Official TNA iMPACT Video Game Thread

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Brandon Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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First I don't recall ever saying I beat it the first time though quickly and without losing. Well quickly yes, because I did beat it in one night, but it took me a few hours. I said Ultimate X matches are easy. There is no skill required to win one of those even the ones in story mode. With the exception of Nash & Jarrett everyone else in Story mode I beat my first time out. Nash took me twice and Jarrett took me about 8 or 9 times. I like a challenge, but the story is unrealistic is what I said which brings me to your other part.

How can you say the story line makes scense? You telling me, that it makes scense that you get the shit kicked out of you that you don't remember who you are or how you got there and you just happen to right aways get back into pro wrestling? Thats the dumbest concept for a game ever. And the story line was predictable because it was obvious as soon as you are told at the begining that you have no memory that you'll work your way back into TNA and eventually get your revenge...suprise suprise. And you think its realistic that you in Mexico fighting other Mexicans in front of nothing but chickens (btw if I was Mexican I'd be seriously offended that the Mexican ring is just in the middle of nowhere seeing as in Mexico they get biiger crowds in arenas then TNA.) and if you win you get a chance to goto the US and entertain troops on a military base? And from winning like one or two matches there TNA suddendly goes, hot damn we need this guy, lets send James Storm to the military base and if this guy can beat Storm will sign him to a contract? Really? Like I said, not even realistic by wrestling standards.

I was not saying you said it either I was just saying to everyone about how much harder it is then Smackdown vs Raw....I put people away in storymode on there in no time at all...takes me a few mins on Impact..and Ladders might be harder but not as fun...I don't go staight for the win...I do stuff like highflying moves and other moves to get style points to unlock stuff..

On to the storymode storyline thing....ok see did you even listen to when he was talking...He said something along the lines of wanting to beat people up or something and he said there either two things he was a wrestler or I forget the 2nd part so anyway he decide to try wrestling out(cause he wanted to beat people up) and yea the Mexican place is kinda stupid and should be some where else and in a bigger place...ok so once you get done there...The whole US and fighting for the Troops...yeah that happens in case you didn't know...Joe is the one who suggested that one..and also I've been to shows at Armoys they do have troops can go to but you see Troops alot at em....and yeah getting there to TNA in only two matches is stupid but hey once you get to TNA it gets better expect for fighting no names....which happens in WWE alot right...for sqaush there then when you fight the real superstars they put up more of a fight which is real then your partner gets taken out...and you go to Japan and wrestle...some jobbers then AJ Styles comes and you fight him...and all that..then Joe is there when you win and AJ is being taken out...seems good and like it would happen to me(This is TNA we're talking about remember) so you know u then go to the X-Division win there then your like damn Joe is with him but turns out he is with you and Nash blah blah blah...then you go to the Top and fight the likes of Christain and Rhino and all them...Fight Kurt then fight Jeff then its over..

Thats not as crazy as shit I've seen on TV Wrestling

I seen Undertaker(who gimmick is so not realisc) get burnt inside a casket and then come back...Your saying that could really happen...I've seen people tossed off high places and be back in a few weeks...I seen people busted up sooooooo bad then come out the next night with a small band-aid type thing yeah before you say there storyline is soooooo fake and everything look at the stuff thats happend in real wrestling...


ehhh X-Box Wrestlemaina 21 had it also..

so yeah don't try to tell me something when I've had almost all the game systems a game been on

I've had the I got the PS3...

I've had an X-Box and Gamecube

the 360(still got one but its dead)

and I got a Wii(but no wrestling game on it)

I've played really every WWE game since No Mercy...and a few WWE Games have had the CAW part

and I see you skipped over this part cause you know I'm right

and like I've said before...being a CAW is not harm to me as I do it alot anyway...thats one reason I'm probably not gonna like the RTW on SD vs Raw 09 cause there forcing you to be a superstar...I wanna be a yeah I can't be...IMO that sucks...

You say that you like CAW's in story mode...but you're complaining about it?


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Mar 25, 2007
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^^^ yea, he said it right in RTW in SVR 09 you cant be a CAW you have to be one of the seven choices given to you

Brandon Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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You say that you like CAW's in story mode...but you're complaining about it?

No I'm saying how you all complan about that but yet WWE done it before also...I love being a CAW and not saying its stupid....I liked the other wrestling games sorta with the Storymode but I didn't like some of the things on it..

^^^ yea, he said it right in RTW in SVR 09 you cant be a CAW you have to be one of the seven choices given to you

I said what...that I don't like being a CAW or something

all I've said is I hate the fact I can't be a CAW on you all hate you can't be a real superstar on TNA


I liked the other wrestling games sorta with the Storymode but I didn't like some of the things on it..

