Rain said:
Wouldn't say a little chance given her history... :ksi: Figure she's saving that for PPV though.
I'll look for them. Tagged you in my little Impact review from last week, mainly because I felt bad depriving you of my insight. :smug: See Aids tag you alot, just look through his message history... wait, that's a terrible idea.
Pottsy did well keeping you company.
EDIT: "I'll look for them" meant "look for the times you were tagged". Totally could have been out of context.
:haha: True. I'm sure she thinks they're PPV-quality cleavage.
You're so awesome; thanks! I need to go check out your review then, can't believe I missed that. Of course, I nearly missed Neil's God of War thread, too, since I so seldom go to the Locker Room section. Didn't realize Aids tagged me so much. I feel so special now. :hogan: I caught my name mentioned in his Raw review.
He did, bless his heart. lol He tried.

1: Yeah, don't go looking for her boobs.