Ok so here goes, just my thoughts on some of the topics already mentioned.
Melina: Definitley needs this heel turn, but other than a brief feud with Natalya there's nothing left for her regardless of her being heel or face. I honestly feel that when the post Mania talent cuts happen, she could be on that list especially if she is to get injured at all during that time.
Heel/Face: I thought Lita's transition from face to heel was awesome. Loved her as the high risk babyface and it totally wowed me seeing a woman doing the highrisk stuff. The heat she then got when she was paired with Edge was incredible and a massive reason why he became so successfull.
As far as Mickie goes, I don't mind whichever she plays although I do love how she is in TNA right now. Still a face but has plenty of attitude about her. Obviously her heel run in the WWE was awesome but i'm glad she switched to face sooner rather than later because I couldn't see any longevity in the crazy, lesbian, stalker thing she had going on.
The KO Cage match was damn good after a slightly dissapointing FCA match. The Thesz Press from the cage was a great ending and I hope both are back to 100% sooner rather than later.
Vickie I find vastly overrated. The heat she gets is undoubtable but let's be fair here, it's not exactly down to great mic work from her, or even good promo content. Screeching 'Excuse Me' isn't really that hard to pull off.
Think i'm all caught up now