Match 1: Cena Wins Lol
Match 2: *snore* Del Rio
Match 3: R&R, The Shield
Match 4: Brrrrrocccckkkkk LLessssnnnnnaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr
Match 5: Sexual Ratings
Match 6: Ratings Killer Orton
Match 8: Fand-a-ngo
Match 9: Miz
Bonus Question 1: Climbing out of the cage in a sheer display of dominance
Bonus Question 2: Just one... okay
Bonus Question 3: No Ziggler... okay
Bonus Question 4: Of course Bryan's gotta eat the pin... #wwelogic
Bonus Question 5: Mark Henry can't handle a strap-on for over 16, so under
Tie Breaker Question: 21:46, just copied your example haha