Royal Rumble has been my favorite PPV since I can remember watching wrestling. I'm especially amped for this one because I'm curious as to see who's going to win between Rock & Punk. By looking at the card you'd automatically pick Rock, but over the past few weeks Punk and Rock have really sold it so that you really don't know who's going to win this match. I know Rock'll probably win, but there's this slight doubt in the back of my mine that thinks he won't.
Also the Rumble match is always going to be good with the surprise returns. I have my money on a bunch of AE guys returning, so I'm pumped for that as well. Crossing my fingers for Cena not to win tonight, but it's the predictable set up for Rock vs Cena II, which ironically trumps the Once In a Lifetime title of last year's match. Crossing my fingers for the unpredictable in this PPV cause I am pretty excited for this one.