Roderick Strong you are staring at the men who are the Next Generation of pro wrestling lead by The Chosen One Drew McIntyre we are going to take the NXT Gen Championship from you. Then I will be the man to mold this young next generation into chosen ones like myself.

Aichner & Marcel are chosen ones they are gifted they are smart they are ring generals and now we are aligned as one a kingdom in our image.

McIntyre then appears standing side by side with Aichner & Marcel as they walk off with a Sovereignty logo showing up as we fade to black.


Match 1

Roderick Strong , Shane Strickland, & Shelton Benjamin



End Of Match: After a few moments of the heels in full control Strong gets a hot tag and is tearing the house down. McIntyre quickly exits the ring as Aichner is hit with a dropkick to the outside. Then here comes Marcel trying to attack from behind but, Strong ducks sending him to the outside.

Strong, Benjamin and Strickland look at one another before all at the same time jumping of the top rope with high flying dives as all three men take out Sovereignty.

Strong quickly takes in the legal man Aichner and hits a backdrop facebuster. Strong nods his head stomping away at Aichner and you can hear him screaming at Aichner.

Strong sends him into the corner and runs at Aichner going for a splash. Benjamin makes the tag in and hits a money flip sending Aichner across the ring. Aichner though lands on his feet and hits a lariat to the back of Benjamin's head.

Aichner now in control drags Benjamin to Sovereignty's corner and tags in Marcel who goes to the second rope and sees a double team move where Aichner twists the arm of Benjamin and Marcel stomps down with a foot stomp.

Benjamin flops around in pain as he quickly gets put into a cross face by Marcel. You can hear McIntyre giving orders telling him to elbow the arm as well.

Benjamin tries to fight out but can't hes about to tap but gets a second wing finally getting to the ropes as Marcel lets go at four. He and the ref have some choice words but, McIntyre runs in with a Claymore on the apron while Benjamin has his head on the bottom rope.

Strong & Strickland are furious try to rush in but the ref tells them to get back.

Marcel goes for cover but only gets a two.

Marcel tags in McIntyre who comes in with a number of shots before he tries to send Benjamin into the corner but, Benjamin leaps off of it and hits a crossbody.

Benjamin gets the hot tag into Strickland and McIntyre tags in Aichner.

Strickland comes in with a running tornado ddt and then hits a standing shooting star press. He goes to the apron waits for Aichner to get up hitting a springboard blockbuster.

Strickland tries to bounce off the ropes but, is meant with a earth shattering uppercut.

Aichner tags in McIntyre who comes in with a big boot. He then hits the Glasgow Kiss headbutt that dazes Strickland he hits a Future Shock DDT and goes for cover but, only gets a two count.

He then goes for a Claymore but, Strickland rolls out of way tagging in Strong and he is coming in with wicked shots at McIntyre. He then lifts him up with a brainbuster on his knee and Aichner and Marcel try to save their leader but, Benjamin & Strickland come in and they spill to the outside fighting during all this madness Strong has lost McIntyre but finds him when he turns into a Claymore.

McIntyre makes the cover and this one is over.



McIntyre gets his hand lifted before going to the outside where Marcel & Aichner have beaten down Benjamin & Strickland. McIntyre grabs the championship before coming into the ring staring down at a knocked out Strong telling him hes coming for the championship. He throws the title down at him as we go to break.


We are welcomed back to NXT where Kassuis Ohno is getting interviewed by Percy Watson.

Watson: Last week Kassius Pete Dunne agreed to put the UK Championship on the line against you at Takeover Pittsburgh but, many people had thought you were thinking about retiring but instead it seems as though you goaded Dunne into giving you a title match.

Ohno laughs before placing his hand on Watson shoulder who you can see as he tightens his grip on Watson.

Watson: Last week while the cameras were still going we heard you say Oscar goes to... almost as if you knew he give you the shot if you were to act like you were going to retire.

Ohno tightens his grip even more on Watson who is in pain.

Ohno: Fine... Fine... I goaded him so what? I am a living legend of the business his words not mine. I am owed a championship match. I am not going to stand by and let guys like Dunne who think I am some Old Yeller that needs to be coddled I am not. I am a dangerous and smart man. So I played the part of the old fool only because I knew it was what I had to do to get what I want.
Ever since Takeover Paris that lost has eaten away at me and it made me understand that friendships come and go but championships will make you live forever. I will live in infamy if I am the man to end the longest reigning championship run in the past 5 years. Kassuis Ohno is a living legend and I am going to take Pete Dunne to the real school of hard knocks when I knock his head clean of his shoulders.

Just as he says that Pete Dunne emerges and begins to attack Ohno they fight back and forth until Ohno send him into the wall. He then takes a old chest trunk and sends it crashing into Dunne.

Ohno then gets a sick smile on his face as official's come in to check in on Dunne who is seen shaking badly. Ohno walks off as we go to break.


Ranello: What a sick man so now we see the man Kassius Ohno really is.

McGuiness: He may have went overboard their but, Ohno is right he is a legend of the business and he knew you got to do whatever it takes to win championships.

Corino: That maybe true... We will have some sort of update later on the condition of Dunne however up next we will see Hanson of the War Raiders face off against Bobby Fish of Undisputed Era with all members of both teams banned from ringside.

Match 2

Bobby Fish vs. Hanson

End Of Match: A solid bout right now we pick up with Fish roaming the ring with strikes from a distances. Fish has targeted the leg trying to get Hanson to keep away from him.

Hanson closes in as Fish slides to the outside. He knows that his best bet is his speed. Hanson comes to the outside but Fish baits him in hoping back into ring quickly as Hanson hops on apron only to see his legs get taken out underneath him.

Hanson grabs his left knee as Fish like a shark smells blood and begins to work the leg. He then begins to lock in a leg hook and using elbows drive them 6 to 12 strikes to the bad knee. Fish is still on the outside as the official counts to 7 Fish rolls into the ring ready to take the count out victory.

Official gets to nine but, Hanson rolls back in the ring. Fish again back to the leg as he hits a chop block. He climbs to second rope and drops a elbow to the back of Hanson's knee.

Fish tries to lock in a figure four but, Hanson fights out of it using his other leg to send him crashing into the corner. Hanson stands up struggling to stand but as fans chant WAR he begins to smack his leg he keeps doing it until he runs full speed into the corner and begins with a number of strikes. Hanson is back into it hitting a few moves before going for a Samoan Drop it is here where Fish rakes the eye and hits another devastating chop block.

Fish has a look in his eye as he begins to climb to the top rope. He is caught though by Hanson who connects with Thor's Hammer using the momentum from the top to send Fish to the mat.

He covers him and this one is over.



Ranello: Hanson with a impressive victory tonight. Hey had the leg of his worked on but he is the victory.

Corino: The leg is not gonna be 100%.

McGuiness: I am sure this thing between these two teams isn't over.

Rowe makes his way down as he helps his partner up the Undisputed Era's music hits and they rush the ring however after a stare off the grab Fish and walk off they have choice words with War Raiders as we go to break.


Corino: Welcome back to NXT and we just got some breaking news.

McGuiness: It looks as though I was right. The feud between these two teams are not done. It has been announced that at Takeover Pittsburgh that Undisputed Era will face War Raiders.

Ranello: This has all the makings of a slobber knocker like Jim Ross would say guys.

Shinsuke Nakamura's music hits and out walks "The King of Strong Style" he is joined by Regal & Shattered Dreams as they make their way to the ring. Shinsuke grabs a microphone and begins to speak.

Nakamura: NXT has a very special place in my heart. I came to NXT I didn't know if I would be accepted. I didn't know if you knew who Shinsuke Nakamura was. It was scary coming to America. I had heard the best talents around the world came to NXT.


Nakamura: You guys accepted me you knew me you loved me. I choose to team up with William Regal because I love NXT and I will not let anyone try and destroy it.

Shinsuke goes on to speak again when the lights go out. The arena grows quiet as the tron plays a video

Sometimes the king becomes the fool
Nakamura you maybe a king
but your reign comes to an end
you have chosen the path of a fool
Watch as your Kingdom falls into ash

The lights pop back on as all four of them look on. There is a uneasiness that rushes over the Full Sail University as we go to break.


Match 3

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Tye Dillinger

End Of Match: This has been a back and forth fight and these two have been beating the hell out of one another. We pick up with Ciampa in the corner hitting some chops on Tye. Ciampa with a straight slap to the face of Tye before whipping him to the outside and kicking the gut of Tye.

He uses the second rope to hit an assisted DDT as Ciampa sits in the ring with a crazed look in the eyes of Ciampa he then measure a knee drop to the head. Ciampa lifts up Dillinger for a suplex but he reverses it hitting a reverse neckbreaker and looking for a cover.

He only gets a two but, quickly tries to lock in a Sharpshooter Ciampa fights out of it he then comes back with a arm drag and then locking in the arm with a armbar. Tye tries to get to the ropes but, Tommaso lets go and jumps on the back of his arm leaving Tye in pain.

Ciampa then connects with a backdrop he then mocks Tye with the ten before washing the face of Tye with his boot.

Ciampa with a nasty lariat afterwards sending Tye into corner and connects with a superplex.

Ciampa slides to the corner and begs for Tye to get up he hits a wicked knee strike he then lifts him up and connects with Fairytale Ending.


Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa quickly throws Tye out of the ring he then grabs a microphone and states that Black and Gargano are staring at their futures here tonight. He walks out holding the title close to his chest.


We now then go to a video package with Montel Vontavious Porter is standing next to Mojo Rawley who is in a suit and sunglasses.

Montel: Mojo wears sunglasses inside because his future is so bright. Thus man is running through the NXT roster like it is nothing. So the question is can anyone stop him? No! He is coming he wants it all the money, the fame , and the fortune. Give him the spotlight. Give him better competition or else you wont like what happens next.

Mojo: Tick Tock.


Main Event

#1 Contender's Match For NXT Women's Championship

Kairi Sane vs. Mia Yim vs. Nikki Cross vs. Bianca Belair

End Of Match: All four women have given it everything they have with Sane right now fighting Yim and Cross fighting Belair on either side of the ring. Sane looks to whip Yim into corner as Cross does to Belair but, instead they both reverse it sending them into the other foe colliding in the middle of the ring.

Belair and Yim then stare at each other both the newer female wrestlers on the roster begin trading shots in the ring strike after strike both girls are still standing as Belair goes to use her hair but Yim dodges it Matrix style and then comes back with a spinning heel kick that drops Belair.

Yim proud of herself is quickly rolled up by Cross who only gets a two Yim sends her flying after the attempt into a superkick by Sane.

Sane and Yim begin to have a few strikes and then Yim is sent into the corner as Sane has something planned. She sets up Yim on the top and looks like shes about to attempt a belly to belly from the top. Yim fights out with a couple of shots that send her backwards a little.

Cross though out of nowhere rushes in and powerbomb but, Sane has Yim with a super belly to belly.

All three women lay knocked out as Belair is back and she tries for a cover on all three who all kick out a two.

Belair screams in frustration but, she will not let it get the best of her she grabs her hair and begins whipping all three girls. Belair then has her eyes set on Yim she looks for a spear but, side steps her and she hits Cross!

Yim grabs Belair and hits a german suplex she bridges it the ref goes for the count.





Sane comes flying from the top with a Insane Elbow onto the chest of Yim who has to let go. Sane for the cover





This time its Cross who breaks it up and she hits The Purge.

Wait though Belair with a spear on Cross!

She grabs Cross and hits a KOD!





Bianca Belair

Belair celebrates dropping to her knees before rising up with a confidence. You can hear her scream UN-DE-FEAT-ED. This celebration is short lived as Baszler music hits and out she walks with a purpose to the ring.

She has a mic in her hand and gets right in the face of Belair.

Baszler: I am gonna make this short and sweet that undefeated streak ends at Takeover when you face me. You are like every single other female who thinks they are taking this from me. You go into NXT Takeover thinking you are going to beat me you end up just being my b****.

Belair looks on shocked before slapping Baszler across the face and walking out of the ring. We end NXT with Baszler fuming and Belair smiling.


Big D Energy
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Live From Full Sail

July 24th 2018


Corino: Welcome folks to NXT I am Steve Corino and tonight we got a good show for you. Aleister Black will do battle against EC3 in our Main Event but that's not all.

Ranello: We got Dakota Kai set to face off against Taeler Hendrix. We also will see Drew McIntyre vs. Kenny King here as well.

Ranello goes to speak more but out walks UK Champion Pete Dunne who is clearly hurt but is in the ring livid he screams for a microphone.

Pete Dunne paces around for a few moments before speaking.

Dunne: You son if a b****. I should of seen it coming. I should of known the truth. I forgot the first rule of the wrestling business. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You see I am the UK Champion and with that comes a target on my back and I became complacent I let my guard down my mind drift and I didn't watch as your eyes they stared a hole through me and pierced the championship. That over my shoulder even with you by my side you were never a friend just another man out to try and take this from me. I can admit you got one over me. You fooled me but shame on me.

Dunne tries to go on speaking when Ohno's music hits and Kassius Ohno stands on the ramp.

Ohno: Awe you poor baby are you so sad did I hurt your feelings? Maybe if you were more focused on that title then making friends you would of seen it coming. I never asked for your help Dunne against Sanity. You just showed up with Itami. I never told you I was going to retire but you assumed I was. I never said you should give me a title but you give it to me. Pete you play this part of the bruiserweight no nonsense kick ass persona but the fact is you are a soft guy at heart. I used you.

Your feelings are hurt and come Pittsburgh I am going to take that championship from you. I am going to leave you in that ring knocked out I am going to take the title hold it high with my foot crushing your skull and end up victorious like every battle the US ever faced versus a Brit.

Dunne: Why don't you come down here and say that to my face. Why don't we quit the talking and get to the fighting I say why wait till Takeover I will kick your ass right here right now.

Ohno goes down the ramp but then backs up.

Ohno: Don't you know the saying good things happen to those who wait. I am not going to fight you tonight. I am going to fight you at Takeover.

Ohno leaves ringside as we go to break with Dunne disappointed.


Match 1

Buddy Murphy vs. Shane Strickland

End Of Match: This has been a clinic as both men have been doing battle to one up each other we pick up with Strickland on the apron going for a springboard move. He jumps up springboards off the top rope but in mid air is met with a dropkick right to the gut of Strickland.

Murphy follows it up quickly lifting him up and connecting with a brainbuster onto the knee. He goes for the cover but Strickland gets shoulder up at two.

Murphy isn't to happy thinking the call was a little slow. He quickly grabs Strickland from the ground goes for a lariat which Strickland ducks spring boarding off the ropes with a roundhouse.

He then lifts up Murphy in a suplex position and suplex's him gut first onto the top rope. He then climbs to the top rope and a leg drop onto the back of his neck.

Murphy falls to the ground as Strickland hits a standing 450 splash he goes for the cover but, Murphy gets his shoulder up at 2 once again. Strickland sends Murphy into the corner hits a big boot and then a neckbreaker he looks to go to the top rope and goes for a shooting star press .

Murphy moves Strickland lands on his feet Murphy with a clothesline attempt Strickland rolls under runs leaps to top rope falls back with a springboard cutter attempt but,
Murphy catches him!

Murphy with a spin out powerbomb he hooks the leg for the cover.





Murphy is shocked hes shaking his head Strickland kicked out! Strickland seems to try and get his wits about him as Murphy call for Murphy's Law he goes for it but Strickland with a reversal landing on his feet he grabs Murphy spinning him around and Kill Order! He then goes for the cover





Shane Strickland

Corino: What a win by Strickland here tonight.

McGuiness: He really needed it given how he hasn't been as impressive as he like to be in NXT tonight though this man has picked up the win.

