Rain said:You're not a big Reigns fan? Thought he was a huge female fan favorite! And great job bringing your friend over to the light, haha.
Been hearing many, many good things about all four of these British Bootcamp people... so far it seems like they deliver.
Rain said:Almost wish they'd run a parody ad about their commentary.
"Coming up at 8PM on Impact Wrestling: Hear our esteemed commentary team with over 20+ years experience wonder about which twin is which! Hear Todd Kennely's unmatched knowledge of wrestling cliches! Listen to the guy who would be known as the living sleep aid if Jerry Lawler didn't exist! And don't miss what else is on Taz's ass!"
Rain said:When Brooke Hogan's #3 on the list of "Most Likely to have a Wardrobe Malfunction" in a single segment, you know things are crazy.
Well, still #1 on the list of "Most Likely to have an Intentional Wardrobe Malfunction"... well, here's Velvet. #2 isn't bad.
Dammit, Nazi, why must you inspire me to talk about this?
GrammarNazi82 said:The "sunshiny-ness" of their tag team name just irks me. lol But then again I'm not a Pollyanna type chick, so that probably has something to do with it.
I like Reigns alright, but not my favorite of the group. I guess for me that's like saying Cena is a huge female fan favorite. He is -- but he does nothing for me, personally. lol Rollins does more for me than Reigns does. Ambrose is just awesome in and of himself, plus sometimes he has that sexy predatory thing going on. (That's what my friend finally picked up on when we saw him live. haha)
I did like seeing Spud last week. And I do have to admit, these looked good tonight, too. Just the name.... ugh. I'm hard to please. We need a KO tag team called "Monochrome Bright" or something. I could get behind that.
GrammarNazi82 said:1: I'm just that awesome. You know your TNA discussions wouldn't be half as fun without me and my lil' 2-cent contributions.
What's sad is when Brooke came out I thought, "Oh good, maybe her boobs can stay in tonight."
Rain said:Ahh, well that makes sense. All a matter of personal preference. I don't really like it either, because it screams "super smiley"... WWE ruins something else in TNA:
Well, we all have our own little personal things we like. Can't lie, I'd turn for Rollins, he's a sexy guy. Ambrose's predatory thing is attractive? So you like creepy stalker guys? Interesting...
pottsy946 said:RVD v Storm, really couldn't care less who wins this, just hope neither of them get a title shot tbh