
fuck yes. never thought i'd get bored of it so fast. still better than last year's..Hell no it got so boring so fast.
ps2 got nothing.I got SD vs raw 08 for ps2 and its ok like. Ive bought an x box and got SD VS raw 07 thats is also ok but i feel outdated with 07 on xbox so i want 08 for x box. Can anyone tell me apart from graphics what is the difference on ps2 and xbox 360 version of sd vs raw 08?
So I just got this game. I know I'm a little late.
Just got a few questions;
1. How do you chnage your focus from one opponent to the other?
2. Why does my tag partner always come in and break up the pin when I call him in to take out the other guy?
3. So my first fued in 24/7 mode is a number one contenders slot. I beat HBK at backlash to become number one contender, yet I get thrown in a midcard feud over some movie role? Whats up with that?
I'm sure Ill have some more later..Only been playing a few hours.
2. Why does my tag partner always come in and break up the pin when I call him in to take out the other guy?
isnt it strange when you simulate the royal rumble you always win, every time. always! very strange. then you loose at wrestlemania, damnit.
I cant get Vince, cause it says that I need to defend the WWE or World Title at wm, and I always lose my title due to Vince's little stupid ass scene with Stephanie, and them sending Teddy to vacation. I won at every show, and I dont defend the title at Mania...whats up with that?