Strickland is celebrating his win around the ring high fiving fans and goes up the ramp but he turns into a Leg Hook Reverse STO by Tino Sabbatelli who is seen then with a huge smile on his face as he dropped Strickland on the ramp. A few moments go by with Sabbatelli up on the ramp telling them that "God's Gift To NXT" is gonna keep on giving.

We go to footage filmed earlier today with Sovereignty inside Regal's office. Drew McIntyre looks to be in a happy mood as Percy Watson walks up to him.

Watson: McIntyre what were you doing in Regals office?

McIntyre looks at Watson before grabbing the mic and telling him to scram.

McIntyre: Roderick Strong hold your title very... very close to you because I just spoke to William Regal and he stated that because I pinned you last week it has gone unnoticed so I spoke to him and stated I wanted another shot and he granted it but he did let me know that if I don't defeat you that I would not be given another shot for the championship That is fine because I don't need another shot after because after Takeover you will be seeing the NXT Gen Championship around the waist of Drew McIntyre and Sovereignty.

McIntyre walks off with his mates right next to him.


Match 2

Dakota Kai vs. Taeler Hendrix w/ KLR

End Of Match: Hendrix has cheated throughout this match as one half of the Scarlett Witches is not listening to rope breaks and is distracting the official to allow KLR to get some shots in.

Kai is in the corner right now being choke out by Hendrix as the official begins to count to 5. She lets go at 4 as she distracts the ref and KLR grabs Kai's hair and begins to pull back between the ring post.

KLR lets go as Hendrix with a knee strike to the corner.

Kai is then hit with a Axe Kick as Hendrix lets out an evil scream. KLR looks on smiling from ringside as Kai is hit with Ginger Snap (Side Walk Spun To Facebuster) and she hooks the leg this one is over.


Taeler Hendrix

Hendrix & KLR with evil laughs as they go around the ring with poor baby remarks. We see Kai crying from outside the ring defeated going to the back.

Undisputed Era are backstage where they are seen mocking the War Raiders they are wearing knock off armor and are mocking the WAR chants.

Adam Cole emerges doing the era's taunt staring at the camera.

Cole: What kind of losers dress up like pretend vikings and go around pretending they are some old warriors of old is this meant to be some Viking Experience? Are we meant to scream Skol Skol Skol? You two are losers and you are going to find out what true warriors are come Takeover.

That is Undisputed.

You know we are still a bit pissed off that certain people aren't giving us what we want we deserve a shot to regain to recapture what belongs to us the NXT Tag Team Championships and if making an example out of you two give us that then so be it.

The Undisputed Era taunt the camera as we go to break.


Match 3

Drew McIntyre vs. Kenny King

End Of Match: After a solid back and forth match McIntyre takes control after a expose turnbuckle catches Kings right shoulder and he then quickly wrenches the arm before connecting with multiple armbreakers and using his knee to drive it into the shoulder of King over and over until the official gets in between telling him to cool it.

King is looked at and says he will go on and is met with a big boot to the right shoulder. King is then seeing his shoulder being bent backwards as McIntyre locks in a nasty looking submission. King tries to fight out but, McIntyre cranks back even more taking the arm to a position it shouldn't be in.

King has no choice but to tap out.


Drew McIntyre

Ranello: McIntyre picks up the victory but, look at this he is refusing to break the hold.

Marcel and Fabian are done by the ring now holding a mic to McIntyre's mouth.

McIntyre: Come on Roddy get your ass down here. Come on you coward. Face me like a man.

McIntyre barks for Aichner and Marcel to watch around the ringside but from the side ramp you see Strong run with a Sick Kick taking out Marcel.

Aichner now tries to get Strong but, he is sent into the steel ring post. McIntyre finally releases the hold on King and is screaming for Strong to get in the ring.

Strong does and here we go these two are beating the living hell out of each other. McIntyre connects with a headbutt and Strong is dazed. McIntyre goes for a Future Shock DDT and is reversed by Strong who tries to pick up McIntyre but, Barthel and Aichner pull him out of ring and pull McIntyre back who still wants to fight or at least acting like it. We head to break with them looking at King.


We are now backstage where Velveteen Dream is with Goldust the two them holding their NXT Tag Team Championship's on their shoulders. Dream begins to speak.

Dream: The Dream knows that at NXT Takeover theirs a lot on the line but, the Dream has been better then ever thanks to you. Goldie... We have shattered the expectations and we now stand the best tag team on the planet. Now as for our opponents inside War Games well... you are in store for an experience when we get our hands on you and this one is going to be pleasant.

We are sick we are tired of being attacked of being threaten behind men who are to afraid to show their faces to the world.

Goldust: War Games... This match is in my blood. This match was created by my father and it is not for the faint of heart. Now I don't know why you choose this match did you think it would get in my head?

Well I don't...I been in War Games I know for a fact that you can never know what is exactly coming in this match and it changes you. Broken bodies blood that stains the ring we are going to be changed men forever.

I am more focused then ever before in my life and Manhattan Project this isn't a war you are going to win.


Main Event

EC3 w/Auntie D vs. Aleister Black

End Of Match: A solid bout we pick up with EC3 in control with Auntie D barking orders from ringside. EC3 right now is applying a sleeper hold and is trying to get Black to fade to Black however.

Black slides out of it dropping to the mat and using his feet to monkey flip EC3 out of the ring.

Black then comes off the ropes looking like he's going to dive onto EC3 but, He flips back sitting in the middle of the ring. EC3 though on the outside is seen using his Auntie D as a shield which upsets her and the two of them begin to argue on the outside.

Black while that is going on leaps to the top rope and moonsaults to the outside crashing into EC3. Black and Auntie D have a stare down for a moment before he tosses EC3 into the ring.

Black back in the ring as Auntie D grabs his foot that distraction allows EC3 to come in and connect with a forearm to the back of his head.

EC3 sends him into the corner and begins to attack with a few stomps and then some punches. EC3 puts Black on the top rope and hits a superplex.

EC3 goes for a cover but, only gets a two count.

EC3 grabs Black in a fireman's carry cutter attempt but, Black reverses it and then hits a german suplex followed by a running knee strike to a seated position EC3 that knocks him to the ground.

Black sets up the Black Mass but, right as he goes for spinning back heel kick there is a voice on the speaker of Ciampa.

Ciampa states that no man is ever truly good and no man is ever truly evil. This seems to catch the attention but, EC3 rolls up Black.






Black is pissed and quickly hits a Black Mass on EC3.

We then hear over the arena Ciampa laughing stating if he cant win tonight he's got no chance at Takeover.

We end the show with Black sitting in the middle of the ring.


Big D Energy
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WCC Info

Theme Song

On Our Way by The Royal Concept


Commentary Team

Steve Corino


Shane McMahon


Chad Gable



Each Block will face each other once in a round robin. The two best records from each block will move on to a 16 man Single Elimination tournament. The winner of the World Cup Classic will earn not only a contract with NXT but, will earn a NXT Championship Match. 3 points are earned to winners of round robin matches 1 for draw zero for loss. 15 min time limits are in affect. If there is a draw time limit in elimination matches an extra 5 mins will be added to the match.

Block A

Austin Theory
Dave Mastiff
Matt Riddle

Block B

David Finlay
Laredo Kid
Keith Lee
David Starr

Block C

Puma King
El Ligero
Nick Aldis

Block D

Sammy Guevara
Michael Elgin
Jushin Thunder Liger
El Texano Jr.

Block E

Zach Sabre Jr.
Jack Evans
Jeff Cobb

Block F

Petey Williams

Block G

Ace Romero
Anthony Gaines
Jesse Godderz
Eddie Kingston

Block H

Dezmond Xavier​
Kota Ibushi
Joe Hendry



Big D Energy
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Live From Full Sail

July 31st 2018


Corino: Welcome folks to the Go Home Show before Takeover this Saturday at NXT Takeover Pittsburgh. I am Steve Corino and as always I am welcoming you to NXT with Mauro Ranello. Nigel is in the UK.

Ranello: We got some action here for you tonight folks including a Main Event where we will see Velveteen Dream vs. Buddy Murphy

Corino: We also will see Last Real Men vs. Oney and Danny. Tino Sabbatelli will also be facing Shane Strickland. Shayna Baszler will be in action and requested that Belair be present tonight as she takes on Dakota Kai in a rematch of a previous Takeover.

We then go to the ring because EC3's music hits and out he walks with Auntie D by his side. EC3 seems to be in a happy mood. EC3 gets to the ring and begins to speak.

EC3: I am the top one percent. I have been telling you guys for awhile now and you just don't seem to get it.

Auntie D: That's right ECHoney you are the top one percent and we know you are smarter, bigger, and just so much more handsome then everyone on this roster. I know that your intent last week was to get Black off guard by using me as a shield.

EC3 looks a little tense before nodding his head in agreement.

EC3: Auntie D you are as smart as you are beautiful. That was exactly my plan. However moving on I defeated Aleister Black therefore I want William Regal to come down to this ring and take out Black and put me in the match at Takeover for NXT Championship!

EC3 waits a few moments looking at his watch and speaking to Auntie D until music plays but it is that of Tye Dillinger who comes to the ramp to a big reaction.

Dillinger: Hey EC3 you may have won but, did you forget what happen afterwards?

Tye tells them to play the video on the tron and we see that EC3 is dropped with a Black Mass. Tye is seen with a smile and then shrugs before speaking again.

Dillinger: It looks like to me the top one percent dropped like a stack of potatoes. You see I think that you know that you aren't going to be named into that match. You see I think that you are looking for an excuse to get out of our match I think you are scared that at NXT Takeover Pittsburgh the top one percent becomes just a zero. Now I know that you think you are better then everyone at everything.

EC3: I am go on...

Dillinger: The Perfect 10 though knows he is. I am going to end this thing between us because I am sick and tired of you. This ends at Takeover. See heres a number I think you will understand its not a ten but it does mean you are number one.

Dillinger flips off EC3 walking off leaving EC3 and Auntie D upset in the ring.


Match 1

The Last Real Men w/Lacey Evans vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

End Of Match: This has been a striking fest with each man hitting a number of nasty shots in the ring. We pick up with Young whipping Burch into the corner.

Young then spits on his hand letting the it fly everywhere before chopping Burch across the chest. He tags in Cutler as they both twist the arms of Burch and then punch his gut.

Cutler hits a body slam and then stomps down on the face of Burch before taking his wrist tape and scraping it across the face of Burch.

Cutler applies a headlock and the fans boo as this goes on for a good few moments. He doesn't care cranking it back more before Burch gets to one knee then to his base and connects with a back drop.

Burch goes to tag in Oney but, Young cuts him off after a distraction by Evans to the official. They stomp away at Burch in the corner. Cutler tags in Young and then they measure up before hitting a punch to the face.

Young hits a few forearm drops before hitting a elbow to the chest of Burch. Young goes old school connecting with a hip toss and then hitting a clothesline. He hits a spinebuster goes for a pin but, only gets a two.

Burch finally is able to get some offense in hitting a European uppercut before hitting a gutwrench suplex and then finally getting the tag to Oney.

Oney comes in with a leaping European Uppercut to Cutler on the opposite apron he comes back with a suplex to Young and then a powerful number of Uppercuts that seem to go on for a good while the crowd counting along gets to 15.

Oney then goes for his neckbreaker but, Young moves out of the way and Oney goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Young tags Cutler and Spike Piledriver!

Cutler makes the pin and this one is over.


The Last Real Men

The trio celebrate the win with Lacey rising the arms up in victory and then fanning herself as the men show off their muscles.


Back to NXT where we see Mojo Rawley and Montel V. Porter enter Regal's GM Office.

Montel: Yo Mr. Regal I know you see what ya boy Mojo Rawley has been doing but this no name jobbers these underserving talents are not giving Mojo my client his best chance to shine baby what do we got to do to get our shot.

Regal looks at Montel & Mojo and speaks.

Regal: Alright you want better competition I will make that happen next week on NXT you can face off against a special challenger.

They agree as they walk off.

Match 2

Tino Sabbetelli vs. Shane Strickland

End Of Match: It has gone back and forth and we pick up with Strickland now in control following a corkscrew frog splash. He went for a cover only got two but, it was quickly met with him hitting Tino with a number of fierce kicks to the chest and a roundhouse to the head.

Strickland goes for a ddt but it is reversed by Tino who turns it into a suplex attempt however Strickland lands on the apron and connects with a sunsetflip powerbomb


Tino grabs the ropes and tries to steal a win with a quick pin attempt the ref sees him holding the ropes and calls pin off.

Strickland eats a few more punches before getting hit with a powerslam by Tino.

Tino now in control is stomping away he turns his back as he mocks the crowd thinking this is well in control. Strickland from behind back drop backstabber and goes for a pin.





Tino gets his shoulder up again. Strickland sends him into the corner he hits an enziguri he grabs Tino and looks for Kill Order but, Tino slides out. Tino rakes the eye hooks the leg goes for a Leg Hook Reverse STO but, Strickland counters with a few more elbows. Strickland with another shot to Tino's head dazing him sets up the Kill Order and slides into pin.





Shane Strickland

Corino: Strickland has picked up the win in this against his rival here tonight.

Ranello: It seems as though Strickland is starting to find his stride.

Strickland celebrates with the fans he begins to make his way to the back.


We are back to NXT where War Raiders are on the screen in a black room.

Hanson: The Undisputed Era are cowards. They are babies that have no respect or honor in them.

Rowe: They lost the titles fair and square and know complain knowing very well they only got themselves to blame.

Hanson: If you think you that we are gonna let you try and make an example out of us you are dead wrong.

Rowe: You may think you started a fight

Hanson: You didn't...

Rowe: You started a WAR!

Both men: WAR!

They do the WAR chant with the crowd as we go to the ring for our next match.

Ranello: The War Raiders with their War Cries made are ready for Undisputed Era at NXT Takeover.

Corino: Yes they are. However moving on we are joined by number one contender for the NXT Women's Championship Bianca Belair. Welcome to the table

Belair: Yea, thanks you for having me. The EST of NXT shining bright like a diamond is here and soon enough I am gonna have gold around my waist.

Dakota Kai has made her way down the ring and waits as Shayna Baszler music play's the champ makes her way down coming over to the table holding the title high in Belair's face. She mocks her giving an evil cold smirk before Belair stands up and we see Baszler turn away.

Belair: That's right walk away you know you don't want anything to do with me.

Corino: Well we know you are confidante Bianca but, the question I have for you is this. Dakota Kai faced Baszler at Takeover Paris and she was very confidante too. She put on a hell of a fight against the champion but, the result stayed the same Baszler walked out as champion. She hasn't been the same since. That confidence she did have is gone. So what do you think you are going to do differently to try and beat Shayna?

Belair: I am Bianca Belair I am UN DE FEA TED get it. I get it Shayna she's dangerous she deadly but, she is beatable. I AM going into Takeover and walking out the champion its plain and simple.

Match 3

Shayna Baszler vs. Dakota Kai

End Of Match: Quickly as soon as the bell rings Baszler rushes the corner of Kai and is hitting a number of strikes and ending with a kick to the head. She then grabs Kai and hits a belly to belly releasing it and dropping her right on her head. Kai tries to get up but, Baszler smiles and stomps on Kai's hand. She then stomps on the back of Kai's elbow who screams in pain tears running down her eyes.

Baszler doesn't allow the official to check on her running in with a knee to the back of her head. She locks in a Rear Naked Choke and Kai passes out.


Shayna Baszler

Baszler refuses to release hold as Kai's face turns blue. She is staring directly at Belair as she keeps lock going. Belair sees enough and runs down the ramp. Baszler lets go rolling out of the ring. Belair checks on Kai when Baszler goes to attack her but, Belair sees it coming as Baszler entered the ring Belair with a spear that sends the champion back rolling out to the ramp. Belair tells her to come on lets go as we go to break.


