CM Punk said:Are the still in the Impact Zone btw? I'm guessing they start travelling in March.
pottsy946 said:What and get rid of the one with Joe in it :upset:
CM Punk said:Gotta sig Bully's Gangnam Style.
GrammarNazi82 said:I know!! :upset: I have the most awesome sig on the forum!: I really do love Joe.
I need a sig of 5 people.... lol Keep the three I have then add in Kaz and Daniels.
GrammarNazi82 said:That was just cute.
I just realized..... no Brooke tonight either?
CM Punk said:So I'm guessing it's a good iMPACT?:
pottsy946 said:Decisions, decisions, at least you have a choice of sigs, i still gotta find one myself
CM Punk said:So I'm guessing it's a good iMPACT?:
CM Punk said:To think Jeff Hardy looked like this in '10