Mention those "things"

On a side note, are you RELL? :shock:

Brandon Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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ok on Wrestlemaina 21..(this is one of the things I don't like about TNA also) I couldn't get real music...pissed me the fuck off...I wanted some music but no I couldn't get it...and to me the gameplay kinda sucked

TNA iMPACT IMO has great fast gameplay and its fun

I love playing online and with my friends on it...and like if they reserve you...hell reserve them right back...does WWE allow that on there games...nope...

and oh no I'm not rell..


TNA iMPACT IMO has great fast gameplay and its fun

It has really fast gameplay, because there isn't much variety and you win so easily.. :disgust: but that's not fun at all, is it?

Brandon Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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in Storymode u don't win easy

and hell on WWE games u win whats your point..

This Guy

I was not saying you said it either I was just saying to everyone about how much harder it is then Smackdown vs Raw....I put people away in storymode on there in no time at all...takes me a few mins on Impact..and Ladders might be harder but not as fun...I don't go staight for the win...I do stuff like highflying moves and other moves to get style points to unlock stuff..

On to the storymode storyline thing....ok see did you even listen to when he was talking...He said something along the lines of wanting to beat people up or something and he said there either two things he was a wrestler or I forget the 2nd part so anyway he decide to try wrestling out(cause he wanted to beat people up) and yea the Mexican place is kinda stupid and should be some where else and in a bigger place...ok so once you get done there...The whole US and fighting for the Troops...yeah that happens in case you didn't know...Joe is the one who suggested that one..and also I've been to shows at Armoys they do have troops can go to but you see Troops alot at em....and yeah getting there to TNA in only two matches is stupid but hey once you get to TNA it gets better expect for fighting no names....which happens in WWE alot right...for sqaush there then when you fight the real superstars they put up more of a fight which is real then your partner gets taken out...and you go to Japan and wrestle...some jobbers then AJ Styles comes and you fight him...and all that..then Joe is there when you win and AJ is being taken out...seems good and like it would happen to me(This is TNA we're talking about remember) so you know u then go to the X-Division win there then your like damn Joe is with him but turns out he is with you and Nash blah blah blah...then you go to the Top and fight the likes of Christain and Rhino and all them...Fight Kurt then fight Jeff then its over..

Thats not as crazy as shit I've seen on TV Wrestling

I seen Undertaker(who gimmick is so not realisc) get burnt inside a casket and then come back...Your saying that could really happen...I've seen people tossed off high places and be back in a few weeks...I seen people busted up sooooooo bad then come out the next night with a small band-aid type thing yeah before you say there storyline is soooooo fake and everything look at the stuff thats happend in real wrestling...

ok on Wrestlemaina 21..(this is one of the things I don't like about TNA also) I couldn't get real music...pissed me the fuck off...I wanted some music but no I couldn't get it...and to me the gameplay kinda sucked

TNA iMPACT IMO has great fast gameplay and its fun

I love playing online and with my friends on it...and like if they reserve you...hell reserve them right back...does WWE allow that on there games...nope...

and oh no I'm not rell..

Ladder matches are still more fun. I don't go straight for the win on those. The reason why I do for Ultimate X is because there so limited in what you can do. In a Ladder Match you can set them up you can use it as a weapn you can do high risk moves off it onto someone on the floor through tables, or you can do like superplexes off them etc. The setting up the 2 ladders to do the Shelton Benjamin run up attack was sweet. What I find funniest about your arguement is you admit that Ladder match is more challenging yet you blasted people knocking Impact saying the only reason we didn't like it was because we didn't like that it was more challenging. So which is it?

Theres a million different things he could have done besides get into wrestling if he wants to hurt people and most of them legal outside of the United States. Not to mention if he doesn't know who he is, doesn't look like anyone or anything else, he'd never be able to get citizenship anywhere and therefore wouldn't be allowed to cross the fucking border!! Which he somehow does no problem because he beat some mexican wrestlers infront of some chickens.

Yeah wrestling tells you to suspend your belief, Stupid stuff happens, but you site stuff like the Undertaker. Some people actually believe in evil spirits and being able to do the things the Undertaker does, thats why there are those phsyic hotlines and people claiming they can preform miracles and cure aids with a simple touch. People who claim they can see the future and shit like that. But reguardless, in the wrestling work yeah shit like that is real. But in that same wrestling work we know that people don't just get a try out with major wrestling promotions real world or wrestling world after winning a hand full of matches.

And I never said fighting on an army base was dumb, I said the fact that were suposed to believe that a (for all intensive purposes since he had no id) mexican citizen would be allowed to cross the border to fight in America cause he had some impressive matches in Mexico in front of chickens.

The stuff once you were in TNA was believeable. It was fine. But the whole I'll dump your body in Mexico "I've done it before" that was stupid. They could have done the same story and made it far more entertaining and kept him in the United States and kept his memory.