A video package plays we hear the voice over speaking...

No Man Is Truly Ever Good...

Theres a shot of Johnny Gargano on one side.

No Man Is Truly Ever Evil...

There's a shot of Ciampa holding NXT Championship on the other side.

The voice over stops as Aleister Black rises to the screen in the middle.

They all then stare at each other and Black's music goes full metal and we see them three beating each other up and it ends with NXT Championship in full picture and all three of their hands on it.


Main Event

Velveteen Dream vs. Buddy Murphy

End Of Match: A fantastic bout the two men are trading shots in the middle of the ring. Murphy with a swift kick in the ribs of Dream dazes him as Murphy hits a spinning neckbreaker. Murphy grabs Dream from the ground into a double underhook suplex attempt stalling for a second before dropping him to the mat.

Murphy goes for a pin but, Dream kicks out at two.

Murphy though is met with a shot to the jaw by Dream who comes back with another and another. He sends Murphy into the ropes and hits a leaping lariat that sends him crashing to the mat below.

Dream then with a knee drop he follows it up with a free fall drop he then sends Murphy into the rope looks for a big boot he misses Murphy with a superkick now Dream goes into ropes is met with a high knee strike.

Dream is dazed and confused Murphy with a nasty looking german suplex he transactions that quickly into back drop.

Murphy bridges it but, Dream kicks out at two.

He goes for pin again. Dream kicks out.

He goes for one more Dream kicks out again this time he kips up and Murphy throws a punch.

Dream brushes it off Hulking Up as he hits a few shots and then a big boot the crowd is getting behind one half of the NXT Tag Team Champions.

Here comes the leg drop. He then hits a bionic elbow. Dream with a Dream Valley Driver. He calls for the Purple Rainmaker. He climbs to the top rope and laps off.





Velveteen Dream

Corino: What a good victory tonight against a very game Buddy Murphy.

McGuiness: I see bright futures for both these men in NXT however Dream was a better man here tonight.

Dream goes on to celebrate as Goldust walks down the ramp. The arena lights flicker off though and there is a loud crash. There is flashing cell phone lights going off from the crowd as a spotlight turns on and we see Goldust handcuff to the side of the stage he is unconscious and bleeding from the top of his head. There is EMT's and staff try to get to Goldust with Dream running up to help out. There is a quietness in the arena.

Ranello: Folks this is unnerving right now Goldust has lost a lot of blood.

Corino: Hold on! Look Out Dream!

From Behind Dream comes these four masked figures and they are beating the living hell out Dream. They expose then turnbuckle and the one figure is a very tall masked man sends Dream face first with a Snake Eyes into the turnbuckle as the other three fight off a number of people trying to get to the ring.

This Figure again grabs Dream sending him into it again. Dream's head is busted open and there is just blood staining the mat. Shinsuke runs down and tries to get some offense but one of the figure's from behind with a steel bat to the knee of Shinsuke. They then begin to just swing away at the back of Shinsuke's knee until the numbers game isn't in their favor with Regal leading a number of NXT Roster wresters down the ramp.

The figures run off through the crowd. Regal is kneeling down next to Dream whose shouting I can't see with my left eye. Nakamura clinching his knee Goldust unable to stand and just the carnage around the arena.

Regal is screaming for help and is left distraught his partners are in bad shape. The ring looks like a murder scene.

The crowd has gone dead. There is a number of people trying to help get. Everyone some help. Dream is still shouting he can't see as Goldust cant even stand. They pull out two stretchers and get them on it taking them out of the arena. Few guys help Nakamura to the back whose on one leg. Triple H is seen visible upset.

Triple H: Regal this is unacceptable this kind of thing is happening way to often. Whatever thing in your past is affecting more then your future. These kids not only look up to you for guidance but, you are suppose to protect them. I don't know if you can anymore.
Regal: Do you think this is what I wanted Hunter these masked men want to see a true villain by the God I will give them one. This is nothing to what I am going to do to them this Saturday. I may damn my soul for the evil I do but, its going to be worth it.

Triple H gets in the face of Regal telling him he best damn sure hope he does if not he might as well not come back to NXT next week as we end the show.


Big D Energy
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NXT Takeover Pittsburgh

EP 30

August 7th 2018



Corino: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to NXT Takeover Pittsburgh. I am Steve Corino and I am here live from the PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

McGuiness: This place is on their feet going crazy folks tonight they get to see the very best wrestlers in the world! We like to think Wiz Khalifa for Black & Yellow the theme song for NXT Takeover Pittsburgh.

Ranello: In Our Main Event Tonight 8 Men battle in what should be a grueling battle as William Regal , Shattered Dreams and Shinsuke Nakamura challenge The Manhattan Project inside WARGAMES!

McGuiness: Mauro though you got to question what shape those four are really in because we saw on the go home episode of NXT those men get brutalized its a miracle they are even standing and WARGAMES hasn't even started yet!

Corino: That is later on tonight but, folks we are starting Takeover off with a bang! NXT Championship is on the line in a falls count anywhere match!

McGuiness: Ciampa defends the championship against Aleister Black and his once former friend now bitter rival Johnny Gargano!

We get a look at the two ring in the arena as the fans are on their feet getting ready for our first match

Match 1

Falls Count Anywhere

NXT Championship Match

Tommaso Ciampa (c) vs. Aleister Black vs. Johnny Gargano


Aleister Black Theme


Johnny Gargano Theme


Tommaso Ciampa Theme


End Of Match: This has been a battle like none other. These guys have beaten the hell out of each other throughout the arena and we are picking up with the three men battling towards the edge of the stage. Gargano & Black are trading shots right now as Ciampa was taken out by a double suplex onto the steel of the stage.

Black 's strikes seem to be doing more damage as they trade punches. Black with a nasty forearm that rocks Gargano backwards there isn't any padding off the stage just concreate as he is able to keep his balance but just as he does Ciampa from behind Black pushing him into Gargano and they both go crashing off the stage onto the concreate.

Gargano hits back first and you can see him swarming around in pain trying to breath while Black hit shoulder first and is seen holding his arm. Ciampa sits his feet hanging off the stage clapping and all smiles knowing the pain he just inflicted.

Ciampa struts down taking his time thinking the match is at hand. He goes for a cover on Black who gets his shoulder up at 2.

Ciampa quickly then covers Gargano but gets a 2. He goes back and forth with each man kicking out. Ciampa after a pin attempt on Black turns to see Gargano right behind him. Ciampa is begging Gargano not to hurt him saying he's sorry but Gargano points behind Ciampa where Black is now up behind him.

Ciampa is stuck between a rock and a hard place as the two of them gang up on him and begin to lay a number of strikes down on the champion.

Ciampa manages to escape Black and Gargano as he runs up the stairs in the crowd to the arena's concession area where a number of fans are seen looking on as Black catches Ciampa he grabs him and hits a backdrop onto the floor and goes for a cover only to see Gargano run in and break it up.

Gargano grabs Black tries to send him into a wall but, Black reverses it sending Gargano into the wall. Ciampa from behind with a roll up he has the tights but only still gets a two count.

Ciampa then begins to stomp away at the injured shoulder of Black before Gargano runs in with a double leg takedown and is beating the living hell out of Ciampa.

He then looks around seeing if there is anything he can use as a weapon and sees hot dog stand with a cart he clears it off before placing Ciampa on it. He begins to wheel it away back into the arena. The camera pans seeing Gargano up in the crowd and he begins to tell people to clear out of the way. They do and after hitting Ciampa a few more times he backs up and runs full speed dumping Ciampa down the steps as he rolls down. He goes down about halfway before he stops.

Holy S*** chants come in from the crowd as Gargano begins to walk down the ramp to try a pinfall attempt however out of nowhere is Black who hits Gargano from behind with a forearm he then suplex's him gut first onto the guardrail and then connects with a running knee strike to the head.

Gargano drops to the floor as we see Black as the only man standing. Black goes down where Ciampa is slowly starting to get back up. Black grabs Ciampa and drags him over the barricade and back to ringside. They go towards the first of the two rings in the arena tonight Ciampa rolls into the ring when Black does he rolls back to the outside out still not all there after the attack. Black makes his way towards the other side and he goes through the second rope trying to grab Ciampa but, Ciampa has a trash can lid and connects with Black.

It looks as though Ciampa was playing possum. We get a shot of Ciampa with a smile as he looks at Black who has been busted open on the side of his head. Ciampa licks his lips and rolls into the ring. He is bruised and you can see a bump pretty visible on his head. Ciampa is in little pain holding his head with with one hand but, he then takes the lid and begins to swing away on the back of Black he stops after a few shots. You can see cuts now on the back of Black but, Ciampa isn't done with him yet.

He tosses the lid to the outside grabs a chair and then rolls back in the ring. On the outside we can see that Gargano is now ringside but, he still isn't on his feet.

Ciampa in the ring however places the chair in between the ankle of Black and is climbing to the second rope. He is about to leap off when Gargano from behind hits a low blow! Anything is legal as Ciampa falls to the mat when he is back up he's met with a slingshot spear by Gargano!

Gargano quickly tries to cover but, Black is back up hurt but still fighting he his a number of kicks to the chest of Gargano who drops to his knees. Ciampa eats a few now kicks to as both men are down on their knees and at the mercy of Black who has a look in his eye like he has gone to a different place. He begins to kick both of their chest with begin to turn red back and forth before a kick to each mans head.

Black is now in control as both men are belly down in the middle of the ring. The crowd is chanting for Black who now is deciding which one he should connect with Black Mass. He uses his foot to get Ciampa to his feet and goes for Black Mass but, Ciampa just falls to the mat but as quickly as that happens Black turns to a superkick by Gargano! Gargano grabs Black and hits a Lawn Dart to the turnbuckle!

Ciampa has rolled to the corner on the other side he is sitting in corner regaining his health as Gargano sets up the kneeling superkick. Ciampa though is back on his feet and the two of them are looking at each other as Black is kneeling in the middle of the ring.

They both run full speed and hit "Meeting In The Middle" (Running Knee/Kneeling Superkick Combo) both men have used their last of their energy and both fall to the ground with both there arms draped over Black.

The Official is in the ring and counts.






The official goes to the announcer and we hear that the ref has said both men's arms were in position for the cover on Black and that the match has ended in a draw.

Therefore your winner


NXT Champion

Tommaso Ciampa

Ranello: Mama Mia what a match! These three just beat the living hell out of each other and to end it on a technicality is such a shame.

McGuiness: I got to agree with you there but he has the championship advantage. Tommaso Ciampa defeated Aleister Black in the middle of the ring you saw it.

Corino: So did Johnny Gargano who should have as much of a claim for the championship as Tommaso. Plus you cant take away the fight that Aleister Black give here tonight. In the end though he was just another casualty in this war between Ciampa & Gargano here tonight.

Ranello: I agree with you 100% there Steve. Aleister has nothing to be ashamed about tonight.

see Tommaso make his way up the ramp. He is holding his championship to his chest as we go to the break.



(start at 0:01 stop at 0:30)

Dijack coming soon!


Corino: Dijack will be looking for a comeback. Everyone in NXT better be on notice.

Ranello: That is an understatement. Well up next folks War Raiders make their NXT Takeover debut as they will face off against Undisputed Era.

McGuiness: Who will The Undisputed Era send out?

The Undisputed Era's music plays and out walks Adam Cole & Bobby Fish who will be set to face War Raiders.

Match 2

War Raiders vs. Undisputed Era (Adam Cole & Bobby Fish)


War Raiders Theme


Undisputed Era Theme


End Of Match: This has been back and forth and we pick up as Hanson & Bobby Fish begin to beat the living hell out of one another even though Hanson is the much bigger man Fish is still striking back and forth with him.

Fish hits a few kicks to the knee of Hanson dropping the big man down to a knee he applies a guillotine choke cranking back as he wraps his legs around the body of Hanson who starts to fade before he slowly gets up while Fish's face tells the story it looks like he's about to get the upper hand again when Cole from behind superkicking the knee of Hanson.

The official yells at Cole as Fish is back in control with Rowe furious he tries to get in the ring but the official tells him to get back as well. Fish tells the ref to check Hanson arm to see if he's out. He does but, Hanson shows a little life he rolls to the ropes to break the hold.

Fish goes to strike Hanson who blocks it and the connects with a slingshot shoulder block through the second rope that sends Fish to the mat. Hanson with a couple of clotheslines before a jumping high knee to daze Fish he grabs him with a thunderous powerbomb into the turnbuckle he hits a corner splash with Rowe tagging himself in. Rowe begins to beat down Fish in the corner before going for a shoulder breaker Fish reverses it getting back to his feet and connecting with a flying fish hook.

Rowe is sent into the corner by Fish who tags in Cole. They set up Rowe on the apron leaning him over the second rope before connecting with stereo knee strikes and a double ddt.

Cole goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Cole begins to stomp way at Rowe before grabbing him and sending him into the other corner. Cole with a Shining Wizard into the corner he follows it up with a enziguri and a daze Rowe stands as Cole goes for Panama Sunrise.

Rowe catches Cole with a Oklahoma Slam and then a number of viscous knee strikes even a ground and pound from a north south position. Rowe sends Cole now back towards War Raiders. Rowe shouts for Hanson and we see Rowe set up a spine buster position as Hanson with a full head of speed springboard off the second rope and hits a European Uppercut/Spinebuster combo.

Rowe goes for the cover





Fish breaks it up as he is hit quickly by Rowe who gets Fish with a Uragani onto Cole. They send Fish to the out side as then Then we see Rowe grab Cole and then Hanson climbs to the top rope for Fallout!
(Diving Leg Drop/Belly To Back Suplex Combo)

Rowe goes for the cover





Kyle O'Reilly & Mike Kanellis has run down the ramp pulling the official out. Fish from behind tries to attack and its reversed and Fish is sent to the outside. Rowe is now on all fours as Hanson with a poetry in motion like cross body to the outside connecting with the three members of Undisputed Era.

Back in the ring though Cole with a super kick to Rowe! He grabs him with all his might and connects with a German Suplex then The Last Shot! Cole covers Rowe.





Undisputed Era

Adam Cole grabs the members of The Undisputed Era and run up the ramp on the stage they taunt Rowe & Hanson who are back in the ring staring back at them clearly disappointed at the fact that they lost.


We go backstage where we see Belair & Baszler both warming up for their match which is coming up.

Ranello: There is no love lost coming up between these two.

McGuiness: No there is not but the question remains can the Undefeated Bianca Belair stop the "Baddest Women On The Planet"? or will she just became the next in a long line of victims for Shayna Baszler.

Corino: We will see because these two clash next!

Match 3

NXT Women's Championship

Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Bianca Belair


Shayna Baszler Theme


Bianca Belair Theme


End Of Match: This match has saw Baszler actually more on the defensive then offensive as Belair has look pretty impressive so far. We pick up with Belair who has just hit a spinning back drop following it up with a moonsault splash as it looks like she is bring both power and athletics to this match.

Belair grabs Baszler and connects with a suplex she then grabs her hair whipping Baszler who yells in pain. You can see cuts form on the back of Baszler as Belair goes on and on. She then grabs Baszler double underhook with another suplex and then running with a big boot to the face of the champion

Belair goes for the cover but, only gets a 1 with Baszler kicking out.

Belair then sends Baszler towards the corner then after a few chops puts her on the top turnbuckle. Belair climbs to the top. There is a fight with both women fighting until Baszler sends Belair off the top to the second ring. She then leaps from the top hitting an elbow.

Baszler now in control drags Belair to the bottom rope towards the crowd and chokes Belair with her knee as she mocks the crowd. She lets go sending Belair back into the first ring.

