seriously you all you know I'm humble as fuck but I think my posting during the Ziggler/Fandango match is my favorite post ever. And yes, I keep a running top 5 list. This is honest to god comedic gold and 100 X more entertaining than the match was. Seriously re-read it and count the times you lol. I got to 6, but I'm also pretty stoned
Dolph "main event bulge" Ziggler vs Fandango "Too Lame for a nickname"
I have it under good authority that Ziggler will be jobbing in this match up, but I won't let that stop me from enjoying some Ziggler.
Fandango's music hits and out comes Summer Rae. I feel like a bit of a fag for knowing her name is spelled with an E instead of a Y, but what can you do. If I were rating her hotness based on the season I would have to go spring, not summer, because she's just not THAT hot.
Her bitch Fandango follows her out and he is wearing a shirt that had to of been stolen from Prince's closet. I'm not sure if he is supposed to be a face or a heel at this point, but either way he should go away and the fact that Ziggler is about to put this clown over makes my stomach churn.
JBL makes a Urijah Faber reference and I have to wonder what % of the pre show audience has any idea who Faber is. For the record, he is a Bantamweight in the UFC.
Fandango begins to ironically shush the already silent crowd, who are clearly saving their fucks given for Ziggler's soon to be epic entrance.
You hear that you fucking marks? "WE WANT ZIGGLER" .
the crowd aches for him as much as I do. yes homo
Fandickhole tries for some cheap heat but the crowd doesn't seem interested in taking the bait. You can tell no female in the crowd has dry panties as they sit in puddles of their own bodily fluids anxiously anticipating that first epic note of Ziggler's theme. Summer Rae stands annoyingly behind Fandango with a look on her face that screams "in porn 5 years from now"
And there it is! Ziggler's theme hits. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that is the loudest fucking pop I've ever heard in my life. Sadly poor Fundungbowls probably has permanent hearing damage as a result of being at the epicenter of that monstrous roar.
Ziggler comes out and gives a little wiggle and I'm proud to share that I didn't even cum in my pants straight away. Sure, I had pre'd all over myself by the time his ring entrance concluded, but I was able to hold out past the wiggle. This post deserves a like for that feat alone.
They have DZ issuing kayfabe statements about how shitty he's been lately smh. What happened to faces no selling losses? Now they have Ziggler burying himself, how much worse can this get. I can't help but notice how fat Fandango looks next to the perfect chizzled cut of man known as Dolph fucking Ziggler. what is it like 80 degrees in here ::fans self profusely:: goodness gracious
I have almost 1,000 words before as much as a wristlock took place. nobody is going to read this fucking shit lmao. No gifs? This is garbage. I might just audible and turn this into my suicide note for being so pathetic
wtf is Fandango doing. He looks like he is mocking the normal mannerisms that he uses. Then he gets busted in the face by an absolutely perfect dropkick that could probably kill a bear.
They take commercials during kick off matches now? lame. I'll take this time to inform any gif whores that I'm not using gifs for this review. I'm feeling too lazy to search for them and I just feel like banging away on my keyboard like it owes me money. I'm more than just a set of gifs, you know. I have a lot of interesting things to say! I give much insight into this fake sport!
ugh not only do we get ads during pre show matches now but they are Randy Orton hype vids. How hyped can I be when even Orton's kids starting drooling at the thought of him cutting a promo.
Cut back to the match and they are screaming Let's Go Ziggler so loud that they probably heard it all the way from El Paso to Lake Charles. Absolutely deafening. It seems to be causing some sort of malfunction with Summer Rae, who looks to be experimenting with ways to contort her face in an attempt to seem concerned. The looks range from constipated to completely shocked, but I'm not sure those were what she was going for.
Ziggler powers out of some weak ass submission from Fandragqueen with an earth shattering backdrop. I can't say that was the best backdrop in pro wrestling history, but I definitely can't rule it out either.
Ziggler is absolutely putting in work and the commentary fucks are adding in more drivel about the ME. You kidding me? Focus on the legend int he ring. The good news is the crowd was counting along so loudly with Ziggler's corner punches that they nearly drowned out the BS commentating.
Ziggler drops Fondongtroll with the most ravishing neckbreaker I've seen since Rick Rude was showing pencil neck geeks what a real man looked like. Ziggler hits a famouser which I'm opposed to, he needs to drop that weak ass move. Obviously he executed the move flawlessly, but that is beside the point.
Ziggler fails on the first Zig Zag attempt like always and Fandango counters with a phantom kick, it literally connected with nothing, followed by what for a second I thought was Fandango's finishing suplex. Ziggler kicked out though and I sort of thought he was history. Easiest way to get someone invested into a match: make them think its over and then don't end it. We call this a false finish kids, and they just got me.
Now I'm feeling good, thinking maybe DZ won't job afterall. Fandustbowl is headed up top and I feel like I've seen this before. he has some sort of top rope finisher. If there is a god, and I know there isn't, he won't let this move connect.
oh thank god. Ziggler countered. There may be a god afterall. I'll taking the percentage from 0% up to.. well still 0% but it certainly didn't hurt his odds any! oh shit dat dude going for a superplex.
cuntbag Summer Rae jumps on the apron and my heart falls to the pit of my stomach. She's going to cheat Ziggler out of this fucking win. I think to myself how I can prevent this but quickly realize she is thousands of miles away so there is nothing I can do. Not to mention I wasn't watching live.
Dick hole lands a leg drop and Ziggler pretends it hurts. most of the crowd looks to be heading for the exits and who can blame them? TLC isn't recovering from this tragic booking decision.
If I hit the 'create thread' button right now I've already typed up more pointless BS than any of you would ever read but guess what? I have an entire 3 hour PPV to bullshit about now. I genuinely pity any of you who read this in its entirety