OMB Makes An Impact

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Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Fun first show, good stuff, I look forward to seeing what you do with this.

Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
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Breaking News:
The following wrestlers have signed contracts with Impact Wrestling
The Colon's (Orlando & Eddie)
Salina De La Renta
Jacob Fatu
Killer Kelly
Kylie Rae
Lio Rush
Cody Hall
Zicky Dice
Tom Phillips
Chelsea Green

Bea Priestley
The Tate Boys (The Boys From ROH)
Ray Horus (Talent Trade w/ROH)
Shane Douglas (non wrestling role will manage the varsity blondes)
Davey Boy Smith Jr.
Matthew Silva (Buddy Murphy)
Joey Janela
Joey With A J (Joey Mercury)
Shaul Guerrero

plus a few more names
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Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Impact Wrestling

Episode 2


Before The Impact Pre Show:
The Bad Boyz (Janela & Swinger) defeated XXXL by pinfall (34)
Young Promo (57)
Bea Priestly w/ James Mitchell defeats Taylor Wilde (39)



The show opens up backstage as Josh Alexander is with Scott talking about last week and how he was honored to share the ring with a guy like Jon G. Scott would go on to talk about the forbidden door being open tonight as Minrou Suzuki is set to main event in a triple threat match against Joe Doering & Sami Callihan.


Alexander would go on until Bey would show up on the screen and tell him that Alexander is a joke as a champion and that if anyone deserves to be handed a shot at the X Division championship then it is Bey. He says that handing out title shots to guys they aren't on the roster is some bull****. Alexander says what is bull is what he pulled last week and says he's glad Bey is here cause he is owed a ass whopping. They start to fight as backstage personal break them up to open the show.


Match One:
Lio Rush vs. Petey Williams vs. TJP w/D-Lo Brown vs. Rich Swann w/Willie Mack




The match would be a fun back and forth however Rush picks up the victory after Maclin & WM attack Mack on the outside. Riot Act (WM & Maclin) would hold Mack's head against the ringpost and Morrissey would kick his head in. Swann would chase them. Rush wins with a Six Star Frog Splash on Williams.



Kenny Omega would be shown cutting a promo from AEW laughing off the threat of Storm as a challenge. He states that James is nothing but, an old cowboy that is looking to relive his glory days. Omega would then tell James that this story has been played out.

Callis says Kenny are we living in a Bill Murray movie? Is this groundhogs day because another cowboy tried the same thing and failed. He was a young bronco with fire in his eyes and storm is a old horse that is wanting this match because he wants to be taken out to pasture. Callis tells Storm this match he wants isn't a wrestling match it's a death sentence and they will not give him the satisfaction. Storm needs to let this go.


Match Two:
Matthew Silva vs. Madman Fulton w/Ace Austin


Silva wins following Matthew's Law. Ace was on commentary during the match and looked to go attack Silva mid match but, thought better of it.


Jacob Fatu is coming to Impact Wrestling next week and is set to face off against Fallah Baah.





Kylie Rae is seen walking out of Scott's Office. Rae then bumps into Fire N Flava and tells them sorry in a very kind way. Kylie waves hi to Kiera Hogan and the two of them start to bully poor Kylie telling her that she is back and mocking her making fun of her telling her she wasn't strong enough not to let the words get under her skin. They go on and on until you here someone off screen...

Hey you Bimbo Bitches....


ODB appears and tells them to leave Kylie alone. They turn to see her and back off a little. ODB goes by the way honey if you feel like you got some fire you might want to go to a doctor...

Kylie tells ODB Thank You and hugs her which ODB pushes her off. ODB says she's not much of a hugger and tells her to quit smiling because those two will be back. ODB walks off as Kylie stands there.


Match Three:
Moose w/Salina De La Renta vs. Matt Cardona


Moose destroys Cardona with three spears the match ends in stoppage after Cardona falls to the ground when Moose goes for a forth spear.



Jimmy Jacobs is backstage being interviewed by Charley Caruso she ask him what happen after Decay kidnapped him last week he says that they came to an understanding and that they maybe kindred spirits. Rosemary appears says The Hive is buzzing with a Princess in it's ranks. Steve says he maybe blind but, even he can see that anyone that tries to mess with them will Decay... Decay... Decay...