Baszler now begins to slow the match down driving her knee into the skull of Baszler and then grabbing her hair she stands on it and then grabs Belair's arm and stretches her you can hear screaming in pain as the official counts to four. You can hear Baszler say I got till five.

Baszler stands up Belair and begins to strike with a series of shots as the champion seems to be loving the pain she is inflicting. Belair though ducks a shot and now comes back with a few of her own.

Baszler irish whips her into the ropes but, Belair with a spear that turns Baszler inside out and she quickly goes for a cover but only gets a two though as soon as Baszler kicks out she turns it into a rear naked choke though she doesn't have it fully locked in yet.

Belair with elbow shots to the ribs breaks the hold up and then she stomps down on the ribs of Baszler.

Belair then lifts up Baszler for a Military Press Drop she follows it up then locking in a single leg boston crab and we see Baszler crawling towards the ropes.

She finally gets there after a few moments but you can see there's some damage done. Belair though sees this and grabs her own hair whipping the hell out of Baszler leg who is trying to walk away but Belair with a strike right to the back of her knee sends her back to the mat.

Belair is fired up now and grabs Baszler for the KOD but, Baszler reverses it she then grabs Belair's hair and uses it to wrap up a rear naked choke and locks it in. Belair tries to fight it but with her hair wrapped around her own throat shes got no chance she passes out and this one is over.


Shayna Baszler

Baszler lets go of the hold and lays in the middle of the ring tired and knowing she was in a war tonight. She holds her title close to her chest before walking out towards the back the crowd booing as she smiles.

We are now taken to a shot of NXT General Manager William Regal as he is putting on his gear still awaiting the arrival of his team. Regal looks focused as the screen goes black before turning back on and all four masked figures known as The Manhattan Project are on the screen.

They are in some sort of underground bunker as each one of them stand side by side.
One of the mask men step forward his purge like mask white with a bloody carved out X on it he stands tall and begins to speak his voice altered.

X: Fear is a weapon. It is deadlier then any sort of nuke any sort of nerve gas chemical warfare because Fear can take the strongest and most wicked of men and bring them cowering to your feet. I am not exempt from this as fear is what made me the man standing in front of you right now. I had fear because of William Regal. Regal you wrong me and you wronged each and every on of us. We came together a collective to take everything away from you to make you pay for the sins you committed. You will not lead this next generation down the same damning road that left each of us damned.

Do you know why we call ourselves The Manhattan Project?

Do you know what The Manhattan Project is because that is the greater question. The Project was the first ever testing of nuclear explosions and is was right here on US soil in July 1945. This was still during World War II and they tested it not against the Axis Powers the big bad evil but they tested a nuclear device on American Soil go figure huh. We are The Manhattan Project because we are going to eviscerate and destroy William Regal in front of the whole entire world. You have been chosen William you got to be held accountable.

The screen goes back to William Regal still getting ready.


Back to NXT Takeover where Chad Gable & Shane McMahon are shown in the crowd.

Ranello: Would you look who is here tonight at Takeover its former NXT Tag Team Champion Chad Gable and "Best In The World" Shane McMahon our commentary partners for the World Cup Classic along with our very own Steve Corino.

Corino: That is right guys, we got the very best talents in the world competing for a shot at glory and a NXT Championship Match. Well we couldn't be more excited for this tournament.

McGuiness: We cant wait for that one folks and I cant wait for this next match. Roderick Strong puts his NXT Gen Championship on the line against a man with nothing but malice intent on his mind the leader of Sovereignty... Drew McIntyre.

Corino: Remember Nigel tonight is Drew's last chance if he fails to capture NXT Gen Championship he will not be given another shot.

Match 4

NXT Gen Championship

Roderick Strong (c) vs. Drew McIntyre


Roderick Strong Theme


Drew McIntyre Theme

End Of Match: This has been a brawl not a wrestling match as these two been trading strikes demanding that the other hits them harder. Strong & McIntyre are right now in the middle of the ring trading shots with one another.

Strong gains the upper hand after a chop sends McIntyre back at least that is what he thinks as the champion is met with a Glascow Kiss by McIntyre that sends the champ back coming off the ropes and hitting a Sick Kick that sends him from the second ring they are wrestling in to the outside.

Strong tells the crowd to move hitting a suplex onto the barricade leaving McIntyre exposed so Strong can connect with a roaring elbow. McIntyre falls down to the floor as Strong sends him back in the ring. Strong then begins to try and lock in a Rings Of Saturn but, McIntyre rolls through and hits a uppercut closed fist that sends Strong towards the corner of the ring.

McIntyre with a few stomps in the corner grabs Strong and starts to head smash him in the turnbuckles before placing him on the top turnbuckle. He sets up what looks like a reverse superplex but, Strong is fighting it. McIntyre almost has him up finally he does though Strong shifts his body turning it into a crossbody and goes for the count.




McIntyre kicks out and Strong goes right back to try another Rings Of Saturn. He almost has it locked in as McIntyre fights back however Strong locks it in and we see him cranking back with all his might.

Strong knees how tough McIntyre is so he begins to knee the head of McIntyre as he does but, McIntyre is still crawling towards the ropes. Strong cant believe it. McIntyre gets to the ropes and Strong lets go.

Strong sends McIntyre with a irish whip into the ropes looking for another roaring elbow but McIntyre ducks underneath he bounces back of the ropes and Claymore that sends Strong to the outside of the ring.

McIntyre quickly grabs Strong and rolls him back in going for a cover but only gets a two. He isn't pleased about this telling the official to do his job. McIntyre begins to stomp on the back of Strong's head and it sounds like a basketball bouncing off the hardwood a sick sound.

The official comes in telling McIntyre to stop he checks up on Strong who may or may not be all their right now following the strikes. Strong says he's fine and they go back to the match.

This then sees McIntyre strike right away sending Strong back in the corner and begins to chop away causing Strong to drop to his knees after a shot. McIntyre though connects with a big boot and then himself locks in a submission this time though its a Crossface as Strong is having his head cranked back to the point it looks like he's about to be broken in two. McIntyre now using his foot is kicking the face of Strong and it looks like this match is getting close to being over.

However Strong rolls McIntyre on his back and catches him surprised by the cover.





McIntyre barley gets his shoulder up and Strong though is dazed trying to shake the cobwebs out McIntyre takes advantage connecting with a lariat from behind. McIntyre hits a Reverse Alabama Slam grabs Strong and connects with a Future Shock DDT. McIntyre with the cover.





Strong has kicked out again. McIntyre is furious slamming the mat. McIntyre goes to the corner and begs for Strong to turn aroung he runs full speed but, Strong catches him with a knee.

The knee sends McIntyre backwards as Strong grabs McIntyre and connects with a End Of Heartache Strong jumps into the cover hooking one leg.





McIntyre gets his foot on the bottom rope. Strong though grabs McIntyre he is looking for another End Of Heartache however a well place reversal has McIntyre with a small package attempt. Strong quickly kicks out and is sent towards the apron where McIntyre hits a kick to the chest that echoes through the arena. McIntyre then connects with a Future Shock DDT on the corner of the apron as Strong is spiked right on his head!

Strong is tossed back in the ring and McIntyre gets in the ring and in the corner and runs straight in with a Claymore This one turns Strong inside out and McIntyre with the pin.





And NEW NXT Gen Champion

Drew McIntyre

Ranello: NEW Champ... New Champ! McIntyre has beaten the unbeatable Roderick Strong.

Corino: Unbelievable and tonight he did it by himself.

McGuiness: He had something to fight for something more then himself. He is now a leader of men you cant lead if you lose.

McIntyre holds the title high placing his foot on the chest of the fallen Strong. Barthel & Aichner rush down to the ring standing next to the new champion as we go to break.


Corino: Well guys NXT Takeover Pittsburgh has been crazy so far but, did you hear where the next Takeover is coming from?

Ranello: We are going to the City Of Angels.

McGuiness: That's right folk the next Takeover is NXT Los Angeles.

Corino: We cant wait to see you there well....

The screen static goes off again as The Manhattan Project are on the screen the four figures standing tall. There is one though pacing back and forth and through the voice changer you can hear screams. There is a silence as the figure stands in the screen the purge like mask written in bright red is the letter D.

D: People tend to look at death as a sad thing. I look at death and I see the beauty in it. Death is beautiful. It is at last the final. Death is just progress of life reaching its end. William Regal does death scare you? How did it feel when we first attacked you at Paris? You lost a lot of blood Wiliam you were victimized and learned that death can be beautiful. You learned that because when you were fighting for your life inside a hospital friends and family came together in your possible final hour and it was a beautiful thing wasn't it.

William... you once told me I was never going to make it. You learned you wronged us you learned you left us to starve now you will learn that death is beauty. I made death beautiful because in that Death and I are one like a scared vow and I have kept forever faithful. When that cold steel surrounds the ring. I won't be scared. I wont be nervous. I will be at home and there is nothing I won't do to you or myself in that ring to make you pay to show you the sweet beauty of death as I embrace it, you will suffer.


Match 5

Tye Dillinger vs. EC3 w/Auntie D


Tye Dillinger Theme


EC3 Theme


End Of Match: A bout that has saw both men filled with rage trade shots with one another in the second ring where this match takes place EC3 hits a few forearms into Tye sending him into the ropes and then coming back with a back body drop.

EC3 then works the neck of Tye pulling it back using his knee to the spine of the perfect 10. He loses ground as Tye gets to a base and then sees Tye try for Perfect Break (Backstabber) but, EC3 wisely grabs the ropes and then drops and elbow before hiting another and then stomping away at Tye until he looks to lock in a figure four attempt however Tye sends him into the turnbuckle and follows it up with a knee to the back of EC3's head.

Tye places EC3 on the top rope and then hits a reverse neckbreaker from the top. Tye goes for the cover but only gets a two count.

EC3 gets up and locks in a full nelson before trying to slam Tye back down however Tye with a roll through tries for a boston crab. EC3 is locked in the crab as he is crawling towards the ropes.

You can hear Auntie D ringside screaming for EC3 to the ropes even trying to grab EC3 and pull him closer. The official sees this and throws her out of the match after EC3 had finally gotten to the ropes.

Auntie D is throwing a fit ringside as the official grabs her she shouts don't you touch me!

The distraction is enough for EC3 to low blow Tye and then get hit with a fireman's carry cutter.

EC3 goes for the pin but, Tye kicks out at 2.

Tye with a backdrop he follows it up with a few dropkicks and goes for a superkick though EC3 rolls out of the ring. Tye with a crossbody over the top to the outside and takes out EC3.

EC3 is sent back in the ring and Tye gains more offensive looking for a Perfect Break that EC3 blocks and then comes back with a wicked lariat.

EC3 now is in total control grabbing Tye sending him into the ropes throat first and then mocking Tye by hitting Perfect Break. He goes for the cover but still just sees a two count.

EC3 calls for One Percenter but following his attempt Tye sends him into the ropes and connects with a superkick wait EC3 catches his foot Tye pulls it back and hits a superkick to the jaw. Tye grabs EC3 by the head and drives him to the mat and connects with a One Percenter.

Tye is looking for the pin.





EC3 just manages the shoulder up. Tye doesn't let up looking for Perfect Break but, its EC3 spinning around grabing Tye for a belly to belly he follows it up with a elbow drop then connects with a One Percenter he covers Tye and the count comes.






EC3 celbrates as if he won the championship his Aunt coming down the stage they embrace in a hug as she screams ECHoney. Tye Dillinger sits in the ring His head down mad at himself hes distraught.

When out of nowhere someone hits Dillinger from behind sending him into the ringpost. He turns and is hit with a Single Knee Facebreaker and the attacker puts down his hood pulling out a cig and lighting up.


Corino: Oh my God! its Joey Janela! The Bad Boy is here in NXT!

He stands over a fallen Tye Dillinger taking his cig smoke and blowing it right in the face of Dillinger before a huge smirk shows up on his face.


Kasiuss Ohno stands with Percy Watson getting ready to interview.

Watson: Ohno hows does it feel going into your match for the UK Championship was losing a friend really worth gold?
Ohno goes to answer as the screen starts to go static then we see The Manhattan Project on the screen yet again. There they are standing in the same room we hear the sound of something hitting the floor. Thump! Thump! Then another man steps forward with a purge like mask and the letter C carved into the mask as if it was scratched on. The voice is modify. C has a baseball bat in his hand.
C: The Manhattan Project are coming so Regal read your last rites hold close the very moments you got left because when that cage comes down you are trapped with four very rabid very vengeful unforgiven animals. You see Regal you may not know who we are but, we know you very well I know you especially well. See Regal you think we are animals you think we are monster we are the boogyman under your bed and that are agenda is some sick twisted reality we live in. Well Regal if you think that...its because YOU ARE THE ONE TO BLAME. YOU DID THIS TO US.

When you treat people like animals you cant aspect not to get bitten. That's a lesson I learned the hard way. See Regal I was once told don't bite the hand that feeds you and that is really odd because the hand that feed me left me to starve left me to rot to decay to break was you. You tried to change me tried to tame me because I wasn't the mold. Tonight is the night I been waiting for this moment for a very long time and when I get my hands on you will pay.

Ohno is shown back on the screen as it fades to normal he is shown walking off.


Match 6

UK Championship

Pete Dunne (c) vs. Kassius Ohno


Pete Dunne Theme

Kassius Ohno Theme


End Of Match: Dunne & Ohno have let this match be known that they aren't screwing around there is no flips just fist and kicks and it is heard echoing throughout the arena. We pick up with Dunne & Ohno tied up just trading elbows with one another trying to be the last man standing on there own two feet.

Ohno stomps on the foot of Dunne and delivers a earth shattering forearm that sends Dunne's mouth piece flying across the ring.

Ohno then grabs Dunne charging into the corner and just laying wicked elbow shots until Dunne is out on the bottom turnbuckle his head resting on the 2nd turnbuckle. Ohno then backs up as the official checks on Dunne only to see Ohno with a running knee into the corner he slides under the ring pulling Dunne by the hair towards the apron he bashes Dunne off the apron a few times before again coming in with a number of elbows until Dunne falls to the mat ringside below of the 2nd ring where they are fighting. Ohno grabs Dunne shoulder tackling him into the corner of the apron a few times before rolling back in the ring to break the count.

Ohno grabs Dunne by the back of the head pulling him back on the apron he goes to put him into the ring but, Dunne grabs the head of Ohno and crashes down with a stunner into the top rope. Dunne then cranks his own jaw before closing his fist and delivering a series of punches over a prone Ohno.

Ohno tries to protect his head but, Dunne targets the body and we then see Dunne deliver a nasty looking deadlift german suplex to Ohno as he bridges to he only gets a two quickly though Dunne transitions into a leg hook and begins cranking back as Ohno yells in pain.

Dunne begins to unlace Ohno's shoe and tosses it across the ring a few more elbows to the leg that's hooked and we see Dunne grabs the toes of Ohno and bend them back into a position that they shouldn't go. He then snaps back the big toe and you can hear Ohno screaming as if he was dying.

Ohno uses his other foot to kick away Dunne. Ohno is rolling around the ring in pain as you see his toe going in the other direction.

He is now pleading with Dunne we are friends I am sorry it looks as though Dunne has a change of heart he offers a hand to Ohno and he stands up hobbling on one foot only to be given a headbutt by Dunne whose face tells the story.

Dunne begins stomping down on the injured foot giving no you know what. He then sends Ohno into the corner and begins to chop away at Ohno even ripping his jersey and just chopping away until bruises form on Ohno.

Ohno is then placed on the top rope and Dunne climbs to the top rope. Ohno with a series of defensive shots finally dazes Dunne sending him back into the ring. Ohno with a seated senton from the top rope crashes down on Dunne like a fly meeting a fly swatter.

