Bully Rain said:So, predictions for the obligatory swerve at the end of this one?
AJ to come and kick Hardy's ass and join Aces
Bully Rain said:So, predictions for the obligatory swerve at the end of this one?
Senhor Perfect said:Brooke throws Hardy off of the ladder. That's my prediction.
Bully Rain said:So Brooke's going to draw her first AJ Lee comparison? Oh, brother. That's a slippery slope.
TNA: "Holy shit, we left too much time! Hardy, take really really really long during your entrance!"
Jeff: "Creatures!"
TNA: "Take it that's a yes."
GrammarNazi82 said:Bully is in the lead on the discussion thread this week. So tempting to let you take it and not even try. :upset: Stupid TNA being stupid this week.
Bully Rain said:Fuck you TNA. :tough:
Why do you want it this week? Do you get multiple awards? Lol @ them having the theme have to replay. What happened to Aces' lyrics?
Bully Rain said:"Control goes back to TNA if they get the world title back"
Umm... what? If Hardy wins, then the Aces and Eights will stick around "terrorizing" things.
Good match so far.