Match Four:
Decay (Jacobs & Steve) w/Rosemary & Havok vs. Desi Hit Squad (Rohit & Shera) w/Davari
Decay wins with a superkick into a running ddt combo. Davari seems pretty fed up with DHS already.




James Storm does a sit down interview talking about how Omega is disrespecting everything that he helped build here in Impact Wrestling he has been here since Day One and states that he loves this company and they deserve a champion that will fight for them. He tells Omega he thinks he's a old drunk cowboy looking for one last glory a horse past his prime putting him out to pasture no. He is a man that is going to whip Kenny ass and beat him like his daddy should of. He goes on and on talking down Kenny and says that he better which himself he says Kenny just give him some live rounds some Dynamite and you never know where the TNT may go off.


Match Five:
Brian Myers vs. Chris Sabin


Myers wins with a taste of pain cleanly. He would then get on a mic and tell Sabin do you hear the bells because class is in session The Myers Academy is open! Cody Hall & Zicky Dice debut and the three of them walk off.




Main Event:
Joe Doering w/VBD vs. Sami Callihan vs. Minoru Suzuki




The match itself would be a hard hitting affair with these three men beating the living hell out of each other. Joe Doering would get the W following VBD taking out both men with chair shots and then Doering hitting a powerbomb on Suzuki onto Sami for the three.

After the match VBD would go on to beat down Suzuki some more as Sami left. Sami would watch from the ramp until he says fuck it and goes down to make the save turning face in the process. The two stand tall with their eyes set on VBD.


Overall Show:


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Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Good show.

I do want to say, I personally rather not know when you sign people, so when they debut it can be a surprise (I don’t mean announcing someone during the show like Fatu for next week. I mean like the post where you listed a bunch of signings)

Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
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Impact Wrestling
One Night Only
Live On PPV


Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
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Breaking News!
One Night Only A new championship will be revealed.​

Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
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Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Impact Wrestling
Ep 3


The show opens with...


Sami Callihan somewhere backstage sitting on a barrel. He looks over to the camera with Minoru Suzeki by his side over his shoulder. Sami says first off let's get something straight he doesn't like Suzeki he thinks he is arrogant and brash. He finds him annoying but, he respects him. Sami says respect goes a long way with Sami he lives by that code. He states he respects Eric Young and his vision with VBD but, made a mistake by involving Sami. Callihan says that Scott D'Amore has announced that at One Night Only Sami Callihan & Minoru will be teaming up to face VBD for the tag titles inside Full Metal Mayhem. Minoru smiles. He says VBD will find out what true Violence really is. He says Scott though obliged in making a match to allow him to show a glimpse as Rhino will face Sami Callihan in a Hardcore Match in tonight's main event.


Match One:
Tenille Dashwood w/Kaleb With A K vs. Killer Kelly vs. ODB w/Kylie Rae vs. Jordaynne Grace w/Rachel Ellering




Match Result: Tenille Dashwood wins following a distraction by Tasha Steelz on ODB. After the match, Joey Mercury would debut as Joey With A J to be her new manager. He states that he is the a-list and that Tenille is a-alister then needs the right reps. The three would form The Influence.



Scott D'Amore announces the Impact 6 Man Championship and that a four-team tournament will be set following One Night Only.


Match Two:
Jacob Fatu vs. Fallah Baah w/Warhorse & Heath


Match Result: A pretty one-sided match Fatu wins with a Samona Drop followed by Top Rope Splash.



After the match, Davari would offer his managerial services and a spot in the Desi Hit Squad too. Fatu would accept his services but, says Desi Hit Squad have to prove their worth.


Match Three:
The Good Brothers w/Don Callis vs. Chavo & Hernadez w/Shaul Guerrero



Match Result: Good Bros win following a Magic Killer on Shawn H.



The Varisty Blondes are in the locker room when a whistle is heard.

Bill Alfonso arrived and says these boys need to toughen up and that he has just the man to help them enter The Franchise, Shane Douglas. Douglas laughs at the camera saying he is going to take these boys and shape them into men. He says they got a game plan before shoving the cameras away.