Ohno goes for the cover but Dunne kicks out at 2 and we see Ohno shaking his head almost in tears like what do I got to do. Ohno hobbling still on one leg has done in a ripcord position he goes for an discus elbow however Dunne ducks underneath delivers a elbow to the back of Ohno's head he then hits a chop block to the knee of Ohno who falls to his knees. Dunne then grabs Ohno's hair sends him back into the mat.

He does this over and over before mounting the fallen Ohno and looking at his own fist turning a sinister anger on his face as he begins to punching the face of Ohno whose eye is now starting to get a shiner. Dunne then grabs Ohno up and we see him pumphandle Ohno he says something to him that we cant hear and deliver a Bitter End that plants Ohno to the mat. Dunne flips him over and the count is made it is over.


And Still UK Champion

Pete Dunne

Dunne grabs his title by the teeth doing his taunt as He stares down at the fallen Ohno whose broken body lays in the ring.

Corino: Dunne gets his payback on his former friend here tonight and those who thought Dunne has gone soft well they will have second thoughts after that match.

McGuiness: Dunne maybe the most decorated champion in modern wrestling history. Is there any man that can stop the reign of the "Bruiserweight"

Ranello: I don't know Nigel but he sent a message tonight one that....


The screen goes with the static it once again shows Manhattan Project. This time with all four masked figures standing side by side this time the screen goes black and white and another member steps forward too this one has a V on their mask in black they speak voice changed to hide who they are.

V: Someone once said "True Villain's cant be anything else" Regal make no mistake about it you are a true villain the things you did the lives you ruin cant be forgiven. We should of saw it coming though. The moment your eyes met our eyes. If this was enough life if this was another time we would thank you because you made us what we are today. The thing is Regal we you shouldn't be surprised because every great villain story begins with revenge and that is exactly what is on the mind of Mr. X , Mr. C. Mr. D and myself Mr. V this is our origin story's final chapter and this isn't going to be a fairytale ending this is going to be a grim eternal damnation.

I cant say speak for the other gentleman William but, I once idolized you. I wanted to be just like you. You were the apex the best and I remember telling myself one day I wanna be just like William Regal. Its sad when you got to take a childhood hero and take him out. I will feel no remorse though. I feel nothing but satisfaction because we will make sure you don't do the same to anyone else. William tonight is your last night in pro wrestling tonight you are held accountable.

The video goes back into color as we get ready for our Main Event.

Regal is shown on the screen as the other members of his team show up. Goldust already banged up has scars across his head that are new. Velveteen Dream has an eye patch over his eye. Shinsuke Nakamura is limping his knee not 100 percent at all.

Regal stares at his troops who still stand by his side and has a look in his eye. He then begins to speak.

Regal: Tonight... tonight we aren't going into a wrestling match. This is a war. I go in there tonight and I will stand by your side just like each and everyone of you have stood by mine. You will never know the gratitude I have to you. I know this was a fight you never asked for but, it was one you choose to join. The Manhattan Project want to be my judge, my jury, and tonight they try to be my executioner. I refuse to roll over and die and yes you are hurt. However tonight they wanna see a villian a sick demented man I give it to them.

Regal is pumped up he walks out with his troops fired up.


War Games Rules

- A massive cage will be enclosing two rings.

- The match starts with two men one from each team in the ring.

- The rest of the team are placed in a shark cage

- Every 3 mins one person from either team are released and join the match this goes on until all are in the match.

- Once all are in the match WAR GAMES begins.

- If you escape the cage your team loses

- First pinfall or submission wins the match.
Main Event


Team Regal (Regal, Shattered Dreams, Shinsuke Nakamura)


The Manhattan Project (X, C, D, V)


Team Regal Theme


Manhattan Project Theme


Before The Match: We see Team Regal come out. There is a talk among the four of them but, Goldust is the first man that will enter the ring. The rest end up in the cage.

The arena grows quiet as the lights go out when the pop on. All four members of The Manhattan Project are around Team Regal's cage staring at Regal. The offcials get them finally into the cages and it looks like X will be the one to start. X is a massive figure over 6 feet tall and X makes the way to the ring.

Beginning Of The Match: We start with Goldust and X tie up after the cage door is locked behind them. Goldust tries a number of strikes but, X shakes it off grabbing Goldust and sending him into the cage wall between the ropes facing the stage where X grinds Goldust face on the cell while looking towards Team Regal's cage. X with a few forearms before a big boot to the back of the head of Goldust who falls to the ground.

X grabs Goldust sending him into the turnbuckle and then striking away at him until he can barley stand. X punches the gut of Goldust and we see him fall to the mat. X grabs Goldust and connects with a sidewinder suplex. Goldust is turned inside out and is down in the middle of the first ring.

3:00 Mins is Up and we get our next person in its...
Shinsuke Nakamura!

Nakamura enters the ring and X turns facing him face to face. Nakamura doesn't back down connecting with a few forearm shots and we see X hits a few himself we are having two people beating the hell out of each other until X grabs the throat of Nakamura and is trying to choke him out now with two hands!

Nakamura veins on his head start to pop out when Goldust from behind with a low blow and X lets go.

The first time in the match. Team Regal gets some offense in connecting with a double suplex before grabbing X and sending him into the cage. They do it again. Then then grab X placing him on the second turnbuckle as Goldust connects with Golden Globes (running punt kick to the groin)

3:00 Mins are up! The next person in the match is...


C comes out of the ring wielding a baseball bat he grabs from under the ring and then runs in connecting with Nakamura and Goldust. C does not stop swinging away at both men as X gets up. He grabs Goldust and restrains him as C swings the bat at his ribs over abd over until Goldust mouth spits out some blood. X then grabs Nakamura and they start to swing at him but, Nakamura uses his good long to kick away the bat and then kicks C in the head. Nakamura with a stomp on the foot of X and we see that Nakamura is fighting for his life.

Nakamura with a inverted suplex and sends on X he sends C into the second ring where Goldust is back up and the two of them are trading shots with one another as Goldust connects with a powerslam in ring 2.

Back in ring 1, X is sent into the corner and is getting stomped in the corner with some Good Viberations. Nakamura goes for a Kinshisa but, X clips the bad knee and Nakamura is clinching the bad knee.

3:00 Mins are up! The next person in the match is....

Velveteen Dream!

Dream makes his way down the ramp to the ring but, as soon as the cage door is open X with a big boot sends Drea, into the barricade ringside and he has been taken out!

Meanwhile in ring 2, C is back up and has taken control he sends Goldust into the turnbuckle and is chopping away at him. He sends him to the top turnbuckle and connects with a superplex he transations it into a cloverleaf submission and is cranking it back as hard as he can. Goldust is screaming in pain where in Team Regal cage we can see Regal distubed by this wanting to get in the match.

X has the bat now and is beating the hell out of Nakamura's knee as we see The Manhattan Project is in complete control. C has sent Goldust back into the first ring where they stomp away at both men.

3:00 mins are up! The next person in the match is...


D runs out of the cage and goes right after Dream on the outside sending him into the metal cage before D begins to rip the ringside padding up. D grabs Dream and connects with a ddt onto the pavement. The officials ringside are running to Dream's aid as he is out on the floor. D then goes under the ring as quick and pulls out a number of weapons from steel chairs, trash cans, kendo sticks, a bag of god knows what, table an barb wire as D hands it to C & X and now War Games is going extreme.

D enters the ring and with a number of weapons in the ring they are taking them and picking apart the two men from Team Regal in the ring. They take a trash can and wedge it into the corner a drop toehold by D sends Goldust face first into it.

3:00 mins are up ! The next person in is...


V runs down the ramp and begins to enter the ring connecting with a backdrop onto a trash can lid to Nakamura who V sends into the 2nd ring.

Meanwhile C and X are double teaming Goldust while medical staff are checking on Dream who are now beginning to take away in a stretcher. The Stretcher gets taken towards the back. X with a elevated triangle choke on Goldust as C grabs his bat and goes towards the 2nd ring where V has exposed the turnbuckle. V begins place the fingers in the expose turnbuckle twisting his fingers around in it before applying a armbar as C takes the bat and hitting Nakamura in the back of his elbow.

There is a sick sound heard like something popped as they stare down over the fallen Nakamura.

The Manhattan Project look up at the clock as it starts to count down from 10.

3:00 Mins Are Up! The next person in is....

William Regal!

Regal slowly makes his way down the ramp as The Manhattan Project stare at Regal like starved dogs eyeing a meal.

Regal walks down like a man making his walk to the electric chair. He sees the carnage around the ring. He stops going into his trunks and pulling out to sets of Brass knuckles placing them on his hands he comes in swinging. A few moments Regal is able to fight them off but, they are circling him and we see that Manhattan Project pull a chair out and are going to hit him as they try to there is a roar from the crowd.

It's Velveteen Dream he's climbing up War Games cage. No one had notice it besides the crowd as he leaps off the top of the WAR GAMES Cage with a cross body taking out everyone!

WAR GAMES is Officially underway!

Regal begins to grab kendo sticks and begins to hack away at all the members as the crowd on their feet cheering as Regal connects with a Regalplex on D then one on C one on V and one on X.

Regal with a few more suplexs of each one of The Projects members as Regal tries to expose the mask of one of the members it looks like C but, V from behind with a lariat. They begin to trade shots with one another in the first ring as Dream and Goldust are fighting off X in the second ring.

Nakamura is back up and we see him connect with a Kinshasa to C and goes for a cover





V breaks up the hold tackling Regal into the cover.

Dream has X up on his shoulder looking for a Dream Valley Driver in the 2nd ring while in first ring V & D are fighting Regal & Nakamura. Regal sent into the corner and D runs at him connecting with a European Uppercut in the corner. He grabs Regal and connects with a Burning Hammer.

Dream has connected with a Dream Valley Driver as Goldust runs to break the cover of D on Regal.

Goldust & D begin to trade shots until Goldust goes for a Director's Cut but, D reverses it hitting him with a clothesline.

X is back up choking Dream on the top rope until he choke slams him in the middle of both the rings on a metal structure. Dreams back hits off of it and we then see Regal come in with a trash can hitting X's back. X turns pissed off and with a snake eyes connects with the cage he turns that into a powerbomb as quickly then another powerbomb as Regal is turned in half.

V is in the other ring has dropped Nakamura with a double arm ddt onto a steel chair.

C with a nasty bicycle kick to Goldust.

Dream with a DVD on C

X throws Regal into the first ring.

X is hit with a rope assisted DDT.

Dream is hit with a Kendo Stick to the head.

Regal goes for a tiger driver on D.

Regal connects with the move trying to get the cover only getting a two count as then he locks in a Regal Stretch in the the ring. Regal is cranking it back as much as he can as D is trying to crawl towards the second ring.

There is no rope break her as Regal sees D inching closer towards the ropes just trying to escape the lock. D is almost to it as Regal sees a kendo stick he uses it to add more damage to the Regal Stretch crushing the windpipe of D who looks like he is getting to the point of tapping D is trying with all the might not to tap out the hand closing towards the mat as the fans are chanting Let's Go Regal.

C comes from behind connecting with a baseball bat to the back of Regal. The Project gets up and begin to stomp away at Regal. They Punt Kick him in the ribs and choke him out. They send him into the cage. D is up now after the lock that he was placed in and has Regal in the corner stomping away at him and choking Regal whose face turns a bright red color while the rest of The Project are attacking the rest of Team Regal.

Dream though gets a few strikes in on a couple of The Project sending X and V into the second ring where Goldust is back up connecting with a double clothesline and then grabs a steel chair swinging away at the two members in the second ring.

Dream and C are trading shots in the first ring when C looks like he has the advantage going towards Dream who is on the ropes back towards the cage. C rushes Dream who reverses it sending C into the steel cage. He uses his foot to stomp away at C before grabbing a trash can lid wedging it in between the ropes and then hitting a baseball slide crushing his skull.

Nakamura out of nowhere connects to the back of D in the corner with a Kinshasa which hurts Nakamura as bad as D.

A few moments go by with all teams trying to get up.

Goldust in the other ring though has been sent into the first ring where we see The Project grab the other two members who are now slowly rising to their feet we the get a look as the 8 wrestlers are standing body's broken bruised, bloody on both bides with dry blood in the ring and you can see that everyone is tired barley able to stand. The Project has a few members with blood running down from their masks as Regal's team showing signs of the war they are in.

We get them staring at one another from both the rings and we see the battle lines ready to be crossed. Regal's eyes full of rage he lets out a scream and charges in as Nakamura yells "Come On" The war is back on as the 8 wrestlers meet in the middle between the two rings trading shots as it looks like a hockey fight. The Project gain the upper hand sending Nakamura and Goldust into the cages.

Regal is in the first ring battling V the two of them just close fist strikes until no one cant stand. D from behind with a kendo stick cracks Regal in the back of the head as he falls to the mat. X grabs Dream sending in a standing triangle choke as Dream starts to fade his eyes rolling back in his head.

We are about to get the call for the bell but, Goldust out of nowhere breaks the hold up. Goldust doesn't have much fight left back in as X grabs Goldust by the neck lifting him up in a miltary press sending him into the cage.

The four members of The Project circle the injured Regal who gets up to a standing position and we hear him scream and try to fight the four men he gets a number of strikes in by the number game is to much as the like rabid dogs send him to the ground just mugging him. It is uneasy to watch as Regal takes every shot refusing to go down. Regal spits at them when X connects with a huge big boot.

Nakamura tries to help Regal but, he eat steel chair shot to the knee.

These animals have Regal cornered and They pull out the bag and dump the contents onto the floor its rose petals. No just kidding thumbtacks are all over the first ring and we see them sit Regal upon the top turnbuckle and sending him into the tacks. There is 100's of them in Regal whose face tells the story. He rolls out of them his body shaking. X drops down in the cover as

we hear...





The Manhattan Project

The Project stands tall as broken bodies and blood are covering the rings it really looks like a War has just happen here.

Regal's troops are out cold and we watch as each masked figures take a weapon and crack the skull of Regal open.

D takes barb wire wrapping it around his hand and punching Regal.

We can hear him yell...

This is for telling me I never was going to make it because I was a Deathmatch Junkie!

He then takes off his mask to show the world...

Jimmy Havoc!

The next one to step forward holding a baseball bat and cracking it over the skull of Regal is C.

That is for telling them I didn't have what it takes.

He takes off his mask to show...


Sami Callihan!
The next one is up X who breaks a kendo stick over his knee taking the broken cane and drilling it into the skull of Regal.

This is for you trying to expose my fears for using them as weapons to fit the mold.

He takes off his mask to show the world...

Killer Kross


The last man V grabs Regal by the back of the head and takes his Brass Knuckles off of him. He bounces it off the skull.

This is for exposing my hero creating the villain that stands before you...


Marty Scurll

The fans watch as Regal drops to the mat as a mad rush to the ring leaves HHH and many others trying to get to Regal. The Projects members stand exposed and watch as a bloody Regal lays at their feet his blood running down like a river as the lights go out. They turn back on and The Project are gone we end NXT in silence as HHH gets the medical staff to attend to a almost dead Regal who is pale white.


Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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World Cup Classic

Night One


Steve Corino: Welcome folks as tonight we begin the journey as 32 men battle to be named "Best In The World" as we begin the World Cup Classic. I am Steve Corino and I am honored to be joined ringside by Chad Gable and Shane McMahon. Now these men will be battling multiple times in a night as well.

Chad Gable: I am so excited to be calling this with you guys we really got some of the best talents here and it is going to be exciting night. We are here for a full week of non stop wrestling for you guys before we move onto the Tournament portion of the World Cup Classic!

Shane McMahon: I will put down that I am the best in the world but I am taking these talents to be "Best Announcer in the world." However Chad is right we got some really good talents here and you should be thrilled at home that I am calling it for you.

