Match 1: Daniel Bryan.
Match 2: Daniel Bryan makes a surprise entrance and goes on to win the match.
Match 3: Still on stage from the last match, Daniel Bryan doesn't allow the other wrestlers to enter the ring. He wins and leaves.
Match 4: By this point, the entire crowd are cheering for Daniel Bryan, but he never shows. Until the final pin. Daniel Bryan springs up, bursting out of the center of the ring and claims the final pin. He wins and returns back into his hole. They check the hole, nobody is there.
Match 5: A few seconds into the match, the entire center ring collapses. After many gasps, the ring springs back up, but this time, only Daniel Bryan is on stage. He wins. Dolph Ziggler, Kaitlyn, Big E Langston and AJ Lee were never heard from again. RIP.
Match 6: The crowd can't even contain themselves. "Da-niel Bry-an!" is all that can be heard through the entire match. Much like match 4, he never makes an appearance, except this time, Kane wins. After the enthusiasm has died down, Kane removes his mask. Daniel Bryan wins.
Match 7: The crowd storm the ring wearing paper Daniel Bryan masks. The crowd wins. It's revealed Daniel Bryan was in the locker room controlling the crowd with the use of Mind Control. Daniel Bryan wins.
Match 8: Daniel Bryan lies in the middle of the ring listening to "Africa" by Toto. The vibrations from his head cause the entire stadium to reverberate enough to have the song play through the vibrations. The front of the stadium ultimately collapses, leaving nothing but pillars spelling out the word "YES". Daniel Bryan wins.