Ace Austin is with Madman Fulton is talking with Charley Curaso backstage. Charley asks Ace how does he feel going into his match with Matthew Silva at One Night Only. He says that this buddy here Matthew is a joke.


He says that he couldn't hang with Ace he lost man with no more bliss in his life. He states that he is the real ace here in impact he is the future and he is the hottest thing this company has going he flirts up to Charley. She says does ace has something up his sleeve with Madman Fulton in his corner at ONO and he states that no he won't be. He goes on to say the only ace Charley should be talking about is the ace up here tonight. Charley smiles but keeps it professional.


Match Four:
Moose w/Salina De La Renta vs. Willie Mack w/Rich Swann


Match Result:
Moose wins a wild brawl fight between the two. He would hit a powerbomb from the top and follow it up with a Spear. Maclin & W. Morrissey (Riot Act) were heard talking backstage and would talk down on Mack & Swann.



So we come back from break, and Kenny Omega is in the ring alone without one of his championships, The Impact World Title we get playback from AEW Dynamite where during a match with Jungle Boy it would seem James Storm would show up and steal the championship before running off.

He says that James Storm needs to come to the ring right now and deliver the championship. We get nothing until Storm shows up on the screen.


He is at some bar drinking a few shots as he throws his boots up on the table the camera pans back and his old boozer cruiser is seen to a pop followed by the championship on it. Storm would state that he will give Kenny the championship back at One Night Only when he hands it to him just to rip it away again and become Impact Champion.

He would throw more insults at Kenny till Omega goes when will he learn that he isn't on his level that he is just an old cowboy that doesn't know when to put up his boots. He states that Storm is an old bronco and that the young colt is just better than him. He then says he is better in the ring he is better than Storm ever was or will be. He says he is smarter than him too. He knew he was going to be at the bar. Storm would then be attacked by The Good Brothers from behind who take beer bottles and bust him open they drag him to the camera.

Kenny asks The Good Brothers if he can hear them they say yes and tells them to hold him up to look into the camera and listen. Omega states you want this match so bad you got it. He states this is his one and only chance at the championship he states you lose there are no second chances for Storm. He says hell maybe he won't ever show up at this 2nd rate company again.


Match Five:
Jonathon Gresham vs. Chris Bey


Match Result: Jon Gresham wins a long tough match bout 20 mins. Gresham is furious though following a botched move on his neck. Josh Alexander is on commentary where he announced that the winner would face him at One Night Only.


The Myers Acadamy is in session as Myers is seen lifting weights and doing promos with Cody Hall & Zicky Dice in 80's vintage montage.





Match Six:
W. Morrissey w/Maclin vs. Rich Swann w/Willie Mack



Match Result: W.M. wins in quick session almost under a min.


Deonna Purazzo is told by Scott that the next KO match is to see who faces her at ONO. Havok vs. Lee



Match Seven:
Havok w/Decay vs. Kimber Lee w/Susan


Match Result: Havok wins in dominating fashion.



Matthew Silva is backstage and says Ace Austin can underestimate him all he wants because he is walking into ONO a man with demons ready to be exiled and some anger problems he needs to let out. He punches through drywall and then smiles. See you at ONO.


Main Event
Hardcore Match
Sami Callihan w/Minoru Suzeki vs. Rhino w/VBD


Match Result: Callihan wins with a piledriver off the apron through a table. Rhino does not get up at all. After the match, VBD would try and attack as Minoru would headbutt Joe Doreing and Deaner would be eating a barbwire baseball bat to the skull. EY would fall back with Joe who was busted open to end the show. Deaner would be carried over Joe's shoulder as medics would attend to Rhino.