Steve Corino: Tonight we have 8 matches on the card as Block A & Block B will be in full force including a match right off the bat.

Chad Gable: That's right as WALTER faces Matt Riddle!

Shane McMahon: Two early favorites face off where the loser could be very well out of the WCC!

Steve Corino: Now lets take a look at the men in Block A & Block B

Block A

Austin Theory
Dave Mastiff
Matt Riddle

Block B

David Finlay
Laredo Kid
Keith Lee
David Starr

Steve Corino: Well in Block A we got Walter Austin Theory Dave Mastiff and Matt Riddle.

Chad Gable: That is a tough draw for these guys because you got some very tough guys right there. Austin Theory is gonna be at a size disadvantage against Walter and Dave and may want to use speed against him but, then he needs power against Matt Riddle. That said Theory is one of the guys to watch in this.

Shane McMahon: I agree... moving onto Block B where you have "Limitless" Keith Lee in a huge advantage size wise against the rest of his block but then you got David Starr who might not only win Block B but, he's one of the most dangerous men in this whole thing.

Steve Corino: David Starr is in a battle tonight as he will face off against David Finlay. Keith Lee will face Laredo Kid as well tonight along with Dave Mastiff vs. Austin Theory. Well lets learn a little more about the man they call the Ring General WALTER & The Original Bro Matt Riddle.




Match One: Walter vs. Matt Riddle

Beginning Of The Match: It begins after both men shake hands we now start the match with Riddle keeping his distance against Walter who tries to close in the gap. Walter gets Riddle into the corner and hits him with nasty chops. You can hear the chops echo throughout the arena. Walter then hits a number of strikes and chops.

Middle Of The Match: At the 5:00 mark we now pick up after Walter had tried another chop on the outside of the ring. He misses hitting the ring post. He clinches his hand as Riddle pops up on the apron running for a knee strike and quickly connecting with a Torando DDT on the outside of the ring.

End Of Match: We are now at the 12:00 mark as we pick up with Riddle trying to apply a rear naked choke to Walter in the middle of the ring. Riddle can't get his hands around the chest of Walter who stands up with Riddle on his back sending him back first into the turnbuckle. Riddle refuses to let go connecting with a series of attempts by going back first into the turnbuckle. The time is now at 13:00 mark with Walter now trying a powerbomb on Riddle who reverses it into a triangle choke Walter is starting to fade dropping to one knee. Riddle transitions to a front necklock as the time goes to 14:30 mark and we see him trying to choke out Walter who starts to rise up to his base. 14:45 mark sees Walter drop Riddle with a wicked Powerbomb that drops Riddle on the back of his head. Walter with the cover and this one is over.

Walter By Pinfall (14:50)

Walter earns 3 points!

Corino: What a victory for Walter here tonight.

Gable: Walter gains the W tonight but, remember neither of these guys are done here tonight they both still got another match tonight.

McMahon: You got to wonder if Riddle can get the L out of his head because later tonight he also will be wrestling again.

Corino: That is very true you got to have the mental strength to move on from Losses as well. Up next we have "Limitless" Keith Lee vs. Laredo Kid.



Match 2: Keith Lee vs. Laredo Kid

Beginning Of The Match: We get the start of the match with a quick flurry of offense from both guys . Kid us surprised by the speed Lee the much bigger guy has kept up with in the early part of the match. 2:00 mark we see Kid hit lee with a Tiger flip arm drag and following it up with a spike huricarana driving Lee to the mat.

Middle Of The Match: Kid is going for a springboard move at the 6:30 mark but is caught by Lee who hits a powerful pop up powerslam following it up with a running senton and then going for a cover Kid gets a shoulder up as we now see Lee send Kid to the outside. Lee with a flip senton attack over the top rope at the 8:00 mark.

End Of Match: Picking up at the 11:00 mark Lee is in control following his aerial attack though now he is using his power with a nasty military press drop onto the top turnbuckle where he quickly climbs to the top and looks for a super backdrop. Kid though reverses it after some elbows hitting a reverse frakensteiner from the top. Lee gets his foot on the rope barley before the three. 13:00 mark is where we are at now as Kid tries to roll him back in the ring. He finally does at about the 13:30 mark. He goes for a springboard corkscrew splash. Lee moves out of the he sends Kid into the ropes comes back with Spirit Bomb (pop up elevated powerbomb) this one is over at the 14:00 mark.


Keith Lee by pinfall at 14:00

Keith Lee earns 3 points

McMahon: Keith Lee came in here tonight and should why he is dubbed "Limitless"

Gable: You can't take anything away from Laredo Kid here tonight it was a heck of a show I was impressed.

McMahon: Impressed as you maybe Gable a loss is still a loss.

Corino: The case Keith Lee made tonight is that he is here and ready to make an impact in the WCC.



Match 3: David Starr vs. David Finlay

Beginning Of The Match: This has a tech style of match with both men transitioning from move to move withut breaking a hold. Finlay gets hit with a nasty lariat by Starr at the 2:00 mark who follows it up by hitting a german suplex and then going for the cover. He only gets a one but, Finlay is able to pop right back up hitting a few strikes before going for a abdominal stretch at the 3:00 mark. "Celtic Prince" locks it in and Finlay cranks it back connecting with elbows to the ribs before letting go and hitting a gutbuster.

Middle Of The Match: We pick up at the 6:00 mark where Starr has just connected with a flatliner onto the apron he rolls Finlay in goes for a cover but, only sees a two for his effort. Starr sends Finlay into the corner and looks for a superplex this is now at the 7:00 mark. Finlay reverses it sending Starr back to the mat and delivering a Diving European Uppercut.

End Of The Match: 10:00 marks sees David Finlay trying to go for a Prima Nocta (Jumping Stunner) that however is reversed by Starr who connects with a roaring elbow following it up with a german suplex and then connecting with a Blackheart Buster ( Kneecap Brainbuster) this one is over at the 11:00 mark.

David Starr by pinfall at (11:00)

Starr earns 3 points

Corino: David Starr with a big win here tonight you look at this guy he has to be among the top contenders here in the WCC.

McMahon: I got to agree with you there Steve. "The Cream In Your Coffee" among many other nicknames he has earned on the Independent scene has given him he was just as good tonight.

Gable: Don't forget hes really good at Twitter. David Starr maybe the most complete superstar in the WCC.




Match 4: Austin Theory vs. Dave Mastiff

Beginning Of Match: Mastiff begins the match with a series of belly to belly suplexs and throws around the ring to Theory who at 2:00 mark has already taken a number of damage with Mastiff using the force of his throws to damage the shoulder of Theory who may or may not be injured.

Middle Of The Match: Picking up at the 7:00 mark this match has been in the complete advantage for Mastiff as he bearhugs Theory in the middle of the ring. Mastiff with another throw that sends Theory into the corner. Mastiff runs in with a splash into the corner. 9:00 mark sees Mastiff looking for a Vader Bomb but, he misses and Theory is trying to get some offense in. He hits a standing moonsault at the 10:00 mark.

End Of The Match: Theory has taken control after the moonsault but, don't take that as Mastiff isn't getting a few strikes in. Mastiff sends Theory into the corner following a whip attempt but, Theory shoulder give out. Mastiff with a corner splash goes for another Vader Bomb but, shades of Randy Orton... Theory with The Unproven Cutter to a falling Mastiff. He hooks the leg and this one is over at the 12:00 mark.


Austin Theory by pinfall

Theory earns 3 points

Theory is clinching his shoulder after review it looks like Mastiff body crashed down on Theory's shoulder when he hit the cutter.

Corino: What a win by Theory I don't know how he pulled that off.

McMahon: He may have won the battle but, he looks like he maybe losing the war. He is clinching his shoulder and looks like he's in a lot of pain this will not do him well here in the WCC.

Gable: He is hurt and this is not good he has another match and the luck of the draw has him fighting again next facing off against WALTER of all people.


Match 5: Walter vs. Austin Theory

Beginning Of The Match: Theory has the bad luck of having to wrestle right away after the match. The match starts but, Walter quickly targets the shoulder of Theory chopping it in the corner before connecting with a big boot at the 0:30 mark.

Middle Of The Match: We are now at the 2:00 mark and we can see that Theory is clearly hurt. Walter though does not show any care running in with a shotgun dropkick sending Theory into the turnbuckle. He picks up Theory again connecting with another chop and then twisting the arm of Theory and elbowing the shoulder until Theory falls to the ground.

End Of The Match: Walter has just connected with a sit down senton onto the shoulder of Theory at the 4:00 mark. He is then picks him up for a powerbomb and drives him to the mat but he modifies it so that all the impact goes on the shoulder. Theory is pinned and its over.

Walter by pinfall at 4:45

Walter earns 3 points!

Total Points: Walter 6

Corino: There was a great effort by Theory but, in the end he still takes the L.

Gable: The good news is that he's still got a chance to move onto the next round.

McMahon: The good news! WALTER has earned enough points to move on.

Match 6: Keith Lee vs. David Finlay

Beginning Of Match: Finlay & Lee have started this with a series of arm drags and it has seen Lee go for a Spirit Bomb right off the bat at the 1:00 mark. Finlay though reverse it into a Prima Nocta that sends Lee to the outside of the ring!

Middle Of The Match: David is in conrol right now climbing up to the top rope looking for a uppercut at the 3:00 mark however, Lee catches him mid air and connecting with a fallaway slam. Lee then grabs Finlay looking for a suplex he actually stalls with it letting the blood rush to the head of Finlay before crashing down to the mat at the 4:00 mark.

End Of The Match: Lee in control as we pick up at the 6:00 mark, Lee sends Finlay toward the ropes but, Finlay hops to the apron as Lee charges. He punches Lee in the jaw and goes for a sunset flip powerbomb, Lee though catches him again slaming him back to the mat and then connecting with a Spirit Bomb!

Keith Lee by pinfall at 6:22

Keith Lee earns 3 points

Total Points: 6

McMahon: Keith Lee has moved on to the next round as David Finlay falls again here tonight and has been elimnated from the WCC.

Corino: David Finlay was able to put on a hell of a fight though.

McMahon: Hell of a fight? He loss twice.

Gable: He does have a bright future Shane. Coming up next Block B can David Starr punch in his ticket to the next round?

Match 7: Loredo Kid vs. David Starr

Beginning Of Match: At the start of this Starr is quick on the offense he comes in with a double leg takedown and transitions it to a sharpshooter at 0:30 seconds into the match. Kid is seen trying to scratch and claw his way to the ropes. Kid gets to the ropes using his legs to send Starr to the outside. His back hurt he still tries a top rope crossbody move but, Starr catches him and with a suplex throw sends Kid into the hardest part of the apron.

Middle Of Match: We pick up at about the 5:40 mark with Starr in control right now working the ground game to keep Kid from flying around picking the pace up. Starr is on the back of Kid trying to get a rear naked choke in. He though can't and Kid reverses back to the standing postion and starts to pick up the pace hitting a few dropkicks before connecting with a pele kick as he comes off the ropes. However Starr catches the leg and connects with a german suplex at the 7:35 mark

End Of Match: Starr steadily in control takes Kid into the corner and then places Kid on the top turnbuckle he goes to climb but, Kid kicks Starr down to the mat. Kid goes for another crossbbody but, Starr catches him rolling through it and he somehow manages to turn it into the Rings Of Saturn! Kid tries to get to the ropes but, he has to tap out.

David Starr by Submission 9:15

David Starr earns 3 points

Total Points: 6

McMahon: Incredible match here tonight. David Starr with a tap out victory moves on.

Gable: What a crazy counter into the Rings Of Saturn.

Corino: David Starr has been on his A Game tonight he does get a good rest now as we move onto the Main Event.

Gable: Matt Riddle vs. Dave Mastiff.

McMahon: Can Riddle overcome the Loss he took from WALTER earlier tonight or will Mastiff get the W.

Corino: It's a must win for both men. The loser is sent home the winner still has a chance.

Gable: You know Mastiff is still livid about the loss he took earlier.

Match 8: Matt Riddle vs. Dave Mastiff

Beginning Of Match: The Start sees Mastiff rock Riddle with a right hand and then a body slam. He follows it up with a big splash and a cover attempt at 0:45 into the match. Mastiff throws Riddle around and Riddle just seems to not be focused.

Middle Of Match: Mastiff is in full control as of right now hes on the outside of the ring hitting a suplex into the barrcide. We are now 3:30 mark with Mastiff throwing Riddle back in the ring at the ref count of 6. Mastiff rolls back in sending Riddle into the corner and connecting with a splash. Riddle drops to the ground in the seated postion and is followed up by a canonball senton at 4:15 mark. Mastiff thinks about climbing for a Vader Bomb remembering what happen last time he thinks better of of it instead grabbing Riddle by the back of his head and hitting a Biel Throw.

End Of Match: 5:20 into the match now and Mastiff is locking in a full nelson in the middle of the ring. Mastiff cranking the neck back and forth as the now almost out Riddle is fading quick. Riddle though manage to break it dropping to his back and using both his feet to connect with the jaw of Mastiff at 6:10 mark. Riddle though just as quick connects with Final Flash (Bicycle Knee Strike) and Mastiff is out Riddle falls into the cover and this one is over!

Matt Riddle by Pinfall at 6:45

Matt Riddle earns 3 points

Total Points: 3

Corino: Riddle keeps his hopes alive here tonight with a good victory which means the next Block A match he faces is against Austin Theory the winner moves on the loser goes home.

Gable: Such a shame to see one of those two go home.

McMahon: WCC Night One has been a success we will see you guys tomorrow night where Block C and D will be in action.


Block A Standings

Walter 6 pts( 2-0)
Austin Theory 3 pts ( 1-1)
Matt Riddle 3 pts (1-1)
Dave Mastiff 0 pts (0-2)

Block A Matches Left

Walter vs. Dave Mastiff
Matt Riddle vs. Austin Theory

Block B Standings

David Starr 6 pts (2-0)
Keith Lee 6 pts (2-0)

David Finlay 0 pts (0-2)
Loredo Kid 0 pts (0-2)

Block B Matches Left

David Starr vs. Keith Lee
David Finlay vs. Loredo Kid


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Live From Full Sail

August 11th, 2018


We open up NXT with the fallout of Takeover with Manhattan Project exposing themselves and with Regal beaten and bloody in the middle of the ring. The video fades as Triple H's music hits and we see The Game walk out. He is seen to be visibly upset as he grabs a microphone to speak. He almost has a tears in his eyes as his voice trembles but he gains composure.

Triple H: Last night... NXT Takeover Pittsburgh we saw the most heinous the most vile and the most sick attack I have ever seen after a brutal Wargames match. That is what I feared would happen nothing against William Regal or any of the other men on his team but, The Manhattan Project did exactly what they said. William Regal is being looked at by medical staff back home in England. That being said, I am a man of my word... and for both the safety and well being of both William Regal and NXT's future its with a heavy heart that I Triple H have relived William Regal of his duties as NXT General Manager in effect right now.

Loud boos echo the arena. Triple H holds his head down as we see him go to leave the ring only for the lights to go out and the screen go on. There is more video of the attack on Regal after WarGames followed by the unmasking of all four members who now are holding their mask in their hands staring directly into the camera.

Jimmy Havoc, Sami Callihan, Killer Kross, Marty Scrull

Killer Kross: Now... Now Hunter do not be sadden. Tears do not need to be shed. We did exactly like we said we were and we made William pay for his sins. He took the four of us set us on a collision course with fate and now his final hour has come to an end in NXT. You did the right thing. William Regal was a cancer to the NXT Universe from its roster to its fans down to you Hunter. You saw all the chaos all the negligence that Regal allowed under his reign as General Manager.

