Ahhhh, screw this sh*t, I'm pissed. Internet connection failed, and I LOST THE ENTIRE DAMN SD MITB. Was able to connect briefly to see Sheamus bury, joy. Found out DZ won, marked. Failed cash in with a little more burial? Joy. Then what? Filler, and then comes DB vs Punk. Only found a good stream halfway through and the piece of sh*t froze in the end and when it resumes, Punk's theme, Bryan lost, joy. More filler sh*t and I finish the night with Cena winning. OK, I knew he was going to win, but every time I listen to that music a little part of me dies inside. I really wanted to shoot him in the face with that stupid surprise face he made when he won. Because the stream froze a little in the end. So, thanks crappy Internet for making me miss the one match I was going to enjoy along with the result and thank you Supermen for pissing me off with your clean wins.
I'm pissed mostly because of the Internet but I don't care.