Overall Show:

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Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
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Impact Updates:
The injury with Rhyno is kayfabe and he will not be in the match at One Night Only.
Impact will be apparently bringing in Brian Zane as a backstage interviewer and possibly even a manager.
Shane Douglas & Tom Phillips are the commentary team for After The Impact though there are rumors that Tom will move up to main show once Heath has recovered from injury.
Impact has also recently signed two new superstars.
Also has been announced that One Night Only Joe Doring will be in tag title match but, his partner is unknown as of this writing.
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Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
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One Night Only Match Card

Main Event:
Impact World Championship
Kenny Omega (c) w/Don Callis vs. James Storm
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

X Divsion Championship
(If Bey interferes he will be fired)
Josh Alexander (c) vs. Jon Gresham
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

Ace Austin vs. Matthew Silva
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

Impact Tag Team Championship
Full Metal Mayhem
VBD(c) (Joe Doring & ???) vs. Minoru Suzeki & Sami Cahallian
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

Knockouts Championship
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Havok

Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

Knockout Tag Team Championship
Fire & Flava (c) (Hogan & Steele) vs. ODB & Kylie Rae
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

Moose vs. Matt Cardona
(Winner gets a future Impact Title shot)
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

6 man Impact Championship qualifier
The Myers Academy (Myers/Hall/Dice) vs. Chris Sabin, Petey Williams, TJP w/D-lo Brown
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

The Good Brothers vs. ???
(open challenge)
Pinfall/Submission/Count Out/DQ/KO/Draw

Bonus Questions:

1. Who will team with Joe Doring to face Suzeki & Sami?

2. Who will accept The Good Brothers open challenge?

3. Will there be any debuts if so who and how many?


Daddy Dom

Big D Energy
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Impact One Night Only PPV

The show opens up as Eric Young stands with an injured Deaner in a neck brace and Joe Doring holding the tag titles. Eric Young says that last week Rhino showed weakness and that the vision that VBD has set in motion does not involve weakness he states Rhino's weakness isn't the first time he has shown it. The man-beast is nothing more than a wounded animal that has lost its bite. He then states Rhino is out of VBD. Eric Young then introduces a man he states is more than capable of a violent future here in Impact we are then told that this person and Joe Doring will enter Full Metal Mayhem to defend the titles tonight. Davey Boy Smith Jr. debuts for Impact!


Davey Boy Smith Jr. states the history of him and Suzeki and states that his old mentor will find out what happens when the student surpasses the teacher.



Match One:
6 man championship qualifier
The Myers Academy (Myers/Hall/Dice) vs. Petey Williams, TJP w/D-Lo Brown & Chris Sabin

End Of Match: A good back and forth with all men putting it all on the line. We pick up with Myers and TJP fighting in the corner of Myers. He would send him up to the top rope and look for a superplex only to get caught by a nasty kick to the head.

TJP then fights off Dice and Hall and leaps from the top hitting a DDT he looked for the cover only to have Hall pull him out from the bottom rope and sending him into the guardrail.

Myers smiles in the ring like a proud father as Hall got the attack in. Williams & Sabin come in to fight with the two as all five men besides Myers are on the outside.

D-Lo tries to warn them as Myers flies from the top with a crossbody taking everyone out. Myers tosses him into the ring and looks for a spear on TJP who reverses it into a STF. Myers is panicking trying not to tap and get to the rope his eyes frantic. Hall would grab Myers pulling him to the ropes. Myers has the hold broken as Hall tags in.

Hall would hit a huge big boot on TJP then sends him into the corner however he does send him into the wrong corner and you can hear Myers scold him after as Sabin makes the blind tag unrecognized by Hall who has TJP up for Razor's Edge. TJP is saved by Sabin and the two of them dropkick the knees of Hall who drops.

Sabin then with a series of kicks to the chest he follows it up with a nasty enizguiri. Sabin goes for a pin only gets a two. Sabin then is calling for a superkick, he connects with it as Cody brushes it off and Sabin goes for another as Hall catches his foot Sabin whips around to get a dragon whip, and Hall is dazed.

Williams tags in and they try for a double suplex though they fail and Hall reverses it and all three men collide in the middle of the ring. Hall rolls to tag in Dice who takes Williams and whips in the corner of his team collide with a big splash. Dice with a series of punches before he goes for a suplex.

He is tagged by Myers and they collide with a double-team move. Myers goes for the pin only gets a two the match starts to fall apart with chaos breaking it but, Myers takes advantage hitting a wicked spear on Williams and getting the three.

The Myers Academy by pinfall



Kenny Omega is backstage with Don Callis and they talk about how this championship match is in the bag and that the white hat cowboy trying to ride off to the sunset is a cute story it is feel-good really but, this is reality and not storybook. They state that James Storm has always been known as a second rate Impact legend they start naming other Impact superstars of the past like AJ, Joe, Johnny Impact, Sting, and what not before ending it with the only thing that James should know is that at the end of the match.