Sami Callihan: Yeah, Hey Hunter you remember me yea, maybe not I am a little different now. Kross is right you allowed William Regal to almost destroy everything that you have built Hunter so really in a way you should be thanking us.

Jimmy Havoc: You really should be and like I said before death doesn't have to be grim Hunter death is a rebirth and you got another chance a second life. Don't mess this up. Don't lie to yourself Hunter in a way you are relived. You know it you saw it long time ago and we just give you the excuse to do what you always wanted.

Marty Scrull: Takeover we ended William Regal's story. Hunter everything they are saying is right. You know exactly whether you wanna admit it to everyone or not. You finally were given keys to the your own castle to shape it in your eyes to right the wrongs you yourself committed for all those years of holding people down. That is what NXT is for you to try and write the wrongs. You may think your this tough muscular big guy but the truth is you are insecure , a coward who is using NXT so that everyone forgets every wicked thing you did. You like to play games Hunter, We got a game for you because our work is far from done. We can play a few games ourselves. Wanna play?

The screen goes dark and lights turn back on as Triple H looks on with disgust. He shakes it off as he goes up the ramp.


Corino: Well folks welcome to NXT and if you missed it, Well we got some somber news... NXT GM William Regal has been relived of his duties.

Ranello: It may not be the most popluar of moves by Triple H but, he stated that this is the best move going on for both Regal and NXT.

McGuiness: He really wasn't left a choice after that onslaught that occured at Takeover.

Corino: Those sick thugs... That are The Manhattan Project told Triple H that they are not done and that they should be thanked by Triple H for giving him the reason to fire William Regal.

Ranello: Jimmy Havoc, Sami Callihan, Killer Kross, Marty Scrull those four men names will live in NXT infamy after the destruction that they have caused to the foundation of NXT.

McGuiness: Moving on to other news and that of a good one for the fans and us tonight. NXT Championship is on the line. Tommaso Ciampa defends against Johnny Gargano in the Main Event.


Match 1

Bianca Belair vs. Aliyah

End Of Match: This has been a one sided affair as a very angry Belair is in full control. We can see Belair has bruises around her neck from the ending of her Takeover match.

She grabs Aliyah puts her over her head and we hear Aliyah screaming put me down. Belair smirks and says "Ya probably should of said something else" as she dumps her to the outside.

Belair grabs her hair and begins to whip Aliyah over and over as you see cuts form on her back. She then whips her face with her hair as she falls to the floor. Belair tosses her back in the ring and then connects with a KOD. She hooks the leg and this one is over.


Bianca Belair

Belair walks off and she screams I am coming for that championship Shayna as we go to the back where Percy Watson is standing by with NXT Tag Team Champions Shattered Dreams.

Percy Watson: Goldust... Velveteen Dream you are a little less then 3 days removed from going to war inside Wargames against The Manhattan Project who got their wish and defeated William Regal, Shinsuke Nakamura and you both at Takeover. Now Shinsuke Nakamura stated on Twitter that he will not be putting his career in anymore danger electing to go back to Smackdown.

You two however remain here on NXT and later tonight will find out who you will be facing next week to defend your NXT Tag Team Championship. The question is how do you go from what you went through and get focused to defend those titles?

Dream goes to speak but, Goldust talks first.

Goldust: Look last night was one of the most brutal battles of my career and of Dreams and we did what we thought was right and we backed William Regal now things didn't go our way and we lost. There's nothing we can do about it the past is the past you can't change it and we are looking forward to the present and the future.

We are hurt we are bruised, broken we are sore but, we knew what came with winning these NXT Tag Team Championship's. We are a target and we gotta get focused get ready to defend these belts. So we are gonna be watching tonight and we aren't no paper champions we are the best tag team in NXT Goldust and Velveteen Dream.

Percy Watson thanks them as they look on and we go back to the ring.

Match 2

Buddy Murphy vs. Tye Dillinger

End Of Match: Murphy right now is in control as Dillinger is sent into the corner. Murphy with a corner dropkick he then quickly lifts up Tye and then send him back down to the mat with a X Mark (Suplex throw to back). Murphy then connects with a few seated forearms before looking for a neckbreaker.

Dillinger is able to reverse hitting a full nelson slam and then connecting with a snapmare running big boot that drives Murphy back into the mat. Murphy is covered but he gets his shoulder up at two.

Murphy is back up and Dillinger sends him into the ropes he goes underneath a attack by Dillinger and is hit by a lariet that turns him inside out. Murphy tosses him to the outside runs and leaps over the top rope with a senton splash.

Murphy tosses him back in the ring and hits a leaping knee strike that rocks Dillinger he goes for Murphy's Law but, Dillinger reverses it and connects with a superkick no its caught by Murphy wait Tye brings it back and the connects with one.

Murphy is sent back Tye turns him around going for the Perfect Break!


Murphy with a back elbow stuns Dillinger and he connects with Murphy's Law!


Buddy Murphy

Murphy rolls Dillinger out of the ring as he demands the official rise his hand. Dillinger looks defeated on the ground his hand in his hands. He smack the mat as Murphy leaves. Tye is holding his head down as he walks towards the back when Joey Janela appears on the tron.

Joey Janela is seen in a black leather jacket hes smoking a cig as he flops on a couch. He places his feet up on the table and he drops his shades halfway.

Joey Janela: Seems to me you are far from perfect. We haven't been introduce properly at least while you are awake. I am Joey Janela and I am a bad bad boy. NXT Takeover I made my debut in NXT as it's newest signee. Ever since they my social media been on fire its been hot people are asking me the same question. It's not how does it feel to be NXT or congrats on getting to NXT or Joey your hard work has finally paid off its just one question Why Joey Why?

The answer is simple I am the bad boy I do what I want when I want.

Tye Dillinger grabs a mic begins to speak.

Tye Dillinger: Joey shut your mouth. I don't care why you attacked me but, I knw why you did. I call myself "Perfect Ten" and the past couple months since I came too NXT the truth is I have been far from it. You know this, these people know this I know it. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it I just haven't been at the level that I hold myself and you are right. I have been far from perfect. You attacked me cause you thought I was an easy target you thought that I didnt have wat it takes and that you would make your name in NXT at my expense. You are a coward.

Joey Janela: You are a loser! You couldn't make it on Smackdown. You say you came back but the fact of the matter is you came here because you didnt wanna be a stay at home husband living off the checks his wife made. Don't think you got me all figured out Tye you got some nerve calling me a coward.

I am a star in the making you are a falling star crashing to orbit and the numbers don't lie and by the look of it I don't see a perfect ten.

I see a zero.

NXT Takeover Pittsburgh my debut was one word it wasn't perfect it was IIconic.

Dillinger looks up at the screen with a anger in his eyes Joey sits back down smoking a cig as it cuts out.


Triple H is seen talking on the phone when a knock is heard on the door. Triple H ignores it as he seems to be talking about GM opening for NXT. Montel V. Porter walks in looks at Triple H with Montel's hand still on the door knob as he begins to speak. He enters the room with Mojo Rawley behind him. They are both in black suits and sunglasses. Montel starts speaking even though Triple H is still talking he stops for a second before Triple H notices that they aren't leaving.

Triple H tells the person on the phone he will have to call them back.

Triple H looks pissed as he hangs up.

Montel: Unacceptable Hunter... Unacceptable. My client was promised a match here tonight and we come here to find that he isn't on the card.

Triple H: Who the hell do you think you are barging into my office. I am not another wrestler in the locker room I am your boss. Next, I know William Regal promised you a match tonight last week but as you saw Mr. Regal is no longer in charge.

Now I will get him a match next week.

Triple H looks to go to make his phone call again but, Montel isn't pleased. He is shaking his head no.

Montel: With all due respect Hunter this is bull$***.

Montel: "MVP Of NXT" demands that he is given his time to shine. You wouldn't bench Brady in the Superbowl. You would not put the ball in the hands but anyone then Jordan with seconds left in the finals and ya damn sure will not be benching Mojo Rawley.

Triple H: Look I don't got time for this right now. I got more pressing matters at hand you don't want the match next week Fine you can sit on the bench. Mojo you should really look at getting better rep because he just is making things worse for you.

Mojo gets up pushing his chair back slamming it against a wall. He is standing staring down Triple H who gets up with a smirk that turns to anger.

Triple H: You don't really wanna test me tonight Mojo. Montel take your Gronk Groupie and get the hell out of my office. If you aren't out of here you will see a side of me you really don't wanna see.

Mojo doesn't move looking face to face with HHH. Montel gets in the middle telling Mojo to go as they leave.


Match 3

#1 Contender's Match For NXT Tag Team Championship

The Last Real Men vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Birch vs. Mike Kanellis & Kyle O'Reilly (TUE) vs. War Raiders

End Of Match: A chaotic match that has saw multiple blind tags and a number of nasty looking moves. We pick up with Silas Young and Hanson fighting one another. Hanson with a few strikes sends Young into the ropes where Mike Kanellis makes the blind tag and connects with a chop block to leg of Hanson who falls to one knee. Mike connects with a facebuster and then tries for a count but, only gets a two.

Hanson gets back up sending Mike into Raiders corner connecting with a splash and then Rowe leaps off the top with a clothesline. Mike falls to the mat as Rowe quickly begins to crank the neck of Mike. Rowe grabs Mike by his head lifting him up with a thunderous body slam then back to the mat. Mike rolls torwards the corner where Oney Lorcan tags in.

Oney gets ready to fight Rowe when Cutler smacks the back of Oney tagging himself in.

Cutler is sizing up Rowe screaming at him that this is what real men look like and shoves Rowe's face. Rowe answers back connecting with a uppercut. He then hits a huge spinning powerbomb and tags in Hanson who hits a big splash. Hanson goes for the cover only to see Young break it up.

The match starts to break down as all four teams are in the ring.

Though we quickly see Young drag Cutler out of the ring and we see them watching from the outside.

Meanwhile in the ring we see Oney & Kyle fighting with one another and Danny Birch & Mike working together trying to take out Rowe.

Hanson comes to the aid of his partner connecting with a double suplex and then taking out the other two with lariats.

Oney is back up rocking Hanson with some European Uppercuts as the big men is sent back to the corner Oney with another as Rowe grabs Oney from behind sending him crashing to the mat with a German Suplex.

O'Reilly and Kanellis back in and connect with Total Elimination (High Low) as Hanson turns with a shotgun dropkick taking both men down. Birch is back up and hits a number or forearm shots before clinching Hanson and connecting with some knees. Birch tries for back suplex unable to get the big man up Hanson turns and connects with a body slam.

He then goes to pick him up as Young & Cutler from behind begin to attack the big man taking him down with chop blocks and then both drive him to the mat with a DDT.

Oney Lorcan & Danny Birch are back up and are right behind Last Real Men they begin trade shots with one another until a thumb to the eye by Silas gives Real Men the advantage. Silas Young hit's Misery (TKO) on Oney Lorcan as Silas turns into a Thor's Hammer from Hanson & Rowe.

Birch is then met with Thor's Hammer and here comes The Undisputed Era looking to attack them from behind but, they are both met with wicked powerbombs as War Raiders look to set up a double fallout as Hanson climbs to the top rope. Silas Young is back up sending Hanson crashing to the mat from the top as Rowe drops the Era member's He grabs Silas by the back of the head and pulls him into the ring.

Cutler is back in clubbing the back of Rowe which gives Young enough time to set up a piledriver as Cutler climbs to the second rope and leaps off and hits a Spike Piledriver. Cutler with the cover and this one is over.


The Last Real Men

Silas Young & Steve Cutler both have their arms raised in victory a huge win for the duo as they along with Lacey Evans mock the crowd they all grin.

Corino: Well it looks like next weeks Main Event is set. The Last Real Men will get a shot at the NXT Tag Team Championship vs. Shattered Dreams.

Ranello: Two different styles both in and out of the ring,

McGuiness: My money is on new champions. Shattered Dreams are still hurt.


Drew McIntyre is seen backstage with Aichner & Barthel by his side he has his newly won championship on his shoulder as he looks towards the camera.

McIntyre: Take a damn good luck into the future of professional wrestling because you now see the future is Drew McIntyre the future is Sovereignty we know will lead NXT... No we now lead the entire WWE into its Next Generation as the reign of that overrated garbage Roderick Strong has ended.

Roderick Strong liked to handout title after title shot see that's not how it will work now you want a title shot you got to prove to me that you're worthy of one. You want a shot at the title you got to beat these two men. So next week if anyone thinks they are worthy come down and prove it to the "King Of The NXT Gen" Drew McIntyre.


Pete Dunne appears on the screen having just walked out of Triple H's office he looks at Percy Watson who tries and get a word from the "Bruiserweight"

Percy Watson: After the victory against Kassius Ohno at NXT Takeover Pittsburgh what is next for Pete Dunne and the UK Championship?
Pete Dunne: I came to NXT to show the wrestling world how good European Wrestling really is. Now I got lost along the way and got distracted but make no mistake my goal is still to show the world how good I am.

I am the very best wrestler in the world and my UK Championship proves it there is no one that has been able to stop me since I defeated Tyler Bate over a year ago.

Now I was in there talking to Triple H because I got my eye on someone I want to defend this championship against and I will be going on there to the ring next week to throw a challenge out for NXT Takeover Los Angeles.

Percy Watson watches as Dunne walks off.


Corino: Interesting words from Dunne and I wonder who he will be defending the championship against.

McGuiness: In other news, Kairi Sane is officially a member of Team Blue debuting this week saving Bayley from an attack from Asuka. It looks like she will be facing her at the ppv as two of the very best women wrestlers NXT produced face off.

Ranello: It is sad to see her go but, I wish nothing but the best for her. Well coming up next is our Main Event as NXT Championship is on the line!

Tommaso Ciampa is now shown on the screen in a pre tapped promo.

Ciampa: Johnny how many times do you get handed a NXT Championship Match? How many times do I got to beat you for you to understand that you will never get the thing that means to you most .

Ciampa shows the title on his shoulder.

Ciampa: You are obsessed Johnny move on you should know that the title has found a better man. Go home to your second place prize your wife before you lose that too Johnny. I told everyone all along that Johnny Gargano only cared about Johnny Gargano. They say I am the evil man.

I am a good man I am a man who tells no lies speaks the truths even if they are ugly. If Johnny give a damn about his wife, about his marriage he be at his home with his so called love of his life and making sure she was ok. Instead he on the other side of the country.

What does that tell you?

So Johnny I know we aren't friends anymore but, I am going to save your marriage when I beat you once again the middle of that ring and you will lay out cold and can go back home in pieces back to your wife.


Main Event

NXT Championship Match

Tommaso Ciampa (c) vs. Johnny Gargano

End Of Match: We pick up with Gargano setting up Ciampa on the top turnbuckle and we see that both men look beat up and tired. They both have gone into wars with each other twice now in the past week. Gargano with a few chops to the chest of Tommaso climbs up the turnbuckle and looks for a superplex he starts to slip as Ciampa fights him off and Ciampa sends him down to the mat face first.

Ciampa quickly hops down and connects with a soccer kick to the ribs of Gargano. He seems to be enjoying himself as he does it again and Gargano rolls to the outside. Ciampa rolls to the outside sending Gargano back fiirst into the side of the ring. He then gets a sick smile as he grabs Gargano y the neck and sending him into the steel steps.

Ciampa rolls into the ring ready to take a count out victory as Gargano just gets in at nine but is quickly getting stomped away at by Ciampa. Ciampa sends Gargano into the ropes and connects with a knee lift. He grabs Gargano by the head looking to do some more damage but, Gargano reverses it sending him into the second turnbuckle in the corner.

Gargano follows it up with a lawn dart into the turnbuckle and then with a knee strike to the back of Ciampa's head as he goes for a cover but Ciampa gets his shoulder up at two. Gargano begins to kick the gut of Ciampa just like Tommaso did to Johnny earlier and then with a series of close fist punches to the back of Ciampa's head as he tries to slide out of the ring.

