Cena isn't hated by the majority, but the majority think his character is stale. So do I. So that's that whole essay summed up.
Cena has more 5 star matches than Rock doesn't he? Cena has been in many memorable matches. You still haven't posted a video of Rock owning Cena on the mic? This isn't about ring work (Cena > Rock) it's about mic work, Cena has made Rock look silly twice. Rock hasn't touched Cena yet.
Post. Some. Videos. Or simply gtfo this thread.
Cena talking about not backing down is the content he's given. You don't judge mic skills on the content they're given. Jesus you are so moronic, no wonder you're on -8, you're just so ignorant to change it's unreal. Has anyone agreed with you on any of your points yet? Or are we ALL ignorant 10 year old canadian kids like me and seabs.