Omega is walking out with the title and that storm will be set with the idea that he tried to beat Kenny and not only failed himself but, failed Impact and when they ask where the Impact World Championship is the only response you will hear Kenny say is sorry bout your damn luck.


Match Two:
Moose w/Salina De La Renta vs. Matt Cardona

End Of Match: The match is actually a huge squash match and Cardona tries to get the offense in but, he is speared time after time his ribs clearly injured he tries to stand but, can't the official call the bell for stoppage as Moose sets up another spear mid attempt he is drilled out of nowhere with a pounce by a debuting.....


MoJo who connects with a Pounce that sends Moose to the outside. Moose would wonder what the hell just hit him before you see him look up at MoJo who is jumping up and down telling Moose to step in the ring. Salina turns to Moose whispering something to him as he backs up.


Moose by Stoppage


Match Three:
Matthew Silva vs. Ace Austin

End Of Match: The back and forth match has stolen the show and we pick up with the match after Madman has been sent to the back after the ref thinks that he made an attack which he did a chokeslam onto the corner of the apron. Silva is holding his back in pain as Ace dives through the middle rope with a suicide senton.

Ace Austin tries to send Silva into the steps but, he jumps on it and then comes back with a tornado DDT. Silva sends Ace to the ring and climbs to the top rope.

Silva leaps off with a frog splash only getting a two count, Silva follows it up grabbing Ace's arms and bicycle knee strike that rocks him. He looks for a cover but, again Ace kicks out at two. Austin is dazed as Silva picks him up he is playing possum throwing him into the official.

Ace grabs that steel staff and tries to use it but, Silva with a superkick that sends it to the outside. Ace is down on his knees and Silva connects with a curb stomp. He tries to cover him but, Ace rolls to the outside. Austin gets to his feet slowly however, Silva with a swanton of his own over the top


Ace catches him into a DDT onto the ringside as the crowd goes fucking bonkers. Ace can't believe he caught it either however he takes a little longer to get Silva into the ring and when he finally does Silva kicks out at two. Ace slaps the mat pissed off he knows he had it and then calls for The Fold. Ace slides to the other side of the ring and connects with it...


Bicycle Knee Strike out of mid-air!

Silva then with Matthew's Law.


Matthew Silva by pinfall



Deonna Purazzo is backstage and says that Havok will lose tonight and hypes herself up for she is the virtuosa.



Match Four:
Impact Knockout's Tag Team Championship Match
Fire N Flava (Hogan & Steele) (c) vs. ODB & Kylie Rae

End Of Match: The fact that this is a new team vs a well-oiled machine team has been the story of this match as Tasha & Kiera have kept control of this match beating up on Rae in their corner. You can hear ODB try to help Rae with some advice on the outside but, it would seem they go on deaf ears as Rae is just not aggressive enough any sort of attack she gets she is taken advantage of right now.

Hogan slaps Kylie across the face with an open palm. Rae holds her face as Kiera goes for a forearm ducking under and clotheslining her. She then makes the hot tag and here comes ODB.

ODB with a press and then another and she is on fire. ODB goes for a piledriver on Hogan but, Tasha pulls her down and then hits a double superkick followed by a german suplex. Hogan gets only two though. ODB pretty much takes out of the match for a while as Kylie tries to tag in but, gets attacked on the outside and thrown into the steel steps. ODB later on in the match is taken out by an exposed turnbuckle and the tag champs have the three however Kylie breaks it up. Kylie then finally gets tag in and she goes on the attack a diving front dropkick to take both Fire N Flava members out before hitting a superkick she then does a double team move where Kylie hits a bridging german as ODB comes in from the top with a lou thesz press and they get the three.

New Impact KO Tag Team Champs
ODB & Kylie Rae by pinfall



Jon Gresham is backstage and says he looks forward to an honorable pure rules championship match tonight.