Gargano uses his knee to choke out Ciampa on the bottom rope. The official is counting to 5 as Johnny finally lets go. Official tells Gargano to keep himself in check as Gargano begins to try a deadlift german to Ciampa who is desperately trying to grab onto anything.

Gargano connects with it and bridges going for another cover.



Ciampa again with his shoulder up. Gargano then lifts up Ciampa going for a dragon suplex. Ciampa though locks his leg in between Gargano's and connects with a elbow to the side of his head.

Ciampa with a bicycle knee strike and then another before following it up with a spike ddt as Gargano drops head first and Ciampa with the cover.




Gargano is able to get his shoulder up. Gargano is then met by Ciampa who grabs Gargano's arms and proceeds to bounce his head of the mat with stomps to the back of his head. Sick bouncing of the skull and mat is heard. Ciampa stops. He slides across the ring his eyes never leaving the view of Gargano as he has a huge smile on his face. Gargano is slowly trying to use the ropes to get to even just his hands and knees as Ciampa looks for a knee strike to the dome with his brace. Johnny moves at the very last moment going for a school boy into the turnbuckle. Gargano following it up with a listo kick.

Johnny awaits for Ciampa to get on his knees grabbing him by the beard and then telling him this is for Cadance you sick son of a b**** Gargano goes for a superkick he connects with it and he goes for the cover.





Ciampa gets his foot under the rope. Gargano is yelling come on as he is quickly turn into a crucifix pin attempt but, Gargano rolls through turning it into a Gar-Ga-No Escape submission cranking as hard as he can back. Ciampa looks like he's about to tap. The official is by the ropes as Gargano is cranking and pulling Tommaso taps!

What the hell though!

Someone has just pulled the official out of the ring.

Its Montel V. Porter!

Back in the ring Gargano is back up thinking he just won the title when Mojo Rawley out of nowhere with a wicked pounce!

Mojo rolls out of the ring and exits through the crowd as Montel is told by the offcial to get out of here.

Montel backs up as Tommaso slithers into the cover.





Still NXT Champion

Tommaso Ciampa!

You can tell he knows he shouldn't be champion but, when it dawns on him he grabs his championship clinching it to his chest. Tommaso holds his head as he gets to the ramp where a out cold Gargano lays we end NXT with Tommaso limping his way to the back.


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Live From Full Sail

August 18th, 2018


We open up NXT with Triple H walking in the parking lot of Full Sail University as producers rush to him.

Producer 1: Hunter we got a problem.

Triple H: What is it?

Producer 1: You gonna have to take a look.

Triple H looks on worried as he is taken to the arena as we open up the show.

McGuiness: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to NXT. I am Nigel McGuiness and I am here with Mauro Ranello and we got some action for you here tonight.
Ranello: You are correct Nigel with Steve working on WCC we are here tonight with a Huge Main Event NXT Tag Team Titles are on the line Nigel The Last Real Men vs. Shattered Dreams.

McGuiness: That isn't all Pete Dunne is in action.
Ranello: We also know that Kenny King on twitter accepted the Sovernighty challange.

McGuiness: Plus we have footage from eariler today that we will be showing later tonight.

Match 1:

Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner vs. Kenny King

End Of Match: The numbers game seems to be too much as Sovereignty are in full control frequently tags in and out keep them fresh as the work the leg of King. Barthel tags in Aichner as he locks in a heel hook Aichner stomps down on the back of his knee.

Aichner now in control hitting a stalling suplex and then connecting with a big boot to a seated King. Aichner is hounded instructions on the outside from Drew McIntyre who tells his to go back to the leg. Aichner does stomping away at it as McIntyre looks on with a huge smile on his face.

Aichner grabs King's leg and then drops it down back on the mat with full force with a kneebreaker. Aichner applies a single leg boston crab and it looks like King is about to tap when Aichner lets go. McIntyre has screamed on the outside for Aichner to go on with more punishment as he tells him to tag in Marcel .

Marcel is tagged in and begins to lock in a heel hook he uses his elbow on the back of King's leg as McIntyre look on.

Marcel with a series of more moves to damage the leg of King until he tags in Aichner and he hits a Brainbuster onto his knee and then a Brock Lock and King taps out.


Aichner & Barthel

McIntyre after the match is in the ring he begins to attack King stated he is not worthy. He demands that they get him up and looks for a Claymore. He connects with it but, McIntyre is seen limping afterwards there is a few moments of him saying something no one can here and here him say Carry your King away. Barthel & Aichner carry him away as we go to break.


Shayna Baszler is shown in the ring she is holding her championship on her shoulder.
Shayna Baszler: NXT Takeover I proved I am the most dominates champion in NXT I am "The Baddest Women On The Planet" no one has been able to stop me.

Bianca Belair music hits and out she walks with a purpose to the ring. She is face to face with the champion.

Shayna Baszler: Whoa, Stop right there. What you coming out here to say you can beat me you just need one more shot. One more match I can beat you. Let me stop you right there I beat you I took your undefeated streak so it seems to me you are in the back of the line.

Bianca Belair: You are right, you took my streak. I am gonna take your championship.

Shayna laughs at her.

Shayna Baszler: Take a damn good look at this championship Bianca this is as close as you are ever going to get to it again. Nothing is changing my mind like I said you don't deserve a shot you never did in the first place.

Bianca Belair looks down at the mat for a second before looking at the face of Baszler.

Bianca Belair: What if I put something on the line?

Shayna Baszler looks confused.

Shayna Baszler: I took your streak what else can you have that I want.

Bianca Belair: My hair.

Baszler looks shocked.

Shayna Baszler: Your hair?

Bianca Belair: Yeah, my hair people think without this I am nothing maybe I am. You want me to go away you wanna take everything from me? I will give you that chance. Put the title on the line at NXT Takeover Los Angeles and I will put my hair on the line.

Baszler smiles before getting in Bianca's face.
Shayna Baszler: Fine you are on.

Baszler rolls out of the ring title held high as we go to break.


Match 2

Street Profits vs. Riddick Moss & Wesley Blake

End Of Match: Dawkins is in control sending Blake into the corner and hitting a stinger splash he then follows it up with a release belly to belly suplex and is pumping himself up sending Blake into the corner and then charging into Blake with a spear.

Ford tags himself and quickly with a few chops and then hitting a backbreaker. He hits a jumping cutter and then goes for a cover. Moss comes in breaking up the hold and is met with another wicked spear by Dawkins.

Dawkins then grabs Blake hits a Sky High and Ford hops on the top rope and flies off with a beautiful frog splash.

Ford covers and this one is over.


Street Profits

Ranello: The Street Profits are looking for a new start in the tag team division.

McGuiness: A few more wins like this they will be up in the rankings soon enough.


Backstage where we see The Last Real Men getting ready for their tag team title match.

Silas Young: Watson why don't you go search for Sherlock we can take it from here. Shattered Dreams tonight you find our the difference between boys and men when you step in the ring with us.

Steve Cutler: We are the last of a dying breed. We are the very last real men in pro wrestling hell we are the very last real men in the world. You see you take a look at us and you take at look at Velveteen Dream & Goldust and you can see the difference you can see which two of us scratched and clawed our way to with hard work with blisters on our fingers and those handed silver platters.

Lacey Evans: Take a hard look at those boys, my last real men because those two are the furthest thing from men you will ever see. Velveteen Dream you like to say for people to experience you it seems to me that the only experience you have is looking up to the ceiling when that spotlight is on you. You are just some generic knockoff your partner was many years ago because he couldn't just kick it in the ring even with his family's name running through his blood.

Silas Young: It is prob a good thing Dusty is dead so he doesn't
have to be embarrsed by you anymore Dustin. So while you two are getting your make up on and doing your hair The Real Men will be getting ready for our match.

The Last Real Men are shown then getting ready as we go to break.


Match 3

Pete Dunne vs. Shelton Benjamin

End Of Match: A good back and forth we pick up with Dunne in the corner as Benjamin charges in Dunne moves out of the way while Benjamin hops on the turnbuckle and comes back with a crossbody but, Dunne catches him with a dropkick and we see that Benjamin is clinching his ribs. Dunne goes on the offensive now locking in a abdominal stretch and grinding his elbow in the ribs of Benjamin.

Dunne tries for a Bitter End but, Benjamin fight out of it landing on his feet he clinches his ribs again as Dunne dropkicks the knee. Dunne then with a bow & arrow submission cranking back as the official ask if Benjamin wants to tap. Benjamin doesn't refusing to give up as Dunne lets go of the hold.

Benjamin rolls to the outside and we see Dunne go in the ropes going to grab him but, the veteran Benjamin uses the ropes and connects with a stunner like move on the second rope to Dunne.

Benjamin hops on the apron still favoring his ribs but, he connects with a springboard clothesline. He then hits a german suplex and then another... he goes for one more but, Dunne with a back elbow to the head and then to the ribs.

Dunne gets out this time and hits an X- Plex. Dunne follows it up with a number of knee drops to the ribs before grabbing Benjamin and connecting with Bitter End.


Pete Dunne

Pete Dunne is in the ring holding the championship and he grabs a microphone but as soon as he goes to speak the lights go out and when they pop on...

Aleister Black is sitting in the ring behind Dunne to a huge pop from the crowd. Dunne turns around sits down clinches the title by his teeth and poses to Black who stares right back at him.


Shattered Dreams is backstage getting ready and Watson ask them about the match.
Goldust: What kind of another men would say something about someone who passed away. My father and I we never saw eye to eye but, he respected the decisions I made in my career and that's why almost 20 years later here I stand go figure.

I seen guys, like Silas Young & Steve Cutler think that because of the way I look the way I talk the things I do that I can't go in that ring. They are wrong. I didn't get to where I am today because I couldn't go in the ring. I can. So you "men" think you can take this gold from us you are wrong. I am so fired up. Whoa! Dream let's go.

Dream goes to speak as Goldust walks off.

Ranello: Seems to me that Shattered Dreams are ready and will not be bullied here tonight by the likes of The Last Real Men Nigel.

McGuiness: You cant take anyone lightly in NXT if The Last Real Men do that tonight you can bet that they won't be walking out champions.

Mojo Rawley & Montel V. Porter explain their actions next week on NXT.


Main Event
NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Shattered Dreams (c) vs. The Last Real Men w/Lacey Evans

End Of Match: This match has been a good bout with Lacey Evans though being a difference maker it seems any tine Shattered Dreams gets the adventage they turn it and she is the difference.

Dream & Young right now are trading shots with each man getting the crowd's opinion on one another as they do it. Dream with a nasty forearm shot rocks back Young and he then hits a Final Cut and goes for a cover with Lacey getting Young's foot on the rope.

Dream is seen mouthing off to Lacey Evans and doesn't see Cutler with a knee to the back of his head. The official tries to get some order as Young with a low blow to Dream and then hitting a atomic drop.

Young slows down the match a bit using a headlock takedown and a few pin attempts with it but not getting any serious close three counts.

Young then begins to use his knee and drive it into the spine of Dream while in a chinlock. Young transitions this into a crossface attempt as Dream tries to get to the ropes.

Dream is crawling towards the ropes and gets to it but, Silas refuses to let go as the official gets to the 5 count he lets go but then gets in the face screaming at the official which gives Evans enough time to hit a Women's Right (Right Hook) to Dream.

Young goes for the cover but, Dream kicks out at two and three quarters. Young grabs Dream by his head and begins to send him into the corner looking to bounce his skull off the turnbuckle.

Dream though catches his foot on the top stopping him briefly and then elbowing Cutler who trues for a sneak attack. Dream with an elbow to Young & then connects with a Dream Valley Driver and falls to the mat.

Dream is trying to get to the rope to tag in his partner and he finally does hot tag to Goldust and Young tags in Cutler.

Here Comes Goldust!

Goldust with a series of clotheslines and then hits a ddt. He grabs Cutler and drops to the ground then hitting a right. He follows it up with a powerslam and goes for the cover.


Young breaks it up and madness breaks out both teams are fighting one another as Lacey Evans is seen going under the ring on the outside.

Young is sent to the outside by Evans as Goldust & Dream are beating away at Cutler in the middle of the ring. Goldust sends Cutler into the corner and Bronco Buster! The crowd cheers on their feet as he is sent into Dream with a big boot. Goldust goes back to the apron as Cutler is sent over the top rope in the ring.

Dream is looking for Young as Evans hops on the apron distracting the official.

Young from behind with a steel pipe looks to strike Dream. Goldust jumps in the way sending Young into the official who takes out Evans!

Dream & Goldust see Cutler who looks for a move but, Goldust ducks under and he connects with Final Cut. Dream to the top rope Purple Rainmaker! He covers Cutler but, there is no official finally a second official runs down counts the cover but, only gets a two.

Goldust tags in as Dream rolls to the outside. Cutler with a strike to the throat and then sends Goldust into the corner. Cutler tags in Young who is up!

They hit the Spike Piledriver!





New NXT Tag Team Champions

The Last Real Men

Silas Young & Steve Cutler kick Goldust out of the ring as Dream looks on shocked on the outside.

Lacey Evans is back up grabbing the titles and placing it on the waist of the new champions. The crowd boos heavily as they make their way to the back.

Ranello: We got new champions though this wasn't something fair here tonight Lacey Evans as much a reason they won then anyone.

McGuiness: The Last Real Men are the champions though Mauro and that is what matters at the end of the day. Up next though we have some footage from eairler today involving COO Triple H.


Meanwhile inside Triple H's office there is footage from earlier today.

Triple H is backstage with a few producers.

Triple H: What is going on?

Producer: Shawn is missing....

Triple H: What do you mean Shawn is missing?

We got this footage and Hunter it's graphic.

Triple H: Play it!

We see them play the footage of a secuirty camera and we see Shawn Michaels arriving at the arena in the parking lot when all of a sudden he is hit by a car. He bounces off the windshield and we see that drivers come out and that it is Manhattan Project and they begin to stomp away at Michaels and then Kross is seen dragging Michaels back into the trunk and they drive off.

Triple H's face is red and you can see he has concern on his face.

Producer: There's more.

We now go to more footage where we see HBK visable injured his head down tied to a chair. He is in a room where a lightbulb hangs above. The Manhattan Project are seen around him as Shawn is woken up.

HBK: What the hell... you guys are making a huge mistake.

Jimmy Havoc: Kross you mind?

Kross grab the back of Shawn's head holding him still. Sami Callihan then hands a bag to Jimmy Havoc while Marty Scrull is behind the camera.
Jimmy Havoc looks at the camera and then to HBK.

Jimmy Havoc: We told you that William Regal was just the beginning and just because you fired him does not mean our job here is done. You see we all knew that Regal and his sins that he commited were not his alone. You see Regal was just the messenger of you Triple H. You think that creating NXT absolves you of all your sins? It doesn't it just means you are just trying to hide it.

Like a mask...

Havoc pulls out a mask with Triple H's face on it and he staples it to the skull of HBK who screams in pain. Havoc does it again and again as HBK screams in more pain.

Havoc takes the camera and turns it to show Marty Scrull.

Scrull: We told you Hunter. This is only the beginning this game has just begun we are out here playing chess you are playing checkers. We are always one step ahead you.

All of a sudden we hear Triple H call HBK phone. We hear a ringing and they follow it to the outside where in the parking lot it is louder and louder they here it coming from the inside of a trunk of a car when Triple H' smashes a window open and pops the trunk but, when he gets to it there is just HBK's phone and Triple H stops calling it but a few moments later there is another call and we here. HBK voice.

HBK: Hunter Help Me!
The call ends as Triple H looks on screaming as we end the show.

End Show