kanenite95 said:you really do. "Hornswoggle won the WWE championship, maybe this is all part of a storyline guys, be patient because WWE has been so good at booking storylines in the past. YAY WWE!"
Doesn't even make sense, man..
kanenite95 said:you really do. "Hornswoggle won the WWE championship, maybe this is all part of a storyline guys, be patient because WWE has been so good at booking storylines in the past. YAY WWE!"
kanenite95 said:How dare you insult WWE they do everything right. You need to start being open minded man learn to enjoy the product
Captain of Peepulation said:And Del Rio 2 time WWEC, 1 time RR winner and MITB winner. I agree this but telling TNA is better than WWE is not reality. TNA cant even do 1.00 rating. They have great in ring talents, I accept. But weekly show Impact is boring. Just watch Main Events carefully, same shit every single week. Finisher, no pin, another finisher no pin, Twist of Fate + Swanton Bomb = Pin.
Crayo said:I love WWE? God this PPV was horrible. I didn't even watch Show/Sheamus but Show winning is fapworthy, and this ending was fantastic. The rest was horrific, I'm not defending the PPV, but to criticize this ending is just annoying. We call for unpredictability, we get it. We call for Ryback's streak to end so comparisons to Goldberg can perhaps be seized or reduced, and we get it. We call for Punk's epic reign to continue, we get it. Sheamus' horrific streak of winning has ended, we wanted that. Can we not just focus on those positives? Was anyone really expecting a blockbuster PPV tonight with the card we were stuck with?
You're negative in every single post where as I'm a realist. Leojay I think has been spot on and CM Punk is the biggest shit-stirrer on the siteipebomb:.