Match Five:
Good Brothers vs. The Fresh Princez (AR Fox & Trey)

End Of Match: A solid back and forth affair the match was until Doc Gallows would come in with a big boot on the one they call Trey. Trey would then eat a sidewalk slam followed by a far away slam by Gallows as he would tag in Anderson. They would go for the Magic Killer but, Fox would save him from it. Gallows though would toss Fox to the outside and later in the match would hit the boot of doom for a two count. Trey would try and mount a comeback only to be met with a serious clothesline but, there was nothing really more offense-wise to come from Trey who would lose following a Magic Killer.



MoJo is backstage checking up on his bro Cardona. He says that Moose likes to fight that he thinks he is going to bully Cardona. He tells Moose to pick on someone his own size and that he has his bro's back. He states that next week on Impact he challenges Moose to a match.



Match Six:
Pure Rules Match For The X-Division Championship
Josh Alexander (c) vs. Jon Gresham

End Of Match: The solid match which would see Jon G. dominate the early onset would pick up about 15 mins in. Jon is in the middle of the ring right now in a leg lock grapevine on the right leg. He would drive a few elbows to the back of Alexander's knee who has used one rope break already in this match.

Jon lets it go and then follows it up with a nasty kick to the side of his head. Jon then tries for a german suplex but, Alexander reverses it and then follows that up with a spinning powerbomb before turning it into a Boston Crab. Alexander cranks it back as Jon has to get to the rope to take his first rope break.

Alexander would catch Jon going for a submission of his own and hit him with a backdrop into the turnbuckle. He would try to follow it up but, Jon G with a sunset flip pin attempt, only getting a two count. Alexander would go for a butterfly piledriver and Gresham would send him to the outside where he would hit a shoulder block from the apron.

Alexander does take control following a missed cue as Jon would set up a triangle hold but, Alexander would counter it into a powerbomb and bridging it for a pin attempt only to get a two count. Alexander would then come back with a headbutt to Jon and connect with a Butterfly Piledriver for the three to defend his title.

Josh Alexander by pinfall


James Storm is seen coming into the backstage area he pulls up in his old pickup truck and as he grabs his duffle bag from the back he would notice that the Impact Roster is lined up clapping for him as he makes his way to the locker room. You see friends and foes from his past like Kaz, Daniels, Chris Harris, Gail Kim, Eddie Kingston, Petey Williams, and many more as they tell him to go bring the title home tonight. He turns to them and says that this cowboy could just tear up over this and he is thankful for everyone then he says this isn't some farewell tour no, this is the desperado's last stand and that he is bringing the title back home where it belongs he tells them that afterward they gonna party and drink like there is no tomorrow. Omega your time is up and sorry bout your damn luck!


Match Seven:
Knockout's Championship Match
Deonna Purazzo (c) vs. Havok
(all parties are banned from ringside)

End Of Match: This really wasn't a contest as the major part of this match was Havok trying to get passed all the heel tactics that Deonna would pull out. Deonna would win following armbar. Deonna would get on the mic and start to talk trash on the whole entire division saying she has beaten everyone that Impact has thrown to her and she was thinking maybe she take a page out of Kenny Omega's book and just leave where was her destination set?

Did I just hear myself say destination?


Ruby Soho arrives on Impact and walks straight to the ring as Deonna walks out. Deonna though forgets her championship and we get a shot of Ruby holding the title high above her head. She then tells Deonna to come and take it. Deonna waltz in but she is hit with a Riot Kick (IDK what shes calling it now) as the crowd gives a nice pop

Co-Main Event
Impact Tag Team Championship
Full Metal Mayhem Match
Violent By Design (c) (Joe Doering & Davey Boy Smith Jr.) vs. Minoru Suzeki & Sami Callihan

End Of Match: The match has been a brutal affair and we pick up following Eric Young attempting to interfere only to eat a headbutt from Minoru who is now busted open with a sick smile on his face. The smile though quickly goes away as Joe comes from behinds with a lariat that Stan Hansen would smile about before going for a cover. Sami would break it up by taking his baseball bat and driving it kidney first into Joe.

Sami & Davey Boy start to fight until Davey hits a big boot and then grabs Sami over his head and then military presses him to the outside through a barb wire table. Sami let's out a scream his arm with gashes as medical staff try to bandage his arm. Minoru now though is by himself taking on these two men and they are all holding weapons.

