They've been booking Bryan as a cowardly heel champ all along who gets by on guile and luck, not domination. The booking tonight didn't change that and they won't change it. That's the way he's been portrayed for the last few months, so it is what it is.
The whole Natty with gas thing is old, stupid, and thoroughly disrespectful, but remember who runs the show. He made out with Trish Stratus in front of his wife on national TV after he made her bark like a dog and walk around on all fours in her underwear. Vince has no respect for women, period. This hasn't changed either.
The Divas match was good. The Raw EC match was good, just had an odd ending. The Smackdown match was slow, but was pretty decent when it was being dominated by Rhodes, Barrett, and Bryan, who are three of the best workers in WWE. The Swagger-Gabriel match was good for what it was, but had the expected ending.
This has been their weakest PPV in a while, but they've put on a pretty strong series of PPV's over the last few months.
Sent from my iPad while I'm rocking' with Tapatalk.