- :yay: This looks even better on HDTV! Woo! Perfect time to get it set up!
- Taz :tough: Wardrobe change needed there, buddy.
- :dafuq: Taz is involved with Aces & 8's but still on frickin' commentary? :upset:
- Jesse bringing out the Velvet action figure -- :notsure: if new marketing scheme or just odd ploy. Oh well, somewhat entertaining bits there.
- Seeing Tara wiggling her ass --

wonder if one of the guys will have that as a new sig by tomorrow?
- Park!! :yay: Loving it!
- Park all out of breath and sweaty in no time -- :eww:
- York is still a :boss1: Love to see him in action, despite the loss. Ah well. As long as he's there, I'm happy. I could see him doing well in TNA and going far.
- ARIESSSSSSS and ROOOOOOOOODE! :win: Not much to say there since we all already know how awesome they are.
- Hernandez lifting Roode -- God bless him, all the blood's going to be at his head by the time he gets put down. .......and there he finally goes.
- Jeff Hardy winning as expected and read about, meh. Still great to see Daniels rocking it like always. Oh, and got to see Kaz, too, of course, so there ya go.