Minoru though grits his teeth and looks at them before tossing a steel chair to the outside. He decides he went to start trading shots with these guys and they oblige. They beat the shit out of each until Minoru can't keep up with the number's game Joe goes for a powerbomb however Sami is back and takes a steel pipe cracking the kneecap of Joe.

Davey Boy is hit a few times as well and they try to get a few pinfalls not getting the three though. Davey Boy catches Minoru with a headbutt then a running powerslam through a table set up in the corner as Joe hits a powerbomb on steel steps to Sami. Deaner would interfere taking Sami's bat and cracking him in the skull with it. Davey picks up the victory.

Violent By Design by pinfall
Still Impact Tag Team Champions


Backstage James Storm hears a knock on his door to his locker room.

Don Callis shows up and says he isn't here looking for a fight he wants to give James one more chance to take the pipedream and wake up to realize that this was a mistake that he doesn't want this match with Kenny. Don says leave with your legacy and dignity still in check.

James tells him that his legacy is going to be this being the man to defeat Kenny Omega for the Impact World Championship and bringing it back home. The only person whose dignity will be questioned is Kenny's when he beats that boy as his daddy should of. He tells Callis to if he tries to pull anything tonight he's gonna pay. He says there is no price he isn't willing to pay to protect Kenny and the Impact Championship.


Main Event
Impact World Championship
Kenny Omega (c) w/Don Callis & The Good Brothers vs. James Storm


End Of Match: A very good back and forth with the cowboy standing toe to toe with Omega. Omega though has used some underhanded tactics early on in the match including distracting the official as The Good Brothers would hit a Magic Killer.

Gallows & Anderson as they throw him back in the ring Scott D' Amore would rush down and tell the official thus throwing them out of the match. Storm would be covered for a pinfall attempt though he would kick out at two.

Omega sends Storm into the ropes and then comes back with a snap dragon suplex. He would pick up Storm again hit another and another. Storm is sent to the corner falls down in it and Kenny would go for a V-Trigger though Storm would get hit he would get his foot on the rope for a two count.

On the other side of the ring, Don Callis is exposing the turnbuckle and would tell Kenny to set up him for V-Trigger there. Callis would roll into the ring and start to scream at Storm telling him that Kenny is better than him Scott as he is doing commentary after The Good Brothers interference would rush down to pull Callis out of the ring.

The ref would be distracted after Callis clocks Scott with a right hand. You see though while this is going on. Omega go for V-Trigger on the exposed turnbuckle miss and Storm would get a schoolboy and have the three though the ref back was turned.

Storm is livid telling the ref to do his job before Callis would badmouth Storm. Storm has enough and Last Call Superkicks Callis. Storm would turn and get him with a OWA he would roll to the outside though. There is a lot of madness going on as the ref still pretty much dealing with all the chaos.

The Backstage crew would attend to all the parties involved as Omega goes to grab Storm who is by the announce table. Storm though would crack Omega with a beer bottle before hitting an Eight Second Ride into the steel ring post. Omega is tossed in the ring and hit with the Last Call Superkick followed by an Eight Second Ride again and Storm covers him one, two, three.

And New!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impact World Champion by pinfall
James Storm

The Cowboy holds the title high dropping to his knees crying. He would then start to crack a few cold ones showering the crowd in beer. The confetti rains down as the locker room come down and carry him away to end One Night Only.


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Impact One Night Only:

Rhino Out. DH Smith In. Honestly that is a great call for VBD and I very much look forward to see how this will all pan out.

Also a fans of Trios competition - and the Myers Academy getting the win, I do feel makes the most sense moving forward.

I have no problem with babyface Cardona getting squashed, but then the attack by Mojo! A slight Hype Bros possibility on the cards? I do feel that MOOSE destroys Mojo in a singles feud though.

Austin/Silva was another promising match, and I can see benefits for either man winning, so no complaints at all with this one.

I love the idea of a Pure Rules match for the X-Division Match, between Alexander and Gresham and honestly fuck what the games says of [44] - everyone knows that, if this match were to take place today, it would fucking BANG! this is great booking.

Ruby vs. Deonna sounds like an awesome idea for Impact - really likes this a lot.

James Storm winning the title I enjoyed as well.

I enjoyed the read.
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