Oh yeah, one more thing. You said Impact was better because reversals got had that in WWE games already years ago. I've countered a move just to have it recountered on me. Or a reversal of my reversal. Its nothing new to wrestling games.

The Rated R CMStar

BTW Blaze, people HAVE complained about SD vs Raw being too easy, that's some some of the things you always see Cory Ledesma saying they want to improve, the AI of the of the game.

Second, you keep comparing iMPACT to old games of the WWE. Stop doing it, iMPACT is not against them, they are against SD vs raw 09, so compare it against THAT game.

Third, the gameplay of this game sucks, I, as AJ Styles, defeated Samoa Joe with a punch after a minute of playing.


No I'm saying how you all complan about that but yet WWE done it before also...I love being a CAW and not saying its stupid....I liked the other wrestling games sorta with the Storymode but I didn't like some of the things on it..

When WWE did it, they had 2 games coming out that year. The Smackdown games, and then the WM 21 shit....TNA only has one game's pissed tons of people off and it's turning people away from even trying to rent the next (if there is one) TNA game.

The A-man

Feb 7, 2007
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Athens, Ga.
Guys, this is TNA's and Midway's first wrestling game. Why is EVERYBODY bashing it? Seriously. As of now, the WWE Smackdown vs RAW series isn't doing so themselves. Dated game engine, f-ed up controls, lame 24/7 mode, unbalanced gameplay (which leads to cheating on online matches), flawed and limited character creation, little to no real innovation to the series as a whole, bad AI in one title after another, and stupid commentary runs rampant like the plague. I'm just glad that I have another wrestling game, TNA iMPACT!, because its NOT another WWE video game.

First thing you can't expect TNA and Midway to everything that every other wrestling game is doing, and second, you can't expect them to get it right on the first try. In this case due to a lack wrestling game making experience for both sides, its better for them to do the things that they can and succeed to some degree instead of trying to do everything and fail miserably.

Brandon Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Thank you A-Man...and I know who u r also...Rawkis thats still in your sig lol...

But yeah everything he said lol...

This Guy

First try or not its still a huge failuare. There is no excuse for the lack of production in the game. You call WWE's create a wrestler mode limited? WOW. Theres almost nothing you can't do in there create a wrestler mode. How was TNA's better? It wasn't even compareable. And at the very least it should have been. Continually trying to defend a shitty game by using the arguement "it was the first attempt" doesn't change the fact that its still shit. To quote Batista from Raw "You can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig" and in this case you can keep saying "its a shitty game cause its the first attempt, its still a shitty game" Lots of games bomb because its there first attempt at that style of game. Most of them never get sequals. So lets just call a spade a spade. TNA Impact was a huge letdown. Thats a fact.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
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^^^^^ Agreed, I was looking forward to this game till i found out miday was making it and if everyone would go to about page 5 or 10 somewhere over there I said this game was going to be a let down, why the hell would i want a arcade guru or someone use to the old way of doing things make my new wrestling game? I wouldn't Hell I think even EA would have done a better job with this game. First attempt or last attempt everyone expected alot from this game and it took them what 3 years? now gfxs are amazing i dont think svr has ever looked as real as TNA, the skin textures are great and even the CAWs look like they came on the roster but everything else is crap; gameplay, story mode, limited match types. Tell why in the three years making this game they couldn't have the six sides of steel or even tag team moves? hell how about moves in general, everyone has the same default set. Also whats up with the no Blood? there is a blood stain on the mat so why cant we bust people open?

I do find it funny as fuck to hit someone with a chair after they jumped at you, they do a 360 in the air and fall on their neck.

Also what ever happen to this:


We've got an update on TNA's upcoming videogame, which is currently scheduled for a Spring 2008 release and will be available for PS2, PS3, XBox 360 and Nintendo Wii.

- The game is currently 60% complete

- Midway Games is going all out to make this game realistic. Several TNA wrestlers have had their faces and bodies scanned to make the character models as accurate as possible. Motion capture technogoly is being used as well. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Sunjay Dutt and Senshi have been working with game developers by dressing up in special suits tagged with motion sensors.

- During one of the motion-capture sessions, Sunjay Dutt was actually hospitalized after taking a nasty fall. Dutt told GameTap, "I was trying a Sliced Bread off the top rope and landed sideways on my head and neck. I guess I learned the hard way about all the pain that goes into developing these games."

- More than 20 TNA superstars will be playable. The characters will be fully customizable - players will be able to modify the characters move sets, wrestling styles and ring attire.

- Career Mode will be a big part of the game. Making crucial decisions and teaming up with the right factions will affect what storylines players will experience

- Hiring a manager during Career Mode to train your wrestler via mini-games will allow allow you to build abilities, unlock new moves and enhance your appearance.

- The game will feature compete in online tournaments. Other online game modes include Tag Team bouts, Ultimate X, King Of The Mountain, Fatal Four-ways and more.