Debut Trailer
Billy Grey
key points of interest- Johnny was told by Elizabeta Torres to kill Niko if he got in the way during the heroin deal.
- The depth of pedestrians has been increased, in particular around Alderney, with a lot more variation and dialogue.
- Will Microsoft’s servers hold up?
- There are new vehicles, new mini-games, new internet sites and new television shows
- There are now checkpoints mid-mission. So if you die and then do the quick restart from your phone at the hospital exit, you will not start back at the mission trigger. You’ll start at the point you drove to from that trigger.
- The sound library has been increased with a multitude more throwaway comments from NPCs.
- Speaking of which, there will be stack loads of new music and DJ banter on the radio: we cannot comment on what we heard, other than to say that there is definitely a leaning towards your old-school rock and metal.
- Johnny runs a lot slower than Niko, which is admittedly quite annoying at first as you struggle to evade death.
- The members of your gang not only have stats that increase each time they fight (assuming they survive) but also have their own strengths and weaknesses. Their character uniqueness.
- Johnny can be moved about in his seat while riding his bike, with Euphoria providing some pretty cool animations reminiscent of Arnie in Terminator 2.
- The Lost owe money to Ray Boccino, who was spotted in the clubhouse speaking to Billy during one of the cut-scenes.
- Most members in The Lost have their own unique bikes that cannot be found elsewhere in the city.
- We played a mission called Shifting Weight in which Johnny finds himself with two members of North Holland’s Uptown Riders MC – Malcom and DeSaun - in a coke deal gone bad. As the cops bear down, helicopter and all, you jump on the back of a bike and use your automatic shotgun to take out chasing pigs and – if your are good enough – the copter. Explosives line the side of the road and well placed shots deliever satisfying John Woo like slow-mo explosions. Stacks of fun.
- How big is the episode? Well through Johnny’s eyes it is as big as the original in truth, but in terms of narrative and unique gameplay Rockstar are claiming it is 1/3 the size of what was in the original GTA IV.
- Each member of the gang’s stats are referred to as their “battle hardened” status.
- The Lost and Damned content is not accessed through your phone.
- GTA IV has not been touched at all and will remain as is: there is no backwards integration of Johnny’s story into Niko’s.
- The bike physics have been fine-tuned beyond what was seen in GTA IV and handle a lot more responsively.
- Multiplayer “isn’t been talked about right now”, but from our read of the body language in response to this question, there will be Lost and Damned specific game modes online.
- Angels in America is a mission that’s triggered soon after Billy arrives back from rehab. Billy shoots an Angels of Death member and you have to race after his brothers and kill them before they get back to the Angel’s clubhouse in Algonquin with the news.
- Blind-firing the grenade launcher is more satisfying than an ice-cold beer on a fuckin’ hot day. The SFX is wicked too - “thump!”
- Naturally all the side-joys of the Liberty City world are available to you: so you can still go and get maggot with Johnny and then Euphoria your way all the way home.
- The bike gangs in The Lost and Damned turn up as groups you can deal drugs with in the (brilliant) DS game, GTA: Chinatown Wars.
- When you play the mission that is Johnny’s perspective on Niko’s “Blow your Cover”, it is actually called “Buyer’s Market”.
- We actually played Buyer’s Market three times. Only once did we see the body fall from the rooftop. The first time we went out the front door and lost our battle with the cops on the street. The second time we tried the front again, then barred it and run out through the back door. The third we went straight to the back door and saw it. So it must be a timing thing, rather than a scripted event.