Tell me you don't want to hand him a glass of water and a fuckin lozenge every time he opens his mouth. (Young)
Eric Young sucks ass. Fat nasty ass. The most he was ever over was doing a Eugene rehash. He can't talk, is sub-par at best in the ring and is just a huge waste of air time. Good start to that young talent initiative, TNA!
Sucks about Dogg though, too bad he was Jarrett's friend. Heard it was gonna happen to Corny some way or another, atleast they got him axed professionally instead of the very petty; "your friends with Jarrett" way they got Dogg. Now I'm reading Russo's next, they've been waiting apparently because Dixie Carter wanted his current storylines to run their course before showing him the door. I think TNA truly can't start rebuilding until that dude is gone and Eric Young is NOT a block you want to build with.